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T. ELECTRIC CHARGE AND FIELD Eni CONTENTS a 4, | Cleetie change. ae | Conductor, Trawedor { Semiconducior 3.) Propeates of Electric Charge Millikan's Oj] chop Experiment uw S | Change. by Imeluction & | Colomb!s thes ise Fores. betwen Multiple Chaages | Elechic Field fe) | Elecic ‘Field Lines Jo. | Elethic olipele i HI} Dipele “Field in @ uniform Electric Field | Electric felol Intensity ohu sto tun thin infmite Poralls) sheets ok chage Very Teiportant Questions “a 13. J Flux ul Gauss's Lava om 1S, Field clus do em infmitely lon Shalght | Uniformly changed ustve: ee 16. | Electric Field Intentity clue do & uniform | Cineinged Sphurical ahh P 4 17 | Elechie Field pat clue to a Hin Linginite plane of charge he. | t 1 | ELECTRIC CHARGE AND FIELD Electric Charge - : ase The pro} of materiol by which vt exests oy experiena elec’ sob emd wmagnedc effects is calle Hye electric charge. Examples ~ i) Experience. of f seeing @ spark or hearing a Crackle, when we fake of a sypdctic. Cloths: HN) Lighting in the sky during thunderstorms lus to electric clischan ge: Flectrostatics - The branch oj Risgaics > which cleals oth the stuly oF charges ai veatd (static Charges), ne. forees., felds “omol Totential due to these Charges iS Called ‘Ehechostodics or state Electricity - Important Facts about charge i) There ore oly two types of electric charge 2) Like Changes repel emel unlike charges attyacts each oer. 3.) The unlike Charges mudlify C Cancel) each other's ctiset Cahin thay Come M Cmtact. Thirepore the Chorg ane naméel or positive cmd neg ve by the Cts scientist ‘Benjamin Frenklin! +) Nornally the moterials are, dlectrically neutrod , 1d dco not~ contain cl 2 beccuse Healy! Charges (Proto ond clectrons) cre. exactly bollanced, 5) The electron oh the ouwlermoat orbit ok an otom Ane for prem the nucleus So these electrons arc aie bounce! with the nucleus omel com be er gently i peo the orbit b grring some eneyy: These. electron rR then Collrol el&chorns : () The body oy atom can be charges! positively by Loosian ee of tts clechens arel Com be charged negatively by gaining. electrmms: @) The apparatus useel de detect charge on a booty 43a " Goll beat Electroscope’. s+ Charged - Glass Rod Metal Foil ———— : Cork ————_. Copper wire f | gold leaf: f | glass (elie a Mee @) An elechic charge com creates electric field (), mognatic field (SY amd electromagneht vacations veo @ > Only Electric fell (ED Ve Const _ @ — Electic Ficl (E) 4 Megnete Field CSD v # Const. > E , & amd Electomegnetic Rediationt (3) Electic charge unitormly cliutibude. on a uniform suagea. bit the chande chuily ono nenc unigerm supa wd maximum “on thot pelnts whee the vedius ob Wee JS minimum, -— tN att * womnea Ch XO + am + | Semiconductors - Everything is made of atoms. The basic a a seatie ane Gosport of atoms are Ve protons, neutrons and electrons. * nm vt vn newton -. Ven wewtral. @:: & So ny h nga vn eles ae ven positive! roy Point Charge 5 rt nt whire chang of & body Js concantrised a ak the , Conductor , Insulator € Semiconductor - Conductor - The moterial those which the elechic Charge amd current com Hors ily are CoUlest Condueters. Examples— All Metals, Human body 5 earth etc. Insulotor — =, The moteriols which vealat the flow of electaie Charge oma ci ake colle! imsularors. Examples - ren Porclene, plastic eft The motwrtoals which resist the mee electric change and current but the value of thei sDoistamnee us Invbetween the Concluctor end insulator are colleol semiconductors + Examples - Silleen Csid >» Germenium CGe) Corben CO) —> Excellent thermal Cor Corstuchivity. | | | | | | | | Properties eh Eleetne Charge ay M i) Adelitivity of Chargesi- SCOIAA JOO dit lechic. Change so , ly oe oil the deja! change ob He system, Ha cciieally eft by adeling He elifjerent changes 7 nn T toi’ proper. Sign accorcling dle Hasty charge. Ce | Fy dn = @) cheage is conserved i= Charae can not be etter clutroyedl. Tt tan only be fransferr eel fern ome bed do another. Henne Hr total charge ot Whe tsolnded System La always Corserveol. created ae, +4 Coa (Ss Gs ‘ Glass silk Glass Total change = or0=0 Total