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2022 OCEAN BLUFF RESIDENTS PETITION TO REMOVE SEAWEEED BACKGROUND REPORT Ya MICHAEL FAY OCEAN BLUFF 2022 OCEAN BLUFF SEAWEED OCEAN BLUFF RESIDENTS PETITION FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE CONSTANT SUMMER SEAWEED BLOOMS For the last 12 years, large reddish brown seaweed blooms have hit Marshfield, especially Ocean Bluff Beach particularly hard. While other beaches in Town have had their seaweed removed or buried; Ocean Bluff residents suffer public health consequences and are barred from enjoying their beach, decks, street, or yards during the short summertime period. Blooms have been so bad that satellites in previous years have photographed blooms, water quality tests have been off the scale, flies swarm area, the beach becomes unusable due to unsafe accessibility and the stench is so unbearable; it forces residents inside and as far away as Plymouth Ave to close their windows during summer months. 2022 is no different. The attached petition and exhibits show that residents are hopeful for action to be taken and that using Coastal Zone Management guidelines, a solution can be found to protect Public Health, Ocean Bluff Beach, and the environment, OCEAN BLUFF RESIDENTS REQUEST SEAWEED REMOVAL FROM OCEAN BLUFF BEACH Ocean Bluff residents respectfully request the Town of Marshfield to begin the process of seaweed removal from Ocean Bluff Beach using recommended MA Coastal Zone Management guidelines of “Lease Adverse Method Possible”. (MA CZM Guidelines for Seaweed Management) The seaweed blooms at Ocean Bluff Beach have had a serious negative impact on residents, their quality of life, open space enjoyment, mental and public health, restricting property usage, and causing public safety issues. Those reasons are detailed below. > Open Space Enjoyment © Residents of Ocean Bluff are blessed with a beautiful beach; however the blooms cover virtually all of the beach, limiting enjoyment of swimming, fishing, lounging (sun-bathing) or casual walks. It forces residents to leave a quiet, relaxing atmosphere and drive (causing a carbon footprint) to another beach hopefully finding parking, walk in 90-degree heat to an alternate beach or simply stay indoors. That is not fair to Ocean Bluff residents, their children or families who wish to enjoy the beach and all while paying taxes for the upkeep and maintenance of other Town beaches. Yes, the parking fees cover some of the maintenance, but taxes are initially budgeted to beaches using Town resources, © TERRIBLE STENCH of the decaying seaweed causes residents who have no desire to go to beach or physically unable to from enjoying the fresh air at their homes due to the terrible stench emitted from the seaweed. A refreshing sea breeze after being indoors with air conditioning can no longer be enjoyed (even on Plymouth Ave) as windows must be shut. Michael Fay Ocean Bluff 169 Plymouth Ave > Mental Health © The mental health benefits of the beach/ocean cannot be denied. Anyone who has spent half a millisecond near one can tell you that. Since Covid lockdowns, residents Mental Health has been recognized and highlighted as a primary concern of government agencies. Ocean Bluff Beach & Ocean Bluff provides a lot of mental health benefits for the residents. The seaweed bloom is causing a limitation or complete lack of access to residents, especially those who rely on and need the beach for their mental health. From sitting at Massasoit Ave ramp, looking for sea glass, or dipping their toes in water, whatever their activity to relieve stress/anxiety, it has been severely impacted by these seaweed blooms. > Public Health © Swarms of Flies/Fleas ~The seaweed has been staying for weeks on end each Summer. (Ocean Bluff residents have been monitoring seaweed arrival & length of stay for the past couple of years, we could charge seaweed rent it stays so Jong.) The long duration, hot sun, high temps, constant tides, and rain all contribute to rapid decay of the seaweed. As such, flies and fleas love the seaweed and Ocean Bluff is swarming with flies, fleas and a heavy amount of bacteria. Just a short walk to LOOK at the beach from Massasoit Ave ramp results in bites from flies (not Greenheads) and chases away most people and pets. Flies/fleas spread disease. Many diseases/illnesses/outbreaks in history have been traces to flies and fleas as the cause. Too many to list here. © Unsafe Water Quality — For the last 3 years, an Ocean Bluff resident has tested the water quality of Ocean Bluff Beach. (Tests are attached for viewing). 