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3 Guvent, elebadiy The time rele of flow of charge. thro a g-secm of @ Condy JA called eleetde Current: Wire Tk the rate fous of Change VANE with me 5 thn current at a ime (instantaneous Current) ps ge Pa mse at : ot whae dd is a Small change parsing Hough an cross Section of the Corcluctor in smo pes oat. n SI Unit of the Curent is Ampere (A)- L Ampere - The Current through A@ wire Saito} to be 1 ampere, 2f One Coulomb” of Chasse is flowing. per seconal thro any Cross S$ chon) of wires 1 Ampere (A) = 1 Coutlomb(c) 4 ¢fs d secomel CS) ‘pe: Comaent Us a scalar quantity. g Tho the electric Cuber represents the clhectin |} foro of positive charge, yet * treated as scobr, . becawe current follows’, the, law of Stalar addition a. Not the “Law off vector addition- i D _ dw, Ay pes ob ewan w ) Comentional Currant dG The. eliector of flows of” péalte a gives the divectlon of cwrant hange cusexant + TY db calles! convertion) Gi) Electronic _Cubtent_— The oivecton of How of ecto alves he, rection of elethonic cwowit me oltveat! g elechn S incest Sab opposite do the emnven tions She a direction of electric current “YY (Potential Difference) Different types of Current .. pulsating ‘direct ‘Variable Curvent Cavviers - G1) Curvent Carriers in Solids - Conductors — Free electons Semiconductor — Free electrons 4 Hola Trtuledors — No charge Carriers ee (ii) Current Carriers m Bee duchn wid a Called electrolyte te cue 9 nel Oath the. lech fe seuion provides Be ions Cpe cut?» Nat) om miged ve pea i ar): elechie fee (te. Re ntiol clijerence ) BB pple an lite tons moves in one clirectim ema negative tons in the. opposite direction s causing electric Ow x Tus , the cueart Cahiers in Liquids are. positive. and negative iow, (it) Current Carriers in gates - Orelinosdly 5 Hr ey OAR ou ob dlechicrty But they con vie Roe by t; high potential ot ni at ov braille iy io exposust tO X ett. The lem ges betelea positive toms elechuns: k Thus, Positive’ tons od electrons arg the Current Cossiers in gauens Drift maa . _. Tt de elfined on F 2 age velocity uth . ci fa se oe a ee dal re gona c oi en influence. off Soy” > shectrons le € J ton fo ei ao Free (es shart ke Thom ue the Mass ef} election, than Acer pe produced ws given by. ao Se od elaxotion dena > whith ¢ T da the. * Ud ave, a Bhs an elechon spends behaeen tu cess, | then at Mee ow VA = at | wn [ee GE | ation time (TC) Jd Of the orcler seed menn_fpree PtH of ehehon, Ralaxatin Time = aa iff spend oh Relea Mobility (a) ‘e alt lerS , yeaspons Mobility Sb iced Se, the Cosel anae 4 sof vaecty of chenge per uit woschst tice appli we ait Velocity ~ Electric Field Tt ov Me 4ET/m zs Sz | = | Mobility of electrons Me = &e Mobility ob holes * SZ Unit of mobility is aes sa The mobih} 7 Fen bole: Pe Fete Dyeehame BOER ce non to a tonduety cohile” holes . move ke Tk a] Sle tee Ta) Explain how electron mobili _ Changes a Be ge Concluctor cohen ey at tome S ; Ke Conductor is clecreased at Constant potertiot lt: i. amd (b) applied potential Liverance Js ““olowbled ad- constant temperodurs. (@) Me increases vsith the decrease of) Aemperetuve, Bib) Ue cloes not Change. with the tncrease of potential liffersnee. : F so\ B\ A potential hifleronce of 12V i applies amss a Comoluchy of length 2m. Ih the | olnyt velodiy of, cleehom ae BX rH mls hun Calculate He elechom mobi lihy- We Know Es V/A So E = 1.4 = bo Wm, ond Ma = 3x sx156 mys eo S55 5Et¢Aea mene ee ved Rel ation petwor aAlvift veloc ond Current caller = 9 Gonductng, Whe .o L 4, L ara Cn ra Fonwa A t Thien deelvic cyoss section Let these me 7 elechons per unit. volume with the awit velocity Va- nterval t each electron advances by moving His portion us Avat. tn time i a dstanct vat and volume ok Number oh) pre elechon in this portion ae nAvat all these elechons crosse> jhe ania Ain time t, Hone in time t is Qe neAVat The dvift velbctly of elechons tn @ Concluoy Lb ims yer a bulb qos Instantly, hen switched, on, why ? Answer- When we close. the Clrevrt, the electric +ield ds setup in the entice Closed civcuit tnetendly vith the ae ok stectromagneHe waved which see yery portion of the cirewit Dus do ah, se ib detup in the enfixe cireutt el Cumnt so seh ‘does not wart pr the electrons te flow frum one endl of the conductor tT :_ i —_ ones A me ne plesing. PHI 8 oer tion aot the gael PES ok Me ee tee seyoss cra x (Ter 2 ae ob “he corelsé . aes yomarns une a LT mothenntionly vie * Value reateton eas ok the conductor: b yealstance 4b ohm (o). # ST unit o Resistance (R) Resistance The resistance of conductor ws the 9 Hon offered BH A? a copter b the pow of ede ctrt ee Cwweent wt _ A volt « Jv 1 ohm Lamps TA pe L chen 4s the. electrical resistance of A Conctuciy through Which a. Cuvent of L ampere flows cohen 4 pot aes Airis. a L Volt is applied across the * Dimension of resistenee us Coc A*J —_— ‘ Resistor 1 Facibys 0” wich Resvstomce cepends on (1) Length of Conductor - Resistance of A Concluctsy Od Ws pupetional Jo the Hength oh. Sanelucter - reed ‘ Rok axvss- section (2) Area of Cross~ Seetion of Conductor . Resistance Qa Cosel ra Prporttonal to the ona of cea. chon 9c Ro Ys, (3) Noture of material & Temperature - From above, Raz A or R= fh 2 cl Whe P Jak 114 sean oH Le, OWN OA Specitie reaver é | _Taititty ob dhe mmadeaiet i the cord g oo . Electrical Resistivity (P)~ Ty l= dim, Azim b R=P., of the materiel of a concluctor Ga eletince! aa thal yerlstance, of A Unit Aes dansthy usirth nit Crea of, cross Section of the moderial Vo} the. Conductor. Hen Thus, the, reslotivity ¥* ST Unit oF electrical vesiohvity is chm - meter (2am) factors offecting Electrical Resistivity - By ohms Law, v=ztIR va = Set So neAVa R nen (SS=)a Vz Rne*alV “s zy e az, v Bry ) ov = MO xh 2 E neu * A ~ £5 So P =m Ss net Thus restive of Conductor clpends upon (i) ? «4m. Since the. Volus of n clipencs the. on the Nostuke of mectertal’, mene the realatiity of the Conductor elepends wpar the nature of material. Gi) ea Ye. wy ; : male » With the meveose In temperoduve Codluctoy, t cleeveoses Iona ahs P Serenata? oe] * PK 4m. So thot Th nt then PY * Path , So tot Tp Th then Th SoPt : f of festivity [Restore th Tempe ation fel en aria, seen ae ashe Ra pte on fe nore conductor’ ib alrectly propa The “ mpd and niall vedere to Hat har sit gy AR and Ra~Ry « (-t) Ra Ry XR (t-ty) — Rar Bi = AR Chart) eK ‘ assed of, He reidtan® Cov erotuhe. Hence temp’ be gen Ore Rye R [t+ (art) a Ra~ Ry - © Ry x(t) Thus ttrperadune. Coalhicnent ay Taistane XB curv od the mereowe. in rabidtance per. unit’ orginal veniblonee per akaree celsius or Kelvin vise of, Hemperahure. We knoe that = DY Foy small timperadure variation, vealativ o | the most of He metal vanes Accoreling he the een reloduon « & P(e & (tats) J | Note. of i) For metals & ds poartive. thanade Metal Increases usith wee. ln Aermper dive, 2° the neg Cil) For ineuledoy ib and semiconductors a ri: Yesistance clecreaset wlth wise in emrponat Ci solution — ) Resistivity of an electrolyte SelWZr— er op eucrrayie suon By increaain eratunt epee IN its resistan ae. re enane. wsth ae which the temperocure the viscosity decreases, MMe 20 se fers im LE Gan mows more. freely ie ite Tesstivi ty of elecholyfe soluhon aleoren sed. \ *K The tempercdure coefficient of vesiativi ty is negeane ‘fer ae Solution Exfect ofs temperature tn Reststance Resistance andl Rustivity Resistivi ae 4) For Mehta OF eri 0 OH) For Teguded and Semiconductor ve. orisha | Curvent Density (7) cudnt olemsity CF) ct & point ing the amtlunt of curmant plousing oleh fer gait ab clefincal an area of the. Conoluctor akounel thet potrd Povey ahaa us held In a direction normal do the Coeeang =z J A J =H = neva = = Oo” Tz heave the unit of Cworent clensrty 5S ampere) mest Cine] hyp Note- T+ the aua vector of the cmduetor 7 along the Currrict then to Calculate ¢ meee we Show) take the Component ok ofea vectey- aie the current d A a Ts Fou or te TR Acosé Conductivity (o«)~ The irverse of reslodvitg (P) eh @ Conductor is Called ds electricel conductivity: i Conductivity i The. unit of electical Conduct vity wey mho/meder « Conductance CG) - ; TTT TRB E ob reves (0 coed Conductanea. of Conductor Conductance 2 mho Ce) conductance “> nae TT The. unit o t pee ae Relation between J, o omol & pain caer ena we Know thot Toe neAw T =nea (26) > AEATE or i nNe* TE A” ™ oy rete P Superconductivity - ea In out metals anol alleys wohen the material 28 Cooled to a critical tem ~ 196% eb sss me fhe resistance of the motored f do Zero+ Tua stode of Zed vesidtane Ja when the material become supartond ching. po <1 OT Usee Superconducting materials ars, eal when aa shelg Clechranl gnats oe equa ,in Meat scanners av to ‘seduce Losses in power Cables. Super Conductivity 4d ubesl to produce very high Speeol ” Computers. Super Conductors ane useol fot the tranamission of electric. power: Near Nawalgath Bus Stand, Siker Contact No- 9008024131, 9305068859 (2) Limitation of Ohm's Law / Non- ohmic Devices_ Aw Those ol non= ane called ~ Vacuum Examples avie r which elo not obey ohmis ne obese clevicas« “3 