YP 1951 July Triceps

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F; ffi & qffi

'rNeglecl your triceps exercis.s cnd you will
foil to lncrease your upperorm size to ihe
K. ffiq limit".

@rc ,W .r':

fT IS hard to convince some fellows that the

^ Iargest arms are those with the best devel.
oped triceps. Most bodybuilders Etart in fever-
r 4qw ishly to build up bulging biceps and do attain
*l quite a meaeure of impressivenees in their up-
per arms, but it is all show, and like the old
r-}Js German saying to the efreet that the etore own.
er hae everything in the window and NOTH-
w i
ING in the shop, the drm has no REAL power,
t; and ie all "look".
i.j I fully agree that bicepe work is eesential if
your arrn ie to have that finished appearance,
but eome young bodybuildere carry biceps de.
velopment and the quest for an arm with a
"baeeball" appearance to extremes. Always in
your training, strive for a "balanced" develop-
ment and you can't go wrong! The moment you
try to build up one section of the physique at
the expense of another, then you are headed

for trouble. . . And I can hear you asking
"But why have specialization, isn't that devel-
oping muscles of one part more?" No, it ien't,
for Specialization is designed to bring parts of
the mueculature that are UNDER par, up to
PARITY with the rest of the development.
Only when you uee specialization to enlarge a
Muscle Group disproportionately ie Specializa-
tion being wrongly used.
The extensors of the upper arm . . . the TRI-
[ .,*'

CEPS . . . are very important mugcles . . . in
Don Collelo displays a Mighty right ann.
fact one of the THREE most important for any
The triceps, one ol the most important body builder. It ie hardly possible for you to
muscles ol the body, sets ofr Don's rnus- display strength in any lift where the weight
culature to perfectian. Lon,
is handled by the arms, unless your tricepe are
Try and picture Massiae Mal.colm
well developed. They are muecles that can
Brenner u:ithout that titanic ateep stand a great deal of HARD work, respond
ol Tri.ceps, and then you'll realiie readily to exerciee and provide at least two
just hou; essential Triteps power
and d.ettelopment is! Varner. thirde of the arm's bulk. Donot waste your time
h. curling if you desire REALLY big and power-
Statuesque Norman Tou:sley im- ful arms.'. . . Start on a triceps specialization
proues the appearan-ce ol his Apol-
lo T'ype physique u:ith pertect tri- (Continued on page 4O)
ceps displny. Triceps Specialization .
plays an impoftnnt part in his
training. VARNER- 20
tells you lhat

hru/,?/a/ft/ril .Urrr*'

Alan Stephan shous you d

new Triceps rnoaement. Reg-

;q/ J ulateil Resisnnce on the belt

(: ,* pumps rte murcles up, in
creasing their strength, size

IT and endurdnce.

ffi ffi
The olil tied and tested
stand by, the Triceps
Curl, sornetfines called. rte
"French Press." Pump your
arms up to size and pouser
uith this great exercise.

Rear Dumbbell Extensions

u:ill moul.d massioeness in
r\ ffi
the louter head ol the triceps.
Seetext lor ilenils. Use this
moxenent in your schedule.

The laorite Trbeps mot)ement of rte Author, Alut

Stephan, rte'Elboto push up-" .1 barbell pbte on the
back uill increase rcsi.stance and, bulgp out rhe entire

