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Self-Charging power bank

through the conversion of
Vibration into Electrical
Energy using Piezoelectric


Student Researchers


Research Adviser

SY 2021-2022
Division of Cavite
Bucal National Integrated School
Bucal 2, Maragondon, Cavite

Self-charging power bank through the conversion of Vibration into

Electrical Energy using Piezoelectric material

One of the most common expenses in human’s life is electricity bill. In year

2017, the world’s electricity consumption amounted to approximately 22.3 trillion

kilowatt hours. Global consumption of electricity has increased over the last decades

from 7,323 terawatt hours in 1980 to 22.3 terawatt hours in 2017 according to

International Energy Agency in 2020.

The overall consumption of electricity in our country has increased over the

last ten years according to Sanchez in 2020. Electricity bill can be increase, especially

when using electronic appliances/devices daily. There are various types of electronic

appliances/devices that can increase the electricity consumption. These depends on

the electronic that being use. Around 94.4 billion kilowatt hours electricity

consumption recorder every year.

This research study’s main aim is to create a portable smartphone power bank

that harness sound waves from the noise of the environmental and convert it into its
own source of useful electrical energy through the use of piezoelectric material.

Piezoelectricity is commonly known as energy harvester in the modern period. This

material has a transducer which is able to harvest the sound wave energy and convert

it into a useful electrical energy.

A. Questions or Problems being Addressed

This study entitled “Self-charging power bank through the conversion of

Sound Energy into Electrical Energy using Piezoelectric material” will aim to show

the functionality rate of self-charging power bank to charge a smartphone.

This research study specifically will seek to answer the following questions:

a. Which distance from the loud area (5m, 7m and 10m) of sensors in

powerbank will convert the greatest amount of charge in smartphone?

b. Which number of piezoelectric (6, 12, 18) attach in power bank will harness

the greatest amount of sound energy?

c. What will be the average amount of charge in specific time (1hr, 2hrs, 3hrs)

applied and converted on smartphone by power bank?

B. Goals/ Expected Outcomes/ Hypotheses

It was hypothesized that:

a. No measurement of distance (5m, 7m, and 10m) will affect the sensitivity of

sensors from loud area.

b. No numbers of piezoelectric material (6, 12, 18) will validate the rate of

harnessing the sound energy.

c. There will be no significant difference between the amount of time (1hr,

2hrs, - 3hrs) and charge converted to the smartphone.

C. Description in detail of Research Method
For the experimentation the following materials, methods and variables will be


a. Preparation of materials and creating the device

All the materials that will be used should be finalized and complete before

consulting the mentor about the further details and creating of the device.

b. Harnessing Sound

Twenty (20) piezoelectric materials will be positioned in a parallel/series

circuit in the stationary board of power bank. Place the device with piezoelectric

generators in a loud and crowded environment where vibration is present that can

absorb a significant amount vibration. The process will continue until the

piezoelectric material of the self-charging power bank reach the necessary amount of

sound electricity.

c. Converting Sound Energy to Electrical Energy

The capacitor that will be installed will store the harvested sound energy. The

conversion of millivolts and microvolts will occur in this phase. It will be converted

by the electronic amplifier that will also help to increase the energy that has been

harvested to supply the self-charging power bank.

d. Modifying and Multiplying the Sound Energy

In Modifying the vibration, the energy is filtered by piezo until the remaining

vibration or sound waves will be left. While the flow and process are going through,

the harnessed sound waves is converted into DC from AC by diode and the process

will continue to multiply the converted energy until it reached the maximum capacity

of the circuit (5 volts).

e. Data Gathering and Data Interpretation

All of the study findings will be gathered and translated, which will be the

final outcome of the research

D. Experimental Design

Title: Self-charging power bank through the conversion of Sound Energy into

Electrical Energy using Piezoelectric material

Table 1. Experimental Design Table of the Study

Independent Variable Piezoelectric Material and distance of sensors

Piezoelectric material (pcs)
Levels of Independent Number of 6 12 18
Variable piezoelectric

Sensitivity of Sensor (m)

Distance of
sensors 5 7 10

Dependent Variable amount of charge converted on smartphone

Controlled Variable capacity of power bank (3000 mAh)
E. Process Flowchart


Identifying the problem and creating the device

Harnessing sound energy

Converting sound energy to electrical energy

Converting AC to DC

Storing and Amplifying of voltage

Testing the converted energy to different devices

Gathering and analyzing of


Interpretation of Data

Conclusion and Recommendation

F. Proposed Table

Table 2. Powerbank (3000 mAh) Testing in Factors: Number of Piezoelectric Material

and distance

Distance of Number of Mean Value Average Value

Sensors piezoelectric

5m 6

7m 6

10m 6
A. Website Content
Internation Energy Agnecy.
B. Electronic Source
Sanchez, M.J. “Electrical energy consumption in the Philippines 2008-2017”. May
15, 2020.
TKucwHU DW2obkGh0_uAII#:~:text=
Sonnichsen, N. “Global electricity consumption 1980-2017”. March 24, 2020.