tubea, Semiconductor olivols, hanslshy mig cholyte ce efor junction Mook is also utedl 4 K The semi¢enalu' olivect Curvert onal ane eres 7 yariaus Aogic functions. alten paye e = Cunent relat for a chloe was TRe volt shown ™ ne given figure Pig- Diode V-1 Choractestics *® The ae pollewsrng graph shows the Cheracterises 4a PONTE Kmowon as. a Jahr, which Consist of four okteranocdin Here the Cuero qt Cubsent- Corriedd the voltoge olecveases, “type ome N-type Semitoriductas. by the duvice “imeveases ad v Vol. tage ye tf ee Fi eS ae ceeuay ft ve Aincamental breakcetown ob ons aed Law nee Certain alloys for example O° aoAs | mperscheney Cock § Hw. a | unifirny Tt As observed hee dhe resigtan c= ob 4, move. $4 tulve, macle 3} of ak length, i diwice ane? pebetnced mn Hae ive. oF, thE wave ie can be und pereeree) jn texms ob Eye Yeoce eae of electrms, which deads ha aaielel yscts s. “Thais increased 3 eb electrons Ptoweel ike wate | Coler Code for Carbon Resistors — Aibberond 4 Commeret resistors of " values Arc available ih +he marke but fn ete, PS emg civeuits Corton resistors art more prequently, he Ty | Corben vealstors valus of resiatance is tng; by fous Color bands marked ort vds sunpace oy ied Mm Pye: abe d q Gili Fig: Carbon Resistor with color strips Tre fivet three bands oy b ome c ; value Pop the wesisiomes cmd Fourth aeprine te tolerance of the vyesistorree - Gve the Color | Figure(Arst and second band) | Multiplier(for third band) | tolerance Black Qo 7 a Brown 7 70 = Red 2 402 aa Orange 2 70? = Yellow 4 tar = Green Ss. 108 = Blue Ce 10% z Violet 7 107 ~ Gray é 108 | - white 9 70? i Gold pe To! 5% Silver 707 Wom we . - 20% Color Whe Soloy secord band respectively gives ian pirat oa the ae significant figure, ‘os rep bites an. third band ¢ ves Powey batt: a atta Wohich aro signi fi 2 2 the value of Uae eis Foca. G) Ina given vesister the fivat atip be rect, ‘Second ship be brown ond Hired ship be al house be gold then calewnte De pohtede Sel 21 x10 + sh, The. yesistonca chee gyen Corton resistor ua 2uxioom 25 Z%- 6 ta Gthe sequence of Colors on the Stips provicled on veristor? sol. R= auxpia t sz oy R = 24x Lasy, The Colovs attachecl do He numbers 2.4 ond © Ae yes)» yellow ancl grean. The Color pr SZ us ge. ve, the. Colows of ships in sequore ter the given Carbon yealstoy oro real, yebloro, green oma geld. & The Sequince. Of Colorect bands In ‘tesa Combe Son vesidtox Ry ond Ra 4s (> Brown , Free > Luc 5 Silver (2) Oronge > black 5 qrean Finel the: redo of thay resistmes. Sole Accoveling to Color Coles , resistance of tuo Fesistors one — @) R, = 15 worm £107 ib) Re = 30 x1 +204 < ~- Rake of Hei stony Ry 2. HTK. b no Wey > Ra Boxlo> ies Riss Ra —_—_—— } Wited Of The seme Ts metallic - Moter lat ee en Connechoned anan INE Fo ye vatio Lie ney ea ©) in sey and @) eae oro in bent veloci Hex oh electrons 1 the Codes. fwo conductors 78 of deny lL. sh een yt dently of electron wis gree by Va = SEF i Sey G é= ¥) (a5) At given famporednn 5 | va xf fom potentias Afjame- (a) Im series combination efpectve length Ly= ar (b) In pasadlel Combmahion efjective. length la = 4, Va ete = Vis 2 So Va, + Vag = 1 2 QL A Voliage of 20 Via apbticel across A Conboy Se pasate with pirat, second emd +thirel vings of oe blue, black and yellow colors veapectvely”. tghat Yd the Value. ok Current in mA, theough “resistor Sel Resistance of Conbon realspoy R= Goxlotn +20 7 Cureent throwgh He vealstoyr = = ¥ I = 39 |. Caer <4 Coxiee ATR” Fy ow Th es 3 = QosxIe "A = gos mA, Ws original length «Ta ts Haun nent i Ports © These. 8 oben, Then curre! clrage el “gee a BY battery. Fine hocthery « Sek tee ois = end Lumgth ob Mal Citas - sectional are. ern ching. 1S, weatlnoce aie A amd b omd after abrel Sy become Al amd U vepecH vely « Thifial vetlatmee oR = Plj, = 4s shre. Yeraiys, Tm cere of Stretching | volume of the Same 130 AL = alu : 1 Se thet AeA [te 2e J Z T+ Reststenc, often, stretching. ' ; e' = pt 2. pf2aty 2 rb fe = P(E) = +(Eb) Rios 4e = 4x15 Nod resiptonce op! = 60 02 so Ayer clividing. into parts, resistance off each part 4s Bo th. Etfective, resistin otter Connecting. them. irda paral) Combination sy Reeetre = BO = 16 z Applied Potential cliftes v Current clann tm I> 3. 