charge = +7-% 20 (3) Quantisation of Chasge In - : The clectric Charge om a body os cewauys an Integr multiple of 2 ( Charge on Ll electrm ) Tris Hs Calleel quantisation ob chouge.. Q=ine NS Otero. G0 €= £602 x10! * the unit cole a ee L Coulomb - The doted charge on 6:24 x1o!8 5 electrons Ju equal to eaulombs of electric Charge ws experi ment — : i Avo, Millikan!s Ou one elechon was found by ah: The Ch, ikon in 1912 - P g te oil dvop cxpoument ant — Fe=qE ae < Atomizer p@ wRay Source @ ¥ Positively I—— Charged ] plate \ } oe ty = rope d Microscope I & “a Negativelty | | Ham. Ea Negativelty ve ar : Charged \ Plate =e = ignen the oil drop remain stationary in the experiment then the forees on oi| drop Electric Foree (Fe) = Gravitational Feree CFy) ae = mq cr Teme = mg ol whe ES VM Ee Vv al we Know that - mass = density x volume. Mee old gnr> hue Y —» radius of oil chop (Co-smm) # Mass of Electrm (Me) = DLL KIO” kg. * Mass of Protm Cmp) 167 x10? Kg. An ell elwop of Ia excess electors ub halol ‘stodtonary. Uneldy Constant electric pletd , of Re L2SS XLOE AYE I MIITKan!s oil lrep expeument, The clansityy of Hae ofl lb 1.26) fen/ Enid « Thon estimecke Whe “racltus of The oll alrop + Sth Given thet - -)9 Chuyje Ge ne = 12X16 X10 or Density ce Lae xyo? a bag xi0% kg/m? 10" 6 When the of] chop da hele shoctonary then + MQ € We Know me aeyny? So tht @ = dx¥nrdxg € or y> 2 2eE cen xg yee _ipxpexd'® x ase xiot 2 gy xtol®m 1526 x10° x YAS x 9.8 ve (9-07 x10? YS = 981x107 m. © Whot Gs the otal charge on 75 Kg of electrons? Sek Number of electrms in 75 Rg: n = _total Mass eh mass of Letechon 9x18! nm = 83 xtost So Total charge Qe ne Qs ga xo?! x(-1e x1d'?) Q = bss xictc ' Methods of Charging ee ee A ing by Friction - : : * pers objects art rubbed ag oe ee then electvons from the atoms of one object ( ov cto) work function) go to other object (having high wo oreo The moatirtel Looses electrons gets positively charg the moderial gains electrons gets negeHvely changed: ge sp Wd — gis G 2 Charging by conduction - When a charged object ss brought in Contact with an unchargecl Cconcuctor, then the same Aype of Charge SPreads on both the conductors. This happens because. Some electrons are transherred at the contact point. i. es + 4 t 4 4 er t 4 h 4 an) A A “A ad x4 Unchanged Charged In Contact both positively changed 3J Charging by Ineluction Method 1. CUsing a griund Comection ) Gi) A positively chargeol rod Ja orought neor a neha! metal sbhare ama polarising ut. Gi) The sphore va greuncleci ellovwin be ettractes! frum” the eorth. g. etcctrons to Ww) _ Wii) The grouncl Connection Js broken. Gv) The positive yd ws removeo! leaving the Sphon, , with an induced negative charge ; Method 2. C1) Tuo unchargecl metal sphares Are. in Contact with each other But inswlotecl trom rest of He unrid. Gi) A positively Sires vod us brevet Sphoae 5 attracting, otive charge “ome . the othe ephare pe ively Charged. GP FEE AE la) Ce) «j a ). (ii) New the Sphares are Separotecl bebore the us remeveol oma Huds Zeparading eotrhve & negati Charge. a Re ae rod - The Changes en spharcs wi! themselves omd uniformly clistributed! cv Be serge ‘ ( interaction be} Urea Onn foree, © ‘ Pernt Dee t canbe ae 40 the. rea ok Phe, Charges ome inversely Proportional to the Suare, ¢ a chueen Hremy omel acts cdo I ol the olistance b the Line, i é ming the fuso changer * Suppote two porut charges Fi onal Ir are reparectedl iy vacuum by @ distance % te F _ age {es Fo-4 yf ye Accoveling to Coulombls Law, a | a * Elechostahe Contant k depends on the wecuht 04 medium seprrating the charges and on ina system oly units. In cqs System , Kel oe 3 3 2 Tr SI System, Kes Fie = 9xlo~ Nm/ce * Ey electrical permittivity of pree Space ae €o = Bas x1o!* dm Coulomb's Law in vector form Let the position vector of charges 4 emd Ga be > > 7 Y) omd Vz respectively. We denote the foree om 4, duc fo a, by Fy amd the forca_on Ya tue to % by Pays Fie Fat > Hee Yj +Yn = Yao = V- => > aso Fr 4% =H = = anal Ye: = V-¥2 |] oma Te st hy | The mognituce of vectors Ya omc Ya: is clenoted by [Wi [o and Z| omd theiy Unit vectrs wee geen ar- ad = S_ te ona Bre \¥a.