This research would not have been accomplished without the participation and

assistance of a significant number of people, whose names may not all be enumerated.

Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. However, the group

would like to express their deep appreciation and indebtedness particularly to the


Mr. Ervin G. Anciano, Mrs. Cherryl S. Anciano, Mr. Jarvin N. Catibayan,

Mrs. Marifel F. Catibayan, Mrs. Marilyn M. Montano, and Mr. Edgardo P. Montano

Jr. group’s parents, for giving their full support and guidance throughout the study.

Mr. Orly R. Pena, researchers’ consultant, for his endless support, kind, and

understanding spirit during our experimentation and construction of device.

Mr. Marl Vincent L. Pejer, for giving the researchers the idea of self-charging

power bank and for the help in looking for the consultant.

Ms. Laizel Marlee R. Diroy, researchers’ adviser, for guiding the student in

writing and making of the whole manuscript.

To all relatives, friends and others who in one way or another shared their

support, either morally, financially and physically, thank you.

Above all, to the Great Almighty God, the author of knowledge and wisdom,

for countless guidance and love, the researchers is now giving their full gratitude and

Table of Contents

Contents Page

Title page i

Acknowledgement ii

Abstract iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Tables v

List of Figures vi

ISEF Forms vii

Chapter 1: Introduction

A. Background of the study 1

B. Review of Related Literature 2

C. Statement of the Problem 8

D. Hypothesis 8

E. Scope and Limitation 9

F. Significance of the study 9

G. Definition of Terms 10

Chapter 2: Materials and Methods

A. Materials 11

B. General Procedure 15

C. Schematic Diagram 17

Chapter 3: Results and Discussion 18

Chapter 4: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation 21

A. Gantt Chart 24
B. Receipts 29
C. Prototype Design Sketch 31
D. Photographs 32
E. Raw data 34
F. Biographical Sketch 35

Journal Article
Website content
List of Tables

Tables Page

Table 1. Accuracy Test 18

Table 2. Functionality Test 19
Table 3. Raw data 34
List of Figures

Figures Page

Figure 1. Piezoelectric Material

Figure 2. Electrical wires
Figure 3. Diode Bridge Rectifier
Figure 4. Supercapacitor 12
Figure 5. USB Voltage Regulator 13
Figure 6. Charging port 13
Figure 6. Voltage Indicator 14
Figure 7. Power bank switch 14
Figure 8. 5mm LED lights 15
Figure 9. Universal PC Board 15
List of Photographs

Photographs Page

Photograph 1. Installation of piezo and wires 32

Photograph 10. Installation of supercapacitor, diode and voltage regulator 32
Photograph 11. Harnessing of vibration through artificial motor 32
Photograph 12. Measuring of acquired voltage through voltmeter 32
Photograph 13. Measuring the time that power bank can fulfill the 5v needed 32
Photograph 6. Unloading the charge of power bank 32
Photograph 7. Installation of 5mm red LED light 33

Photograph 8. Construction of wooden casing and stationary board 33

Photograph 9. Varnish painting of wooden casing 33


Self-Charging power bank

through the conversion of
Vibration into Electrical
Energy using Piezoelectric


Student Researchers


Research Adviser

SY 2021-2022
Chapter 1


A. Background of the Study

The unending price hike of electricity in the Philippines is the main inspiration

in pursuing our proposed Research Study. Electricity is exclusive and considered as a

"privilege" to those who can afford the continuous price increase. Electricity demand

and availability of generation sources have been questionable and misleading. In rural

areas and housing, voltage of electricity being supplied from the transformer is low and

limited. It can barely power electrical appliances. The amount of available energy and

its demand do not interconnect with each other which is the root of the global problem.

There are previous invention that was established to generate a renewable source of

energy. It serves as a will to proceed to the initial plan and that is to find
other alternative renewable electric source. This piezo invention is designed to aid a

small-scale amount of electricity for emergency purposes only. An eco-friendly,

casing made of bamboo plywood and affordable type of innovation. With

perseverance and persistency, the researcher found out that there is no similar type of

study yet on the entire field of Research and Innovation. However, this self-charging

power bank is different from the commercial power bank in the market. Commercial

powerbank necessarily need an electricity outlet, in reverse, the self-charging

powerbank only requires any sound waves or vibration to function.

Piezo-electricity is the charge that accumulates in certain solid materials in

response to an applied mechanical force. This science investigation is about creating a

portable power bank through the use of piezo-electric material.