224 = 38Vv Hae battery Is a a Combination oy Resistors SE « (A) Resistors in Series - ee . Reslatys ar. Said so “ Connect e me series combination , if same cumant flows Through ef reisbhY When game. Ses obi fhersrnee. “4 abptied oat the Combmaton. | Tk Vio Va amd Vs 48 the sporerste clilperane acrnes each residtory Ry, Ro and 3 eabechy cue do the betlery of potential clibferance Vv then Accovoling to Ohm's Law. YrIR, 5 Vo 2 TRa 5 ond Vs: IRs Since IN Series Combinahm current remains same but potential ub olivided so. oO IR, = IR) + LTRs + IRs Ih Rs Je the. equivalent vesistante of the sented Combination of Ris Ra omd Ra then- vi = TRs oi Ths equivolint resistence of A number of resistors Comected 9 Seales La eaual to the sum sh indiviclual resistanas (B) Resistors in Parallel ~ Resistors are Soaid ge be Commected jn povrolld Combimesion it potential cfpernce across each resistane Js same: Ry Bay v het bette ° entiod dilterrernc V as Conneched Peace paralld oo hen ra YesseS R,, Ri ord Rs. Total Cuwemt mothe civeuit Ta - Ter eis + I, by applying ohmis Law, we get— . Vee TREKS TRe = Tpke: or Me = Maeva Rp R, Ro Re L = it A 4b Re R Ra Rs ohere Rp dd the equivalent resistance of parottel Combrnahon - Hence for resistors connected in parallel Combinatim, reciprocal of equivalent resistance vo equal ao the Sum of reciprocal of indivicluo) realatanns- * The value of equivalent resistance pr resistors Connected in porollel cembination ss ad 2 less thon the valu of the smallest resistance in circuit. equivalent, resistance between A and __ | | @, as pee given chrevit . A we | Zon Cyuivabat cheult of the given ctveurt ia } Sol. Lie D ‘ Jed " sen B | | Equivalent resistente behween Cond D aa Rep = _3%6 x8 = low B46 Now im the given Jon ond So an in, Parallel So can Tea renina ob the given ‘raat = 10x30 - Req eT 2 FS 2 Determine ‘the cument dian Fem a 12-v Suppl SB > interno vealdtance o-s by the ‘Polbiving. 4 infinite eed each vesibtor hat Lut veaigtomee . ea jon 1 Rv oS we tne. ie S2h Let 2 be the equivalent vesistanee of infride, nefaork. si adele, At muchwork Le pain te. , thane bere a ve eath Ch ee. mare unit) of threa THe change Me Ln eevess the. terminals Ug remain % Avtal resistance of rudwork be tf # eer show : Reto Hu netode. wsortel iene fame me ™ the given $e ht omel ts total re4 1. an ey Inv se, tne! os te JI ae L$ $<—nr, then I= n&/e Conclusion ~ : / ; “then Infernal vealstance, cs negligible tn Comparison to the extemal realstance , then the celle rt Connected in series to get maxlmum cushent. Cells in parallel Combinosion - i Connectect j. I shi Cee on sath Pea a. ance Pare De point Soa ative bexminal of each cell Z commected’ 4d the Sother por () The equivalent emf o the cells) US the Same os tet ob a single cell. @) The reciprocal ef the otal internal resistance 3s the sum of the reciprocal of the individual internal vesistonces. Fete! Eme of the octhery = E& Total internal resistance of the battery = Yn Total resistence. of the Circuit = © 4R nn So Current toe (4) If R << Yn > then (b) If R >> Wn. then Conclusion — when extemal resistance va Ligh ble in Comparison to. the internal veslatmee cells on connected in parallel 4 pet maximum ets Ih Some cells are connected in sen} vm OA on anel Number ok such rows of ine ommectes! in parallel then “Hu Are ato do be nnectest ivy mixed qouping- The emf of Cells in a yoo = nE Total emf of the Combinedtion = n€ Total internal resistence = ne m Tota} internol resistance oh the Circuit = R+ OF or x = Mn E (rR +nr) The Cwoent LT will be maximum if CmRr-+nr) 44 minimum - CUmay +Qavy ~ afmmar J+ 2Umnke = minimum oy Came - ar + afmnry = minimum It will be Se ik JImR -JIny =o ov [mR = Iny ov MR = : = nr a a era ae a The plot of the variotio of pstential diverene Poy ALVES. 0 7 Sol. > Conclusion - Cre the. extemal. circuit , the, extemal vesiston 2 be ex Showa a Hi, maximum — Cunnent Je flow Arough val do the. total internal resistence» mation of three Identical Cells im Serieh versus Cuban” JA . avd Arann in figure what Js the emf of each celh.? Vv ov 1A x Texminal Potential clifterence acrss the Cel Combinedion cen be “given ab- y by V = Eur L%, V =3E- I@r) when Ise then Ve 3E frome. qmph whin Teo, Ve ove SE = &Ve Henen emf = E = Z2Velt. Ba Tise | cells ok emp 26 .omd Egor iment — oumane zy ome y respect: ae er ane tn pavallels Olstad On rs equivalont emf eS expen) esietbom CL eb the CombinaHon: So). 