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rHE I95T

rnHlS American 1outh, rvho has been in the

I lirnetight he was 14 years of
age, nhich rvas but four years ago, irnproves
rvith every birthday. And there{ore this maga-
zine intends to show horv this sensational
Western hercules appears each year. All pic- by
tures hereto{ore shown of him were either
taken rvhen he was seventeen or younger; but EARTE TIEDERMAN
now we proudly display his latest photo-
graphs rvhich were taken when he was ex-
actly LBl2 years of age-in April 1951.
If any reader has saved back issues of this
nragazine, he rnight do rvell to glance at Alex
Aronis' former pictures and note the change
in him as he was and as he is now. His legs
seem rnore sturdy 'rvhich probabll is due to
football. a sport of which he is {ond and in
rvhich he indulges. He rvas a ooletterman" l'hile J h,5 dq
in High School, and norv, in college, he car-
ries his agility upon the gridiron rvith greater d!
power than ever. s-&
In studying his arms there appears to be a
gain in thickness. His biceps have not lost sY"tr {r ,,; L

an1' of their amazing height, yet seem to be I
.' *&.
a trifle uider cross-wise. His neck is a bit
more square, and his triceps have definiteh' ,..,,i**t

acquired more tissue and contour. And

though his arm nleasures about the same- /
lil)i t cold-pumped to over 19 in. ) this same
arm actually looks rrider, especiallv nhen re-
laxed. His weight varies. He has gone up to
195 lbs., but usualll stavs around 190. He
weighed I88 when these photos t-ere taken.
He did not "pump.up" be{ore posing but as.
sumed the postures suggested with a rather
indifierent attitude. Fact is, he rvas a bit re-
luctant to pose in the first place as he felt
that he was not in his best shape because he
had not trained for quite a number of dar.s.
However. we present with pride-fhe l.ItSt
Alex Aronis!

T.his is th-e latest photo, taken oj jamous ,llet

Aronis when hc cxattll. lBti .i."ars old. He
began hii weight training ,rrrii in h;r'ilti
birthday and ot that time not ortrtoniiri
physically. Now, the u.torll sulutes hint as "a
phy sical rnasterpiece.





Would. you say that 4a/z
years of training uas a
long time to deuelop
arms like these? Alex
says that it seems like
almost yesterday that he
took his first uork-out,
neuer dreaming that he
uould m,ake atch prog"
ress. The satne utill be
true ol you , . . begin to-
day, and m.old your lu-
tLtre physitlu,e just the
3r u.)ay you want. ,7l.ex hus
shown you it can be
done. All physique pho.
j "l# tos by Bnrce,

s l:: ii;i: ;'i':ture. ( upper leit )

thc ieeling oi ru.<ged pou;er
r!i:ylateLl by Alet ntakes it
easilt understooLl uhy he is

?tr such a grt:ot iootbaLl player

antl all around uthlete. His
u-teight trained ntuscles are
tlrc ntatch ior ony sport.

A r:lose-u1t uiew
181/t" COLD upper arm.
Vlile his biceps is mas-
siaely lormed,it is that
su:eep oi the triceps which
ol Alex's
captures the eye. There is
no doubt tltat he will reach
a 20" uplter arnt in tine.
( beloru)

Irt &,,


This phoro of Alei wos token obout 3

yeors sgo, when he wos olreody ot- :

lrocting ottenlion os o young musculor

sensoiion. His ironsfotmqlion hos been
olmost unbelievoble. Alex is o Weider
r Booster ond tells everyone thol
"Weider is best!"

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