Piezo-electric materials are materials that can produce electricity due to

mechanical stress, such as compression. These materials are can also deform when

voltage (electricity) is applied. The piezo-electric is exploited in a number of useful

applications such as the production and detection of the sound. The first

demonstration of the direct piezo-electric effect was in 1880 by the brothers Pierre

Curie and Jacques Curie. Vibration based energy harvesting was received growing

attention over the last decade. The research motivation in this field is due to the

reduced power requirement of small electronic components, such as the wireless

sensor networks used in structural health monitoring applications.

B. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Lack of electricity is a big problem in our society nowadays. The efficiency of

the solar cell is 20% only under the practical conditions. The researchers discovered

that noise is considered to be one of the contributors in increasing the pollution so the
researchers decided to explore and search on how we will benefit the sound that

surrounds us. Recycling is the only solution to lessen it. They found out that noise can

be another hidden source of energy that is renewable enough to sustain the shortage of

small amount of electricity1

According to Carmen Emily Yang in order to harness sound energy the piezo

ceramic material is placed between the two metal plates, it acquires compression for

the material to be able to squeeze that will generate the electricity. It is called the

‘piezo electric effect’. The two properties of it are the [direct piezo] electric effect.

The direct piezo effect appears when someone compress the piezo electric material to

produce electricity. The [inversed piezo] electric effect is created by applying

electrical voltage to make a piezo electric crystal shrink nor expand.2

There is a different way to harvest sound energy. According to Adnan

Elhalwagy, Ghoneem Mohamed, Yousef Mahmoud and Mohamed Elhadid, the

piezoelectric floors can have the ability to generate many microwatts up to many

watts per step, depending on space pedestrians’ frequency and piezoelectric

technology. In this case of harvesting energy it is said that the researchers must use

the harvesting floor tiles or the kinetic floor tiles in order for it to generate and save

sound energy well.3 Elhalwagy, Mohamed, Mahmoud and Elhadid stated that the

mentioned tiles in this study transform your footsteps into electricity, which can light

up everything especially the street lights when you use it as a harvesting energy in

Alankrit Gupta,Vivek Goel, Vivek Yadav. "Conversion of Sound to Electric Energy."
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (2014): 2146-2147.
Carmen Emily Yang."What is the Piezoelectric Effect?" ElectronicDesign (2016): 2-3.

Adnan Elhalwagy, Ghoneem Mohamed, Yousef Mahmoud and Mohamed
Elhadid."Feasibility Study for Using Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Floor in
Buildings' Interior Spaces." Science Direct (2017): 114-126.
your community also it can charge any electronic devices that was already attach on


Ch Naveen Kumar, stated that the available energy that you can harvest is

always depends on the piezoelectric material, if being used is PZT or lead zirconate

titanate is able to generate a voltage of 1-100. He added that the amount of voltage

that can be harness is depend on the size of the PZT. It is said that you can use small

one, but small amounts of energy that you can harvest too, it is recommended that you

can get even hundreds of volts if you hit it by hammer. 5

The energy harvesting material or commonly known in this study as

piezoelectric material when the material is strained it produces electricity, the

mechanical vibration, also the pressure applied on the material is converted into

electricity. Therefore, the crystals should be connected in series in order to increase

the voltage and also connected in parallel to increase the current to meet the required

generation of electricity. This study of harvesting sound energy using piezoelectric is

successfully made and one of the best economical solutions since it is eco-friendly

source of electricity (A. Ashwathi, M D Brindha, Ruth R Esther, B Veena).6

As explained by Ashwathi, Brindha, Ester, Veena. Piezoelectric is commonly

known variable when it comes to harnessing sound waves that converts it into

electricity, it can produce milliwatt and microwatt level to support our resourcefulness

Ibid., 114-125.

Ch Naveen Kumar."Energy collection via Piezoelectricity." Journal of Physics.
(2015): 1-2

A. Ashwathi, M D Brindha, Ruth R Esther, B Veena. "Micro Energy Harvesting
Using Piezoelectric Material.” International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET), (2017):2667.
when it comes to gaining electricity. While in making the power bank, the output of

piezo is converted into direct current (DC) using bridge rectifier. Moreover, the

controller automatically stops charging the battery when it is full. 7

Piezoelectricity is commonly known as energy harvester in the modern period.

