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Donald, Barack, George, Bill, Ronald and Jimmy are six bright students at Kalamazoo Public School.

Recently they appeared

for the final exam for the 10th standard. The exam tested students on six subjects, namely English, Marathi, Mathematics,
History, Economics and Physics. The question paper on each subject was out of 100 marks and it is known that the marks
scored by the students in each of the subjects can be only one integer out of the following: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90.
All the percentages shown in the following graph are rounded off to nearest two decimal points.

(Interpretation of the graph: Donald’s scores in English, Marathi, Mathematics, History, Economics and Physics are 11.11%,
17.78%, 20%, 17.78%, 20% and 13.33% respectively of the sum of his scores in the six subjects taken together).

1. Who scored the highest total marks in the six subjects combined?
Donald George Bill Cannot be determined
2. In how many subjects out of 6 did no student out of the given six students score 90 marks?
0 1 2 More than 2
3. Which of the following was not the total score of any of the six friends?
350 360 420 450
4. In which subject was the sum of the marks scored by the six students taken together the least?
Mathematics History Physics Marathi
The multi-layered pie-chart below shows the sales of LED
television sets for a big retail electronics outlet during 2016
and 2017. The outer layer shows the monthly sales during
this period, with each label showing the month followed by
sales figure of that month. For some months, the sales
figures are not given in the chart. The middle-layer shows
quarter-wise aggregate sales figures (in some cases,
aggregate quarter-wise sales numbers are not given next to
the quarter). The innermost layer shows annual sales. It is
known that the sales figures during the three months of the
second quarter (April, May, June) of 2016 form an arithmetic
progression, as do the three monthly sales figures in the
fourth quarter (October, November, December) of that year.

Q1. What is the percentage increase in sales in December

2017 as compared to the sales in December 2016?
a. 28.57 b. 22.22 c. 50.00 d. 38.46

Q2. In which quarter of 2017 was the percentage increase

in sales from the same quarter of 2016 the highest?
a. Q1 b. Q3 c. Q4 d. Q2

Q3. During which quarter was the percentage decrease in

sales from the previous quarter’s sales the highest?
a. Q2 of 2017 b. Q1 of 2017 c. Q4 of 2017 d. Q2 of 2016

Q4. During which month was the percentage increase in

sales from the previous month’s sales the highest?
a. March of 2017 b. October of 2017
c. October of 2016 d. March of 2016
Each person living in a certain city speaks exactly one
language among six different languages – English, Hindi,
Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Marathi. The first pie chart
below gives the number of persons in the city who speak
each language at the beginning of 2010. The second pie
chart gives the exact percentage breakup of the number of
persons who speak each language at the beginning of
2015. It is known that, between 2010 and 2015, no person
learned to speak another language and there were no births
or deaths in the city. However, some persons in the city
might have moved out of the city and/or some persons from
outside the city might have moved into the city. Every
person who moved into the city speaks exactly one of the
six languages.

Q1. If the number of persons who speak Hindi remained the

same during the given period, what is the minimum number
of persons who would have moved out of the city?

Q2. If no person moved out of the city between 2010 and

2015, what is the minimum number of people who speak
Malayalam that must have moved into the city?

Q3. If no person moved out of the city between 2010 and

2015, what is the minimum number of people that must
have moved into the city?

