Patristics 1

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The Apostles and the Apostolic Fathers

(7290) The Writers Who Knew the Apostles | Fr. David Meconi, SJ | Catholic Answers Focus - YouTube

(7290) The Catholic Theological Tradition: Why Care about History? - YouTube

(7290) The Catholic Theological Tradition: What is a Church Father and Why are they Important? -

Great Playlist for Patristics…

(7290) The Fathers Know Best: Scripture and Tradition in the Early Church - Patrick Madrid - YouTube

Justine Martyr

(7290) Catholic Theological Tradition: St. Justin Martyr - YouTube

(7290) Introduction to St. Justin Martyr - YouTube

Irenaeus and Origen

(7290) The Catholic Theological Tradition: Irenaeus and Origen - YouTube

(7290) The Genius of Origen - YouTube


(7290) The Catholic Theological Tradition: Tertullian - YouTube

Pope St. Clement of Rome

(7290) The Catholic Theological Tradition: Pope St. Clement of Rome - YouTube

St. Ignatius of Antioch

(7290) The Catholic Theological Tradition: The Life of St. Ignatius of Antioch - YouTube

St. Augustine

(7290) Introduction to the Life of St. Augustine - YouTube

(7290) Augustine and the Pelagian Heresy - YouTube

(7290) Augustine and the Donatists - YouTube

(7290) Augustine on the Holy Trinity - YouTube

(7290) Where Augustine Got it Wrong: God's Grace, Sovereignty and Human Freewill - YouTube

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