It is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials. In order for it to

harvest sound energy there should be a mechanical stress. According to Longhan Xie,

human motion can also be a source of sound energy. He added that significant kinetic

energy dissipates in the form of heat during the human motion.8 As mentioned by

Jiehong Li, Siqi Cai, Xiadong Li, the proposed energy-harvesting device with a

mobile power bank can be used for daily life, which could spontaneously work

anywhere if carried on any part of the human body including the torso and the upper

and lower limbs. Thus, this study will benefit a lot of energy if it is conducted in a

treadmill, the device harvester will attach on different parts of the body while

measuring the walking velocity.9

As determined by Cai, Li, Xie and Li in an average speed of walking also

having a long limbs or height has a big effect in harvesting an energy. If a person’s

height is 5ft and above we will assume that its speed is 3-5km/h or approximately 3-

3.5m/s during normal walking. The walking speed and the velocity are almost

identical, which is where the speed and stride are actually related. Based on the results

Ibid., 2668.
Siqi Cai, Jiehong Li, Xiadong Li and Longhan Xie. “Design and experiments of a
self-charged power bank by harvesting sustainable human motion.” Advanced in
Mechanical Engineering. (2016): 1.
Ibid., 3-5.
it may concluded that higher walking velocity will harness, the higher the amount of

charge will transfer on the electronic.10

Similarly, in gear and generator type of energy harvester piezoelectric material

is used accompanied by human motion that is amplified by gear train and the

amplitude motion is used to operate a generator. The similar type of energy harvester

leads to a high consumption of metabolic energy, but they can generate a power up to

10w (Young-Man ID Choi).11

Carolyn Detora, Kayleah Griffen, Nicole Luiz and Soylu Basak, reported that

renewable energy is the ingrowing source energy type of power due to the various

renewable sources. They designed a project that is able to collect the useless rainwater

and convert it into useful electricity. The researcher used turbines to test if their

project was successful thus it can be our source for minimal needs and consumption

of electric voltage. Rain drops have a pressure which cause the mechanical stress that

is needed for harvesting energy. 12

As explained by Melody Chen-Glasser, Panpan Li, Jeongjae Ryu and

Seungbum Hong in medical application piezoelectric materials can also be used as

sensors and can emulate natural materials. The reviewed study stated that

piezoelectric materials can be used for diagnosing illnesses and providing medical

treatment. Since piezoelectric materials can generate energy when it is vibrational or

mechanical energy, it is said that it can diagnose some illnesses because it has the

Ibid., 6.
Young-Man ID Choi, Gu Lee Moon and Jeon Yongho. "Wearable Biomechanical
Energy Harvesting Technologies" Energies. (2017): 1-2.
Carolyn Detora, Kayleah Griffen, Nicole Luiz and Soylu Basak. "Energy
Harvesting from Rainwater.” Worcester Polytechnic Institute. (2017): 1-7.
ability to monitor many bodily signals because they convert mechanical energy into

an electrical signal.13

It is allowable to get energy into the ocean waves the amplitude of the waves

has a dipper effect to the energy available in the ocean. The cantilevers and the wave

height can also be affected and by reducing the ocean distance to the cantilevers.

Ocean waves are capable of generating large amount of energy depending on the

depth of the sea surface because of the pressure (Hadi Mirab)14

R.Narayan, stated that power bank is like a supporting body when the battery

of our electronic device is drain or low. It must be plug on the device in order to

support the charge of our battery. A power bank consists of three components

hardware protection. The lithium-ion battery stores the power, the hardware

protection controls the current to its relatively low limits for the safety purposes of the

user and the last one the outer case uses to protect the variables or things inside the

gadget. Power banks work through using sophisticated electronics to manage taking in

charge from a charger, storing it in a battery and then charging other electronic


In modern generation power bank serves as the lifesaver. It is essentially a

portable charger that makes everyone’s life easy. It’s stores energy in its internal and

can provide power to charge someone’s portable device. A lithium-ion battery is said

Melody Chen-Glasser, Panpan Li, Jeongjae Ryu, Seungbum Hong."Piezoelectric
Materials for Medical Applications." Open access peer-reviewed chapter (2019): 2.
Hadi Mirab, Vahid Jahangiri, Mir Mohammed Ettefagh and Reza Fathi. "Reliability
Study of Power Harvesting System from Sea Waves with Piezoelectric Patches."
Researchgate (2018): 1.
R.Narayan, M.Venkateswarlu, M.Jagadish. "Studies on portable power banks for
recharging electronic gadgets." International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (2018): 1549-1550.
to be the main component of a power bank. It continuously monitors the voltage of a

battery and current. Also, this component disconnects the battery when the cases of

over charge happen. As mentioned by Genesh Raja and Pushek Madaan that it is

preferable for everyone but sometimes everyone should be smart thinker because

there is portable source of energy that has bad impact on our battery. 16

C. Statement of the Problem

Generally, this research aims to create an emergency power bank that harnesses

vibrations from our environment and converts it into its own source of useful

electrical energy. Specifically, this research study sought to answer the following:

1. What is the accuracy rate of self-charging power bank in terms of:

A. Sensitivity of Sensors (20 piezo)

B. Charging

C. Durability (wire)

2. What is the functionality rate of self-charging power bank in terms of:

A. Sensitivity of Sensors (20 piezo)

B. Charging

C. Durability (wire)

D. Hypotheses

1. H𝑜: Self-charging power bank will have 0% accuracy in terms of:

A. Sensitivity of Sensors (20 piezo)

B. Charging

Genesh Raja and Pushek Madaan. “Power Bank-Power On the Go.” Power
Electronics (2013): 1-2.
C. Durability (wire)

