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isnt ASvbsiRRE ? Hoptine Ava, Janey ity, Ne J this tnd presuees that would break more vile rasom that they can withstand weights ‘Then two, bones are hollow. I they were salid std ofthe same sie, they would e very They, and sioemenis would become dient fand nelly. Ifthe hones were ofthe sa ‘weight but smaller and solid, they would Ireak more easly Te ea common know act that a meal tube is stronger thas a metal rod made up of the same amount of materi ‘We use this Knowledge everyday inthe field of construction and engineering. Nature di. fnered this principle long before maa, and tases ube of tin taa’seamtrution, ‘The bones af the body have maay other Interesting properties and fanetion bat we tive covered anfileat 1 show something of their importance and vale. Since much of ofthe same size and general compor- the work we are ging to cover inthe future fs ssacated wth the skeleton you should ‘make it a point to Jer the ames and pos: tions of all bones Making Champions (Continued from page 1) aon was stored up it could ill a herd of tlephacts!! No wonder the bodybuilder moat remove all of i fom his body juntas fas ax een. Another bite known fact ie that when ape fon dies from strangulation or drowning, he oes so not became of lack of ee I time ‘onsible for him to expell the cazbom dose from his sysiem, and this actualy ills him. Obviously, if a certain amount of carbon Aigide is the blood stream can prove DEAD: LY... lesser amount can eauee serous functional disturbances. Nerve exhaustion, 1 lesening of physical power and lack of ‘endurance are 8 for: 36 [A bodybuilder who finds himielf lacking im pep and unable to perform the required umber af eps in an exercise may be suf {ering trom « mild eae of carbon dioxide Doisoning. Often this can. be cleared up by taking « few deep breaths of fresh alr be. fore stating the exercise. However the really important fact is breathing CORRECTLY ‘ding the exercise wil tll you how to do this later on ‘A misconception connected with the me ‘chanics of breathing ie the idea that when 4 deep breath is take, tht the Iyags blow ‘op ikea balloon and inate the chest through pressure on the tbs, This ie not tue, Breathing is « muscular act. The moscles of the cheat rave the rib box and aie ls sucked Ito the lungs during Inhalation, Other cheat muscle delite the chest and foree out the stale si from the lungs. When the chest muscles aze too Ured 10 cantinue this rain Ing and depgesving muscular action 2 person aitst ait down and rest. He slnply cannot xen Miwelf any lager ‘The demand for rapid breathing need not vaya serlt from strenuous execine. The taain purpose of becathing se brought Sut ‘eval Wty Fesore carbon divide feat {ha Bed stsata endo rechrge it with ony 12, vital for life. A peron will breathe more Aulchly even if he fv seated totaly at res, in zwom mhere the carbon diosde content 4s High, as Hates ta = Cowie poorly tilted room, Therefor, sore breathe are equeed to sopply the body withthe needed cxygen. Obviouly, trining quarters must be ‘well ventilated for most oicent physial tivity, but do sce to it that the foam bs steady fw of fresh ai, This wil keep your ‘endurance high and you vill be able t harder Tis posible for you to train your body so that it will throw off carbon dioxide ef feats, giving you more pep and enepey than another person who it aot so trained Athletes in any vigoous sport spend many hours learning just the best way to bresthe for ther paricalar activity, and the impor ange ofthis im bodybuilding and weight beige ee ie ey et eee explains why a small, well texined man can ‘often beat bigger, poorly trained person in vigorous sport, since the untrained ran will be poisoning himsclt through improper Teathingy and the well trained man will re aula. fresh indefinitely ince the earbon oxide content in the blood is the determining factor in physieal fatigue, the time the breath should be most forcefully expelled from the body is immed ately after a strenous exertion. The strain of the exestion will have charged the Blood Stream with poisons and you MUST ri your self of these jut as toon as pomble, I the itor exeriss is yery strenuous but of sme tration, then a number of shor, panting Ieathe should be taken. during the action, with a number of deep breaths