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The Reece Water Saver Series

saving water inside the house

Australia is the world’s second driest continent, yet remains one of the world’s biggest
domestic water consumers. With the widespread introduction of water restrictions
across the country, we all have to think about ways we can use water more wisely.
The good news is that we can all save water through simple steps and informed
choices that won’t affect our lifestyle. This brochure offers practical ideas and helpful
hints to help you save water and reduce costs. It’s part of Reece’s water saving
series, which shows how you can make a difference inside and outside your home.
With 80 years as Australia’s leading supplier of bathroom and plumbing products,
Reece understands the importance of sustainable water use, good design and positive
practices. We have the expertise and products that can help Australians save water.
Simple ways to save taps toilets
water throughout When it comes to saving water in the Toilets use more water than any other
house, taps are a good place to start.
your home. bathroom fixture. 6/3 litre dual flush
If you’re selecting new taps, take a look cisterns are designed to save water,
You can save water at our many water efficient models for
kitchens, bathrooms and laundries,
and use around 60 per cent less water
than a standard single flush toilet.
in your home without which come in a range of stylish designs For example, a family of four would save
to suit all budgets. Our in-store experts
compromising can help you select the best model for
around 35,000 litres of water a year by
installing a modern dual-flush toilet.
appearance or your needs. But you don’t have to buy
new taps to save water.
function. In this
brochure, we focus By installing an aerator (which restricts dishwashers
the flow of water from the tap without More than 10% of all indoor water is
on ways you can save reducing water pressure), you can
reduce the amount of water you
used in the kitchen. Dishwashers rated
AAA and above can lead to significant
water in the bathroom, use by more than 50%. Aerators
savings in this area. In the 1980s
are available in a range of sizes
kitchen and laundry with varying flow rates. automatic dishwashers used more than
40 litres of water per cycle. Today’s
through the proper Flow restrictors can be attached to AAA-rated dishwashers use as little
selection and use mixer taps to cut water flow from around as 18 litres of water per cycle, which
20 litres to 6 litres per minute. Pressure is around the same amount of water
of products as well reducing valves can also be attached that it takes to wash dishes by hand.
as some simple to single lever mixers allowing easy
adjustment of maximum water flow
daily practices. through the mixer providing greater washing
control of water usage.
Drop into your local Reece Plumbing
Centre, or ask your licensed plumber for You can save water in the laundry by
advice on what solution would best suit installing a water efficient washing
your household. machine. Washing machines with a
AAA rating use half as much water
shower as a conventional washing machine.
Machines rated 4A or 5A save up to
outlets 63% more water than machines with
lower ratings. And if you are choosing
You can reduce your indoor household
a new washing machine, consider a
water consumption by up to 20% simply
front-loader. They use up to 60% less
by installing a AAA rated shower head.
water, 40% less energy and 50% less
They use only 9 litres of water per
detergent than top loaders.
minute (compared with the 15 to 20
litres per minute used by older style
The A’s have it
showerheads). You can save up to
If you’re selecting new household
20,000 litres of water per person per
fittings and appliances, look for
year, without affecting the performance
How water efficient is National Water Conservation Scheme
of your shower.
your home? Labels, which offer a useful guide to
Ask your plumber to provide Or why not consider installing the water efficiency of a range of taps,
you with a Smart Water Audit economical and super effective water showerheads, flow regulators, toilet
available from all Reece stores. saving fittings like the Water Wizz. cisterns, washing machines and
This audit will identify areas These easy to install discs are placed dishwashers. Rating labels have up to
where you can save in the showerhead connection, and five As. The more As on the label, the
water and money. restrict the water flow to 9 or 12 litres more water efficient the product.
depending on the model you choose.
top ten tips for
saving water inside the house

tip-top taps pump up the heat

A dripping tap wastes around 2,000 If you have a spa you should install
litres of water a month. Update your
taps or have the washers replaced
by a licensed plumber. You’ll reduce
your water bill and save up to 1,333
6 a hot pump that maintains the
water temperature. Topping up a
spa with hot water not only wastes
water, but also increases your
glasses of water a week. energy bill.

power showers turn off the tap

Gain extra minutes to enjoy A continuously running kitchen tap
breakfast by taking shorter
showers. Each minute you cut
saves up to 9 litres of water a
minute from a AAA rated
7 uses around 9 litres of water a
minute. By washing your fruit and
vegetables in a sink half filled with
water instead of rinsing them under
showerhead, or up to 20 litres the tap, you’ll save around 15 litres
a minute from a conventional of water. You can also place frozen
showerhead. food in the fridge to defrost
overnight rather than using
bathroom basics running water to do the job.

Turn off the tap when brushing your
teeth and save around 583 glasses set the right temperature
of water a week, or 4,000 litres a

Make sure your hot water system
year. Fill the basin with warm water thermostat is not set too high.
instead of leaving the tap running Using cold water to cool hot water
while you shave, and save another is a waste.
3,500 litres a year.

limit leaks dishwasher

A leaking toilet wastes up to dividends
4 16,000 litres of water a year.
Check your toilet by putting some
food colouring in the cistern and
wait for 15 minutes. If colouring
When buying a dishwasher, select a
water-efficient model with a AAA or
higher rating, which will use up to
44% less water than less other
appears in the bowl without models. You can also save water by
flushing, the cistern is leaking using your dishwasher only when
and needs attention from your you have a full load.
licensed plumber.
load up in the laundry plumbing
Spend less time in the laundry by

5 washing only when you have a full

load, rather than washing several
small loads. You can also save
water by waiting until you have a
Don’t risk it. Always use a licensed
plumber to install your fittings and
fixtures. By using a professional,
you can avoid the costly
consequences of incorrect
few clothes that need hand installation and poor product
washing, rather than hand washing selection.
clothes individually.

For more information about how you can save water visit

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