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Act 1

Evening Matinee

6:55pm 1:55pm This is your 30 minute call, your 30 minute call.

7:15pm 2:15pm This is your 10 minute call, your 10 minute call.

7:20pm 2:20pm This is your 5 minute call, your 5 minute call.

7:20pm 2:20pm Eve SFX “Ladies and Gentleman can you please take
your seats in the auditorium for tonight’s performance
of Curtains.”

Mat SFX “Ladies and Gentleman can you please take

your seats in the auditorium for this afternoon’s
performance of Curtains.”

7:25pm 2:25pm Beginners Act 1 to backstage, beginners Act 1.

7:30pm 2:30pm FOH cue Ivan that the house is ready.

Eve/Mat SFX “Welcome to Petts Wood Operatic

Society’s production of Curtains.
Can we please ask that you check all mobile
phones and alarm devices are turned off and remind
you that recording or photographing during the
performance is strictly prohibited.
We hope you enjoy the show.”

This SFX is the cue for everybody that the house is ready.
Carys to start overture.
Ryan to go to Cue 1 lights
Interval 20 mins

Act 2

10 mins This is your 10 minute call, your 10 minute call

15 mins This is your 5 minute call, your 5 minute call

15 mins SFX “Ladies and Gentlemen, can you please take your
seats in the auditorium for Act 2”

17 mins Beginners Act 2 to backstage, beginners Act 2

20 mins FOH cue Ivan that the house is ready

Eve SFX “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back for

the 2nd half of this evening’s performance of

Mat SFX “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back for

the 2nd half of this afternoon’s performance of

This SFX is the cue for everybody that the house is ready.
Ryan to go to Act 2 start (blackout for cast to come on stage)
Sue to UUSR & cast to sleeping positions on stage.
Carys to start #15 The Man is Dead

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