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水 文 ・ 水 資 源 学 会 誌 水文・水資源学会誌 第21巻 第3号(2008)

J. Japan Soc. Hydrol. and Water Resour.

Vol. 21, No.3, May 2008 pp. 215 - 227


Infiltration Characteristics of Tropical Soil

Based on Water Retention Data

Muhamad ASKARI 1) Tadashi TANAKA 2)

Budi Indra SETIAWAN 3) Satyanto Krido SAPTOMO 3)

1)Ph.D. student of Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences,

University of Tsukuba
(Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan)
2)Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
(Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan)
3)Department of Agricultural Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University,

Kampus IPB Darmaga

(Bogor 16680, Indonesia)

Water retention and hydraulic properties of undisturbed tropical soils collected from many regions of
Indonesia were analyzed to estimate infiltration characteristics of the soils. Soil texture was classified based on
International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) classification. The van-Genuchten model was used to estimate the
relationship between water content and matrix potential at pF=1, pF=2, pF=2.54, pF=4.2. The 165 soil water
retention data were used to optimize parameters of the model and to find the air entry value. Green-Ampt and Philip's
infiltration models were applied to characterize soil infiltrability of each textural type. The Nash and Sutcliffe's
efficiency was used to evaluate numerical simulation of cumulative infiltration of Green-Ampt's infiltration model
compared to the results of laboratory experiments. The 165 soil samples were classified and were optimized into 10 ISSS
textural types: heavy clay, sandy clay, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, sand, light clay, clay loam, loam, silty clay, and silty
clay loam. The results of performance evaluation of Green-Ampt's infiltration model showed that Green-Ampt's
infiltration model can describe infiltration characteristics by using soil water retention and hydraulic properties
data. The tropical soils based on soil texture exhibit contrasting infiltration characteristics as indicated by
infiltration rate, length of wetting front and sorptivity. The characteristics of soil infiltrability are mainly influenced by
hydraulic conductivity, initial water content, and matrix potential at the wetting front.

Key words: soil water retention, tropical soil, ISSS texture classification, Green-Ampt, wetting front, sorptivity

role for agricultural planning, environmental
Infiltration is the physical process of water research and policy analysis such as development
entering the soil from its surface. The amount of of plant irrigation, fertilizer and soil nutrition
water that infiltrates into the soil and its variation movement, surface and subsurface water pollution,
with time depend upon slope, soil structure, and groundwater recharge (Netto et al., 1999;
surface roughness, soil texture, surface cover, Dingman, 2002).
hydraulic conductivity and surface water content In the tropical region such as Indonesia, soils
(Leonard and Andrieux, 1998). It plays important often receive high precipitation and subject to

