Exp 5 Objective: Use of Conditional Formatting in Following Data To

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Exp 5

Objective: Use of Conditional formatting in following data to:

(i) Highlight the farmers whose annual income is greater than 5 Lacs with Green Colour
(ii) Highlight the farmers whose annual income is in between 3 Lacs and 5 Lacs with Blue
(iii) Highlight the farmers whose annual income is in in between 2 Lacs and 3 Lacs with
Yellow Colour
(iv) Highlight the farmers whose annual income is in less than 2 Lacs with Red Colour
(v) Sort the farmers according to ascending order of their income
(vi) Sort the farmers according to descending order of their income
(vii) Arrange the farmers in the group according to the crops they grow

Name of Farmer Name of crop Annual Income (in Lacs)

Ajay Sugarcane 3.25
Mohan Potato 2.5
Gurmeet Rice 3.0
Iqbal Pulses 3.0
George Sugarcane 1.75
Sanjeev Pulses 3.75
Kartik Potato 1,9
Jeevan Vegetables 2.25
Shyam Potato 1.5
Rajpal Sugarcane 1.75
Ajeet Rice 5.25
1. Select the cells under the column Annual Income, go to conditional formatting and click
on highlight cell rule> greater than.
2. Insert the value as 5 and colour as green, click on OK, all cells with annual income greater
than 5 Lacs will be highlighted.
3. Repeat the same step with highlight cell rule >in between 3 Lac and 5 Lacs, with cell colour
4. Repeat the same step with highlight cell rule >in between 3 Lac and 5 Lacs, with cell colour
5. Select the cells under the column Annual Income, go to conditional formatting and click
on highlight cell rule> less than.
6. Insert the value as 2and colour as red, click on OK, all cells with annual income less than
2 Lacs will be highlighted.
7. Select the data in the column annual income and click on Sort and Filter, select smallest to
largest. Data will be arranged in ascending order of income.
8. Select the data in the column annual income and click on Sort and Filter, select largest to
smallest. Data will be arranged in descending order of income.
9. Select the data under the column “Name of Crop”, click on Sort and Filter, select smallest
to largest. Data will be arranged alphabetically.

Result: The procedure of using conditional formatting is understood and verified.

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