2 of the tests had seaweed present, the 2021 test was taken with a decent amount of seaweed present after a VERY long duration. The result of the E. coli bacteria test was 5,800/100mL, about 56 times HIGHER than the State safety limit for oceans. The 2020 test result was taken with a small amount of seaweed after a short duration (1 day) and that E. coli test was 81/100mL. Approaching the limit quick. Clearly amount of seaweed and duration is connected to higher E. coli bacteria levels in water quality testing. E. coli can cause a wide range of health issues, especially gastrointestinal illnesses. © Gastrointestinal Issues — At least 2 residents are fighting intestinal issues, and with sea breezes, E. coli can spread airborne, traveling 1/10" of a mile downwind, possibly further. For the sake of every residents public health, removing the seaweed is just as important to protect from E. coli whether or not residents enter the water or not. Bacteria spread airborne can cause more harm, as we all learned in 2020 with Covid (and other flu seasons). © Swimmers/Surfers ~ People swim and surf at Ocean Bluff Beach, children, dogs, elderly, adults. As shown in the water quality testing reports, the high E. coli levels indicate the seaweed must be removed in order to keep swimming/surfing/recreational activities safe for public enjoyment. © Air/Breathing Quality - Hydrogen Sulfide Released ~ The State of Washington Department of Public Health has guidelines on removing seaweed due to the harmful effects of Hydrogen Sulfide being released from decaying seaweed. The Michael Fay Ocean Bluff 169 Plymouth Ave stench of rotten eggs is the concentration of hydrogen sulfide releasing, and it can cause breathing/lung issues in special populations. Since Covid, many people experience long lasting symptoms related to Covid, particularly lung issues. Some Ocean Bluff residents are battling lung diseases, for their health and public health, seaweed removal & management action must be taken. ‘© Contaminated Fish ~ Seaweed not only affects human health through airborne E. coli or swimming/surfing but with contaminated fish. Boating and shoreline recreational fishing is very popular at Ocean Bluff Beach, even lobster traps are just offshore. With the 2021 water quality report, serious concerns for contaminated fish/lobsters need to be considered and seaweed must be removed for safe consumption of fish/lobsters (recreational/commercial). © Pet Health — Many residents bring their pets to Ocean Bluff Beach for walks, some swim to cool off in the heat. The seaweed, whether E. coli, flies, hydrogen sulfide gas or allergic reactions; dogs are affected by the seaweed. Many of us, love dogs (they're the best), so we should be doing as much as we can to protect Man’s Best Friend because it is our responsibilty. © Skin irritations ~ Due to the nature of Ocean Bluff, the churning and movement of tides causes seaweed dust/particles to blanket the surrounding beach and go airborne. Like asbestos or home insulation, this causes problems once it becomes a dust/fine particle. When skin contact is made from touching, seaweed or being bitten by flies/leas, allergic skin irritations occur. Many times residents have had to take antihistamines to stop itching reactions after being near the beach or seaweed despite not swimming. > Public Safety © Safe Accessibility — The seaweed encompasses the majority of the beach when a bloom washes ashore. Many times it congregates near the Massasoit Ave ramp, one of the public access points (many times the only access point). This Particular area is dangerous because of the boulders at bottom of ramp and Revetment while farther down is sandy. It is this accessibility point that should concer officials, particularly with new residents or Summer Rental/Airbnb Tourists in Ocean Bluff. There are no signs saying, “watch for slippery surfaces, etc.” and it presents a danger to anyone trying to access the public beach or simply walk to edge of ramp to take a photo. ‘© Safety/Rescue Personnel — Not only is safe public access important at Ocean Bluff Beach (and Massasoit Ave ramp), Marshfield Public Safety personnel deserve safe accessibility as well. Whether Fire Rescue are launching their boat from the Massasoit Ave Fire Station or conducting a rescue/recovery operation in area (surfer/boater/swimmer) the seaweed bloom is an unnecessary operational safety hazard. Seaweed could clog the engine, or personnel could be delayed responding to an emergency. In an emergency, seconds count and those seconds are life and death. Being proactive removing excessive seaweed for safety reasons keeps everyone safe. Michael Fay Ocean Bluff 169 Plymouth Ave For the reasons stated above, as well as others, Ocean Bluff Residents are requesting seaweed removal from Ocean Bluff Beach. Using the guidelines below, a solution can be found to minimize adverse environmental impacts while protecting public safety, accessibility, and public health for the residents of Ocean Bluff. Why Seaweed CAN and SHOULD be removed ‘MA Coastal Zone Management MA C2M, the State’s leading coastal guidance authority, published a seaweed management document in the last few years. In this 7-page document, CZM states that during warm weather months; flies, larvae, excessive smells and accessibility are all reasons that seaweed removal can be deemed necessary. CZM recommends tailoring the strategy and planning to ‘each beach because “one size does not fit all” and removing seaweed on an “as needed” basis. The Full Document is attached below and is a MUST read. Wetlands Protection Act adopted by the Town of Marshfield, states that