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loose their top soils due to run-off and soil erosion the application of soil water retention and
especially when their surfaces openly exposed to hydraulic data on the estimation of soil
the atmosphere. In this situation, soil infiltrability infiltrability has been recently conducted on sand
reduces with times because of the crust formation, and silty clay textures (Saleh, 2000) and sandy
or the exposure of subsoil whose relatively dense clay texture (Hermantoro, 2003) using Richards-
on the soil surface after its top soil is being Darcy's infiltration model.
removed by soil erosion process. Soil infiltrability The objective of present study, therefore, was to
which is variant of soil textures also changes with optimize soil hydraulic function using van
their bulk density and initial water content. These Genuchten's equation and to estimate the
conditions become big constraints to measure infiltration characteristics of various tropical soil
infiltrability of soils in the fields. Therefore, textures using the optimized soil hydraulic
numerical simulation models of soil infiltrability function data.
will be very important in understanding this
Many water flow problems near the soil surface
can only be solved numerically due to soil The one-dimensional, downward-infiltration
heterogeneity, non-linearity of soil physical flow system is depicted schematically in Fig. 1a.
properties, non-uniform root water uptake and At fixed time t 0 after the instantaneous ponding
rapid changing boundary conditions. Water flow in of water depth hc at t = 0 on the top surface of the
the vadose zone in term of infiltration process is soil (Z = 0), position coordinate Z being taken as
predominantly vertical, and commonly can be positive downward. Volumetric water content =
simulated as one-dimensional flow in many (Z, t) for independent Z and t in general, Z0 is
applications (Romano et al., 1998). By running the the depth above which = 0 at time t (for zero
one-dimensional model at various locations,
horizontal variability of meteorological conditions,
crop characteristics, soil properties and drainage
conditions is accommodated and regional water
can be determined (Bresler and Dagan, 1983;
Hopmans and Stricker, 1989).
Soil water retention and hydraulic data which
are collected at a great number of soil physical
laboratories (Rawls and Pachepsky, 2002; Hodnett
and Tomasella, 2002) enhance the applicability of
the some equations related to infiltrability of the
soil such as Richards-Darcy's, Philip's and Green-
Ampt's infiltration model (Wang et al., 1997;
Romano et al., 1998; van Dam and Feddes, 2000;
Braud et al., 2005; Regalado et al., 2005; Kozak
and Ahuja, 2005). Most of studies concerning the
application of soil water retention and hydraulic
properties on simulation of the soil infiltrability
have been widely conducted at subtropical region. Fig. 1 (a) Schematic diagram of the ponded-water, one
On the contrary, the characteristics of soil dimensional downward water-infiltration flow problem;
and (b) two exemplary graphs of water-content profiles
infiltrability at tropical region using those data corresponding to the uniform soil column in (a)
have not been extensively studied. In Indonesia, (Swartzendruber, 2000).

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air entry value), and 0 Z Z0 is the region of the cumulative infiltration at time t, and is equal to
constant water content 0. At t = 0; the uniform Z・( 0− n), KS is the hydraulic conductivity
soil had been at constant initial water content n corresponding to the surface water content (the
throughout its semiinfinite extent Z 0. saturated hydraulic conductivity), and Z is the
Corresponding to the flow column in Fig. 1a, length of wetting front.
schematic graphs (profiles) of water content The mathematical and physical analysis of the
against depth Z at fixed time t are shown in Fig. Philip's infiltration model (Philip, 1957)
1b. The profile for a general soil is indicated by separated the infiltration process into two
the solid heavy curve that is constant at 0 for 0 components - that was caused by a sorptivity
Z Z 0 (water content changes little as tension factor and was influenced by gravity. Sorptivity is
increase up to a point of inflection). This more or the rate at which water will be drawn into a soil in
less distinct point represents to the tension at the absence of gravity; it comprises the combined
which significant volume of air begins to appear in effects of adsorption at surfaces of soil particles
the soil pores and is called air entry tension. As and capillarity in soil pores. The gravity factor is
tension increases beyond its air entry value, the due to the impact of pores on the flow of water
water content begins to decrease rapidly and then through soil under the influence of gravity. The
more gradually (from 0 at Z0 to n at Zn). At Philip's model takes the form of a power series but
very high tensions, the curve again becomes nearly in practice an adequate description is given by the
vertical reflecting a residual water content ( n two-parameter equation:
after Zn).
Misra et al. (2003) catagorized Green-Ampt and i (t ) = t −1 2 + K p (2)
Philip's infiltration model as the mathematical
solutions to physically based theories of where i is infiltration rate, Sp is sorptivity, t is time
infiltration. Green-Ampt assumed a piston-type and Kp is a gravity factor related to hydraulic
water content profile (Fig. 1b) with a well-defined conductivity. Sorptivity indicates the capacity of a
wetting front. The piston-type profile assumes the soil to absorb water and is the dominant parameter
soil is saturated at a volumetric water content of governing the early stages of ilfiltration. As the
0 (except for entrapped air) down to the wetting time increases, the parameter Kp becomes
front. At the wetting front, the water content drops important in governing the infiltration rate.
abruptly to an antecedent value of n, which is the
initial water content. The soil-water pressure head
at the wetting front is assumed to be hf (negative).
Soil-water pressure head at the surface, h 0, is 1. Classification of soil texture
assumed to be equal to the depth of the ponded Soil texture was classified based on
water. Corresponding to Fig. 1b, the Green-Ampt International Society of Soil Science (ISSS)
profile (heavy broken line) remains at 0 for 0 classification using distribution of sand, silt, and
Z L but drops in abrupt, stepwise manner to n at clay fractions. The classification was conducted by
Z = L and remains at n for Z L. using the triangle textural references as shown in
Using the assumption described above, the Fig. 2.
Green-Ampt's infiltration equation takes the form
(Hillel, 1980): 2. Laboratory experiment
The infiltration experiment was conducted on
dI  h0 − h f + Z 
i= = K S   (1) standard sand and loam (2 mm-sieved) soil types
dt  Z  (Setiawan, 1992), and silty clay soil type (2 mm-
where i (t) is the infiltration rate at time t, I (t) is sieved) (Askari et al., 2006).

