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Trade secrets



Trade secrets offer protection to a wide range of subject matter as data or information that
do not qualify protection as intellectual property within the legal framework can be
protected in the form of trade secrets and further, are not limited to a set term of
protection. A trade secret right starts with the creation of an idea, that is not meant
for public domain and has an economic value. Thus, trade secrets should be seen as
complementary to intellectual property rights as they form part of the creative process
leading to innovation and the creation of intellectual property rights.
The recipe of Coca Cola and KFC's 11 secret herbs and spices; and Google’s search
algorithm are the most well-known examples of trade secrets that have been guarded
over the years and thus, maintain their competitive advantage.


North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) defines a trade secret as “information having
commercial value, which is not in the public domain, and for which
reasonable steps have been taken to maintain its secrecy.” Further, The Uniform
Trades Secrets Act, 1970, implemented in the United States of America, defines trade secrets as

“Information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program device, method, technique, or

process, that: (i) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from no being generally
known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain
economic value from its disclosure or use, and (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable
under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy”.

In view of the above, a trade secret comprises data which has been actively
safeguarded from public domain, including day to day information concerning
the working of a business, that being a product of internal research and
development, provides an economic advantage to a business over its


In India, specific trade secret protection laws do not exist, however, as a signatory of Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agreement, India protects trade secrets and confidential information
under various statutes.

Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement states that:

1. In the course of ensuring effective protection against unfair competition as provided in Article 10b is of the
Paris Convention (1967), Members shall protect undisclosed information;

2. Natural and legal persons shall have the possibility of preventing information lawfully within their control from
being disclosed to, acquired by, or used by others without their consent in a manner contrary to honest
commercial practices so long as such information: (a) is secret in the sense that it is not, as a body or in the
precise configuration and assembly of its components, generally known among or readily accessible to
persons within the circles that normally deal with the kind of information in question (b) has commercial
value because it is secret; and (c) has been subject to reasonable steps under the circumstances, by the
person lawfully in control of the information, to keep it secret.

In order to comply with the above, Indian courts have upheld trade secrets under various legal frameworks. Some
examples of the same are as follows:

· The Copyright Act, 1957 [Sec. 51, 55 & 63]

· The Designs Act, 2000
· The Information Technology Act, 2000 [Sec. 65 & 72]

Further, in case of an absence of an appropriate legislation, trade secrets are protected under the principles of equity and
the common law action of breach of confidence. The same was observed in John Richard Brady and Ors v. Chemical
Process Equipment P Ltd and Anr. (AIR 1987 Delhi 372), wherein the Delhi High Court restrained defendants from
abusing the know-how, specifications, technical information regarding the plaintiff’s business entrusted to them under
express condition of strict confidentiality.

Databases comprising confidential customer information and/or day to day operations of businesses are maintained
in order to analyze business profitability or customer behavior, or simply to maintain an inventory of goods. Such
databases may contain essential information in the nature of trade secrets that need to be protected. In view of the
same, Section 2(o) of the Copyright Act 1957 defines compilations, including computer databases, as “literary works”.

Both in Burlington Home Shopping Pvt Ltd v Rajnish Chibber [61(1995)DLT6] and Mr. Diljeet Titus Vs Mr. Alfred A.
Adebare and Or [2006(32) PTC 609], it was observed that a database consisting of compilation of customer information
– addresses, emails etc., being a part of a company’s trade secrets, can be subject matter of a copyright and if used by
the defendant will amount to an infringement. In Puneet Industrial Controls Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Classic Electronics
(1997) Sup ARBLR 195 Delhi (1997), the Delhi High Court held the defendants, who misappropriated trade secrets and
confidential secrets of the Plaintiff to manufacture electric goods, guilty of infringement of copyright and restrained the
defendants from imitating the products of the plaintiff. Further, in May 2016, India approved the National Intellectual
Property Rights Policy, which had seven objectives, one of which being to ensure an effective legal and legislative
framework for the protection of intellectual property rights in India including the protection of trade secrets.

For a successful trade secret suit, apart from pleading that the information is confidential, the plaintiff must also prove
that it has made reasonable efforts to keep it confidential. Furthermore, if the owner of the information cannot prove
as much, the information risks losing the quality of confidentiality as well as its status as a trade secret.


In the digital era, one of the biggest challenges that businesses face is safeguarding their confidential data as
advancements in technology have made it immensely easy to access confidential data with the help of
various online and physical tools that facilitate transfer of data.

What comprises as ‘confidential data’ can range from business strategies, proposals, client databases and
information, compilations, to designs, programmes, drawings, devices, formulae, compositions etc. As not
each of them cannot be protected under patent and/or copyright law, their protection can be safeguarded
in the capacity of trade secrets.

In order to safeguard trade secrets at the grassroot level, organizations must have a comprehensive trade
secret policy in place, sensitizing those exposed to the trade secret the nature of such confidential
information along with the potential consequences of breaching such trust. Further, it is essential for
organizations to ensure that their confidential information/trade secrets are carefully labelled in a manner
that makes the person dealing with the same aware that the said information is to be treated with utmost
importance. In several cases, organizations have also resorted to keeping confidential information
restricted and/or password protected.

It is pertinent to remember that trade secrets do not confer any proprietary rights, i.e. the holder of a trade
secret has no exclusive rights over the information. The right over a trade secret subsists only as long as
secrecy is maintained.

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