| 1 So the feree Fi, emcl Fi, can be given as- Fs tae 8, |e = ee ME. 17a P 4m. |Yal C) Th Ujand 92 are_of same sign 3 %%s 70 then Fin ia along Yin p which olenotes repulsion Gi) ab V_ond 4%. ane_ob opposite, sign 3 A% the new foree ? 246 ue F = 12N Sere q, 24200 , a= ue fe cae ute ond Ge +2-Us-2Me 4 4, +6-U Soo oF 2 ua = G22) 2-4 - 4, ee (2906) Fie -E 2-12) 2 ~ an (Atnactive) | | | | @ A chee 4 a placed ot the canbe of the Line disining toe equal Charges Q. Show thot the s em °b three charges will Be in equilib rium ‘5 U2¥- Q/a. Sel. Q et Q bet tio equal charges 4 Eee S @ each, be held eh — 2 —_, omd By Where AG= ax. Here Cds the contre oh Ae vehne chore q shuld, Net fore on 4 is cexw. So 4 4d beady in equilibrium. For the three Charges +5 be } ert eee change ene bs tet] equilibrium , net force. Now, total torcee on Qt we w_ xt Gx = © Kar z Bee Gace So t= Fence Prove, q Dielectric Constant (CK) — ee Ly U8s -—~ (0) fovee m @ mectium (Fm) = Sate rt W) - ohare € - electricod permittivity of the micclium , I . it UV. = \ feree in vacuum CF) = sre." “hb. @® Dividing eq: ® by QD, we qet- Ey or K wwhure Ey or Ie ud Calle cliclectria constant ov rdodive electrical permittivity of the meclium- ¥ Dielectric constant of a medium is the facto of; ab’ electrical permittivity of the medium an the velectrica! permittivity of free space. * Thus force between two given Charges in o medi CK) as only 7 times of the force beloren Them in ady/ vacuum. |. Fn > eee Force between Multiple Charges Total fore. on any charge clue to a number ok ¢ at rest is the vector sum oh AU the forces ‘on the Chorge clue do other Cheurges. 41 clur. tO tuso other ee on charge oh oma Fis respectively , ek chorgs Bin Va ond Ga a, the a = and Ys" = “2 Me a4 ty and rc Tey fay iw. - Bee ” oz | Fo * Rr * | — —_ t 7 Foon Chevge Vitis obstorned = aie vest fine forces Fin ond Fa Gs- Vu sum have 1 ch eA 41 ry---) Un mo: "t cut to aa Gal in charges 7 tet tel by the vector Sum ob pores r OI Ne 4 we fixed point charges + 4e omd +e units Aeporstes| by a. olibjance 'a.". wohere showtel” the third point change. be placed hey od to be: a z in equidibrium. 2 For the charge + bo be in eqdiibrium — “UsHe Ro Fy, he 2 oe ----—-— er Fi) 3", k— x ——f# 0 4 K i eis = Kae 5 i \ @-xJ x * @=* om Selving 6) Toro equal positive chonges ench ofy 246 indevact , “45 auc situbted as ee os fsite is oe Se Fagnitude and direction of the fore on the % Me Charge. sole Hoe OA F OBr 2m and oP = 4m Se aps ap s [atqqh = BM Accordling sto Cowlomb!s Law Fore, on Change af P clus tw charge ot A ond & are egiial in magnitude $o- Fr = Fe & U9. 5 oxi xan? 43 xis Ye gh So F, = Fy = ote Kiet ny Here the torn ponents “ob Fi ord F, olong ¥ ard y! axis Ore equal in magnitude (F; sino ©” Fa SinB ) bub opposite in civecton So ‘they comat each other The Co nts along P% acd up, Se total free on Charge 3 be at p ab + Fe r For 2F)Cop@ = ZAC 410% ne Se ite B:S.xlom MN — fins, Electric Fiete an Hectic bial ae rae Coes Sg Se athicaly cheged objects. ; 4 the direction * the -clivection op tHe field is taken fo be of the force it wowld SE ona rae test oe R the elect Ja word positive cage Pa cme ag iat a ob towards PT negitie ch Fielel dos introctucel pirat of all by “Faraclay ” lectric Field Intensity (2) a entensity (CE) The. electyec telol intensity ot omy Pp Js the Strength Of ectHc tied ot “hot pedn. Ae as olchinzsl ay thre yore ahartentecd by unit Positive, Change placed at thot Point, * Concept According to cauomb's Law force on test Charge Le des 10 a point charge @ Ju 0 ers Fs —t_ O% ee 4M yr k---- ¥ --—S put .8 4 by olefin tion ED “ume, y= * where F ig unit vector alirected fon @ towards q,. ST Unit of E as | Important Point. CL) The magnitude of elec elistanees froma the “charge a, Symme hy: @) The megnitucle of, Ht om Hae unge Q ond i | | | (3) The teat change De mow 5 about Electric ficlad ~ .