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Educação Infantil. Ensino Fundamental. Ensino Médio.

Ensino Fundamental: 6° ano Turma:601 Nova Friburgo: 06 de abril

Aluno (a) : _

• Não é necessário passar a explicação do verb to be na interrogativa e negativa para o caderno. No

entanto, preciso que imprimam e guardem essa folha para estudo posterior.


Forma sem Contração Forma Contraída Forma Contraída

I am not ---x--- I `m not
You are not You aren't You `re not
He is not He isn't He `s not
She is not She isn't She `s not
It is not It isn't It `s not
We are not We aren't We `re not
You are not You aren't You `re not
They are not They aren't They `re not


Mary is not happy. (Mary não está feliz.)

It is not correct. [(Isto) Não está certo.]


Forma sem Contração Forma Contraída

am I? ---x---
are you? ---x---
is he? ---x---
is she? ---x---
is it? ---x---
are we? ---x---
are you? ---x---
are they? ---x---


Is she a journalist? (Ela é jornalista?)

Are you a soccer player? ( Você é jogador de jutebol?)

• Realizar a atividade no caderno de inglês. Copiar e responder.


1- Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa com o verbo to be.

Por exemplo: She's French. --> Is she French?
a) You are from Argentina.
b) They are in school now.
c) John is tired.
d) They're good with Maths.
e) Joanna and I are in the same class.
f) This egg is rotten.
g) Those horses are calm.
h) That dog is a poodle.

2- Complete as sentenças com a forma afirmativa do verbo "To Be".

a) You a doctor.
b) He early.
c) They at home.
d) I a teacher.
e) She married.
f) The cat thirsty.
g) We friends.

3- Neste exercício você terá que passar todas estas frases que estão na afirmativa para a
forma negativa (negative form ) e também para a forma interrogativa (interrogative
form). Você pode usar as contrações se desejar!
Por exemplo: They are French.
Negative: They aren`t French. / They´re not French.
Interrogative: Are they French?

a) She is a very good student.

b) Andrew and Tania are brothers
c) He is studying English literature.
d) They are walking on the street.
e) I am playing game on the laptop.
f) It is getting out of control.
g) We are reading a poem.
h) He is a good basketball player.

4- Complete as frases com o verbo “To Be” e o sujeito em parêntesis na sua forma correta,
interrogativa ou negativa.
1. they going to the game tonight?
2. The sheets clean. (neg.)
3. She a very polite waitress. (neg.)
4. you available to take me to the mall
5. we visiting the museum or the park today?
6. I tired, let’s go to a nightclub. (neg.)

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