2. H𝑜: There is 0% functionality rate of self charging power bank in terms of:

A. Sensitivity of Sensors (20 piezo)

B. Charging

C. Durability (wire)

1. H1:Self-charging power bank will have 100% accuracy rate in terms of:

A. Sensitivity of Sensors (20 piezo)

B. Charging

C. Durability (wire)

2. H1: There is 100% functionality rate of self-charging power bank in terms


A. Sensitivity of Sensors (20 piezo)

B. Charging

C. Durability (wire)

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This science investigation dealt only on the production of power bank from

harnessed sound waves of piezo-electric material. This was conducted to test the best

energy solution that will help the community of getting less expensive electricity bill.

Piezo-electric material will be gathered from different stores. This study will not

cover other problems that is not consider as one of the problems in technology

especially in charging the electronic components. The study will completed by

experimenting and harnessing sound waves using piezo-electric materials.

F. Significance of the Study

The researchers observed that source of electricity is one of the main problems

in community. In times of calamities, there is always an emergency power cut

occurring, consequently, people in the community are not able to prepare themselves

as well as their phones nor gadgets that is important for updates and news regarding

the circumstances outside. Moreover, this device will benefit the delivery riders that

always need to use their phones to communicate the customers about their orders.

Students and teachers can also gain assistance on it. When their phones/gadgets are

drained the device can be useful in contributing even a single milli-voltage of

electrical energy to be able to give life to the phone gadget when they need to search

something or use it for emergency purposes. Futhermore, the future researchers will

benefit the most from this study. There are many well-known power bank for

alternative charging in electronic component, but the researchers would like to

provide a product that is eco-friendly that will pose no harm to other living organisms.

G. Definition of Terms

• Piezo-electric-is the ability of a certain materials to generate an

electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress

• Harness -to collect and control something so that it can be used


• Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) -it is ceramic perovskite material that

shows a marked piezo-electric effect, meaning that the compound

changes shape when an electric field is applied.

• Renewable energy- is the clean energy derived from natural resources

or processed that can naturally renewed or restored.

• Dissipates- to cause separation

• Emulate- to equal or imitate
Chapter 2

Materials and Methods

A. Materials

Figure 1. Piezoelectric Material

This material is also known as contact microphone, it is a form of microphone

that senses audio vibrations through contact with solid objects. This harvesting

material are almost completely insensitive to air vibrations but transduce only

structure-borne sound. It is made up of a thin piezoelectric ceramic round glued to a

thin brass or alloy metal disc.

Figure 2. Electrical wires

Wires are conductors that transmit electricity from a source, usually a nearby

transformer. It was used to connect two or more devices, enabling the transfer of

electrical signals or power from one device to the other. Wires comes in various

materials, casing and sizes to handle the different electrical loads and various

conditions in which they will be used. Most of the wires are composed of aluminum

and copper.

Figure 3. Diode Bridge Rectifier

A diode bridge is a bridge circuit structure that uses four diodes to offer the

same polarity of output for either polarity of input. When applied in its most typical

application, converting an alternating-current (AC) input to a direct-current (DC)

output, that is why it is known as a rectifier. Bridge Rectifiers are commonly used in

power supply to deliver the required DC voltage for electronic components and


Figure 4. Supercapacitor
In vehicles, buses, trains, cranes, and elevators, supercapacitors are employed

for regenerative braking, short-term energy storage, or burst-mode power delivery,

rather than long-term compact energy storage. When a quick charge is required to

meet a short-term power requirement, supercapacitors are the best option, whereas

batteries are used to offer long-term energy.

Figure 5. USB Voltage Regulator

Voltage regulator is electrical or electronic device that maintains the voltage

of a power source within acceptable limits. A voltage regulator produces a fixed

output voltage that remains constant regardless of changes in the input voltage or load


Figure 6. Charging port

A charging port is a standard cable connection interface for personal

computers and consumer electronics devices. It was an industry standard for short-
distance digital data communications. It can also supply electric power across the

cable to devices that.

Figure 7. Voltage Indicator

Voltage indicators are compact device that measures both alternating and

direct voltages in appliances. The current voltage is constantly displayed on voltage

indicators. Voltage indicators are used to assess the voltage of batteries or the mains.

The LED display shows the current voltage.

Figure 8. Power bank switch

The switch of a powerbank is used to manage the device by its on and off

switch. It controls the output flow of the voltage/charge stored in the powerbank.

Figure 9. 5mm LED lights

The 5mm LED can be used anywhere where you need low power, high-

intensity reliable light, or indication. In this study, it will be used to indicate if the

piezo-electric material is working or not.

