Investigation of Different Column Configurations For The Ethyl Acetate Synthesis Via Reactive Distillation

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Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801

Investigation of different column configurations for the

ethyl acetate synthesis via reactive distillation夽
M. Klöker a , E.Y. Kenig a,∗ , A. Górak a , A.P. Markusse b , G. Kwant b , P. Moritz c
a Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Dortmund, Emil-Figge-Str. 70, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany
b DSM Research, P.O. Box 18, NL-6160 MD Geleen, Netherlands
c Sulzer Chemtech Ltd., Separation and Reaction Technology, P.O. Box 65, CH-8404 Winterthur, Switzerland

Received 21 January 2003; received in revised form 14 April 2003; accepted 15 April 2003


The ethyl acetate synthesis via reactive distillation is studied theoretically and experimentally using different catalytic packings. Experiments
are carried out at laboratory scale in a 50 mm diameter column with a packing height of 3 m, and at semi-industrial scale in a 162 mm diameter
column with a packing height of 12 m. The experimental set-up is similar for both cases. The commercially available packings studied are
KATAPAK® -S and two different variants of MULTIPAK® . Modelling is performed with a rate-based stage model. The simulation environment
ASPEN Custom ModelerTM is used for the implementation and solution of the model equations. The results of the rate-based simulations agree
well with the corresponding experimental results. In addition, suitable operating conditions and the influence of the selected catalytic internal
on conversion and product purity are investigated. The developed model enables the scale-up from laboratory to industrial size columns, based
on the respective packing characteristics.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ethyl acetate synthesis; Reactive distillation; Catalytic internals; Column configuration; Scale-up

1. Introduction fore, the choice of catalytic column internals as well as the

placement of catalytic and non-catalytic zones in the col-
Reactive distillation has been successfully used in several umn are crucial for the overall performance of the column.
important industrial processes and its field of application is This study deals with the heterogeneously catalysed es-
expanding. However, the design of reactive distillation pro- terification of ethanol and acetic acid to ethyl acetate and
cesses still remains a challenge, since it is difficult to obtain water by reactive distillation. Experiments are performed
process models capable of reliably describing several com- at two different scales, in a 50 and 162 mm diameter col-
plex and interrelated phenomena including simultaneous umn. For this system, rate-based modelling is applied and
reaction and separation. As a result, safe scale-up from lab- the simulations are compared with experimental results.
oratory experiments to industrial plants is quite challenging. The influence of operating conditions and of the selected
The use of solid catalysts in reactive separation processes catalytic column internals on the overall performance is
has led to a new design of column internals on the basis investigated. Moreover, the scale-up ability of reactive dis-
of trays, random and structured packings. The internals for tillation columns equipped with structured catalytic column
reactive separations have to enhance both separation and internals is considered.
reaction and maintain a sound balance between them. There-

2. Catalytic column internals for reactive distillation

夽 Extended version of the lecture presentation at the International
Conference on Distillation & Absorption, September 30–October 2, 2002, The basic concept of reactive distillation has already been
Baden-Baden, Germany.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-231-755-2357; introduced in the 1920s [1]. However, until recent times, this
fax: +49-231-755-3035. process has not found significant application. The progress
E-mail address: (E.Y. Kenig). in modelling and simulation, as well as impressive examples

0255-2701/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
792 M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801

