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Conservation of Natural Resources

Conservation of natural resources is becoming more and more important in the

industrialized society. In addition to this, systematic use of natural resources is also important

factor to conserve natural resources. Now, Myanmar has been experiencing the disaster issues

for the last two years ago. It was affected by not being conserved natural resources and not

being used systematically. Although Myanmar has not yet to find the best solution to

conserve natural resources, it should be conserved by individuals in the areas of richest

natural resources.

There are many reasons for conservation of natural resources. The first reason is that

rich natural resources can make a country to develop more than a country without natural

resources. For example, China is the world’s richest country with natural resources (Michael,

Sauter, Charles, Stockdale & Ausick). They can make much investment with their own

natural resources such as gas and timber. As we all know, United states is one of the richest

countries. They can produce 30% coal for the whole county (Micheal, et al.). The economic

development of these two countries is becoming bigger. It pointed out the role of natural

resources to develop a country. Therefore, natural resources should be conserved by


The second reason for conservation of natural resources is that it can cause the

weather changes. For example, if we can’t control the and conserve the forest, it can mainly

cause the disaster issues. Now a day, the industrial development is dramatically changed. It

can cause massive production of carbon dioxide. Lager amount of Carbon dioxide in air can

cause air pollution and damage the layer Ozone. During this decades, most of the countries

suffered from fired forest. Myanmar also suffered from many disaster issues and lost lives of

people. We need to make a policy how to conserve our forest and grow the trees for the next
generation. Therefore, it is very important to conserve the forest to absorb carbon dioxide and

to produce Oxygen.

Another important is that it is very important to apply natural resources

systematically. For example, Myanmar is a rich natural resources country, but we didn’t

receive all benefits and interest of our natural resources. It is because of lack of systematic

technology and good management system. In our country, there are a lot of natural resources,

jade, gold and timber. Among them jade is the very popular natural resources in Myanmar.

We have a lot of land area that can produce jade. However, we don’t have systematic

technology and good management system. Most of the jade area are bought by Chinese

companies. They take all the advantages and local people of Myanmar got a few amounts of

this jade. They suffered from the many disaster issues because jade is produced by mining.

So they damaged a lot of mountainous area.

Now the government is implementing the new policy for conservation of natural

resources because we already lost too much our natural resources. In addition, each

individual should follow the rules and regulation. If not, we will suffer from the negative

impact of natural resources.

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