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Fig. 2 The soil texture references for ISSS classification. X %,

Y %, Z % represent percentage (%) of sand (0.02-2.0 Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of infiltration apparatus.
mm), clay (< 0.002 mm), and silt (0.002-0.02 mm)
respectively (Verheye and Ameryckx, 1984 in Teh and
Rashid, 2003).
Inspite of the apparatus being used were
dissimilar, the measuring procedures were
The apparatus used in infiltration experiment of commonly not different. The soil sample would be
standard sand and loam had 20 cm of diameter and manually compacted as uniformly as possible into
50 cm of soil column length consisted of 10 pieces soil ring started from lower part of the soil
of 5 cm soil rings. The length of soil column was column. Equation (3) would be used to calculate
lengthened because there was 40 cm of non- weight of the soil needed to be compacted into the
continues macropore. During the infiltration, fixed volume of the soil ring in order to get the
pressure head profile was measured by using a expected dry bulk density. The compaction should
pressure transducer. Output terminal of the be done gently enough in order not to destroy soil
pressure transducer were connected to data logger. aggregate.
A marriote tube was applied to supply water into
Ws = (W + 1) ρb V (3)
the soil surface indicating cumulative volume of
infiltration and a weighting balance was used in where Ws is soil weight, W is mass wetness, b is
order to measure draining water from the bottom dry bulk density, and V is volume of the container.
of the soil matrix. The weighing balance was The physical characteristics and soil water
connected to a second personal computer. retention data for simulation refered to the data
The apparatus used in infiltration experiment of presented by Askari et al. (2006), Saleh (2000)
silty clay adopted those in infiltration experiment and Setiawan (1992).
of standard sand and loam although was more
simplified and was manually operated. The 2. Numerical analysis
apparatus as shown in Fig. 3 had 5 cm of diameter The 165 data of soil physical and hydraulic
and 25 cm of length consisting of 5 pieces of 5-cm properties consisted of percentage (%) of sand,
soil rings. A marriote tube was applied to supply silt, and clay fractions; bulk density; organic
water into the soil surface indicating cumulative matter (carbon organic); saturated water content,
volume of infiltration. A weighting balance was water content at pF 1, pF 2, pF 2.54, pF 4.2; and
used in order to measure the change of soil column saturated hydraulic conductivity which are
weight during the water was infiltrated. collected from many regions of Indonesia such as