~ Irie field Evid Same ab aa hus has 9 Siheyicc ca 4 ne electric field @ clepencle 4) J the olytance have its own electle pels, idol of the source. Cherse f we rewrite leche 4} it may modify the leche Therefore do minimize ‘his ehpect Intensity at ow. Be . Lim £E E W270 bo | Electric Field cue to a system of charges | Consider a system of charged FL), %25+-- tn | with position vector? Sb Coe i En Bs ny ee By ee Hh mm TPKE FL Haas - a nm i oe " aa of ! \ f \» 4 vs as The electric fidldl intensity at @ point P clue do c @ system of charges is the vector sum ok the electric fields ot the peint clue to individual charges. = a “A A ° ae; ese ee Es ah 4 Re Kae iesae a % e or _— —_— agg Ceres ct and Fe ao ae ee 1o8, * place olm vet, wt cheng al yee. yeaare aly ot Pranks A, Band © in \ v1 calculate HA ec! ce | ven ‘ | she § - -. eo" Exe iu 1 > on i Sour a7 Ne WS 6 ‘A Ew rx Wn ee 257 eee fo Eta- bam ee oven siectric. Feld at por A dus do charge % Ea = 90x 18s aged Ne (Towards right) | ~ousy* lectric felt od point A clue to charge o. Erg = Oxi02X10® = eyo! Nie (Towards right) | (O-0s>* Total Elecivic fielel at point A = En = Era + Ean En = 72x10 Nic CTewards He vigtt) Elecivie field oF point B clue to chage 4) Bx10%% 10? = se xio" N/E (Toads left) Ere = “@osye Electric Field at Pomnd ® clue sto charge Fa Ere = aa" = 4 x10 N/e (Towards right) Tetol Electric field o¢ point B = Eas Eig- Een Em = 36x10 ux = 3.2 x10 Nie (Townes Left) The electrte fieel ad poimh ¢ clue to charge 4) and Ga ne equal im magnituole 58 Eye = Exes 9xW?KIT® = oye (@4* Tre vesuttant electric field ot point c 4b Eee] Et + et. + 2 bic Exc Cosi20° Get [ent Get 2&cGer(d) [- Gre = Enc) Ec Ei. = 8x10? Ne CTowards right] @® what axe the magnitude anol clivecton of the elechic pel et certie. of the squore in yee: Tp Gel *e omel a= 5S Cm. Sol. Here +¥ a sea OA =0B=0C =OD= Y 2 CPs Lao Te also hee €:2 6, =_% 4G ye ov Ey = Ex = We 8 xgxi® =. 7-2 x10" Nie (sxie*/2)° In square ABCD the LAB = 30° Se she Net Electric field at o = [EE 424 ,os30 E = fers e > & Iz — TRIE niet Nie abt 4st to OA, SSeS Folls Hhrough a -chstonce of Loem in a Sosa electric fied a oe 2xiot “Nic. When id is Poece > & proton the alirection of Seebie falls through the same. de Compare the time ob fall i each Case. so> (a) _For cleeton FS é Soe bsem = ps x16%m | —E 2x08 N/e Ls be xiolc | m: 9 x1073! kg. tere eich te wo a Acceleration a, = = GE mi on : “9 Qa, =_bexiel xoxo! = BSS x10" m/s 3x10! { 2 [ Pom os: ut) + fae Sz orgadg ort = [28 tie ese - i Bss x19!S = * . (6) Fer Prien | eee Sz boom = bsxid?m, G2 = +e xid'%c Es 2x1 Ne | 2 Mm, = 167 10°77 kg. Accelératim A, = Fo = Of: = bexie!® x9 x104 12. 2% a = L92 KIO” m/s sa = —— . Similanty t, =/2 < [2xes me = Ls x157 sec, as 192 x10* 4; _ 29 x10 ag Rie Electric Field Lines Electric Field Line An electric fiell Hae. 9 op of ee f sich o woy ‘thar the tanger oy ot thot Poin" p in the cbifection of the. net pie & oe Zz The mi aoe of the field us representest by the de of field Li Henes. Electric field indensity ot A pBoink j, | to Yumber of peld ints crossing Formally a unit acl ancund thal point. Properties of Electric Field Lines - QQ) Electric field Lincs are comtinuovs curves. They Stor! TS politely chargeol bedy and end at a neg Charged Body. Ip thae is a single charge then the ffelol Ines re son or end at inginity. * & 388 (2) No eecte pidd Linw exist Insicl. the. charges body. Thus Epis eld Li el a Cmtnuows closed ae SSeS sham # The measnetic tele Mints ant continuous Coy endless) Clesecl Lops as" against the electric biel Lines. (3) Tangent do the electric field Line ata my peivd ge the clivechoy of electric fielel intensity od thot tus elect vic because ot the p other. TS tus tangents PA onde “4 ‘erection each Ky ‘daw Se. hl clivections of electric pielel ihe rean two i he sors point tohich “vs not ” possible. y a e x E em } The electric field Lines ans always normal to the sujnee ch a conductor: So there Us ho Component o elec jeld unferity pore} to the Surface of the Colcol (6) The teld Lins around a system of two positive Go) cease (%,%) gives @ pictorial repreasmtation of thely~mutuel repulsion. 5b tun equal omd while sich the Confiquietien oprodte Changes C95-49)., ck ne bee “ne mutued atryaction Proce the charges- 25 HE pe Ants OF perce Cay Intersect = OE — Electric Dipole clicole is @ poly of eaual oma Opposite point Se epahoded bye a Sict olixtance « d -F% ae two equal and opposite point change sepanaceal by a bmall clistance S208, Equatorial Line 1 t t t ' t Pr -4O-- po trom Q +> 29 1a i : Axial Line ! 