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Long Branch Civic Association

Board of Directors Meeting (Zoom Call)

Saturday, June 11, 2022; 10:30am

Directors Present, constituting a quorum were:

Roger Hartman, Neighborhood Watch

Stephanie Murphy, Treasurer/Secretary
Donna Nelson-Schneider, Membership

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m.

2. Approval of the Last Meeting Minutes

The Board approved the minutes from the meetings for July 1, 2021, October 22, 2020 and
October 1, 2020.

3. Officer Reports
Finance - Ms. Murphy sent the April financials to the Board members. Mr. Hartman mentioned
an expense for vests for the neighborhood watch volunteers when walking versus driving for their
routes. There are sufficient funds for this purchase.

We also talked about ordering a generic LBCA banner for events. Ms. Nelson-Schneider will be
working with Martha Bernardi and/or Steve Alvo to have a color logo to use with the banner.
There is room in the current budget for this cost.

Ms. Murphy noted that the bank information has been updated for Truist Bank. The annual
renewal for LBCA status for as a Virginia Corporation has been filed and the fee paid.

Neighborhood Watch – Mr. Hartman noted that he signed up a new family during the Spring
Festival. They moved on to Steeple Bush. We currently have about 50 participating families.

Membership – Ms. Nelson-Schneider discussed the options for street number curb painting. We
will include street names this year in the project. Ms. Murphy provided the Board with
information from the past few vendors. Ms. Nelson-Schneider will be communicating with the
LBCA Board of Directors
Saturday, June 11, 2022
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neighborhoods around us as well. We are currently reviewing three vendors.

The bi-annual membership drive will be this fall. The Board will be asking Steve Alvo to attend
the next meeting, since Mr. Alvo manages the website, our payment portal for PayPal, etc. Ms.
Nelson-Schneider would like us to consider a survey with the membership drive. This could help
recruit volunteers for specific events like the PTA does at the beginning of the school year.

4. Events
The Board reviewed the list of events held by both the LBCA and LBSRC (the pool). The list was
amended to add events. Ms. Murphy will put together a calendar from this for the next meeting.
It was agreed that planning for an event must start at least 2 months in advance. Individual event
coordinators will be listed as well, since we haven’t recruited a new events coordinator yet.

Sign up genius will be used more for events to coordinate additional help as needed.

Mr. Hartman is coordinating both the Crime Prevention Night at the pool on July 6 th and National
Night Out on August 2nd. We hope to have the new banner before NNO. For Crime Prevention
Night, the primary coordination is with the police and the pool. Mr. Hartman has both of those
partners lined up for the event.

For NNO, Mr. Hartman will be coordinating with police, fire, politicians, etc. We will also be
looking into a Kona Ice Truck for the event. LBCA will be providing beverages. Food to share will
also be noted in the notices to the community as we have done in the pre-covid past.

Ms. Murphy provided a one-page document for Pool Rules for Events. This is meant to be helpful
guidelines for event coordinators when we use the pool. This is based on the Kids Market learning

We talked about whether or not to co-brand any events with the pool. The events outside of the
normal pool season are the Spring Festival and Oktober Fest. This will be discussed more in the

5. Volunteer Issues
We continue to try to recruit volunteers for the position of President, Events Coordinator,
Secretary and Grounds and Maintenance. Susan Hacker and Brenda Kepley have been managing
some of the entry way decorations, flowers, etc. Daniel’s Mowing continues the upkeep, mowing
and edging.

We need to consider those we could approach directly and ask again in the next newsletter too.

6. Next Newsletter

Updated on the Braddock Road Improvements should be included in the next newsletter.
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Saturday, June 11, 2022
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7. Upcoming Meeting
The next meeting date will be held during the week of July 18 th. Ms. Murphy will send out dates
and options for the Board and Mr. Alvo’s consideration.

8. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Murphy

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