2 2 x ar B Py ft i= YY Net. Currant pte + te _ oO For cell -@© Ye pe- ae > 3, = 2ecY. — 8 zy ; Cc - ee eu @ Vez €- Tar 2 Te = EY —® by substihating the Vode of TpyoTa ™ 23. ® - See oe po elem zy Y on vrearrangin the tam, we get - ve 46 - (2x) 3 3 Buck the epuvalint of Combmodion Vo= Bey — I (re.) on Comporng 5 Ee, = 45 s 2 on as ome Yeq = Ee | Two Cells: Ey md Ex on wiven onet\ have. an emf SV om Sphe Aa vesiptante. of “03 f. omd t- 2 vespe Colenlate, the value ef Currert Plowing. on the vertstance of 3 SLs so]. Net emf -=ssg4e = ~a-y Equivalent resistance th 652 omd ga ly a 6x3 = 2 tk. 6+3 Net vesishme. across the chrevit R = OD + lea eo tacs R= Bn So Current rex ae = os A Poterdiol cliftergmce acrss (4-s+4. se vs Vv = IR v= OS XE = 2 Vit Potential clikerenca across 6% emed Bn = 4-3 = 1 Voit Currant Seegh resistance 3.2. ths % =p = 03s a tmoliricol metalic wire Je shetched do A Z increSse Hts Sumgth by 1oZ. Codeulacte the percentage ee change in whs qa boa. Sele Volume of the wire VY = AL AA xloo + AL xloo (volume remains Constant) p> AY xloo iv Bur Av = 0 > BA xloo = — At xloo A x Negative i imply thet increase in length on ictow reel crtodte clecresse. In avn’ *b ut R= PU/ A For aren rea'stor Lo= Comatemt se = (42 xivo )— (46 x 10) AR X1lco = Here at xloo 8 0= fo Z Thenefore BA xt00 = — Ie % ii SE «wo = leh -(le%) 42 xloo = 20 F “ PaAcentoge Rise of vetistanee = 22 Yn vent Law CKCL)- 1k Cur . hoff S a) bs to of} the wren ‘ The ol ered panes Chew ay soning jumedion. | at & |} a i vention= Sign Cover dowoxds, the junction ars, cuseets. () The incomng, taken positive (2) The. owtgors currents taken negative - By Kivehho}t's Cuvert Lan- onsey fom the junction arg tly -T-t-Ts Fo * kirchof{'s cument Law supports law of Conservation che ‘ FI Changes Carnet accumulate at a, junetion- The number of c that amive at a junction fn a lven time must leave in the same time in accayolance cuith Conservation of charges. (1 _Kirehhoff's Voltage law (KWL) = The. adgebsric SUM of Alt th tential alr r emf!s. along, at Clase pat Th an we ornare a odious zeyo: \ Sign Conven ti . 9 traverse BP a) The emf 3 taken positive Bae ae me Posittve Bo negedi ve terminal of a praverse aie w (@) The, emf us taken, negative cell: negative SES Tiina of the airection in the arechan y (8) Th the yesistoy a, being Heavens, “Qeress H+ the. cunt then potent ol ' positive Ge. ZR. ed mm the evections (A) Th the vesletor ts being Per Uy pexence. acrDss esite to the..cunent ten Pre” Oo} SPs taken negative Ri B we For Loop ABCA TE, - aR. - (T+ )Ra 2° For Loop ACDA * Kirchosf's Voltage Lan (KVL) supports. te Law of nag = Comseavetion of” e Ta the given cireutt » amuming point A 4. wt ij ' 40" exp potential , Use Kirchhod's Laws +p ely YH nvor pote 2 nk Be lim the potential at pet iE ay . ins LA 2A £ R 20 R, “ © 2A Iv By KCL ot polmt D Inet b = 2 Ine =A Along. the ACDBA Vara = Ah - 2xl to =z =f Sol But Va = 0, S2 thed Verlv @\.. Using Kirchhoff's rues in the given dreuit, find i Non (4) the voltage arop across the unknown Yesisiore (b) the c Inf the akm er. . av. an A O-sA . é av aa I F R Sel. Applying KVL in +he closed doop ABFE4 SB-L +2, -y so ie Teo za othe Cunmtent Ta din the aum ef ua LA. Potential chop acwss REF anol AB is same Secauie these’ ore parallel . Se that Viz VerVR = 4-2x1 v = QD volt. eee Using Kirchoff's vues , determine’ the valur of unknown resistance R in the clreuit , so that no ©" cument flows throw 45 resistance. “Aso ‘find the potential lif te behweon points A amd p. -f dey ol: Given that no current shod flow throu 40 resistance, So let Current 7 lade +hrous the. Loop AF EDcaa . By opplying KVL in loop AFEBA -— 4xI +ixt+e-9 =o so Zs Bin Now applying KVL in Loop AFDCA - 3 123 Rx3 - =i ixe + x3ot x +3 -9 6 R«x2 = 3 z So Re 2 For potential Ui fhenonce across Points A and Dy along, AFED - Va- Vo = Lx 41x 2 Py Va- Vp = 2v Ss In the given gcireuit Rys 42, RasRgzisn, Soe Ry: a0 ond ne JOY. ‘taleula the equivalent. resistance ok the civcuit ancl the Current in each 4 Yesistoy « — Ry A is ee ts Rp Ra ce z, B Jo the figuet. Rar Re amd Ra one in Sol. ' ia . . . Accorou a. Herr 294 olunt redtetence R! ca - 1 pe 1 ehat + y= 22. ei “Is “30 Js Bo c 0. thod Rio= 6 Now Ri (= 6) dd fa series with 4, So" Haak equi yesistance’ Req “Wd - Rg RAAF 6+4 Reg =< fom By Kel at node A we get- I, =. Tatty + Ty -@® By Apptying KVL in loop ADBA - Iyx30 -.1SxT, = 6 Tye Taf By. KVL tn Joop BdcB- ~Boxly + 1SxI, = 0 Iy = Ts/ By applying KVL in loop ABEAL 41, + ISIz-10 zo 41, +IST, =lo — @® By applying KvL in doop ABeDaA - IS Iz -ISI,g =o In = Ty SMO te, pel Tym Daas, 4 F-om AQUI Gwe gel : Sy Ge Fa 4AxS a vie, 210 mew 5 BA So Ty, =e Tyo 2A end Ty = Jp os 4. A : Ie S as eo Le amd he Sn £2 7 ! uy > ss doc 7 WSs Codculate, the steady currant Hawg Hye 28 Ws i: ret ‘ik M = in the given BeBe 42. vesistor in steady Sole No current flows throu + Stode as Capacitor offers infinite resistance In DC Civeutt. Herr 2A. omd 3. ore fn ponrallsl Combinodion So Rasa # _2x3 = dena 2+ So Equivalent Resistance of