acti wetlands/coastal area is allowable for the following exemptions: Open Space (a beach is open space), observation platforms, boardwalks (Massasoit Ave ramp), Emergencies to protect Public Health & Safety. Snip-its of the WPA used by the Town of Marshfield are below: (2) The fllowing activites sabe exempt rm te setback zone of ny ae st forth in § 55-34 (@) Pablic open space nate trails, cbservaion platforms, boardwalk, or footbridge. . Am emergency cetificate shall be issued only forthe protection of public health or safety Michael Fay Ocean Bluff 169 Plymouth Ave 1B. The applicant must request a variance in writing, filed with the notice of intent. The request shall set forth the reasons particular to the applicant's project which meet the requirements for a variance as set forth in Subsection C. C. A variance may be granted only forthe following reasons and upon the following conditions: ‘and the failure ofthe applicant to furnish any information which has ‘been so requested shall result in the denial ofa request for a variance pursuant to this subsection; or (2) The Conservation Commission may grant a variance from these regulations when itis nocessary to avoid so restricting the use ofthe property as to constitute an unconstitutional taking without ‘compensation. It shal be the responsiblity of the applicant to provide the Conservation Commission ‘with any and al information necessary to determine if the enforcement ofthese regulations constitutes such an woconstituional taking without compensation. No variance shall be granted. ‘unless and until the Conservation Commission has received from Town Counsel a written opinion that such enforcement of these regulations shall constitute an unconstitutional taking without ‘compensation. MA SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT RULING The below snip-it of an 1832 MA Supreme Judicial Court ruling specifically states that the “rest of Marshfield Beach” was a common, open for use by all members of the public. By leaving the seaweed bloom on the beach, blocking open use and accessibility for Ocean Bluff residents, it is in violation of each individual's Constitutional rights. Ocean Bluff (02065) and Brant Rock (02020) contain five public beaches: Sunrise Beach, Ocean Bluff Beach, Brant Rock Beach, Blackman’s Point, and Bluefish Cove. All of these beaches, as well as the rest of the Marshfield seashore trom Green Harbor village to Rexhame village, were once known by the name of "Marshfield Beach". in 1832, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled in the case of Briggs Thomas v. Inhabitants of Marshfield, 13 Pickering 240, that Rexhame Beach as well as all of the rest of "Marshfield Beach" was a “common,” open for use by all members of the public. Michael Fay Ocean Bluff 169 Plymouth Ave 2021 Water Quality Results 5,800/100mL E. coli bacteria level at Ocean Bluff should autom to remove seaweed, see the results below. ally qualify as an emergency ‘Semple Description(): 1-250 ml. Water Sample - See below for location description De Samplet: 982001 Sampler MF Bate Recened: Sana} outer MeFay. Dae Arsiees: Swat falar G°Cona ‘Sample Number c itor Nabe Calf 100 mL. 100 ma. iscaion EpASiehad lM EBA Mesh (at (ean Bl Beach 217 pm STNTCHODML, 2500100 Sie Otseratin by My Ba *TNTC denotes Too Numerous To Count (No coliform limit set fr ponds or ocean ) **Beach water (ponds/ocean) E.coli mit: 230/100 mL “To the bes of my knowled stivement. the information contained inthis report ina true and accurate Taha, Hydrogen Sulfide The State of Washington Department of Public Health is so concerned about seaweed releasing harmful Hydrogen Sulfide, it published a document (attached below) as a reason seaweed should be removed for public health. The entire document is eye opening and states that hydrogen sulfide is serious and very harmful to humans and pets. Below are some snip-its: Wealth ‘%. Conmuniy.end Enirooment, > Contaminants > Hycrosen Sule Hydrogen Sulfide What is hydrogen sulfide? Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable gas that smells tke rotten eggs at low concentration levels in the air. tis commonly known aa sewer gas, stink damp, and ‘manure gas. At high concentration levels, i has a sickening sweet odor. At extremely high levels, @ person can lose their ability to smell the gas and become unaware of its presence. This condition, known as olfactory fatigue, can also occur when people have been exposed to hydrogen sulfide for & longer period of ime. Hydrogen sulfide is heavier ‘than air, so itcan build up in low-ying areas and enclosed spaces. Ocean Bluff 169 Plymouth Ave Inthe environment hydrogen suid is produced from the bacterial breakdown of ‘decompestton of dead plant and animal mater, especialy when there is lack of exygen, occurs in unrefined natural gas and petroleum, volcanic gases, suf deposits, hot ‘springs, and swamps. Beaches wit large amounts of decaying seaweed and musts ‘with trapped organic material below the sediment can produce hyrogen sulfide ‘Hyorogen sulfide also occurs naturally n the human body and is produced by human and animal wastes. How