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Calamagui 1st, Ilagan 3300, Isabela
Tel. No. (078) 622-3110
“ CHS – is a holistic department with dynamic staff that intend to produce a globally competitive health care provider”

Name: ____________________________________________ Course/Year:_______
Schedule: _____________________
No. Performance Indicator Poor Fair Good
3 + error 1-2 errors No errors
(1) (3) (5)
1. Explain the procedure
2. Perform hand hygiene
3. Provide privacy
4. Assist patient to the prone or side-lying
position with the back exposed from
the shoulders to the sacral area. Use a
bath blanket to drape patient. Raise
bed to the highest position and lower
side rail closest to you.
5. Warm lubricant or lotion in your palm
or place container in warm water.
6. Using light gliding strokes (effleurage)
apply lotion to patient’s shoulders,
back and sacral area.
7. Place your hands beside each other at
the base of the patient’s spine and
stroke upward to shoulders and back
and downward to buttocks in slow
continuous strokes. Continue for
several minutes, applying additional
lotion as necessary
8. Massage patient’s shoulders, entire
back, areas over iliac crest, sacrum
with curcular stroking motion. Keep
your hands in contact with patient’s
skin. Continue for several minutes,
applying additional lotion as necessary.
9. Knead patient’s skin by gently
alternating grasping grasping and
compression motion (petrissage)
10. complete massage with additional long
stroking movements
11. During massage, observe patient’s skin
for reddened open areas. Pay
particular attention to skin over bony
12. Use a towel to pat patient dry and to
remove excess lotion. Apply powder if
patient requests it.
13. Perform hand hygiene

14. Assess patient’s response and record

your observations on patient’s chart


Evaluated by:

(Print name and Signature)


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