Figure 10. Universal PC Board

Double-sided, tin-plated universal prototype PCB circuit board for point-to-

point DIY soldering. Preferable for creating an electric circuit prototype. Referencing

letters with both sides printed for easy identification of individual holes. The board

has been coated with flux to make soldering easier and to extend the life of the board.

B. General Procedure

a. Preparation of materials and creating the device

All the materials to be used should be finalized and complete before

consulting the mentor about the further details and creating of the device.

b. Harnessing Sound

Twenty (20) piezoelectric materials are positioned in a parallel/series circuit in

the power bank. Place the device with piezoelectric generators in a loud and crowded

environment where there is a presence of vibrations that can absorb a significant

amount of sound energy. The process will continue until the piezoelectric material of

the self-charging power bank reach the necessary amount of sound electricity.

c. Converting Sound Energy to Electrical Energy

The capacitor that installed in the power bank will store the harvested sound

energy. The conversion of millivolts and microvolts will occur in this phase. It will be

converted by the electronic amplifier that will also help to increase the energy that has

been harvested to supply the self-charging power bank.

d. Modifying and Multiplying the Sound Energy

In Modifying the vibration, the energy is filtered by piezo until the remaining

vibration or sound waves will be left. While the flow and process are going through,

the harnessed sound waves are converted into DC from AC by diode and the process

will continue to multiply the converted energy until it reached the maximum capacity

of the circuit (5 volts).

e. Data Gathering and Data Interpretation

All of the study findings are being gathered and translated, which becomes the

final outcome of the research study.

C. Schematic Diagram/ Flow Chart


Identifying the problem and creating the device

Harnessing of sound energy

Converting Sound Energy to Electrical Energy

Converting AC to DC

Storing and Amplifying of voltage

Testing converted energy to different devices

Gathering and analyzing of Data

Interpretation of Data

Conclusion and Recommendations

Chapter 3

Results and Discussions

The following data were the result gathered from the experimentation

conducted in harnessing vibration from surroundings to make a self-charging power

bank. Twenty piezoelectric materials were attached to the casing of the power bank in

a parallel series circuit and from them 5 V were accumulated. The vibration was

proved to yield an enough voltage due to the pressure and stress present in the energy.

The stress that is present in the energy was vibration.

The functionality test determines whether each functions according to the

program is SUCCESSFUL or FAILED attempt to do its assigned task. While the

accuracy test determines whether each functions according to the program is

SUCESSFUL or FAILED attempt to do its assigned task accurately. The functions of

device will be measured during the execution of the assigned task that is given below.

A. Sensitivity of Sensors (20 piezo)

B. Charging

C. Durability (wire)

Table 1. Accuracy Test


1. (multi function 1 1 1
2. (small ring light) 1 1 0
3. (Samsung J2) 1 1 1
4. (LED emergency 0 1 1
5. (bluetooth 1 1 1
6. (portable mini 1 1 1
7. (firefly portable 1 1 1
8. (bluetooth 1 1 0
9. (desk lamp) 1 1 1
10. (power bank) 1 1 1
Average 0.90 1 0.80
Percentage: 90% 100% 80%
TOTAL: 90%

The table 1 shows the results of the accuracy test of the device. Having a grade

of 1 as SUCCESSFUL and 0 as FAILED. The table showed that the accuracy rate of

the device features in terms of sensitivity of sensors (20 piezo), charging, and

durability (wire) of the device is outstanding with an average success rate of 90%; its

accuracy test is outstanding with an average success rate of 90%. The results showed

that the device was precise in doing its assigned task.

Table 2. Functionality Test

1. (multi function 1 1 0
2. (small ring light) 1 1 1
3. (Samsung J2) 1 1 1
4. (LED emergency 1 1 0
5. (bluetooth 1 1 0
6. (portable mini 1 1 1
7. (firefly portable 1 1 1
8. (bluetooth 1 1 1
9. (desk lamp) 1 1 1
10. (power bank) 1 1 1
Average 1 1 0.70
Percentage: 100% 100% 70%
TOTAL: 90%

The table 2 shows the results of the functionality test of the device. Having a

grade of 1 as SUCCESSFUL and 0 as FAILED. The table showed that the

functionality rate of the device features in terms of sensitivity of sensors (20 piezo),

charging, and durability (wire) of the device is outstanding with an average success

rate of 90%; its functionality test is outstanding with an average success rate of 90%.

The results showed that the device was precise in doing its assigned task.
Chapter 4

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

The goal of the study, Self-charging power bank through the conversion of

vibration into electrical energy using Piezoelectric material, is to develop a self-

charging power bank that is both effective and sufficient in terms of providing useable

electrical energy. It was a test to discover how well piezoelectric materials might

capture sound waves and convert them into electrical energy. The type of load that is

charging to the power bank is the independent variable in this study, whereas the

amount of charge converted into a specific type of device is the dependent variable.

