Task Base Learning: Project: My Recipe

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Task Base Learning

What do kids learn while cooking? Cooking is something children enjoy just as much as eating the finished product. They love the whole process of adding ingredients together, creating something unique and seeing the finished product. Even most adults enjoy seeing something they created turning out as a masterpiece. Kids might not even realize just how much they are learning because they are having so much fun. If you ever wonder what kids are learning when they are cooking perhaps you will be surprised at the amount of information the kids are taking

Why do the project work? Project of recipe works capture better than any other activity the tree principal elements of a communicative approach. There are: 1. A concern for motivation. 2. A concern for relevance. 3. A concern for the general educational development of learn.

Positive motivation is the key to successful language learning and project work is particularly useful as a means of generating this positive motivation. Firstly project work is very personal. The students are writing about their own lives, their research into topics that interest them. Secondly, project work is a very active medium. Students arent just receiving and producing words. They are Collecting information Works with power point in a computer Drawing pictures, maps, diagrams and charts Cutting out pictures Arranging texts and visuals Carrying out interviews and surveys Possibly making recording

Lastly, project work gives a clear sense of achievement. It enables all students to produce a worthwhile product. This makes it particularly well suited to the mixed ability class, because students can work at their own place an level. Project work is one of the most exaciting developments in language teaching. It combines in practical form both the fundamental principle of a communicative approach and the values of good education. It has to added virtue of being a long-established and well-tried method of teaching in other subject areas.


Show their own recipes at the classmates This activity is scheduled for the third cycle of Primary fifth Grade. I did this project over two weeks, devoting one class hour to it each day and meeting four days per week.

Be worked on previous activities in the classroom, computer class and research for the house. Be worked on previous activities in the classroom, computer class and research for the house.

Learn the specific vocabulary about food. Identify the professions and roles in a restaurant: kook, waiter and client. Develop individual work habits, effort, responsibility for their work Enjoy interacting with the classmates Learn how to make a recipe Learn the specific vocabulary about material for cooking.

Linguistic communication competence Competence of learning and interacting with the physical world Information processing and digital competence. Development of autonomy and personal initiative.

Competence of learning how to learn. Artistic and cultural competence.

1) listening, speaking and conversation i) Listening and global compression oral and written texts related to the topic. ii) Active participation in oral exchanges for the collection of information 2) Reading and writing i) Reading of short texts related to the indication of locations and with the vocabulary offood, recipes, etc. to obtain information, and writing their own texts. ii) Writing short compositions, and vocabulary in the implementation of activities.

3) Language proficiency language i) Vocabulary: recipe, food, waiter, waitress, desert, fruit, salad, breakfast, chocolate, pudding, cake, cheese, chicken Grammar : going to, Some / any, How much? How many?, the finite and indefinite. Phonitics: Practice stress, rhythm and intonation in statements and questions. Learning Strategies

ii) .- Shows interest in understanding information in English. .- Displays positive attitude towards classroom activities. .- Use of linguistic strategies to cope with everyday situations of .communication .- Use strategies to organize, acquire, remember and work with vocabulary.

WARM-UP Students became interested in the subject and ask questions about the recipes they see on the board and slowly begin to investigate each of these.


Students listen to the teacher in the explanations and through the questions and answers that are formulated during the sessions. as well as classmates at the time to explain their research. also they hear different video in class about different recipes make by kids explanations will be all in English. Students will read the information they go looking at different sites on the Internet, and what the teacher give them material support. likewise, they will have to read all the information they have looked at home.



Students must write the information with the given vocabulary, and bring to class. likewise, will have to write a brief explanation of the recipes they made. also write in their notebooks all the important notes that the teacher give them.


Through questions and answers that students should do during all the proposed activities. together with the teacher will help them have a communication and they make questions previously worked in class.

The evaluation will be ongoing during the investigation period will be assessed the following: The information sought is based at the classroom. The information is from different sources. Student interest in information search In the development of activities will be evaluated: Vocabulary use the unit correctly. Conveys the information correctly and consistently. Maintains a positive attitude and active participation in class activities. Teamwork. (If all participants). Group discussions. (If everyone involved in the debate). Planning the final activity. In the final activity will be evaluated: There will be a self-evaluation by students. Students evaluate their peers through scores. If you have used all the knowledge learned in class. All evaluation criteria will be with a score of 0-10

1st Session WARM-UP

Separate students into pairs for discussion. On the board, write these discussion questions: Do you like to cook? Why/Why not? Who taught you to cook? What are your favorite foods/dishes to cook? Example, pastas, meats, Italian dishes, etc. Do you think it is important for both men and women to know how to cook? Why/Why not? Allow about 15 minutes for this discussion.

