Professional Goal # 3

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Professional Growth Plan

Student Teacher Darian Yurkoski

Teacher Associate Rhonda Brosz/Nikki Arnott

University Consultant David Slomp

Goal # 3 Classroom Management

Classroom management. Finding a classroom management technique that works for me and being confident
about how I approach teaching in the classroom. I will look to my TA for what they do and what seems to work
for them, but also ways that might work for my own interests and strengths.

Related TQS(s)

TQS # 4:
Establishes Inclusive Learning Environments
A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced
and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.
(4b) uses appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address students’ strengths, learning
challenges and areas for growth;
(4c) communicates a philosophy of education affirming that every student can learn and be successful;
(4d) is aware of and facilitates responses to the emotional and mental health needs of students; (4e) recognizes
and responds to specific learning needs of individual or small groups of students and, when needed, collaborates
with service providers and other specialists to design and provide targeted and specialized supports to enable
achievement of the learning outcomes; (4f) employs classroom management strategies that promote positive,
engaging learning environments;

Indicators of Success

● Able to confidently teach lesson and adopt my own classroom management techniques.
● Compile a list of classroom management strategies.

Action Resources Timeline

Observing both of my TA’s and Reflections and observations November 15-December 16
their own personal classroom
management skills

At the beginning of each lesson I November 15-December 16

teach, state the behavior that I am
asking for from students and ensure
that the behavior I ask for
throughout the lesson is maintained

Trying out my own attention November 15-December 16

grabbers to see what works. Trial
and error. It is okay to fail, just
keep trying to see what works for
you :)
- Music (singing)
- Trying out new transitions

Transitions Songs with movement (Da Moose

Da moose)

Body Breaks GoNoodle, number countdown

with shakes
Yoga time
Reflections from Goal Number 3:

Effective Management Sayings

● “Hands on top, that means stop” (wait for children to mirror this behavior)
● “Hands on your head and find me with your eyes” (wait for children to mirror this behavior)
● “Give me five kindergarten” (wait for the behavior)
● “Clean up song” – “clean up clean up everybody everywhere, clean up, clean up everybody do your
● Using voice modulation to get students to quiet down and do what you are asking
○ Whisper when you want student to quiet down
○ Using a microphone to get students engaged
● Using sign language for commands such as: “yes, no, wait, stop, clean up, eat”

(Clean up)

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