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Flores, Kotawaringin Barat, Samarinda, Kutai, dan Newton-Raphson method (Burden and Faires,
Gorontalo (Hikmatullah and Sulaeman, 2006) were 1993) on the Eq. (5).
used to optimize the parameters of soil hydraulic Another infiltration characteristic that is
function of van Genuchten (van Genuchten, 1980): sorptivity, Sp, was calculated using the following
θ S − θr equation (Philip, 1969 in Angelaki et al., 2004):
θ (ψ ) = θr +
(1 + (α ψ ) ) n m (4)
S p = 2 K S (θ0 − θn )(h0 − h f )

where ( ) is effective soil water content, s and

r are the saturated and residual water content, 4. Performance evaluation
is matrix potential, and , n and m are empirical Several statistical measures are available for
parameters. Modification of in Eq. (4) to be evaluating the performance of a model. These
1/ (Setiawan, 1992) will give a parameter that is include correlation coefficient, relative error,
called air-entry value ( ae). Empirical parameters standard error, volume error, coefficient of
of van Genuchten's soil hydraulic function are efficiency (Hsu et al., 1995 in Mishra et al., 2003),
computed from measured retention data points by among others. The Nash and Sutcliffe efficiency
employing non-linear regression techniques, with (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970 in Mishra et al., 2003)
constrains 0, n 1, and 0 m 1 (Pereira and was one of the most frequently used criteria. This
Allen, 1999). Solver Add-In on Microsoft Excel criterion is analogous to the coefficient of
were used to optimized the parameters. determination and is expressed in percentage form
The infiltration characteristics using the Green- as:
Ampt's infiltration model were divided into
 D 
infiltration rate and length of wetting front. The Efficiency = 1 − 1  × 100 (7)
infiltration rate was calculated by Eq.(1).  D0 
Meanwhile, the length of wetting front was where D1 is the sum of the squares of deviations
calculated by the Eq. (5) below (as the result of between computed and observed data:
integration of Eq. (1)): 2
 ∧

D1 = ∑  Y0 − Y  (8)
KS  Z 
t = Z − (h0 − h f ) Ln1 +   
(θ0 − θn )  (h − h ) 
 0 f 
and D0 is the initial variance which is the sum of
The Eq. (5) has 7 variables which are KS, 0, n, the squares of deviations of the observed data
t, Z, h0, and hf as we had previously explained about the observed mean, expressed as:
concerning infiltration model. K S and 0 were
obtained from saturated hydraulic conductivity and
D0 = ∑ Y0 − Y )

saturated soil water content data respectively. n where Y0 is the observed data, Ŷ and Y stand for
was assumed to be equal to residual soil water computed data and mean of the observed data,
content ( r) because there were no data of soil respectively.
water content when soil sample was taken. Xie et The efficiency varies on a scale of 0 to 100. It
al. (2004) stated that if no initial water content is can also assume a negative value if D 1 D 0 ,
obtained, it is assumed to have initial water implying that the variance in the observed and
content equal to the residual water content. h0 was computed infiltration values is greater than the
0 cm H2O with the assumption that the soil surface model variance. In such a case, the mean of the
was in saturated condition without ponded water, observed data fits better than the model. The
and hf was obtained from air entry value resulted efficiency of 100 implies that the computed values
from the optimization of soil hydraulic function. are in perfect agreement with the observed data.
Another variable, Z, was determined by employing

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Fig. 4 Distribution of soil textures from the 165 soil samples data.

