MAN-00829 Rev 001 Replaceable Battery Installation

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Installation Manual

Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation

Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 1 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

To install a replaceable PXCM battery.
Service Kit SVC-00037.
Standard tool kit or equivalent.
The procedure should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Follow all building safety procedures.
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 2 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

1. Insert the SFW-00644 CD into a laptop.
2. Type in a Command Prompt Window md<space>c:\UpdateBrick then press Enter.
3. Type in a Command Prompt Window copy<space>d:\*.*<space>c:\UpdateBrick then
press Enter.
4. Navigate to c:\UpdateBrick\Find .net.vbs and double-click it. This will run a test of the
laptop to see if Net 2.0 is installed. If NET 2.0 is not installed, navigate to
c:\UpdateBrick\dotnetfx.exe and double-click it. This will install NET 2.0.
5. Stop the Selenia™ application software and shutdown the system.
6. Open the right gantry door.
7. Remove cables from connectors J1 and J2 on the PXCM Mini I/O PCB, Figure 1.



Figure 1
8. Remove four Phillips screws from the Mini I/O PCB.
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 3 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

9. Allow the board to hang by the remaining cables, Figure 2.

Figure 2
10. Check the revision level of the WinSys board. The revision level MUST be either Rev F
or Rev G, if not do not proceed, Figure 3.

Check Revision Level.

Board is shown in the
same orientation as
viewed in the gantry,
upside down.

Figure 3
If the revision level of the WinSys board is not either Rev F or
Rev G, do not continue.
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 4 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

11. Locate J4 on the WinSys board, remove and discard all of the jumpers on J4 only,
Figure 4.



Figure 4
12. Carefully place the Extended Battery Connection PCB onto J4 such that the left-most
pins are visible through the viewing holes on the PCB, Figure 5. The jumper pins on the
WinSys board are 2 rows of 9 pins while the Extended Battery Connection PCB is 2 rows
by 8. This will allow the left-most pins on the WinSys board to be exposed when properly


Figure 5
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 5 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

13. Remove backing tape and place foam spacer onto the Extended Battery Connection
PCB, Figure 6.

Figure 6
14. Remove and discard the upper-left Phillips screw from the Media Converter PCB,
Figure 7.

this screw.

Figure 7
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 6 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

15. Insert the supplied hex standoff into the location previously occupied by the Phillips
screw and tighten snuggly, do not over-tighten, Figure 8.

stand off.

Figure 8
16. Place the supplied battery onto the Media Converter PCB with the battery leads toward
the board and retain with the supplied metal clip, tie wrap, and Phillips screw, Figure 9,
Figure 10. Pull tie wrap tight and cut off excess.

Wires exit

Figure 9
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 7 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

Tie wrap to
stand off

Figure 10
17. Insert the battery connector into the Extended Battery Connection PCB being careful to
align it properly, Figure 11.


Figure 11
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 8 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

18. Replace the Mini I/O PCB using the four Phillips screws previously removed. The foam
on the top of the Extended Battery Connection PCB should be compressed slightly,
Figure 12.



Figure 12
19. Re-connect J1 and J2 on the Mini I/O PCB, Figure 12.
20. Check all connections and power on the system.
21. Configure the Ethernet port of a laptop to the manual IP address of
21.1. Login as Administrator.
21.2. Open the Control Panel and double-click on Network Connections.
21.3. Right-click on the Local Area Connection and select Properties.
21.4. Click on Internet Protocol {TCP/IP} to highlight it. (Be sure not to uncheck the
check box next to Protocol {TCP/IP}! It must remain checked!)
21.5. Click on the Properties button.
21.6. Select the Radio Button for Use the following IP address:
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 9 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

21.7. Enter for the IP Address.

21.8. Enter for the Subnet Mask.
21.9. Click on the OK button.
21.10. Close all open windows.
22. Use an Ethernet crossover cable to attach the laptop to the Brick network port J14

23. Test the Ethernet connection.

Some laptops may be configured to disable their network adapter
when they are running on battery.
24. Open a windows command window (Start => Run => <type> cmd).
25. Type in the command prompt window ping <space> then press Enter.
26. This command should return:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=xxx
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=xxx
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=xxx
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=xxx
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 10 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

Do not attempt to run brickcmos.exe directly from the CD. The files
MUST be copied to the hard drive in order for the program to
execute properly.

27. Navigate to c:\UpdateBrick\brickcmos.exe and double-click it. The following screen

should appear:
Installation Manual
Title: PXCM Replaceable Battery Installation
Newark, DE 19702 Subject: Installation instructions for PXCM replaceable battery.
Number: MAN-00829 Revision: 001 Date: July 2007 Page: 11 of 11
Phone 800-760-8342 Release date: 09/19/07

28. Click on the left-most button and browse to file c:\UpdateBrick\WinSys_G00.cmos.

29. Click on the second button from the left to start the CMOS programming.
30. The dialog box “CMOS Updated Successfully” should appear.
31. Click OK.
32. Disconnect the crossover cable.
33. Close the right gantry door.
34. Reboot the system.
35. Reconfigure your laptop network connection back to your default if desired.
36. Installation is complete.

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