realised in industrial practice, such as methyl acetate pro-

duction via reactive distillation [2], have led to increasing
interest in such processes.
The integration of both reaction and distillation in one
apparatus can result in significant capital and operational
cost savings, especially in the case of equilibrium limited
reactions, such as esterifications and etherifications. Due to
the continuous removal of products from the reaction zone,
both conversion and selectivity are increased. Another ben-
efit is that, for exothermal reactions, the heat of reaction
is directly used for the evaporation of liquid components
and thus contributing to energy savings. Furthermore, in Fig. 1. KATAPAK® -S laboratory packing (left), KATAPAK® -S 250.Y
some cases reactive distillation can be applied for the sep- (right).
aration of azeotropic or close boiling mixtures, e.g. the
separation of meta- and para-xylene [3]. However, reactive Whereas for KATAPAK® -S the granular catalyst is
distillation is not suitable for extreme reaction conditions, embedded between two wire gauze sheets (Fig. 1),
such as reaction pressure far above 10 bar or tempera- MULTIPAK® consists of corrugated wire gauze sheets
ture far above 400 ◦ C, because of increased operating and and catalyst bags made of the same material assembled in
equipment costs. Design and control of such integrated pro- alternating sequence (Fig. 2).
cesses still remain—due to their complexity—challenging Compared with conventional non-reactive structured
tasks. packings, the specific surface area is moderate. Pressure
In the past decade much of the research in this field has drop is low for all four types of packings. Flooding occurs
focused on the use of solid catalysts for reactive distilla- at F-factors of about 2 for moderate liquid loads. Details
tion. This process is also known as catalytic distillation. No on the applied commercially available packings are shown
separation of the catalyst is necessary, if the solids are im- in Table 1. The catalyst fraction of MULTIPAK® -2 is sig-
mobilised in packings, on trays or in form of a catalytic nificantly higher as compared with MULTIPAK® -1 and
coating, which is advantageous as compared with homoge- the laboratory scale KATAPAK® -S. However, at laboratory
neously catalysed reactive distillation. Some investigations scale, specific surface area and separation efficiency are
have also been made on solid catalysts distributed as slurry similar for all three constructions.
on trays [4]. The construction of MULTIPAK® enables high column
The use of immobilised catalyst facilitates the exact defi- loads via open channels for the vapour flow and sufficient
nition of reaction and separation zones. However, one of the mass transfer efficiency, by a segmentation of the catalyst
major disadvantages of catalytic distillation is the catalyst bags and numerous contact spots with the wire gauze sheets.
exchange in case of deactivation, since the catalyst support The construction of laboratory-scale and technical-scale
has to be replaced or refilled with new catalyst. The place- packings is very uniform which helps to ensure similar
ment of catalyst containers in the downcomers and on trays hydrodynamic behaviour. Experimental investigation of the
has also been investigated [5,6]. methyl acetate synthesis has proven the packing’s applica-
On the basis of structured and random packings, two dif- bility for catalytic distillation [10].
ferent techniques have been established. The first technique Similar to MULTIPAK® , the KATAPAK® -S construction
is the catalytic coating of packings [7,8] or even the man- benefits from large catalyst contents and high column loads
ufacturing from catalytically active material. The second due to the open channels for the vapour flow. The separation
method is the immobilisation of granular catalyst in bags as efficiency for the laboratory packing is considerably high,
part of these internals. For the latter technique, conventional with number of theoretical stages per meter (NTSM) values
granular catalyst can be used by the packing manufacturer,
while for the coating procedure, which is in many cases
rather complex, the support of the catalyst supplier becomes
Among the constructions with immobilised granular cat-
alyst are catalytic bales [9] and structured packings such as
In this work, two different types of packings have been se-
lected for investigation, KATAPAK® -S and MULTIPAK® ,
each of them in two variants. Both packing types combine
the benefits of modern structured packings, such as low
pressure drop and high throughput and offer the advantages
of heterogeneous catalysis. Fig. 2. Catalytic packing MULTIPAK® .
M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801 793

Table 1
Geometric data of the applied catalytic packings

Diameter (mm) 50 50 50 162

Height (mm) 100 166 166 210
Hydraulic diameter (mm) 6.4 9.5 9.8 22.5
Material Wire gauze
Catalyst fraction (vol.%) 15.8 16.0 27.7 25.0
Specific surface area (m2 /m3 ) 270 317 262 125
NTSM (ca.) (1/m) 3–3.5 4 3–3.5 1

