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Marketing Management

Case Study
Vora & Company

Quarter - 3

Kundhan Adari

Roll No:
EPGP 14A 063

1. Do consumers see value in Blossom? In Quick-cooking Oats?

Mr Vora has spent years perfecting Blossom Oats.

After several trials, it was tested among a group of customers who rated the product as
equal to or better than the competing product on the market. Apart from that, Mr Vora also
was able to obtain the ISI certification mark for the product.

Consumers could see the certification mark as a mark for quality and purity of the product,
but all of these things were also available with the competitor's product, and the value of
the blossom product became the same in the market, as other available parallel products
have the same values and the differentiation in the product was also not marketed.
Therefore, it became just one other product on the shelf and one of the products available
on the market to customers.

Customers see the value in quick-cooking oats, but the product is priced so that only
families with a high medium to high income can afford it.

Quick-cooking oats are a high nutritive oatmeal porridge that tastes good when taken with
milk and sugar syrup or with butter or syrup and was the choice of many people because it
was a quick-cooking type meal that was pre-cooked during the manufacturing process,
saving up to 20-25 minutes of cooking time.
2. What are the benefits of Quick Cooking Oats? Which of these benefits Blossom is
associated with?

Below are the benefits –

a. Oats (Avena sativa) are a whole-grain food. And it is commonly consumed for breakfast as
an oatmeal (Porridge).
b. Oats contain antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds that may help lower blood
c. Users consume this product as it showed results and helps in losing weight.
d. Also Oats are amazingly rich in antioxidants which helps in digestion and helps in lowering
blood pressure.
Apart from the above health benefits, we also see it’s easy to cook.

3. Is it viable? Is there a Demand? Is there a supply of raw material? Why did Vora
decide to get into this business?

Is it Viable –
Oats is a viable product in every way, from the standpoint of both the consumer and the
manufacturer. In the early 1960s, there was no perfect substitute available in the market,
and after the embargo of US products, the Indian market had no other product to replace
oats. Customers want the product because of its health and cooking benefits.

Is there a Demand –
At first, oats were the most popular breakfast item in the American and European markets,
and the Indian market has gained acceptance in the country's south. Quaker Oats, as the
leading oat supplier brand, has already established the demand.

However, due to its high price, the product was only affordable to middle- and upper-
income families. Furthermore, after seeing the demand in the Indian market, Indian
companies have begun manufacturing oats in India.

Is there a supply of raw materials –

The required raw material properties were not available in the Indian market. White oats of
the highest quality were imported from Australia under government licence.

Below are the reasons why Vora decided into getting Oats business –

External circumstances that were favourable: The government has prohibited the import of
packaged cereals: this is the best opportunity to develop and sell the product in the Indian

Designated market: Because other imported brands, such as Quaker oats, had already
created a market for this product, and at the time only families with a high medium or high
income could afford it, the existing market could have been higher profits to replace the

Superior Product: Mr. Vora and his company have an early mover advantage by having ISI
certification on the product, which can be marketed to increase sales and profits while also
ensuring product quality.

Value Creation: The quick breakfast cereals can create value by allowing you to spend more
time with your family on breakfast rather than in the kitchen.

Profits: The quick breakfast cereals is a profitable business, but the Mr Vora company's
strategies were influenced by market trends, resulting in losses.

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