1 * the total charge of the eectic chipole ib zen, but tris does not mean that the eld of the elechic clipe is zed. Dipce Moment (P)- Dipole moment Us a measwee the Strength ob aectric cUpole. Tt Gs a vector suo whose chirechor| “ negocive Charge sto positive Change: Dipole moment dy : the Fl ! equol do the product of mognitude Of Cithay change amd +he clutance between tem, [F = ance | | Bee Physleal Stanifteedhce of lipole - 3 Tn moat of He molecules the centres of Posrhve ome vegotive chanraes Lie ot the same place: Therefore, Hhuiy olipde moment 1s cero. | Cop and CHy are ob tia pe Of molecules. However Huy clwvelop a dipole moriert When an electric Held ud applied, TRuse types of ‘molecules calles! non-polar molecules, o-0- Linear But fy some Molecwles He Centres of Negative | end positive charges clo not coincicte. Therefore | Nave a peamement ele cele clipde Moment, exer in Hie coserse of Of an electric Held» Such molecules are Calli polar Moiecules , | Water molecules (rh.0) ane Hel molecule ane the | Examples vf ‘polar molecules , | ‘qs be Joleador part dipetes OL pate of req iby Srrasl | Gce JS Cuted om ideal ov paint Upete. OQ maa a1 Tetrahedral Whe y(& a Dipole Field - | nd the oUiptle. in Tt us the space quo De ee iy the elect opect of the aliple can Pie The electric plete! ot ea powt P Is Hay {us “to ch by adding the electile fielels “4 hares aa Ea bdut te “tne chdlge Y by the. Paredlelegds, 4 os vectors, (i) Field Intensity on Axial | Line of Electr Di Let the point p be at clutance y frm the. Cente of the dele on the Re of the charge 4 then Pp k———_ 2a ——___-} Bag ene wea --@ + -% 4 Val Ike Here E-q = * (vray oma} Ea = war Se the total Electte field at print Pin - E qi - En - Eq (Es, > Ea) E = ka[ zie —t_ (ay Gray] E = kq. tar Che oF Por (vy 77a) e = 4k2a = v3 E = 2kP ys i 1 e ~ cle Intensity on Equatoviag Hine Of Electric Dipde - | Lek th point p is on tha equatortoas lina, OL Ne. wht OP RY: En Pp —-se 74 - a Ean tra ' \\ Le LAN, y vita \ ra | . ' Z | oes Ab ye +o 0 i e——_——- 2 > tre magnitudes of the electric fielols clue to thre tum wsrnts J and -9 Gre given Qs - Kv ; : a ee Esq? = omd E-qg = ————~ ic (y>447) 4 (v7+07) feat tee Components of Exq omcl Eg normal to the ipde axis cancel each “othera oma the Components along. re clipe axis add up. 50 the foal electic field is in opposite clivection to B. E = Esq CosO + E-q Cone OY E = 2Evq Core oi EX s K. 290 Gat For (yova) & = Kk 2qa Bc -KP ys 3 * Hence the cipole field at large clistances falls of mob as Lyn but as dys, # Due do an electric olipole | Earial = 2 Eesuatorial Dipok. in a uniform Electric Field - i " lechic t ipole be held in a tmitrrm external e field e's otis @ with the clivectin of E. sing = Net force on the ple = Thi rus on Charge +4 omd -4 result fn a torque on he Bed eskieh take the clipole. 4 Thus the torque tend do ahign the dipole axis aleng. the clirection of fad FE. The magritucle of tovour is equals the mognitude of each pee (a)! om iplied by +the Berenaltiler distena between the two ant nd Fores: Torque TF FRX T = LE X2asing T = PESing > The direction ° jt, given by right hanoled sere ale | and sa perpendiadar af ty Bat i ee SPECIAL CASES - . ——_———— KX When PF wa along E , 0=0' “4 Fe. + T= PESino «<0 ~ SE, The cipele. Is im stoble equilibrium. % Whey BF is along ©, 6 = 180° ee a + Pt T = PESinigo" = 0 TRe otipele is in unstable equilibrium. eS oS laces] SMM pany 4 @ ro choases Elo MC ae Pict PONT, Dot ae oleeie field at GC) F eink Fon the asi “yet A vtve on the sig, 1 pole 1s cm. Cw pom its cer Lng He positive charge * (b) % pomt Ris 15 Crq aby o on a Line passing. through © nee normal ip & axis of the clipole showry ty eg 4 ge fi \ Hern |Pl= 4x20 cys , = : vty \B l= tox? x sxio* Got \ | 2S xe? Om. WH isem \ i / ' \ = 1 Also 2aec ¥. cloM, a ttedaiee phe oF 1 oO > ! A e | (4) As point p Les: on axial dine of olipse So - E, = ane = 2x9 410% sxe | a (ets 3 1 So Ey =. 