can | be exposed to hydrogen sulfide? + Breathing contaminated air that contains hydrogen sulfide + People living near a wastewater reatmant plant, gas and ol ding operation, farm with manure storage or livestock confinement facies, oF alana may be exposed to higher levels of hydrogen sulfide, * Mutts, wih oxygen starved organic meter inthe sediment, can produce sama leet ty:!oge sutce, Snes Wien ameintsot ‘roblems on beactes ——— How can hydrogen sulfide affect my health? Hvdrooen suse is bth an iar and @ chemical asphyxant tw ake he pace ot very ow concentrations while others may nt smal Some pecple hare pa series than cero the pata ef, ow conan may se te je, nse, oat. dd espe syst Asthmatic may experience doy in rosin Moderate concentaions can caune more severe ey and respon intaton Peon Contaminants. > Hydrogen Sulide Hydrogen Sulfide What is hydrogen sulfide? Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable gas that smells like rotten eggs at low concentration levels in the air. Itis commonly known as sewer gas, stink damp, and manure gas. At high concentration levels, it has a sickening sweet odor. At extremely high levels, a person can lose their ability to smell the gas and become unaware of its presence. This condition, known as olfactory fatigue, can also occur when people have been exposed to hydrogen sulfide for a longer period of time. Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air, so it can build up in low-lying areas and enclosed spaces. In the environment, hydrogen sulfide is produced from the bacterial breakdown or decomposition of dead plant and animal matter, especially when there is a lack of oxygen. tt occurs in unrefined natural gas and petroleum, volcanic gases, sulfur deposits, hot ‘springs, and swamps. Beaches with large amounts of decaying seaweed and mudflats with trapped organic material below the sediment can produce hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide also occurs naturally in the human body and is produced by human and animal wastes. Hydrogen sulfide is used in preparation of other sulfur chemical compounds and can be a byproduct of industrial activities such as pulp and paper mills, manufacturing rayon, food processing, tanneries and fur processing, and oil and natural gas refineries. Hydrogen ‘sulfide's chemical formula is HoS. How can I be exposed to hydrogen sulfide? * Breathing contaminated air that contains hydrogen sulfide. + People living near a wastewater treatment plant, gas and oil drilling operation, farm with manure storage or livestock confinement facilities, or a landfill may be exposed to higher levels of hydrogen sulfide. * Workers involved in petroleum and natural gas driling and refining, wastewater treatment, rayon textiles, tanneries, landfils, and farms with manure Storage pits my ‘be exposed to higher levels of hydrogen sulfide * Mudflats, with oxygen-starved organic material in the ‘sediment, can produce Senerally low levels of hydrogen sulfide. Shorelines with significant amounts of Geeaying organic material, such as seaweed, have caused hydrogen sulfide problems on beaches. * Hydrogen sutfide is slighty soluble it can dissolve) in water and can be found in geothermal springs and some swamps. Although rare in Washington, Municipal drinking water or well water can contain hydrogen sulfide, * A small amount of hydrogen sulfide is produced by bacteria in your mouth and gastrointestinal tract. Some foods contain high sulfur levels, particularly Plants in the onion family, especially garlic, How can hydrogen sulfide affect my health? Hydrogen sulfide is both aninitant and a chemical asphyxiant (i will take the place of oxygen so there is not enough for someone to breathe). Some people are able to detect it at very low concentrations while others may not smell it. Some people have greater Sensitivities than others to the potential effects. Low concentrations may irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory system. Asthmatios may experience difficulty in breathing, Moderate concentrations can cause more severe eye and respiratory initation, headache, lzziness, nausea, and vomiting. Brief exposures to high concentrations of hydrogen Sulfide can cause loss of consciousness, coma, and possible death 'n most cases, @ person who is exposed to hydrogen sulfide will make a full recovery within hours to a few weeks - it depends upon the individual and the level of exposure. In some individuals, there have been permanent or long-term effects such as headaches, Poor attention span, poor memory, and poor coordination. Long-term, low level exposure to hydrogen sulfide may result in fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches, iritabilty, poor memory, and dizziness, More Information . Qf je ToxFAQs. ATSDR + Hydrogen Sulfide, OSHA Fact Sheet (PDF) bs: oe FW: Red Seaweed At Marshfield Beach — 10 messages: Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 5:18 PM Grafton, Bill “nicheelwiay CE , "Falabella, Peter bert Conlon eieCaimae” Resi, “Calvin, Rober” Michael Bradley Town Moderator

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