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 valle nonajulca yeferson david
 Guerra Gutierrez Luis junior Alberto
 valle Zapata Jaime Enrique

ID: 001427436
Cede: Ventanilla-Callao
curso: ingles
Año: 2022
TOPIC: Andean condor in danger of

A)Project planning and organization:

Tasks for each participant:
NONAJULCA VALLE: use the sentences with the
1. Simple present tense
2. Simple past
3. Time expressions
4. Comparatives
5. Prepositions of Place
LUIS JUNIO: look for images and the theme of
the project.
JAIME VALLE: search for information topic
B)Identify the activities to place in the video:
 Describe the endangered animal.
 Say why you are in danger of extinction
 Say the information of this animal
 Place images
 Accentuate the video according to the
C) Select a photos
Create a draft text with the ideas according to
the topic:

In Peru, the Andean condor is a species

categorized as Endangered, according to
Supreme Decree No. 004-2014-MINAGRI and is
protected by the Peruvian State. At the
international level, it is protected by the
Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(Cites) and by the Convention for the
Conservation of Migratory Species, to which
Peru is a party. The main causes of the
reduction of the population of this species are
the illegal hunting and capture for the use of
specimens in traditional festivals and the
commercialization of their feathers and parts;
the intoxication and poisoning to which they
are subjected by the false belief that they hunt
livestock; as well as the decrease in habitat
quality. Its geographical distribution in Peru
covers the regions of Piura, Lambayeque,
Áncash, Lima, Ayacucho, Ica, Arequipa, Cusco,
Puno, Apurímac, Amazonas, Moquegua. [11:48
p.m., Illegal hunting and capture-
The Andean condor is captured for use in the
Yawar Fiesta, which has increased significantly
in recent years, reaching 40 specimens,
especially in the Apurimac region. Reduction of
their habitat-
Each year, a considerable percentage of the
Habitat of the Andean Condor is occupied by
the development of activities of anthropic
origin (interventions carried out by humans on
Similarly, the condor is used for the trade of its
bones and feathers. In addition, it is kept in
captivity for tourist purposes (taking
photographs or zoological collections).
Intoxication and poisoning-
These animals, on several occasions, ingest
toxic baits placed by the inhabitants to stop the
predators of their livestock. Similarly, many
ranchers place these baits on purpose due to a
misperception about the condor.

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