of about 3, further increasing near the loading region [11]. Multicomponent diffusion in the films is covered by the
However, separation efficiency is lower for the industrial Maxwell–Stefan equations which can be derived from the
type KATAPAK® -S 250.Y, because of the smaller specific kinetic theory of gases [17]. The influence of the process hy-
surface area. Several authors have experimentally studied drodynamics is taken into account by applying correlations
reactive distillation processes with KATAPAK® -S, among for mass transfer coefficients, specific contact area, liquid
them the synthesis and hydrolysis of methyl acetate [12] hold-up, residence time distribution and pressure drop. The
and the formation of 2-methyl-propyl acetate [13]. In these two-film model concept has been extended by considering
experiments, the packing showed good suitability. chemical reactions in the liquid bulk phase. A sketch of the
applied non-equilibrium stage model is shown in Fig. 3. The
necessary hydrodynamic and mass-transfer correlations for
3. Modelling basis the catalytic packings have been obtained experimentally
in the context of the European research project INTelligent
Because of the complex interactions of both separation Column INTernals for Reactive Separations (INTINT).
and reaction phenomena, the prediction of the overall per- The models described above are implemented into
formance of internals in reactive distillation columns is the simulation environment ASPEN Custom ModelerTM
difficult. Therefore, in this work, simulations have been per- (ACM).
formed, in which the characteristics of the applied internals Supplementary models have been developed for periph-
and their influence on mass transfer, hydrodynamics and erals, such as reboiler, decanter, pre-reactor, heater and con-
chemical reactions are directly accounted for. As a basis denser. These models are linked together in the simulation
for the simulations the relevant mathematical models have flowsheet of ACM. ASPEN physical properties database
been developed and validated. Properties PlusTM is connected with the models and allows
For the investigation of complex integrated separation comfortable changes from one chemical system to another
processes like the synthesis of ethyl acetate via reactive as well as the implementation of measured properties data.
distillation, reliable models are essential in order to re- Three different modelling depths have been implemented
duce the development time and expensive experimental into ACM, namely, an extended equilibrium stage model
investigations. (including the actual rates of the chemical reactions in the
Traditional equilibrium stage models and efficiency ap- bulk phase), a rate-based model with effective diffusivities
proaches are often inadequate for reactive separation pro- and a rate-based model with the Maxwell–Stefan equations.
cesses. In multicomponent mixtures diffusion interactions The results presented in this paper have been obtained with
can lead to unusual phenomena and it is even possible to ob- the last model.
serve mass transport of a component in the direction oppo-
site to its own driving force—the so-called reverse diffusion
[14]. For multicomponent systems, the stage efficiencies are
different for different components and may range from −∞
to +∞. To avoid possible significant errors in the parame-
ter estimation, it is necessary to take into account the actual
mass and heat transfer rates and hydrodynamics [14,15].
In this work, the so-called rate-based approach [16] for
the description of a column segment is applied by which a
direct account of process kinetics is realised. The essence
of this approach is that actual rates of multicomponent mass
transport, heat transport and chemical reactions are con-
sidered immediately in the equations governing the stage
phenomena. Mass transfer at the vapour–liquid interface is
described via the well-known two-film model. Fig. 3. Sketch of an extended two-film model.
794 M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801

4. Chemical system

Ethyl acetate is a commodity chemical substance pro-

duced and used worldwide. It is primarily used as a sol-
vent for paints and coatings (80 ktons/a), printing inks
(65 ktons/a) and adhesives (36 ktons/a), as a process solvent
(38 ktons/a), a chemical feedstock (15 ktons/a), and for
cosmetics and food (12 ktons/a) (all numbers for Western
Europe 1997) [18]. Mainly two production processes for
ethyl acetate are currently used [18,19]:

– Esterification of ethanol and acetic acid in the presence

of an acid catalyst, usually sulphuric acid (the main pro-
duction method in Western Europe).
– Tishchenko reaction of acetaldehyde in the presence of an
aluminium ethoxide catalyst (the main production method
in Japan).