2667 x10 Nie C along the clivection of (©) As point @ Lies on equatorial Jine Of; olipole So — | €, = KP = _gxto® x sxiv® ys Cos 8 | Ex, = $33 x10% Nie (opposite to Hae hirection «| i} ' @ A sysiery has tury changes Va = 26 x167 i i 2 = 2 C amd Yz-2:SXir i mere at points Ail o-isem) ond B: (6,0, 15 ¢m9) raped What are tre total change andl eclectic. olipole. moment : the System ? | | Ff gob: Total Charge of the system, Yt Ia + Vo Ve as xwle - 20 KT em a lectHe elipdle. mome) of * 1s X10" Pls qx ia bs aS AIO the system hd given by. 7x 0+ 30 Flo asxto® Gm (clong Positive Z~ axis), so a — Jin acertain region of space , electric Held is aden A ip? clivection » The cern of electric pielol is mh constant and increases Uniform along positive zanis, atthe rete of lo® Nic Per metre. Caheutote He Foves and torque experiencecl by a system having a Italo le. arent Gt Ginn he: fegative Z olivecthiom? is A. Dipoie moment of the system IPle 4 xd IPL > axdt = -10°7 em, Erde of increoke of electle Fielel Per unit length , a s = 10% N/e per meter Foren Cxperiencad by Hae Ss ji i ee ¢ getem ts qiven by. * F = 4xdtx de Al Fos ~1077 x lo S fre He i “10°F (Along =z axis) 3 amnade ements tact Shien Sleetic Pelol cme clipe le S , Tora ue. Ts PE sing T™ PE Sinies Continuous Charge clistribution Tn His dishibution the Changes are equally clstnbuted| in a booly or object. There are three types Continuous charge clatibubion - 4 * s (4) Linear Charge Distribution - It is representeof by Lintar charge olemaity CA). Unear charge denaity (A) = ers a ¥ SL Unit - C/m, Examples- Chargecl shai i c i iP Hog Oke: fought wives Charged circular + +t t+ tee ig + - sean + A O; S ded Surface Charge Distribution It ws representeal by suatace Charge. clursity o. Surface Change clensity (o-) = cong = & en SI unt > C/m*, Example - el ‘ = ae ae Charge. Conducting € yo — + = =e - o 7 eatle + * : > oe 7 ate () Volume Charge Distribution Cc ez Volume Change cluniity (Pp) = ome volume | | SE Unit > C/m?, . es | Examples — chargee| inauleding sphors + oe + + + F \. 4 Ayea Vector - By Convention, the vector arsotioted ust, ever ance ont of a Chased supa ib token to be 1A the olivecton of the adword “normal. a x : ‘ \ Here AS ds magnitude o the Onto, elon ond A b, & unit vector fy the civecton of oudword Normal at Hat s Point: t Se Electric Flux ($)-- a Electric qlux over am areca in an Clectie aS yepyesentts the dotal number of elechic. Pelt Line Cnc This arta Normally - od TAc eclectic Hux Ad through an area Clamnegai aS in an elected field @ “iT cuapined eo Ad = E.AS = EAs) C40 toherne 8 Ud Hie emale behveen ED amd AS For a non unijorm surtace total eclectic flux ad ¢ = gas I f Eelscoso The circle OM the integred sign Inclicetes Heat Surface. of integration Ys a “close Surface. K Electric Flux 43 Qa Scolar quantity | * For a Closed os : Wt aiate, urbace the Hux comes outsioic fem the Surface Gs -tokan pesitve and th: flux geting inside sto He surface is taken nagocve ———— - val electric fell Bs an geu . a0 : Alot Nie Cortinn dhe Hux of Had fielel through A Square. of (a) whet Me hose plane 44 Prrollll to the yz ae mE ae wa the flux through He some sare mare. / i, the, novmal 40 “ds plane meakos™a Go" ange ee tee x-axis ? y rr. an A lene) Eleeinicy, elas oxlsnt A/c Sika of the yu = od ce frrea of the square (a= @4) > [my So A = oolm™ 2 . 1) the. pl of the square 4b prrollel to the miei’ ne 3 es angle befuean tha. arta vector and electric field is 6=0.- Se Electhic Flux - = EAC4E . p= Bx{0* x O-OLXCoAO = Bo Nee p> when plane makes an omgle. Go" with the x-axis thes ae bo". = * Se Electric flux p= FACE = 3x10 x OrolL XCo&bO p= IS Nac S The clectie field in a Certain region of space Js (Si 4 uf-uk ) xi Me Calculate electhic Hux clue to Hin fielel oven an area of (2t-J) «15% m™ L) we Know thet Electric Flux ge Eds pe (st+uf—uk) xm. (20-9 )xic* = (fo-y)x10* tls fps ke 21 ° a ¢ = 6xI0* Nae tj=efk=Rtso | Gauss's Law The tote! electric flys. over tHe closest surkaw dn nae as le, ye ie total chaagze @ Contained insicle surface. A fea 3 Proof of Gauss's Law - Suppose om isolatsol positive point cl % dd eer al the centre C of & Sphere of Yadius ¥. ee electric fielel intensity ce pomr Pm dhe Sue of the Sphare oe, = _ KY 4 Borat Wlurs 7 Ja unit vector olirectes| from 0 40 P So the. flux over the Grea. element ws - dps EB = E& ds Coad or Ad =. a ds Se