Q4. If no person moved into the city between 2010 and

2015, what is the minimum number of people that must
have moved out of the city?
Trunami Inc is a conglomerate comprising five
companies – Hurricase, Tiefone, Avalunch, Famints
and Blizz. The Total Cost incurred by each of the five
companies in any year can be divided into three
components – Operating Cost, Administrative Cost and
Finance Cost. The first pie chart given below provides,
for the year 2017, the Operating Cost of each company
as a percentage of the total Operating Cost of the five
companies, while the second and the third pie charts
provide similar percentage breakups for the
Administrative Cost and Finance Cost respectively for
2017. In the pie charts below, each company is
represented by the first letter of its name.
It is also known that the Total Cost was the same for
exactly three of the five companies during 2017. All the
questions that follow are related to the costs of the five
companies in the year 2017.
Q1. For how many companies is its Finance Cost as a
percentage of its Total Cost greater than 39%?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) None of the above
Q2. How many of the five companies have a Finance
Cost that is greater than the Operating Cost of
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Q3. What is the ratio of the Administrative Cost of
Famints to the Operating Cost of Hurricase?
a) 3 b) 3.12 c) 3.24 d) 3.36
Q4. If the Administrative Cost of Avalunch is Rs.29.25
lakh, what is the Operating Cost of Famints?
a) Rs.20 lakh b) Rs.21 lakh c) Rs.22 lakh d)
Rs.23 lakh
A library contains books on seven genres in English and Marathi
languages: Fiction, Novels, Biographies, Autobiographies,
Dramatics, Poetry and Philosophy. The following graph gives the
distribution of books in English and Marathi languages on four out of
the seven genres. There is at least one book in each language on
each genre.
Refer to the data and answer the questions that follow.
A library contains books on seven genres in English and Marathi
languages: Fiction, Novels, Biographies, Autobiographies,
Dramatics, Poetry and Philosophy. The following graph gives the
distribution of books in English and Marathi languages on four out of
the seven genres. There is at least one book in each language on
each genre. The number of books on different genres are to be read
on the left hand side axis whereas the number of books in English
language as % of total books in that genre is to be read on the right
hand side axis. In addition to this, the following facts are known.
1. The total number of books in Marathi is greater than the total
number of books on Fiction.
2. The number of Marathi books on Philosophy is ten times the
number of Marathi books on Poetry. Q1. Which of the following is the total number of books on Philosophy?
3. The total number of books on Autobiographies is half the total a. 1000 b. 1200 c. 3600 d. None of these
number of books on Biographies, Poetry and Philosophy taken
together. Q2. The number of Marathi books on Dramatics is certainly not greater than ____ .
4. The total number of books on Dramatics is greater than the total a. 2000 b. 3000 c. 1200 d. 2500
number of books on any other genre but Fiction.
5. For both Biographies and Philosophy, the ratio of the number of Q3. Which of the following statements is certainly true?
books in English to the total number of books is the same.
Statement I: The number of English books on Autobiographies is same as the number of
6. Only 10% of the books on Poetry are in Marathi.
English books on Philosophy.
7. At least 50% books of any genre are in English.
Statement II: The number of Marathi books on Dramatics is greater than 20.

a. Only Statement I b. Only Statement II

c. Both I and II d. Neither I nor II
Five vendors are being considered for a service. The evaluation committee Q1. On which aspect is the median score of the five vendors the least?
A Customer Service B Cost C Reliability D Quality
evaluated each vendor on six aspects - Cost, Customer Service,Features,
Quality, Reach, and Reliability. Each of these evaluations are on a scale of 0 Q2. A vendor's final score is the average of their scores on all six aspects. Which
vendor has the highest final score?
(worst) to 100 (perfect). The evaluation scores on these aspects are shown in
A Vendor 4 B Vendor 2 C Vendor 1 D Vendor 3
the radar chart. For example, Vendor 1 obtains a score of 52 on Reliability,
Vendor 2 obtains a score of 45 on Features and Vendor 3 obtains a score of 90 Q3. List of all the vendors who are among the top two scorers on the maximum
number of aspects is:
on Cost. A Vendor 2, Vendor 3 and Vendor 4 B Vendor 1 and Vendor 5
C Vendor 2 and Vendor 5 D Vendor 1 and Vendor 2

Q4. List of all the vendors who are among the top three vendors on all six aspects is:
A Vendor 1 and Vendor 3 B None of the Vendors. C Vendor 3 D Vendor 1
The data given below indicates the distribution of the fees for Semester I at ABC University. The bar graph indicates the tuition fee and the line graph indicates the lab deposit.

Total Fees for the Semester is the sum of Academic and Non-academic fees.
Q1. Which of the following is closest to the sum of lab fees
for all the five subjects?
1) Rs.22000 2) Rs.30000 3) Rs.16000 4) Rs.6000

Q2. For Semester II, the tuition fee for Physics, Chemistry
and Statistics increases by 12% and decreased by 9% for
the other two subjects. Itemwise percentage breakups of
academic fees remains unchanged. Approximately what is
the difference between total fees of 2 semesters?
1) Rs.7700 2) Rs.7200 3) Rs.8100 4) Rs.3300

Q3. The university adds one more subject 'Mathematics' to

the course, which does not need a lab. Hence lab fees and
lab deposits that are allotted for Mathematics are distributed
evenly among all the remaining categories of academic
fees. What will be the approximate total fees for Semester I,
given that tution fees for Mathematics is Rs.24000?
(Assume that the overall itemwise percentage break up of
the academic fees of a subject remains the same.)
1) Rs.434,000 2) Rs.413,000 3) Rs.394000 4)

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