Recently, for synthesis of ethyl acetate heterogeneously

catalysed reactive distillation has been developed. Kolena
Fig. 4. Ternary phase diagram: LLE for ethanol/ethyl acetate/water
et al. [20] and Wu and Lin [21] both suggested the com- (mass-fraction basis, calculated at 25 ◦ C).
bination of a pre-reactor and a reactive distillation column
to carry out the reaction. The only difference between the Phase separation is only possible at low ethanol concen-
processes is the location of the pre-reacted feed to the reac- trations. A higher ethanol content prevents phase splitting.
tive distillation column. The process of Kolena et al. [20] is Thus, it is important for the process that a sufficient ethanol
nowadays commercialised by Sulzer Chemtech Ltd [22]. conversion is provided. If necessary, this can be achieved by
The boiling points of the pure components at atmo- an excess of acetic acid in the column feed.
spheric pressure are ranged as follows: ethyl acetate However, after the decanter (liquid–liquid phase separa-
(ETAC) 77.2 ◦ C; ethanol (ETOH) 78.3 ◦ C; water (H2 O) tor) further separation steps are necessary in order to obtain
100.0 ◦ C; acetic acid (HAC) 118.0 ◦ C. There are three bi- highly pure ethyl acetate. The solubility of water in ethyl
nary azeotropes and one ternary azeotrope shown in Table 2, acetate at 25 ◦ C is about 3.0 wt.%; the solubility of ethyl
with respective boiling points at atmospheric pressure. The acetate in water at 25 ◦ C is 9.9 wt.% [24].
normal boiling points for the pure components as well as Within the developed model, the vapour phase is described
the compositions of the azeotropes have been obtained from by the Hayden O’Connell equation of state accounting for
ASPEN Properties PlusTM and show satisfactory agreement the non-idealities of this phase due to the dimerisation of
with the data available elsewhere [23]. Whereas the binary acetic acid. The UNIQUAC method is used for the calcula-
azeotropes are matched very well, the composition of the tion of the activity coefficients.
ternary azeotrope differs slightly.
For a feasibility study, reactive distillation lines have been
analysed by Kenig et al. [23]. Due to the presence of min- 5. Reactive distillation experiments
imum boiling azeotropes, it is not possible to obtain high
purity ethyl acetate at the top of the column, but rather Experiments were carried out in two different columns.
a ternary mixture with water as a by-product and some The first one is a laboratory scale column with 50 mm diam-
non-converted ethanol. A liquid–liquid phase separation at eter and a total packing height of 3 m, whereas the second
the top of the column allows a further enrichment of ethyl one in a semi-industrial scale column with 162 mm diame-
acetate. The corresponding ternary phase diagram with cal- ter and a packing height of about 12 m. Both columns are
culated liquid–liquid equilibrium at 25 ◦ C is shown in Fig. 4. operated at atmospheric pressure and are equipped with a
liquid–liquid separator for the distillate stream.
Both column set-ups have a separation section below and
Table 2 above the catalytic section. The bottom section is used to
Calculated azeotropic data of the system separate acetic acid from the other components and the top
Azeotrope ETAC ETOH H2 O T section is mainly used to keep acetic acid in the reaction
(wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (◦ C) zone.
ETOH–H2 O – 95.5 4.5 78.1 The laboratory scale experiments were performed in a
ETAC–ETOH 70.2 29.8 – 71.8 50 mm inner diameter glass column, with a silver lined
ETAC–H2 O 91.3 – 8.7 70.9 vacuum jacket. The rectifying section consists of 1.0 m
ETAC–ETOH–H2 O 82.0 9.8 8.2 70.4
Sulzer DX packing, with a re-distributor in the middle.
M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801 795

Fig. 5. Column set-up of the laboratory column (50 mm diameter).