Total electric Aba over ‘the’ entire Surface of > Sphare. $e fFB = KF fas J, >t & - ane, Aan a ( fas = an) Henw : — . E-ds = & fig It proves the Gauss's treorem. ee fe Law Important folnts about GOW E—— - , 41 Gauss's Law As true for ang 2088 matter whet its Shope oF SIT" on . he Su 2] The term 9 in Gaww's Law includes 1 Tae. Charges of out changes enclosed by the susfa euArface+ May be Located anywhrse insict the 3B) The i Should not Pos any cnc Se eee electric fidd clue Joc System of clucrete charges is not well olefined, et the Locedion of omy charge: However the Gauslen Surface Can Poss though a continuous charge dlistibuchion: J Ts the closed Gaulan si have 1 symmetri foes than Hae elichrien fis’ pasa ares) ‘el face will be 2b times the 4otal Ki three the Surface - oe flax Posing thigh SJ Tn tre Bhahon usher tue Surface ic (Chosem frrok frore ate Soe in Side omol Lore otgrde Lint Ted Feld 7S deto ah y eee bot» tnside omd oufidec, I 4 for a medium of Abd fe mi} A to ae Charess [ar Bry be £n[rretted oJ par GE M-D . ay’ >| The electric field Components in K ate | Ey Ezz 0 Im which fs = BOD Nie pit Censide,4 Cibe. a5 Shown t and calculate - 4 (a) Total flax, io Ha Cube (b) Change within Cube. Assume tad Azo) so Here Ext ax f Ey: Ex = i 86 feo t= o-pin (0) The electte pleld has enly x fas. he So $ =: Ed 26 each oh pour paces "L Cnbe ob ee bet Y-Z plane. Beg Sess =Q Se Es dale wd . L S0 de: &. = aa! s a costae = -aa® PE the Right Fon x:atra: 2Q 86 Ep = a(oa}* Se Gat ER. AR Aa Nx gt Coro” de = a a s © Net Puy “eegh the Cube gd = Serg e $2 adhe _ ae oS; : ee wa (7 -1) = Boo (on y (-1) : (6) ey eB = feos Ne “4 auss's tThouovrem Z = esp So qe Beas x ygt? 9:27 x15? ¢. f Gauss s neorm Application © infinitely Leng Straight ) Field clue te a" a Wire - Uv ymly charge = ioettaty feng Hein wire with Considth Cy tore Jancor Change The electric fe point in the plane eg ee eT call ands” egiae ee ‘dial distor % on the MO pends ony Nove contin @ Civcular Closed 1 ees ob, diwt y ord dengrn 2 lr with the ingnitely Long Li change os sts axis. the tote! dectric flux over the Surface - ¢ = £E.57 = fedscoso'+ fedscoass+ fedscoss = & fas or ¢ =e xanrl [Change inside the optinda (2) = AL. Now ackerding Jv Gours's theorem p= & ze Exanrd = or CGRP x Avo, the alivection of elechic fell at every. point Jo vactiolly outwords. #KIb A 40, He alivecton o} electric eld at ero, pert us radially imwdrds. E T m d IF o v Ba ploste red of length Comics 2 okive cl eof BB ALTO which Ws Spreacl uniformly over Sts surtace. whot is the elechic field near the mid poinh of the rod, on us Surfaw? So Given thed - d= 22m, , Y= Sgmm = Boxlo?m, , % 2 -28A'c. 22M omd racius 36mm % we. -173 x107 Cm Linear Charge density A a A = -3:8 x10" D2 As Ems A i= 2A 2 oy 4N Gov so = axaxi® x (ot7aaie! ) So, cin ov E = -gexio Ne @) Electric Field! Intensity cue te % unigormly Chayged Spherical shell - (@) Electric Field Outside the shell foe yae Consider. thin spherical Fe Re | and canbe o with Chage +h disth | Sungace of the shu uniforenday | | To calculate electte field inrerstg OA OTe eee, (Couns? sur ce) with | eint P, Emagine a sp | ere 6 and raclius 7. Accereling to Gaussis Law | ees gt Pg bols = or @ = f Eds Coso = vs ° Ead:dssssiek Ns [ 6 = Sf = 4 IL & x? KF If £70 then E us vacliolly outwards K Lh eso ten Ew radially inwards. (b) At a point on the surface of the Shell - At the surface of tee Sphadieal shall r=R So ees qa rors ip J Surface Change. clensitay on the eth _ e—e= Fes © Constemt (= - 4 ane “ga ) (Oe Electric (eb Fil insiele the Shell - ~ field ot point P Wnsicke conicer. eee Pete 5 °b 4 spe re St Jef through © ond with centre As the chord zero the Gaussian surfece eo taste the sphorical y encloses 70 charge . By Gauss's theore- b= 8. eb eue-euny* 2° e oo [ez] for YER Hen the electric Hield mside + F a unddprmly Chargeel S phorical Sho jg zerd ¥ (dlstanee ¢rom Cenhe) — “Eield intensity due to aq HG lake sheet of Charge - n Electric infinite P : . t Hun mfpfirite plang Siena Consicts A ™ . oh Ange With surface change clantety o- fe have. dv find the electric fielel Fea P ata pencliculas, clistane, Y from the s ;: i incrical Gaus} Now imagine Oo