First task
Brainstorming Introduction the vocabulary around the unit. I ask students if someone have made a recipe. I explain them that we going to make a recipe in this unit, our favourite recipe! but we need to chose it and we can't repeat among themselves. I try to make a small debate about it in order to the kids speak about them and how can make it!

2nd Session

Second task
With the motif to reinforce the vocabulary, students work with a partner to find the things in the picture are. That picture has some objects that we use when we going to work in a kitchen. With this activity the kids review and learn vocabulary.

3rd Session

Third task
Im going to go to the supermarket and Im going to buy. With this activity we going to review the vocabulary about food. If possible arrange the class in a circle. I begin the activity by saying: Im going to go to the supermarket and Im going to buy some apples for my recipe. The kid to my right continues by saying, for example: Im going to go to the supermarket and

Im going to buy some apples and packet of flour. The next student adds to the list and the activity continues until all the members of the circle have had a turn.

4th Session

Fourth task
Writing : Our menu!! Kids to work in pairs to write menus. Each menu should have a selection of main courses, vegetables, desserts and driks. Each pair joins with another an d takes turns to be the customers and waiters/ waitresses. Each pair does not show its menu to the other pair; they must ask whats on the menu. Students from the customer pair might ask, for example: Have you got any orange juice? To which a student from the waiter/waitress pair might reply: I havent got any orange juice but I have got some milk. When they have found out what is available, the costumer pair discusses what theyre going to have and orders it. The pairs then change roles.

5th Session

Fifth task
Story: Stone Soup Students will read and hear this story, which will be used to introduce new content (Some and any).After reading, will be discussed at the issues that group is, what content it contains and I will guide the discussion to the new content to give them. This is a traditional story which may originally have come from Sweden, but which is told in many variations throughout the world. Students may like to

compare it with similar ones from their own culture, and discuss the message behing the story.

6th Session

sixth task
Bring in a prepared dish. I made the Magic Cookie Bar recipe (included at the end of these instructions). Hand out the recipe to students. Go over the list of ingredients and directions. Then pass out samples of the dish. Emphasize to

students that their recipes should not require hard-to-find ingredients and that the directions should be fairly simple and easy to follow. Give handout of Directions for Writing a Recipe and Making a Power Point Presentation . Go over the handout to be sure all students understand the directions. They are going to do the project in a computer class and we do it in power point. It has some points to follow for do it. Only two pages. First; title, ingredients, materials and some pictures for then. Second, recipe, pictures, How you make it? And pictures.

7th Session

seventh task
Make a presentation schedule for next week. I have found that more than four students a day is too many for this or any other type of presentation. Ask for volunteers. The more advanced students who have done presentations before are usually willing to volunteer to present on the first day or two. Finally, allow students to work on their recipes in class. They should already have a rough draft from yesterdays class. Go over the recipes with them, correcting any errors. Obviously, the final version of all recipes needs to be error free.

8th Session

Students must prepare the exhibition of My Recipe"

Will have to preparate their Power Point and bring to class their recipes made at home. Have to be attentive to the questions of classmate to the exhibition. The exhibition will last the entire week.

If you want to see all the recipes, you would click in this link.http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NCXTKXUF

Front my point of view thought this activity kids are to learn a second language while having fun. The interfacing with the language making fun gets discovery learning through communicative competence. I have done this project three times over the past couple of years, so now I have three collections of recipes. My class loves this project, and many students have tried one anothers recipes. I have also tried many of the recipes, and some I make repeatedly!

- ABER: Second Language Teaching and Acquisition (http://www.aber.ac.uk/~mflwww/seclangacq/langteach9.html) http://www2.gobiernodecanarias.org/educacion/17/WebC/Apdorta/extran.ht m Ejemplo UD http://issuu.com/juanlurh/docs/unidad_4 - CLIL Consortium: Content and Language Integrated Learnig. http://www.clilconsortium.jyu.fi/ - European Commision: methods and approaches. Multilingualism. Explanations of different

(http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/languageteaching/doc236_en.htm) - Isabel Perez Homepage: English as a Second Language: Methods, Materials... (http://www.isabelperez.com/clil.htm ) - Jonhs Welford Homepage: Brain Ware Map for Creative Learning: Explanations about Learning Theories. (http://www.jwelford.demon.co.uk/brainwaremap/suggest.html) . (http://www.monografias.com/trabajos18/the-communicative-approach/thecommunicative-approach.shtml ) - Nadabs: personal website with explanations about Community Language Learning. (http://members.fortunecity.com/nadabs/communitylearn.html)

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