when it is burning fuel continually . . . It
cannot burn when it haa no fuel! Body-
Triceps Speriolizotion builders get the best retultE from a Spe-
cialization programme when they are in a
Huil(rm^r.!ilow (Contiuteil lrom page 2l) "bulky' or "beefy' condition, when they
ffilrTY HAY€ APPEAI. are "gaining in bodyweight.'The body is
SIIIC€ YOU'YE BEEH programme. . . . receptive to a hard routine on any specifie
YAHTE ON.NLXEYS Ae it'e name implies, the Tricepa hae eection of the body . . . more ro than it iB
vl-BE-0ll three heads . . . There is an "inner" head, when in I trained down condition , . . A
close to the aidee of the body, . . . 8n generous diet'also helps a great deal.
'ouler- head on the *outeide' of the arm Plenty of meat and potatoes, with plenty
and a ttlower' s€ction down near the el' of millq egge, cheese and butter are foods
bowe. Some bodybuildere find it hard to for the would be "muscle man." Fresh
attain maximum development of all three fruit for it's vitamin content is another
parts and for thia reason get the idea that muEt. . . . An extra hour of sleep and lots
the musele is complex in structure and of relaxation between training daye will all
difficult to "hit" from all the important aid in muscle growth . . . In fact it ia wtat
anglee. you DO between training days in the way
Thie is of couree not entirely correct. It of rest and nourishment intake, that
ie a fact tho that moet activity is directed BUILDS YOU UP. Exerciee breaks down
to the outer head of the triceps while the tiseue !
inner and lower heads are neglected. The All the exerciees in thie article are de-
reaaon for this ie that the majority of the signed to aftect the inner and lower heads
movemente in a beginners schedule are ol the tricepe. Th"y will aleo be used in
Vhy drag through the daYe "preeo' type exerciees . . , those that plaee conjunction with the Flushing System,
aII fagged out, drained of accent on "outer" head use. Mr. Average
Body Builder gets so used to performing
originated by Joseph Veider. FirEt per-
form your usual BodyBuilding pro-
energy, pcp, feeling weakt this eort of exerciee for the triceps that he gramme, eliminating any exercise which
finde it hard to adopt other forms. It is might resemble those in this article. Re-
depreesed, thin, rundown? only when he starts to use "french pres' place the movements with presses . . . The
sesr- "tricepa curlst and other unusual press behind neck.. . The Press on Bench
FDDD YOUR NER'/ES exercises that he finde out how stift hie . . . The Military Presg . . . The Supine
DON'T FIGHT THEI}T! upper arm6 can get, . . , Preeg on the Floor . . . After your regular
One of the ffnest waye of testing the workout has been completed, then start
li:ll'+,:ff-iu-T't1,tl[t*",;'-ui'5"fr]ii. efiect of any particular movement on the the triceps specialization routine . . . As
;;'A.i;d;a;iih *hct vour svsl.E is.hungorins
ll dolrv"Do muscles, is to take a very light weight and 6oon as you perform a set of the exercisee
ior, you only-need-f2 tecspoon ot
perform innumerable repetitions with it. . . that ig as soon aE the last rep is
il{""'"g:i*'qf,:Tllii,[:"a"Jj'"''l;l'"]:.iri"f, ; All you have to do then is to wait until completed, put the weight down and con-
I';3Ei;oo*.I:lgl'"'t,"i1"Y::',""1'?"'xeri"f; i5"rii
pr-ic-e o-l onll next morning, flex the muscles and find tinue through the motions of the exercise,
ii"-iii's-titi'irrnilolie ot fre-wor
$2.56o Boltlc. Hurry, ordor l.!-atcl Doltl'l..ol out where you are stifiest, so if you en- locking the elbows forcibly and concen-
VI-BE-ION, ond help lortily ALL.yourgrowlng