the clveurt uid Repz Le 4+ 2g 4 So total Cwoent Ts & = tsa 4 and Cwrant through 2.0. Yeristor is given by - is ' re Iss GSS > ds 09 4 i >) ne Bridge Wheatsto ge wiiak ben ead Te Gsaoan aoe resistors in dene Wy, ato elclemmine yerrslance of Ye ¢ ‘i other Hives vealstors: a " ‘ 2 given OW 5 tohien | —oneleev ne (913 Known as fait A aarangement af veslstors hee vidge.. B ‘f Wheatstone bridge Consist of four veristance pq Rend S; with a bedléry of emf EB. Om pressing Key Ko |} vanometer cloes not show an alefleestion then® had gg brielge 4s sou ty ke anced . Galvanometer ia not show! ony clftection this means thot no cunt sda Flowing Hrrough’ the gabe nometer ond deammel B and D are of the same Potential . Thus for a balanced bridge. Ve =Vp Now we have to find the condition for the, balan 4 i \ hop ae ae bridge For this by applying KVL 40 the TR - IP so oy TPs Tare —@® gon by applying KVL do the Joop Bene _ IQ@-tI,5 =0 Be LQ = Ws —©® equation O and @) we ge- ft 2R : & Th P q sl Foe. RB q Ss is equation gives the Conolitim for the balanced Wheotstone bridge. ib +he YouHo of the P omd @ omd the resisene dd Know then tmknown resistance S$ Con oaily be A slide wive bridge Ja a practicad foe ob motstone bridge. Tt Consist of a wive Ac of constantan or mganin of 1 meter dength, and of uniform ania of Cross - Section. i ~~ stredched Jbelweon the Coppey ehins > , | : Hhe. ; The. wre - \e oadlen boar, 4 meter see Ships Toole boancl. poral 40 the Length of er atrip fitted on +he wooden ile, wo gaps in ships. Across board in 10s ote, BOX Rana “in another POP the. one a estate. 5 axe Connected. Pe cay @ cam ve Siided on the baddge wire, a a The galvenomeler @ JA Connected to jokey Ore Amn af he ermal De & ond the olhey Lo ; the poditive pole of the bectlery EF is Connecteal do a tA ental the negative Pole. of the beHery go teminal ¢ thragh Keg K. Working - Close Key amd take out Suitable resistence R fom resistin Box. Adjwst ‘the position vf jocks on the wire € Sag at @) wha. on pressing , th golvanometer shows “no deflection. Note the lengHs #2 =) of the whe. Find the lengthy me. (5 100-4) of the wire. > Now o% the Bridge ax helentact , therzpore according, Jo Wheatetone brielge principle.- Bs k Q So. ik y db the: yesistance, per Cerilimeter lengthy of wire. n= P= resistance of the length L. of wive AQ tdr Q= resistance of the dungth (100-4) of the wire Bc = (loo -A) Ay = Cloo- 4k) y. Ss. ov loo- 4 a ¢ Tar So by knowing Lond R we can calewate Ss. SSS F Charactertstes of mem, wire veh bomee — Sotatsle. “for mailing a Gtancland een mee CHO Lows temperature. conppielert at ab of Mangan GiD High Value of vesiativity of a (Cotewlote the cunnend tran AYES in the given’ network. Rae 2 =] av + can be redrawn a given below - The given circu Here Ri 2 Re Rs Rs = i 22 > = 2 vreatstone bridge. is balanced co these will be. no Current the resistance R2 ond # can be withdrawn + ne equivalent veslstance. would be uivalent to a rated Combination of v0 vows wahien Consist of Ae Combination oF R, and Re soma Ry Ord Ra: 4 S> = + R a * aq ed R= 2a eet aes R + = 2A L= 24 a SA al In a meter bridge the nuul peint Gy Foun \ paia clistanes of 40cm pom 4. Th a Felten 2 12.2. Gs Cemected 67 eee ae with s, ed 4 pomt ocecwrs of 506m from A + Determing yon oh R ands, 12.0. ( Sol: Ie the null peint conclitton the bridge. 4 balanced So by applying the. tmelition of balanced bridge, Coheatstane, Roe 4 = _ 406 = 2 Th . doped. loo —40 3Z ? & RS ' he eg uivalent resistance o 1 : : 2S end s in ah = 12.8 b ome — 1245 ' ! Again op peying, the emdition i A eB =) So : 22.8 Ass 1248 2 128 2s -; 2s) 24s] 3 +s [o R= 3 2+s = 1g 26 or R= So Ss 2s =« ZS R Potentiometer PotenHometer 4s aa tee inétument Used to Compare emf! of Cells , measure the emf of a Celt ns Potential ‘clitkenenca betican two points iB an electrical chrewit accurntety » Principle - Poterrtiometer 44 based on the principle that tential chop across any portion ob the wire o poem Gevss- sechon is® propotHonal Ao the denadh of portion of the wire when a Constant coment ows through the wire - Construction + Working - F A potentiometer consist of 4 Jon Uniform wire. of; man nin Or Constandan, Stretched ov) a wooden beard. A meter scole us fixed on the boars porallel to the lengtn of the wire. : The poterthometer Ua provicled with a jockey + ith the hdb of which, the Contact can be mocle at any point of the wire. . A bbottery E 4s Connecter acwss A ond B, which sends the Cumrent through the wive Which Jy t Constant by using Q rheosted+ Rho Ms Civeusk is Collec cn