Any ian surface Coss - sectoral” Anta wh anound P and dingy by, sing Hheough dhe sheets ¢ jal jlux over the entire surface. of cghindar uae ¢ : fed + fee +fea ge [eas cosd + [eds cose + [eds cosso’ /2. ‘3 p= 2EA Total Chaage enclosed by the. cybi neler = oA eas 1 2 - According to Gawys's Low gb = & TA &e a 2e. X Ib © >0 then electric field is normally eel antl K ' , F aek <0 then electte tielel Jd normally Inward do the 2EA = intensity clue to we thin 1) clectie Field (u) Electric Fiel sheets @fucherge - infinite parallel : Hoe 1 7 79 Case 1: - : i z @ >» — Ex In region ® ¢ © In meio ® EB: & +e, E = €& - Ee 224s 2 OLS Etc tie & “Jer ae Ee: ra (o1 +03) ‘ Ce A Large. plane Sheet of charge having, ae ca em a aan of ei the elechic flux through 9, circu a olm dh ani mal eo the circulo. ana makes an angle of got with tha @.8 In whch orientation, a olipdle Plucl in a uniform fed iy in (4) Stable (6) Unstable esuilibrium? (case 201 ) Oa 5 electric Upales are placed imsicla a cube. find the nat flux Passing Hhyough the cube’ (Ras€ 2014) - . 7 10.An elechic dipole of clipole moment 20X10 cm ts placed inside a Breed swrface « Calculate He nef electric flux passing thr His Surface . Ans. = Zero (CBSE 20s, 06,11) {1. Explain what sa ment by. olidectric cela? ; E 2005 42. Plot 4 A showing the variation of Coulomb force (F) youl (i> ahaae y Ww the by, Serle betwen tw Changes of each pair of Charges (Lue, 2.Ue) emd (auc, -3ue)- (case 2011) 113.4 Copper sphere of mass 29: Contains nearly 211° arms. The € e on the nucleus of each atom us 292+ What fraction of the elechons must be removed pon the sphue Jo give At a Charge of +2uc? Ans> 2516 x10!" (Case 2003 )) Yiu. An ara 5x10 fm vs placed Mm an Uniferm elechic gield of (2at+S00f) N/ic+ Calculede the elechic Hux passing thro +his area. Ral Board 2002 Ana: Pe eee ( v ) : S15. The magnitude of entersal amd exertedl elechic flux oe G Close surpace ane 4x10? Nbc amd Bxid™ nrc, espectivelt Calelate He. Choage enclosec| by this SUAKGCLE . Anas 356 C (Rey Board 2003) @1. An electric fleld Line da a Continues cuwe. That Usa field Line cannot have sudden breaks «Why not 2 @2. The fi shows tracks of three Charges 1,2 and 3 in a unitorm electric field €. Give the Signs ob three changes. whlch particle has the highest charge to mass ratio ? L Ce a a z Qi3. Two Lange conducting spheres Carrying charges Gy and Qs. are bro close to each other: Is the magni- tucle of the elictrostatc force behween trun exackly given by F = aie, SEE s Whe Fd the cistener bho thuly Centres ? Q.4 Why must electrostatic field must be normal to the Surface ct eveuy point af a Charged Conductor ? QS. Define electric lipole moment. Is ata scalar or a vector quarkity ? what ds sts sa unit ? Q.6 An eketric clipole of clipole moment 20x16 8 om Js enclosed by a Closed susface» What 4a the net electric flux Comma out of this surface ? Ams. - Zero Guy Define Aeketric constant of a medium: what w, the Value of cliekectric constant for 4 matad SL ints ad pol | BB Tio charges -2@ and +a ot ocala elect 10} and (4a,0) respectively: whet « sphere of Flux due ado Huse charges throug - -2.0/€, Yaa? with whe centre at the origin ? pie de enclosing through change ’ Or CR. Q@.9. Ih the melivs of the G@awsian Sw tric: Flux a one vit halvecl 5 how clock the ele - No the Gaussian surface change ? ane @ilo, To Concentric. metallia sp d and 2R are given Charges QI end 'S fa surface Charge cluuities on the outer Gig ‘ ig Ay Ars shel, are equal. Determine far w= Buf Qs * Ys ruriced shtts 7 x-axls Quill. Two charges @ ond isq are plactol fixe on Sepanaiecl Ly slistance ‘al!. tohine shovlel 0 third chage 24 be placed such that at will be In equilibrium? Ars - CF BUH) @.12. How many zAyped an objec Con be chargecl ? Quid. Tn a Hel molecule the clistance. between Ht anol elm tons wb 126 4%. Calewlote the electric clipole moment of the molecule: ~29 Ams. P = 2-0U8X 10 Cm. Qiu. An electron anol proton cu released fom rest in & uniform electric field. vohich of them will have larger Acceelrration ? Riis, Guess a posible yeason w wader” hy greater dielectric Constant ead than miles ESE

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