tertain any doubts as to the effectiveness of trating in the mind on the action of the
VI-BE-ION is excellcnt lor l,qbi6E,-
vouhosierg' nuEinq nothars, lh€ og€d--{' t'll the exercises I am going to give you, just triceps musclee-STRAIGHTENING TIIE
ir Murcb Mor. VI-BE-ION h6- ploven.lo-b-e
GOOD. I sincerely recomm€nd it. orcter vl'EE- try them out 6rst in the above manner. . . ARM. Ilold the elbows loeked while you
ION direct lron you'll be convinced. . . . mentally tense the muecle, then relax
DR. FTIDITICT TILTIY On the surface of things, one can be for- COMPLETELY and repeat the Symbolie
lox 16l, Cortl 6oblor, tlcml 34 Florldo given if he thinks that outttanding preEEers exereising the same number of reps you
have the best Triceps development, not used with weights or applied resistance.
'When your
,PlPPEtmlNt only from the bulk viewpoint, but from Triceps workout is completed,
Do You Prrfcr DI. tltN:Y'3 stand in front of the mirror and continue
fCA" wlth HonoY or Lcmcn, cr loth? definition and Power. Actually this too, is
Il vour Heqrt, Nerves or Stonoch ore weck .- , another wrong impression. The greate8t io tense the muscles sE the arm ie held
iirj" FeFFEnilINT TEA is the bevercse lo seekl presser the world has so far seen, Johnny straight down LOCKED at the side. Dur-
PEPPEXMINT TEi ic alkalinizing; oids !n nou-
irotiano slomdch acidilv' DR. TILNEY'S Pepper- Davis, has huge arms it ie true, yet they ing the day, tense the triceps by bentling
nint T& is exlra lull ol qoodness, lreshness cnd hardly compare in shape and definition and etraightening the arms; keep the
G" womino PEPPERMINT llovor. Rcgcrdcd cs
d aource o'l Food Mqngcnesc. Tired broins, with Melvin Vells. I do not doubt that if muscles flushed with blood during the
ncruei. hcorl. slomqch clf need this elemenl. So exercise by going from one movement to
iiroebn. TILNEY'S PEPPERMINT TEA rosrulcrlv, Johnny had the time to epare from lifting
Lot or iccd. with l€Don, honev or both. Pocled SPECIALIZATION, he would build up a the other with ae little rest as possible
Iresh, Iull-itrength. Only $0.50 <r Pacloge, or
o pound postpoid.
f2.65 pair of arms that no one could equal. So in between.
DT. FNID:RIGT fltNTY far his weight training hae been confined EXERCISE l. The First Triceps exer-
lox t6t, Corcl Gcblor, flloml 31, llorido to pressing weights, and locking the arms cise is the BELT RESISTANCE MOVE-
out under heavy jerks and enatcheg. Can MENT. In this movement you MUST
you imagine how big and powerful his put all you have into it. Lie on your
ADD THI!. TO YOUT HEAI'H LIERARY upper arms would be if he engaged in an etomaeh and place the upper arms along
"Abundont Living"-(Minisiry By Moil)... t .25 all round bout of Triceps Specialization, the ground with the elbowe pointing right
"How to Strengthen lhc Hart",. .25
using all the wonderful Movements to be ahead. Grasp the belt in your hande and
"How to Slr.ngthen the Newce". .25
"Vigorous lleolth lor Zcstlul Living"...... .25 found in the Veider Arm Specialization raise the forearms UP and Over. Your
"How lo Gcin Weighl". .: ... . . . t.25 bulletin? training partner grasps the belt and reeiste
"Your Wishcr Reolized". 2. l5 There are many thin$ to be considered as you try to straighten the arm. Get him
"Building VIRILE Power" r.06
when embarking on a programme de- to gauge the resistance he offers 60 that
Dt. fllNTY signed to affect the size and strength of you are able to keep the belt moving.
lox t6l, Coru!'TIDIRIGT
Ocblcr, tirnl 3{, Florldc any muscle group. A fire roars loudest Don't forgel to brace the elbows and