able to produce best-fitting for all soil textural

types with coefficients of determination (R2) in the
1. Classification of soil texture range of 0.907 to 0.995 (Table 1). Soil textures
According to the classification of International dominated by sand fraction 50 % which are clay
Society of Soil Science (ISSS), the 165 soil loam, sandy clay, sandy clay loam, sandy loam,
samples were classified into 10 textural types (Fig. loam and sand have saturated hydraulic
4). As seeing in Fig. 4, light clay and heavy clay conductivity which is equal to the addition of sand
are predominant (51 %). The rest (49 %) are fraction value except for loam which has high
divided into sandy clay, sandy clay loam, sandy saturated hydraulic conductivity due to the highest
loam, sand, clay loam, loam, silty clay, and silty silt fraction among others.
clay loam. Based on the existing data, the other There is interesting phenomena that saturated
two textural types which are loamy sand and silty hydraulic conductivity of clayey-soil which are
loam, are not available. heavy clay and light clay are higher than
remaining soils except for sandy loam, loam and
2. Optimization of van Genuchten's soil sand. These phenomena are caused not only by
hydraulic function pore size and its distribution but also by the
The parameters of soil hydraulic function of highest soil organic matter of clayey-soil. In
each textural type was computed from measured addition, it is might be strongly influenced by
retention data points by employing non-linear montmorillonitic mineral content of clayey soil.
regression techniques (least square error) with Scanning electron microscrope observation
constrains the saturated water content equals to indicated that the montmorillonitic soil had thicker
water content at total pores, the residual water crust comprising either small particle with a very
content equals to water content at pF 4.2, 0, n developed washed-in zone underneath or large
1, and m = 1 - 1/n. Besides the least square error ones with fine material between them (Wakindiki
criteria, we should also consider the soil bulk and Ben-Hur, 2002).
density data as another selection criteria of the Sandy clay has the lowest residual water content
optimized data. This is useful in order to reduce the among others. In contrast, silty clay has the
effect of variability of soil structure in the field. highest residual water content among others. It is
van Genuchten's soil hydraulic function was clearly indicated by silt and clay (fine mineral)

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Table 1 Saturated hydraulic conductivity and van Genuchten's soil hydraulic function parameters for 10 ISSS textural types of
tropical soil.

fraction content although low soil organic matter

of silty clay. Silty clay loam has the highest
saturated soil water content among others due to
particle size distribution of this soil is dominated
by silt and clay and also due to high soil organic
matter content. In contrast, clay loam has the
lowest saturated water content among others.
Mitchell (1993) stated that the smaller soil
particles performed, the larger contact area
increased among its particles. As a result, the
higher micropores with steady structure occurred.
Thus, this soil has water content relatively higher
than one which is composed by larger particle
(Saxton and Rawls, 2006). The occurrence of
higher soil organic matters not only will strengthen
the soil aggregate but also enhance soil capacity in
holding and storing water. This is because soil
organic matter minimizes soil compaction,
provides pores, and is able to store a quantity of
water which corresponds to a multiple of the
organic matter's weight (Emerson, 1995).

3. Performance evaluation of Green-Ampt's

infiltration model
Figure 5 shows the comparison between
observed and computed cumulative infiltration of
Fig. 5 The comparison between observed and computed
silty clay, standard sand, and loam soil textures as cumulative infiltration of silty clay, standard sand,
the result of laboratory experiment. Generally, and loam soil textures.

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sand has the highest cumulative infiltration especially for sand, loam, sandy loam, silty clay,
followed by loam and silty clay respectively. The silty clay loam and clay loam respectively. In
value of efficiency of each soil textures indicated another side, infiltration rate pattern of heavy clay,
that numerical simulation of Green-Ampt's light clay, sandy clay and sandy clay loam are also
infiltration model agreed well with measured data. influenced by a significant difference between
These good agreements between experimental and matrix potential in the entry surface and matrix
numerical results confirmed that Green-Ampt's potential in the wetting front (Table 2).
infiltration model can describe infiltration Subramanya (1984) stated that the distribution and
characteristics using soil water retention and pore size of soil will directly influence its
hydraulic properties. infiltration rate. A loose, permeable, sandy soil
will have a larger infiltration capacity than a tight,
4. Infiltration characteristics of tropical soils clayey soil. The existing of soil organic matter
Optimized soil hydraulic function (as shown in when water flows under the soil, the soil pores will
Table 1) is the input data for the estimation of not be covered by clay particles or damaged soil
infiltration characteristic of each soil texture by aggregate.
using Green-Ampt's and Philip's infiltration model. Figure 7 shows results of numerical simulation
The infiltration characteristic derived from both indicating advances of length of the wetting front
models using the optimized soil hydraulic function in the soil matrix. Since the water infiltrates
are infiltration rate, length of the wetting front, and through the soil surface only, the length of the
sorptivity. The three infiltration characteristics wetting front vertically downward as the time
were using the same data as shown in Table 2. increases. With the same time elapsed, sand has
Figure 6 shows time dependence of infiltration the biggest Z value and is followed by sandy loam,
rate in 10 soil textures of tropical soil. Sand has loam, heavy clay, light clay, silty clay, sandy clay
the highest initial infiltration rate among others loam, sandy clay, clay loam, and silty clay loam
followed by loam, sandy loam, heavy clay, light respectively. The addition pattern of Z value is
clay, sandy clay, sandy clay loam, silty clay, silty different with infiltration rate caused not only by
clay loam, and clay loam respectively. The same the influence of wetness increment between
pattern in final infiltration rate is also showed by saturated water content and the initial soil water
the same order. content but also the difference between matrix
In one side, these phenomena are equal to the potential in the entry surface and matrix potential
decreasing of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the wetting front (Table 2).