auxillany. civeult. Ry s ose A amd P ant the aren o Q ‘| eaistlvity of the material of tthe ees Son Resistance = RF FR phate ode Length of the. wire. tt Cwunt Flowing through the wire. then by chm's Lave Vz IR ohne V ud the potential .clikkerince. atvoss the wire of Jeath L, ths- . yrutTrR = 1ih = ki (om) Hente poten tial differance across any portion of psimtiometer Wire Ls oivectly proportional Fy dungth of the uive of thet portion. . * How Ke 4 cold potential “gradient ive. the Sal ok poterdial pen unit kingth ofp the wire- by focmusa ke ee BE oe | ie On cwnrent Ckext) | iy Rly Cw) | Om the Yuolias Of wtve CR H) 1 | : . ‘ eter Senitivi oy a porentiony he pot Hae poreuctled acted CD: Leer uy Ob Qrdiont ,highor will be the Aensrtvity poterciometer. Ty the potential gradient Ja less Hun ie bedonce Lungth on the polenromerer wire AA imevease. and He Lungih Cin be measures witha more accuracy. TA is the veoson clu do which a dmg yeststana. wire ds used In potentiometer. b geoph between Hare e applica poterctiod olifferenee anal bolanw Sungin 4 - f Slope of the Ymph = tan = & = K C Potente Gradient) o | nly | gps Son of EMF's of two Cells tad ) enkiometer “ Si m: C5 positive terminals of two cells ~ (iohose, emf ge ts, "be Compara) ty 1% Jemima A a negative. terminals are, cnet , ieee Horough 4 08 Woy, Key Ko ond 9 ahr - key K;, Ud Clated to establish a tential eli 9 em en the teaminols: A ond B then! by Sake Be ke introduce cell of emf E, in. the circuit. ‘¢ Now dleteamine the null pomt J, with the help o jokey» It the mull point on the wire is at length, | hy m A then - Es ky | Whrr K 4s the potential gradient of wire. © Similarly cell of emf Eo is tntroducedl in the circuit id an aim 1H int J, Ja cletermined. If Length of Haas” mall pant Peer A ds do then ‘ Bae Kis oe Tee | e L Hence we can find the volo &/e,- x By th. emf of one cell Ua Kmowon then the emf ieee Other cell’ Con be Known easily. an ; tbe obtai Ea Pp eet eG ipea on ; relent of viving cell Ja 9 Lexy Nee terinat ion of internal vesistance °F the cell ia) DE { whose interno) Teri Aton ; Erte 4 the terminal “a7 Pe Re across a Yesistance box Of the through a key Ka- & z k Rh i. Sa” The a ined adam! dior Ke Y Firat Close the Key, K) amd obtain the null Point. oh be the Lang, of His null point jrem “Soma A then Es Kh (sane 4203) ’ agen Key tes iy Closeal , the cel sends Ctuvent . “th raiser box (CR). a Vi the terminal potental oliffevence ome nyt] abtalnesl nd argth da then - whae 4 = ATL) Vz Khy U [EEE] irternal resistance . not tla : ° ~ a0” a resistance R dd ¢ bo cer we, KE oh en bY - onmected in off emt ser ciewlt ‘ees (+ ~ 1) R oL9ing the value of its ond Rothe tus by Kn : tance x of the Cell Con be dedammed. . irtemnal yeaih Difference between voltmeter and potentiometer ca] watmeler | __PatenHometer {| tts reatatimce. Ja Wi Its eaistance as mfbinite ie finite. s ; aes Grae some current |It does not ara any from Source of em$. current from dre Source of emi ne senaikivity as low | Its senaihvity vd high: TE ga bared on nud deflection method + ps tirenco. measured The ential cles octal Tt sa ‘based on cuflection point for the fit Fed pred oe Stay Ole oh OL SoC Ttiees Seat as iN arc| 300 ares from the end teed Ce) position of nul pind aa ine cm: af é\/Ex oma 4, ¢ a EI tos . “ ua the sensi tivity of a potentiometer incteeel, Bs (a2) Let the potential groclient be kK = = Cells ave Connectes! } Ee, Eo xe? ( opposite. Ranta) and E) +E, = KX 300 Cells are Connected in Supporting manner) Se thet €,+ E2 _ Kx 300 = 2 E,-€ Kx 120 2 Now apply Comporenclo amd clividenclo - 5+2 (e+ 62) + G-&) | (E,+ &) - (6-63) ~ 8-2 4 s @tt + b tb) Ea = 3 Ee, or & - 25, = K x120 SR eee. by E&, = 1x 210 4 Renee nul. point for & id obtaineel at 210 tm. poterth ometey Can be increased by * Te r maitivity of “eeeading He. dingth of wire —, ees = om 4 raph ? the vated ve typleal seemed ty oe shor Od epetee hae CBethi 261 9 ga TH wires ob eave 1 one. © ok many min, have b Copper ome ome Fer 2 e Same. resistance. ee (All TInclia. 