upper arms against the mat . . Continue
until you are no longer able to straighten
the forearms, then let go of the be]t and
perform the movement without resistance.
ful sex
lgnorcrnce t O
EXERCISE 2. A great exereise for get.
ting the lower triceps head is the Dumbbell
extension to the rear. Look at illustration
"2" for correct starting position of the ex.
ercise. Just hold the dumbbell in either
hand and get a firm support from a beneh
with the other arm. The body should be
almost level with the floor and the upper
arm in the same position and rigid againet
the side of the body. DON'T move your
upper arm during the exercise. The fore.
arm is the only part of the arm that moves.
Straighten the arm out Lraekwards and
when the elbow is locked, hold the posi
tion for a slow eount of 2 contraeting the
musele mentally with all the efrort in you.
Relax and repeat. Start off with a weight VITAL
you can handle for 8 reps 4 sets, working
up to 4 eets of 12 reps before you increase KNOWTEDGE
the weight Don't forget the symbolic
movement8 after each set. REVEALED!
EXERCISE 3. The standing reverse grip
Triceps Curl . sometimes called the Do vOU know the facts of sex? The art of
o'French Press'
is a great movement for love, sex anatomy, sex hygiene, incompe-
building up a bulky inner trieeps head. tence, protection against disease, diet for sex power, exercises for virility, birth
When using this movement, try not to let control, bad habits, excessive abuse, courtship and marital compatibility? When
the elbows travel too far apart. Keep them you fail in sex you lose evefything. Ignorance and shameful errors can ruin your
as closely together as possible and keep life. Avoid them through knowledge! Here are 5 frank and completely revealing
them pointing high at all times. DON,[ sex books, explaining thoroughly the mechanics of man's most natural and primi-
move the upper armE. Only the forearms tive function . . . SEX. Read them.
move in this exercise. You ean make this
exercise more diffcult by sitting on a beneh
or plaeing the upper arme against a wall. $I.OO EACH OR ALL 5 FOR. ONIY $4.0O
Start ofi with 4 eets of 8 reps, and.gradually married men, art of love, use and abuse of birth control.
sEX AND YOUR BODY By Prcf. E. Il[. Orlick
work up to 4 sets of 12 reps trefore in- The bodybuilder's handb@k of sex. Wrltten for men of
Packed with authoritative det.its lncludlng @mments
and sex opinions of famous men, you learn the fuu
creasing the exercise weight. AND-don't ,orceful action. Eelained ln dehll the dramallc relation meaning of healthful sex expression. A most compre.
forget the symbolic movements after each between aex Fwer and physical health. The only book hensive book, written simply and without bchnlcal
treating the specific sex problems of the man or boy who trius for your complete enJoyment and education. A
set with the weighte. desires to assure full success in bodybuitding. In simple, timely book you need NOW,
comprehensive text such Eubjects as the Sex Drive, Con.
tinence, venereal Disease, Strength and Sex, Sex Abnor-
EXERCISE 4. The final rriceps move. maltles and Sex Conduct for the Bodybuilder are fully
ANATOi/IY OF SEX By Gsorg. F. Jcw.tl
ment is one that has always lreen my covered. If YOU are not getting the most from your A stttrulattng picture story oI the organs of sex and
training, thls book may point out we*eniry errora how they function. See bow sex affects the bl@ stream
favorite. It is the ELBOV PUSE UP. which rob you of masculine glory. as well as the muscular and intestinal systems. See the
exact structure of the complicated sex nerves which
Clasp the hands together (as shown in VIBRATE YIRILITY. Learn the @nnection between your
INTII AIE SEX D|SCUiS|ONS By Eorl E, Lirdsrmon
ILLUSTRATION 4) in the 'opush up'posi. In this frank, straight from the shoulder, man b msn
braln and sex nerves. The aE€less WISDOM of Eex
clearly revealed in this sensational picture book. All
tion-that is with the arms straight. From talk between yourself and the famous author, your most details so clear and easily understood by aU thet a
intlmate sex problems are thorcushly analyzed. Like a sttrgle glance shows sll fte answers. Undoubkdly the
here, lower the body until the cheet charge of dynamlte thls book wilt erylde dozens of GREA"EST book of its kind ever published.
touches the floor, letting the elbowe travel atupid fallacies. You wtll learn the conservation of sex
powers, all about potency and impotetrcy, love and sex SEX AND EXERCISE By Georga F, Jow.tl
OUT. Straighten back to starting poeition in ma[iage, the effect of insidlous habits, how to over-
AT LAST-a @mplete exercise course dealing effectlvely
and lock the elbows firmly. Hold the come them, the psychology of sex, cleanliness and ab-
normal sex acts, This book will overcome fear and with sex health! Learn how to keep your virile powers
"lock" position and repeat the movement. worry, showing you rigbt from wrong. Dwery youry healthy and strong enough, aimple, natural exercise. Al-
ready this unlque corrse has helped ftousands to con-
man needs thls instructioml mashrpiece.
You can provide added resistance by plac. quer weakening habits, night losses, sex fatigue, em-
ing barbell plates on your back. Start ofi 8EXUAT HAPPINESS By Ben Wcidcr barrassment and FEAR. Cultivates sex health for those
who need it and preserves the natural sex enerRy of
with 8 reps 4 sets and work up to 4 retE HOa off the PRESS after 3 years of researchlt A direct those who a.e noimally healthy. Daringly different, this
approach to all sex problems, unusuat conditions, weaken- unusuat book will be a CHALLENGE b you manhood. It
of l2 reps before increasing exereising ing habits, sex hygiene, sex functlon, activity, loss of represents one of the outstanding contributions b power-
poundage. power, consereatlon of energy, probtems of slryle and fut sex heatth ever offered.

---rrr--- rrtr-trrr-rr--rr-ru
In all theee exercises, the maximum

amount of weight is to be handled that YOUR PHYSIOUE PUBIISHING CO., 16 Hopkins Ave., Jorsey Ciry, N. J.
will enable you to u6e the combination of Please send me at once the following sex books I have marked off, for which I
sets and reps as instanced above in each
exercise. You MUST work hard, concen- D Sex And Your Body,.. .Prlce gl.OO E Sexual Ilappiness,... .Price $1.OO
trate and above all, be DETERMINED E Intimate sex DlscuBslons E Anatomv of Sex " " 'Prle 81'Oo
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muscle building fooda and WORK

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