The catalytic section is equipped with 1.0 m packing, ei-

ther KATAPAK® -S or MULTIPAK® -1 or -2, filled with a
Fig. 6. Column set-up of the pilot scale column (162 mm diameter).
commercial cation exchange resin. The stripping section
consists of 1.0 m Sulzer BX packing. The basic set-up is
shown in Fig. 5. 0.25 mm, length 25 m. Methyl-iso-butylketone was used as
The temperatures in the column were measured using internal standard, and acetone was added to prevent phase
six glass jacketed Pt100 thermocouples. Besides, tempera- separation. The temperature program of the GC was: 4 min at
tures are measured in the condenser, reboiler, flow path from 60 ◦ C, then a constant increase of 20◦ /min until 150 ◦ C was
the condenser, and reflux flow path. The product from the reached. The water content of the samples was determined
condenser is introduced into the decanter (a separation fun- by Karl Fischer titration.
nel). In case of liquid–liquid phase separation, the aque- The 162 mm diameter semi-industrial column set-up,
ous phase is withdrawn completely. A part of the organic shown in Fig. 6, is similar to that of the laboratory column.
phase is fed back to the column as reflux. The acetic acid The rectifying section consists of 4.3 m and the stripping
feed (in some experiments enriched with reaction products) section of 3.1 m MELLAPAK® 500.Y. The catalytic sec-
is located between the rectification and catalytic sections. tion is equipped with 5.3 m KATAPAK® -S 250.Y, filled
The ethanol feed is located between the catalytic and strip- with the same commercial cation exchange resin. As in
ping sections. The reactants are fed to the column at room the case of the laboratory column, acetic acid is fed above
temperature. As part of the experimental programme, differ- and ethanol below the reaction zone. Both liquid feeds
ent catalytic column internals and different operating condi- are preheated to temperatures slightly below their boiling
tions are studied. The total feed rate, the molar feed ratio as points. The semi-industrial column has about seven sample
well as the distillate-to-feed and the reflux ratio have been locations along the column height where either liquid or
varied. vapour samples can be withdrawn. Again, different oper-
For an optimal column operation it is desirable to with- ating conditions have been investigated. The entire pilot
draw only non-converted excess acid at the bottom in order plant installation at Sulzer Chemtech Ltd. is illustrated in
to avoid an additional purification step. The stream can be Fig. 7.
recycled to the acetic acid feed. Therefore, in most experi- The characteristics of the both column configurations are
ments, an excess of acetic acid was fed to the column. summarised in Table 3.
The compositions were determined using a HP 6890 gas In addition to the laboratory and pilot scale experiments,
chromatograph. The GC column was CP wax 52CB, ID the relevant hydrodynamic and mass transfer correlations
796 M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801

The relevant kinetic parameters are given in [27].

The equilibrium conversion and thus the maximum con-
version in conventional reactors predicted with these kinet-
ics is about 64% at 50 ◦ C, and it decreases to 54% at 100 ◦ C
if the reactants are fed in equimolar composition.

6. Experimental and theoretical results

6.1. Experimental results

A series of experiments has been performed at both col-

umn scales. The presented results focus on the laboratory
scale column set-up.
Selected experimental results for the laboratory scale
column are summarised in Table 4 together with the cor-
responding operating conditions. The conversion in the
column is limited by the catalyst amount installed, and
thus by the height of the catalytic section and the catalyst
volume fraction of the applied internals. Experiments with
KATAPAK® -S show conversions of up to 78% for ethanol
at feed ratios close to stoichiometric ratio. As expected,
conversion increases with increasing distillate-to-feed ratio.
This is illustrated by experiments 3, 7 and 10, in which
both molar feed ratio and total feed rate are compara-
Fig. 7. Pilot plant installation at Sulzer Chemtech Ltd. (162 mm diameter ble, while the reflux ratio is slightly higher in experiment
column). 3. However, for the selected operating conditions with
KATAPAK® -S, no liquid–liquid phase separation is ob-
for the applied catalytic packings have been determined served, because in these cases the ethanol content in the
within the INTINT project (see, e.g. [25]) or taken from distillate prevents phase splitting as illustrated in Fig. 4. The
open literature [10,26]. The kinetics of the esterification thermodynamic description of the investigated system pre-
reaction, determined in the same project, are adjusted to dicts the occurrence of miscibility gaps only at low ethanol
a pseudo-homogeneous approach showing an exponent 1.5 concentrations [24].
dependence on the acetic acid concentration [27]: The results of the experiments with MULTIPAK® -1 are
similar to those with KATAPAK® -S. For some experiments,
ri = vi (kfwd · xETOH · xHAC − kbwd · xH2 O · xETAC ) two liquid phases in the decanter have been observed,
whereas in experiment 15, a strong excess of acetic acid is
Table 3 fed resulting in an increased conversion of ethanol. More-
Pilot plant characteristics over, in this experiment about 2.9 wt.% water is already
Laboratory scale Pilot scale column present in the ethanol feed being advantageous for the phase
column splitting, while for all other laboratory scale experiments
Column diameter 50 mm 162 mm given in Table 4 ethanol with a purity of about 99.9 wt.%
Rectifying section 1.0 m (Sulzer DX) 4.3 m (MELLAPAK® is used. The product quality is increased by the additional
500.Y) separation step in the decanter.
Reactive section 1.0 m (KATAPAK® -S 5.3 m (KATAPAK® -S Experiments with MULTIPAK® -2 showed a significant
Lab) or 1.0 m 250.Y)
(MULTIPAK® -1) or increase in conversion and thus product purity, which is
1.0 m caused by the higher catalyst fraction as compared with that
(MULTIPAK® -2) of other internals under study at laboratory scale. In most
Stripping section 1.0 m (Sulzer BX) 3.1 m (MELLAPAK® of the experiments, ethanol conversion proved to be high
enough for the subsequent liquid–liquid phase separation.
Operating pressure Atmospheric Atmospheric
Insulation Silver lined vacuum Heated jacket Even for nearly equimolar feed composition, very high con-
jacket versions are obtained (up to 89%).
Condenser type Total condenser Total condenser Although the laboratory set-up is only equipped with 1 m
Feed rate (total) 0.5–1.5 kg/h 30–50 kg/h of catalytic packing, experiments for all three internals show
Sample points 1 (vapour) 4 (vapour), 3 (liquid)
that both conversion and product purity can be increased as
Decanter operated at 20 ◦ C 40 ◦ C
compared with conventional chemical reactors.
M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801 797