Table 2 Parameters of Green-Ampt's infiltration model for 10 ISSS textural types of tropical soil.

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Fig. 6 Time dependence of infiltration rate in 10 ISSS textural types of tropical soil using Green-Ampt's infiltration model.

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Fig. 7 The length of wetting front during 1.5 hours infiltration in 10 ISSS textural types of tropical soil.

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Figure 8 shows sorptivity characteristics as a surface and matrix potential in the wetting front.
result of antecedent soil water content changes. Furthermore, the value of soil sorptivity can be
Generally, the sorptivity value is decreasing along used to indicate the origin and the environmental
with the increasing of antecedent soil water condition of soil in the field. Materechera et al.
content. On the other hand, the effects of (1993) stated clearly that soil from planted
adsorption at surfaces of soil particles and treatments had higher sorptivities than soil which
capillarity in soil pores are decreasing along with had not been planted due to biopores left by the
the increasing of antecedent soil water content. roots.
As the water content approaches saturation,
sorptivity tends to zero and the infiltration rate
becomes equal to the field saturated hydraulic
conductivity. As the time increases, gravity factor Parameters of van Genuchten's soil hydraulic
becomes important in governing the infiltration function of tropical soil were optimized for 10
rate. This implies that the steady infiltration rate ISSS soil textures which are heavy clay, sandy
reached after a long time should be largely clay, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, sand, light
independent of the antecedent water content clay, clay loam, loam, silty clay, and silty clay
(Philip, 1957). loam. Most of them are dominated by sand mineral
Although the sorptivity is decreasing along with fraction. The results of performance evaluation of
the increasing of the antecedent soil water content, Green-Ampt's infiltration model using standard
the response for each soil texture is different. It is sand, loam, and silty clay soil textures showed that
seen clearly that the texture of sand, loam, sandy Green-Ampt's infiltration model can describe
loam, heavy clay and light clay give drastically infiltration characteristics using soil water
decreasing sorptivity value among others. The retention and hydraulic properties data. The
drastic changes are equal to saturated hydraulic tropical soils based on soil texture exhibit
conductivity, wetness increment between saturated contrasting infiltration characteristics as indicated
water content and the initial soil water content, and by infiltration rate, length of wetting front and
difference between matrix potential in the entry sorptivity, in which the characteristics of soil

Fig. 8 The profile of sorptivity characteristics as a result of antecedent soil water content changes. Initial water content equals to
-10, -50, -100, -250, -346.7, -500, -750 and -1000 cm H2O of matrix potential.

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Muhamad ASKARI 1) 田中 正 2)

Budi Indra SETIAWAN 3) Satyanto Krido SAPTOMO 3)

(〒305-8572 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1)
(〒305-8572 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1)
(ボゴール農科大学 Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680, Indonesia)

ために,Nash and Sutcliffeの効率係数を使用した.
性の違いは,浸透速度,浸潤前線深度,およびsorptivityに関して,著しい対照を示した. さらに,熱帯土壌の浸透

キーワード: 熱帯土壌, 国際土壌科学学会分類法, 土壌水分保持特性, Green-Amptモデル, 浸潤前線, sorptivity

原著論文 227

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