The data showed that the self-charging power bank has a 90% in both accuracy and

functionality in its different parameters: (a) sensitivity of sensors, (b) charging, and

(c) durability of wires. The findings revealed that the self-charging power bank is

capable of capturing sound waves and converting them into electrical energy, as it

fulfilled all of the criteria.

After the experimentation and numerous testing, it was found out that the self-

charging power bank can generate enough 5 voltage and current for devices that

requires a small amount of voltage to function only within half of an hour. Since the

circuit was in a parallel, the amount of current was distributed over the components

that was interconnected to each while the current was the same through all the

components. The researchers concluded that self-charging power bank can be useful

in providing an electrical source but in a small period amount of time that cannot

compete with the common commercial power bank.

For those who will continue this research study, it is recommended to

purchase high quality and expensive piezo disc if you have enough budget. For it is

more durable and effective in harnessing efficient amount of vibration needed. It is

advised to use more than 20 piezo disc so that the harnessing process would be faster

than the present study. Also, high voltage supercapacitor is preferrable to store higher

quantity of load. In addition, sturdy stationary would be good to handle the excessive

pressure and force. Another recommendation is to use piezo in exploring different

field of Research.
Appendix A

Gantt Chart

Research Title: Self-charging power bank through the conversion of Vibration into
Electrical Energy using Piezoelectric material

Legend of activities:

A. Composing of Title
B. Making of research chapter 1
C. Making of hypothesis
D. Making of review and related literature
E. Passed the research to teacher
F. Returned the research paper and revision
G. Revised the RRL
H. Finding consultant
I. Meet or call with consultant for consultation
J. Prototype and review
K. Defense day
L. Updates with research adviser
M. Making bibliography
N. Changing the research paper format to Chicago style
O. Creating research plan
P. Started to arrange data logbook
Q. Bought materials needed
R. Making the device
S. Testing the device
T. Collecting data
U. ISEF form
V. Chapter 2
W. Chapter 3
X. Chapter 4
Y. Chapter 5
Z. Revision of chapters
















Appendix B

Appendix C

Prototype design sketch

Appendix D

Photographs of self-charging power bank

Photograph 1. Installation of piezo and Photograph 2. Installation of Photograph 3. Harnessing of vibration

wires supercapacitor, diode and voltage through artificial motor

Photograph 4. Measuring of acquired Photograph 5. Measuring the time that Photograph 6. Unloading the charge
voltage through voltmeter can power bank fulfill the 5V needed of power bank
Photograph 7. Installation of 5mm red Photograph 8. Construction of wooden Photograph 9. Varnish painting of
LED light casing and stationary board wooden painting
Appendix E

Raw Data



Multi function tester 3 minutes and 41 seconds

Small ring light 8 minutes 37 seconds

Bluetooth head set 4 minutes and 36 seconds

LED emergency light 6 minutes and 17 seconds

Samsung J2 smart phone 2 minutes and 26 seconds

Portable fan 4 minutes and 42 seconds

Firefly fan 4 minutes and 16 seconds

Bluetooth speaker 10 minutes and 44 seconds

Desk lamp 13 minutes and 39 seconds

Power bank 2 minutes and 6 seconds

Appendix F

Biographical Sketch


I. Personal Background
1.1 Name Catibayan, Princess Mae F.
1.2 Birth date May 17, 2005
1.3 Age 16 years old
1.4 Birth place Noveleta, Cavite
1.5 Gender Female
1.6 Home address 679, Pawikan St, San Roque, Naic,
1.7 Email address
1.8 Civil status Single
1.9 Nationality Filipino
1.10 Religion Roman Catholic
1.11 Contact number 09974284023
1.12 Parents
Father Catibayan, Jarvin N.
Occupation Tricycle driver
Mother Catibayan, Marifel M.
Occupation OFW (Company’s employee)
II. Educational Background
2.1 Daycare did not gone through daycare
2.2 Preschool did not gone through preschool
2.3 Kindergarten Naic Elementary School
2.4 Elementary San Roque Elementary School
2.5 Junior High School Bucal National Integrated School
III. Honors / Awards received
3.1 Elementary
Grade 1 2nd honors
Grade 2 3rd honors
MTAP (Perfect Attendance)
Grade 3 2nd honors
2nd place District Festival of Talents in
Science (Quiz Bee single category)
3rd place District Festival of Talents in
Mathematics (Math Challenge group
MTAP (Perfect Attendance)