Table 4
Selected experimental results for 50 mm diameter column at different operating conditions and with different internals
Experiment Applied catalytic Total feed Molar feed ratio reflux D/F-ratio LL-phase Ethanol Ethyl acetate
number internal rate (g/h) HAC/ETOH (−) ratio (kg/kg) separation conversion (org. distillate)
(kg/kg) (mol/mol) (wt.%)
1 KATAPAK-S 713 2.01 6.65 0.50 No 0.674 68.3
3 KATAPAK-S 693 1.02 6.24 0.57 No 0.362 49.1
7 KATAPAK-S 832 1.03 4.16 0.76 No 0.639 65.9
10 KATAPAK-S 688 1.02 4.41 0.88 No 0.777 72.2
12 MULTIPAK-1 679 1.05 5.08 0.76 No 0.650 67.4
15 MULTIPAK-1 663 2.03 4.18 0.58 Yes 0.860 87.2
27 MULTIPAK-2 541 1.42 3.55 0.75 Yes 0.917 93.1
28 MULTIPAK-2 855 1.01 3.25 0.93 Yes 0.885 87.4

6.2. Model validation experiments no phase splitting is observed experimentally,

nor is it predicted by the simulations.
To ensure the predictability of the developed model, both Model validation for the pilot scale is performed as well.
laboratory and pilot scale experiments are used for the model In the first experiment S1, again no liquid–liquid phase sep-
validation. The agreement between simulations and experi- aration is observed, since in this experiment the operating
ments is in general very good and deviations regarding con- conditions are not optimal. The total feed rate in this exper-
version and product purity are typically smaller than 5%. iment is 37 kg/h, the molar feed ratio acetic acid to ethanol
In Fig. 8, the calculated temperature and concentration is 1.38, the reflux ratio is 4.1 and the distillate-to-feed ratio
profiles are compared with the corresponding experimen- is 0.64. The calculated concentration profiles and the corre-
tal data, for the operating conditions in experiment 10 (see sponding experimental data are presented in Fig. 9. The con-
Table 4). In this experiment, KATAPAK® -S is applied. Con- centration profiles for this example differ significantly from
centration profiles show a very high concentration of acetic those in Fig. 8 for a laboratory scale experiment. While the
acid in the reactive section in the middle, which is favourable acetic acid concentration in the catalytic section of the col-
for the processes, since the reaction rate shows an exponent umn is rather low (around 20 wt.%), the ethyl acetate con-
1.5 dependence of the acid concentration. The conversion tent is very high. Ethanol accumulates at the bottom end of
is about 78% for ethanol for a nearly equimolar feed. The the catalytic section around the correspondent feed location.
agreement between experimental and theoretical results is Moreover, the intermediate boiler water is withdrawn not
very good, not only for both distillate and bottoms concen- only at the top, but also at the bottom of the column. Since it
trations but also for the temperature profile along the col- is desirable to withdraw nearly pure acetic acid at the bottom
umn. At the bottom of the column, highly pure acetic acid is and to have high concentrations of acetic acid and low con-
obtained, which can be recycled to the feed, while the ethyl centrations of ethyl acetate in the catalytic section, it can be
acetate fraction in the distillate is about 72 wt.%. In this summarised, that the operating conditions in this experiment