vight after has been completed. NEVER hold your Iretht! If you do you will become dizy and shaky. You wll actually be poisoning yourself ‘a time when you can leat stand i iter ke a eclence of breathing, champion in action tad aote how fully he breathe bel be SNORTS the atle ai from his lngs after br Rieyy Wit, Wich an fectpcrcnoed it particulary in the press How he holds his Breath. His eyes bulge Hi face goce red, td les chal white the pale bits Mn. ow he rometines drops the bar end Becomes ‘Seay: oor Keeonind det tL ‘The bodybuilder too must make # science of correct brething. Many bodybuilding ex: feises require great endurance and smash- Sng power, Incorrect breathing will limit the ‘amount of energy that ean be put into a movement of fall workout. This wil hold you hack and Keep you from making the Drogress that you should TLackily, correct breathing fs NATURAL breathing. It is easy 10 learn. There are a {ew simple rues to follow, Here they ae. stream belore any exercise. This i eal Trnahe OUT when the muscles are Bing done, Take afew deep breaths before sarting Be iar fee al ree wre Bape oe | eae eee ae nap re tran, n‘esample it heary single sitet sere to fall back on and you il not gst EXERCISER Ata two rm pose FORCE the sr fom the ted so som, | Tings as you pew the weight above head, At canbe sen, while correct breathing i+ | If the talon ft very fat onc toch tv a of the utmowt importance for physical su two aor atc, then you ean bold he breath cee in bodybuilding, itis also pretty much fr the fraction of the second required to maltr of comman sense tall ads up 19 smash the weigh above head but you most Fddag the body of imports when they are Ireathe out immediacy after the movement present in the larget qumntes and repac: is competed Ing these impurities with feb, clean oxen, Te bodybuilding execees, even though seta) 10 good heath So ii you are ever ee eee er a im conse, jt it dows and tia thing over. ‘empe,the same principle appli “Here When your muces are working the hardest eee csas The fx Teed agoat the mont impustes ae being formed and iste some bodybulder some concer, Let You sould get rid ofthe ale Drei, Then, erence he eelar seins The hor-is when the muscles are. working Tes hard dae eee ce thou reatbe in deply end lhe Ings with sk flr. No extra exertion yer and the breath. st. Simple, int it? Yet it does have to be THE JOY OF POWER WIL BE YOURE! ee is normal, Now get att for the aque, thoaeht oot and learned. Now that you E10 | yoann ENSKTIONAL STRONG Coed DOWN in the Gru io cess Tike bom, your Icing wil be more pleasant and | ghrWatreie, Reema aetna aul per is coming up, So breathe TN on more sucesfal. Tam happy that Ihave been | —fhe'sae"WSes* a due tan, he way down «then when you are exert, able to make itso. You are now just one step | Raitt tasel we BRtTH PONCE TOU ing the moat ower to come up bresthe QUT. slater to being @ Champion! tt roa ‘The name procedate is uted each rep, though = femcecaact ood rh (ou grow more ted you may have to take eo nad you ma mus ee Miss Body esr ate ea nie fhe equa, ut yu will sl alvays bree Sines irae erties Ti citys Loved OUT rhe coning Beautiful 1 Fear onkanncep os ome orn Ae iv (Continued from page 11) The sae inl api eer exci ‘wane sornoome rau a et are re en Matame Wi) | po oa ec e qr emp te br nd OUT we yout PA Beery eee Asai onda nwo tm plier Tag ren aw the corning of | ER, SP A soe breathe TN as You lower the ment he. the show was « beauty contest There was | Wired Fa eer itt onan ani then! sey wd | RNASE RTE are a OUT then yor bay tig the was new tlle awarded to the winner or Saht back othe sang postion, Ta the 18 tbe ps the wines bas een given | Sint Aneian dents GRU a” Trending leteral reve you breathe TN as the PHY engraved “Mss Muscle Beach.” This | wep paroet co. Hoe MUthte are lowered to the aide and OUT. Yes the trophy says "Mis Body Besutifl” "aoe they ate raised again. ‘Remon for this change was not explained. Competition for the tile was extremely tet Re Se gon fn every exec, Beste in a cece, Brett one hn Seat So many rey ils were TONY LANZA phe zh exon i he foes ond tt they Ted that the late cold bev Phe voz | | Warld Famuus Phy signe Phatngrepher eee eral more winners ein If the Get tree had ° However, sometimes when you are very _ De

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