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PARRA ,Z2ULEIRA DM- AB PoLsel 3-4 THEORIES OF INTERNAT! AL RELATIONS 1 Realist t Theory This alia provides that Stated a are in 4 constant Seagate for power + Huy re fore, each Devision makers ave rational actors in the sence that rahtonal.¢ dle sion maning {eads te she ) pur gait os the national interests. treme Faking ackions that would _ make your ohare Weak or walnerabit. would not be rarional: Th suggests ahat al feaders , no woe what Yavin political Persuasion, revagnire this a6 Hey aster pt +o manage - ne sate © : affairs in order fo Survive in q Gomperttive em eaviioamnent EXAMPLE! (n 2oit Rugsia a along with Ching, as permanent members of the Seuirity Gounal , vetoed 3 wa asta bIUKIDIS that aimed +2 canétion the Syrian regime and east violunce. Adcom ing yy jis. these dates had +he inslubn ce 49 block un-support of Foreign’ military intervention in syria: Regarding éyra, THE Eastern Cwrepean crate haw Several major Vober sss + she of Hem \sfo maintain a Ses vere | of munitions ore twee Syrian Arey, which would be neakenea i intervention , “ania ethics are being “kero in terms of poirive® + (ntitubionalics Saas “jasc tutions and “hivrarchi cat steuawres tn in the giobai poittcal ephere. lngtitutionatict che Sis of intemational organizations 40 get gek crates + cooperate: EXAMPLE: The Europ mien ate owt oF a desire tp form a a cingle Fh European ‘pail entity my end the centuries of | warfare © among eurepean Goontries that Mininated with Worid War {| and de ae Gimared much of the continent Tne European, single Market was kstablichtd +o ensure AN called four: Freedoms +he movement of goods, cer cerwiuasy people and money The Singte European Ad goidified The principles of foreign polly Cooperation and extended powers of dae community over the members. Thuy , hic ig _driven-as ai cacponse tw conver: about the democratie hegemony __0F She European Union. S. NEOLIBERALIST TWEDRY This theory proweds from an assumption that

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