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Dear sir/madam,

As part of the project “Reconnecting universities and enterprises to unleash regional innovation and
entrepreneurial activity / Knowhub” which is part of the EU Erasmus + programme KA2 – Cooperation
for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education,
our university is conducting a self-assessment exercise.

Further explanation on the self-assessment process could be found in this video: and on the link.

We would like to ask you kindly, to take part in this exercise by filling in the HEInnovate questionnaire.
The questionnaire should be only accessed by clicking on the following link:

You are required to register on the platform as it is highly important to provide information about
your role in the institution. If you have an account already, just click on “log in”.

Please take care in the field Role, your specific role on this university should be selected. If you are a
student, please select one of the “Undergraduate students”, “Master students”, “PhD students”
options. If you are external stakeholder (SME, large corporation, business, start-up or spin-off
company), please select the option “External stakeholder”.
You will receive information that you have joined the appropriate group. Check your self-assessment
details once again, scroll down to the end of this page and click the orange “Start a new self-
assessment” button.

After clicking the “Start a new self-assessment” button, you will be redirected to the following page:
where you should answer the questions for all 8 dimensions, by entering each of the dimensions by
clicking the respectful part of the wheel.

For example, after clicking the part for the “Leadership and governance” dimension, you are provided
the questions for this dimension:
Please ensure that you have answered all the questions on this page before clicking the button “Save
and go to the next area”.

Please also note that you are required to fill-in the questions for all 8 dimensions, and after
completing all of them, you should submit your answers by clicking the “ Submit this self-assessment”

The aggregated results of the University self-assessment exercise and the reports that will be
produced, will be available to all participants and will be provided in electronic form upon request.

We are very grateful for your cooperation on this survey and your time spent for providing your
contribution to the mutual efforts for making our university more entrepreneurial, innovative and
open to serves to the needs of the community.

Sincerely yours,

Knowhub project consortium

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