2012) wie Re) as Define resistivity oh a Conductor. Waite. ch 's St unt, CAN Indie, 2012.) au aA wire of resistence BR Jd bert f : ' Hoi the hot sa the efjecttye - vetlstmne: t em sf 1 a ccle: Ww meter AB ? ends of a ha Anse 2R “CH “Cdehi 2010 ) QS. Tuso | i ep inted se ghana @S omd Ce). what oan apa vad tese dus combinahor the. redid of the. veaisten % © combinations 2 ee Ans Ri ey Re ee ge eo) (Delhi 2010) ot Qe The three ert ng beets a coxbon resistor of ks ee yeapectively * waite the Call Inelia 2009) “= 2 Sxidn +207, a metallic Q7 word athe. Concudar a), “PTAs Shoutre he Ven the yeaishvity 2 peratunen’ ot ube "varietion over 14 (ite range Cdedhi 20° 8) ee real ate ed Oo 8) ie with * Be A Plupical quantity, » amsociates Zelert 1, 20° Phgtea eg ashes the £7 unit call In : quemdity: * a “ - as chong ve ohn. 2, eran, aw seston, wellhiscomneetil “hy Re aluetoy “ Slecwenned| ot confor te ak cord pean patentiol oi erence can rndi o es a celh chy 40, A. reststo R us Connected acre? nfo nae emf} E amet Tyce! eae ws Moe 2 peer rl mead AW tenHal clifjerence H in oF the. cul Env. woalte Hee. expressiov? pv ¥ teams of EyV od Rs. (dethi 2oto, 2011) Qi. TF. secede muetey byelelae., ik the balancing length Ae a Sertsoulel Se Bes by ohn 5 the roclius off the eneter’ ‘bridge. usre AB uw sloubledd ? : CAN India 20) Qu2..In a meter bridge tuo unknavon yealstonus R Se ee ee tee "1 40 one. AS . Tee Pe Sel 8? bohed Sus Hye prs. = 2:3 C deihj 2el6 ) 13. In the given lageram the vetfatt! a3 T osiclua! OF the, Same maderial wd oF the 2 am vespechvely. Find the ryatiy off 4 Pum ane! j oa avks Questions ~ 2M | ane ds comneched doa De | a nrg pel vs 3, the. Conductor i hep fed by yeetually, ties M ecing S va ibe a ted o> of ele of the “nakioe be Riel ?° CRBSE 2012) ured sto select & Conbon vyessror Ob a lenge Collection: 5 calor bonds w) yeaiatance, Q@r You ne ¥ yesistance 4-7 KS E Jo % whot Should be the sequence © go code vt? write two chomncteriste of manganin which make Jt suiteble for making. stondord yealatanws + Cpelhi 2011) Q3. The Sequence of coloreal bors tn to Corben vesistox Ry emcd Ra Js ta) Broan, Green > blus = Orange » block » green Ind the redio of thei renistonces (odhi rere ) Qu, Derive Orn exprersion a vel tree eteckons in a Conductor rook ett Se. time. (Delhi 2009) Qs, Derive an, expression for the Curent oensity of 9 Conductor in terms of! the olijt spesct of tae CAN Inelia 2008) » Yor are given n verlstera ) > Rach of reststane ie ara first Connectec) 45 = minimum possible. resistanm. In the Second cose these are aun connected tee é ge rorinan ie Ble omen wear) the minimum ae P vedas ok yasatarte So obloned Are Ly " CAN Inelia 2009) Lg an EXPRESS Oy ee Lae Fee In Leunbe” the reata OT god Pah the peptvity of *} on a 9 OMe dire ate, the madhenod " Inclia 2008) it vi ig arr elo ek ch 19 ce Bard be mobile cbse 8S, teen mobility PIES 4 Name io of eleatde. AR, Pane . cenaucli 2b gas Crrrenk ie (Gibensible. 7 (ep) d an clechalyte ee the Hem Pealhi 2006) D> werent ‘ po oO Deduc the readioy A b @ metallic < ing Cussant ity CT) and the cand, stivs an eleetle fidd (ED Gabe ees Cetls of emf (Delhi acee) p Thea Calls oh emf £26 ont st inte, yaibtanus Y, 2¥ »oriel, Br), Votuable a Semel shoo in the Bywe. Find the. expresine ib apaent: Plot a grep for variation of wi : ey -CAIL Tneliq 2010) El ae SE , = AE R Anh = aR s Appa Kirchho}'s Laws +o | the Aoop ACBPA oma ACBAA 1 oletemmine tre cwent Ty, TL omd Za in the given Achar, . Can Inelia 2010) fn. = Ts -227A Ta 2064 4 T,= DBA | — ares amntions 5 anasto Aime ob the free gt at 2 eye in 0 emadluctor. Hows 4 SE ye], Ga ni on Sear heen iy the madexiad. PO ber the “clethicay i : Tasty. CAI Tnelia ror) : atited relation Joy 4 | ao atone, yon hemes ob, Telaxastion hina si Leah el MAAS and charge of ely a st. “Ein a Se vests ot muted 7M CDahi 2007 5 a2 Coleulate the Steooly Cusceant tty 2 resistor in the Piven credit. ee frase 2e10) Anke O38 A Su. A eters il Mplateys ia connectes! toa lev Botton, Sh thermal resletanee ef fa a Shon G) SepPete te ccuivalint veslatenee of the nehank. ©) obtain. the volrope. olrops ave She (esse 200) Pras (@) Re = oe b) Vas eV q Veo = 8V [ee am ea. yor gin clade the value of the resistant 2c} It i . YOULL ¢ 30 Hho the ue Aisne A OA. wha Would be the poten ol2) behoeen pe mts A and mw ? (Alt India 2 R © ton. Re 6 a van = “LV OA RA D i hich QE Drow the crewt at ram of a potentiometer wl Can be usecl tp cletvamite ine indoles & given cet ef ems £. Explain ‘briefly haw the intend] reslatance Of the celk is olcber mined? (Delhi 2010, CASE 2008) om which |ntemal resistances Q7. Waite omy too factors of oO cet olipenieds : The veadling On @ Voltmeter, When a cell? is Connected Bess tsk 2.2, When the terminess of the cell onze olso connected 40 Q resistones. ef BA Os shown im fe» the Voltmeter ‘eaellng crops to Lav. Find the internal resistence. at the cell. Prsw ts oy st 4B ~-n. BB on eR Ae of Cuintny amck voy Using, these. rules olotermine Br ane given ‘enaoee™ Ark = I, =-12A (8sE 2007 > ——_—_—_

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