Fig. 8. Liquid phase concentrations and vapour phase temperature in laboratory column: lines with empty symbols, calculations; solid symbols, experiment.
798 M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801

Fig. 9. Liquid phase concentrations in pilot scale column: lines with empty symbols, calculations; solid symbols, experiment.

are suboptimal. However, the conversion of ethanol is about been performed with the laboratory scale set-up and
77% in the experiment, while the simulated value is slightly MULTIPAK® -1 as the applied catalytic packing. The molar
lower. Again, the agreement between simulation and exper- feed ratio of acetic acid and ethanol is 1.03, whereas the
iment is very satisfactory as illustrated in Fig. 9. reflux ratio is 5.3 and the total feed rate is 0.7 kg/h. The
For this case, an increase of the distillate-to-feed ratio process behaviour is highly non-linear, and the investigated
proved to be successful in theory and practise for increasing heat duty region can be subdivided into three parts. In the
both conversion and product purity as well as the purity of first regime (I), ethanol is mainly accumulated in the cataly-
the bottom product. The concentration profiles become very tic section of the column, and, as expected, both distillate-
similar to those at laboratory scale (cf. Fig. 8). to-feed ratio and conversion increase with increasing
reboiler heat duty. In the second regime (II), water, the
6.3. Influence of the operating conditions intermediate boiler, significantly accumulates in the cat-
alytic section of the column which results in a steep fall
The influence of the predominant operating conditions has down of both the conversion and distillate-to-feed ratio,
been studied in detail with the validated process simulator. because less ethyl acetate (low boiling component) is
Fig. 10 shows the influence of the heat duty on the formed. In the third regime (III), acetic acid accumulates
conversion and distillate-to-feed ratio. Simulations have in the catalytic section, and conversion increases more

Fig. 10. Influence of the heat duty on conversion and distillate-to-feed-ratio (laboratory scale set-up, total feed rate: 0.7 kg/h, molar ratio HAC/ETOH
1.03, reflux ratio 5.3).
M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801 799

Fig. 11. Influence of the selected column internal on conversion (a) and product purity (b) (laboratory scale set-up, total feed rate: 1.4 kg/h, molar ratio
HAC/ETOH 1.02, reflux ratio 4.41).

rapidly with the heat duty due to the exponent 1.5 depen- Here, the molar feed ratio of acetic acid and ethanol is
dence of the acetic acid concentration in the kinetic expres- 1.02, the reflux ratio is 4.41, and the total feed rate is 1.4
sion. The last regime is undoubtedly the most suitable for kg/h. In this example, no liquid–liquid phase separation oc-
the column at high distillate-to-feed ratios. curs. Qualitative process behaviour is similar to that rep-
This strong non-linear dependence of the conversion on resented by Fig. 10, though the total feed rate is doubled.
the heat duty is very similar for all internals and for both col- Differences in maximum conversion and maximum prod-
umn scales. Experiments have been performed in all of the uct purity are attributed to different catalyst contents (sig-
three regimes. For example, the lab-scale experiment 3 (cf. nificantly higher in MULTIPAK® -2, cf. Table 1). In some
Table 4) has been performed in region II, while experiment regions, however, these differences decrease or die away.
10 (cf. Fig. 8) is in region III. The pilot scale experiment S1 It can be stated, that the behaviour of KATAPAK® -S and
(cf. Fig. 9) corresponds to region I in which ethanol accu- MULTIPAK® -1 is similar. Simulations have been carried out
mulates in and below the catalytic section of the column. with the actually implemented catalyst mass which is 15%
higher for MULTIPAK® -1, while the volume fraction of the
6.4. Influence of the column configuration catalyst bags is almost identical (cf. Table 1). Generally, at
lower feed rates, the influence of the catalyst content is less
Further, the influence of the applied catalytic internals for significant.
the laboratory scale set-up is investigated. For the pilot scale column set-up, the influence of the
In Fig. 11, the product purity and the conversion are height of the catalytic section on conversion and product
depicted versus the heat duty varied over a wide range. purity is studied in Fig. 12 at constant operating conditions.
800 M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801

Fig. 12. Influence of the height of the catalytic section (KATAPAK® -S 250.Y) in pilot scale set-up on conversion (X) and product purity (w) (total feed
rate: 30 kg/h, molar ratio HAC/ETOH 1.2, reflux ratio 3, distillate-to-feed ratio 0.9).

The total feed rate is 30 kg/h, the molar feed ratio a computer-aided scale-up of reactive distillation columns
acetic acid to ethanol is 1.2, the reflux ratio is 3 and the equipped both KATAPAK® -S and MULTIPAK® .
distillate-to-feed ratio is 0.9. For these operating condi-
tions, liquid–liquid phase splitting is predicted for all in-
vestigated catalytic section heights. It is shown that both 7. Conclusions
conversion and product purity strongly increase with a
catalytic section height changing between 1 and 3 m. At In this work, the synthesis of ethyl acetate from ethanol
section heights above 4 m, conversion and thus product and acetic acid by heterogeneously catalysed reactive distil-
purity remain almost constant. In this case, the conver- lation is investigated. Since the choice of column internals
sion for the selected operation conditions is around 96%. and arrangement of catalytic and non-catalytic zones have
The organic distillate consists of 92 wt.% ethyl acetate, significant influence on the overall performance, different
about 5 wt.% water, whereas the rest is non-converted configurations are experimentally and theoretically studied.
ethanol and acetic acid. It can be concluded, that the col- Modelling of this process is accomplished with a rate-based
umn operates very well at high distillate-to-feed-ratios, stage model.
and even at moderate catalytic sections heights of about Experiments are performed at two different scales, in a 50
4 m. Moreover, an additional increase of conversion is mm and in a 162 mm diameter column, with four different
possible by further adjustment of the operating condi- catalytic internals. The simulations are in a very satisfactory
tions. agreement with the results obtained at both column scales.
The models are able to describe the process behaviour in
6.5. Scale-up issues an entire range of operating conditions and contribute to a
better understanding of the process.
Since the developed model has been successfully vali- Theoretical investigations show that the performance of
dated for both column scales, reliable predictions of the KATAPAK® -S and MULTIPAK® -1 is very similar at labo-
scale-up of catalytic distillation columns are possible. To ratory scale, while conversion and product purity are higher
a certain extend, this is due to the fact, that for labora- with MULTIPAK® -2 because of the greater catalyst con-
tory and industrial scale, the necessary information on the tent. The simulations are further applied for investigations
applied catalytic internals and the relevant correlations for of the scale-up from the laboratory to the semi-industrial
the rate-based process simulator are available. For the both set-up.
MULTIPAK® types, catalyst fraction, mass transfer and hy- The production of ethyl acetate via reactive distillation
drodynamic characteristics are similar for laboratory and in- can significantly increase conversion as compared with con-
dustrial scale. With respect to KATAPAK® -S, laboratory and ventional reactors. Almost total conversion of ethanol can
industrial scale packings differ quite significantly. However, be obtained with moderate column heights and even without
the properties of the KATAPAK® -S 250.Y are the same for using a pre-reactor. An excess of acetic acid is necessary to
the investigated 162 mm diameter semi-industrial scale and achieve nearly complete conversion of ethanol, and there-
for larger industrial sizes. Thus, it is possible to perform fore, nearly ethanol-free top product. Furthermore, a high
M. Klöker et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 43 (2004) 791–801 801

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