Grade 4 1st honors

5th place District Festival of Talents in
Mathematics (Math Challenge group
Grade 5 With Honors
1st Place Essay Writing
Participant in Division Press Conference
in Journalism (Copy Reading- English)
Grade 6 With High Honors
Girl Scout of the Year
Leadership Award
3rd Place Division Drum and Lyre Band
Vice President- Municipal SPG
Participant in Division Press Conference
in Journalism (Copy Reading- English)
3.2 Junior High School
Grade 7 With Honors
2nd Place Essay Writing (Filipino)
2nd Place Story Telling (Filipino)
Grade 8 With High Honors
1st Place English Choral Reading
Grade 9 With High Honors
IV. Organization
4.1 Elementary Supreme Pupil Government
Girl Scout of the Philippines
School Journalist’s
4.2 Junior High School KABAYANI Club
YSEC (Young Scientist Explorer Club)
Supreme Student Government
Readers’ Society Club
V. Seminars Attended
Earthquake Drill
Career Guidance
Wellness campus
Mental Health Awareness Month
Project BTS
National Children’s Month
Reproductive Health Awareness
I. Personal Background
1.1 Name Anciano, Christine Faith S.
1.2 Birth date February 03, 2006
1.3 Age 16 years old
1.4 Birth place Trece Martirez, Cavite
1.5 Gender Female
1.6 Home address 5th St. Malainen Bago, Naic, Cavite
1.7 Email address
1.8 Civil status Single
1.9 Nationality Filipino
1.10 Religion Roman Catholic
1.11 Contact number 09275510341
1.12 Parents
Father Anciano, Ervin G.
Occupation Tricycle Driver
Mother Anciano, Cherryl S.
Occupation Housewife
II. Educational Background
2.1 Day Care Malainen Bago DayCare Center
2.2 Preschool Naic Elementary School
2.3 Kindergarten Naic Elementary School
2.4 Elementary Naic Elementary School
2.5 Junior High School Bucal National Integrated School
III. Honors / Awards received
3.1 Elementary
Grade 1 Achiever
MTAP (Perfect Attendance)
Grade 2 Achiever
MTAP (Perfect Attendance)
Grade 3 Challenger
Best in Religion
MTAP (Perfect Attendance)
Grade 4 Challenger
Best in Religion
MTAP (Perfect Attendance)
Grade 5 With honors
Best in Religion
MTAP (Perfect Attendance)
Division Press Conference
Grade 6 With honors
Division Press Conference
3.2 Junior High School
Grade 7 With honors
Math Camp Participant
Science Camp Participant
Grade 8 With honors
Math Camp Participant
Science Camp Participant
Grade 9 With honors
IV. Organization
4.1 Elementary Girls Scouts of the Philippines
School’s Journalists
4.2 Junior High School Young Scientist Explorer Club (YSEC)
V. Seminars Attended
Earthquake Drill
Career Guidance
Wellness Campus
Project BTS
Mental Health Awareness Month
I. Personal Background
1.1 Name Montano, Isaiah Jarl M.
1.2 Birth date December 19, 2005
1.3 Age 16
1.4 Birth place Naic, Cavite
1.5 Gender Male
1.6 Home address San Roque, Naic, Cavite
1.7 Email address
1.8 Civil status Single
1.9 Nationality Filipino
1.10 Religion Born Again
1.11 Contact number 09655462245
1.12 Parents
Father Montano, Edgardo P. Jr.
Occupation Construction Worker
Mother Marilyn M. Montano
Occupation OFW
II. Educational Background
2.1 Daycare did not gone through daycare
2.2 Preschool San Roque Elementary School
2.3 Kindergarten San Roque Elementary School
2.4 Elementary San Roque Elementary School
2.5 Junior High School Bucal National Integrated School
III. Honors / Awards received
3.1 Elementary
Grade 1
Grade 2 Pinakamasunurin
Grade 3 Pinakamaaasahan
Grade 4 7th honors
Grade 5 Conduct Award
Grade 6 Certificate of Participation Municipal Meet
Sport fest
Certificate of Recognition for winning 1st
place Municipal Meet Badminton
Certificate of Participation Division School
Press Conference
Certificate of Participation Municipal
Power It Up In Journalism
Certificate of Participation Municipal
Chamber Theater
3.2 Junior High School
Grade 7 With honors

Grade 8 With honors

Grade 9 With honors
IV. Organization
4.1 Elementary Supreme Students Government
Boy Scout of the Philippines
4.2 Junior High YSEC Club
V. Seminars Attended
Career Guidance Orientation
Pan Attachment Meal boosts Youngster
Wellness Campus
Project B.T.S.
Earthquake drill
Mental Health Awareness Month

A. Journal Article
Ashwathi A, Brindha M D, Esther Ruth R, Veena B. International Research Journal
of Engineering and Technology (IRJET). "Micro Energy Harvesting Using
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Giurgiutiu, Victor. “ Structural Damage Detection with Piezoelectric Wafer Active
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Glasser Melodie Chen, Hong Seungbum, Li Panpan and Ryu Jeongjae. “Pieoelectric
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Howells, Christopher. "Energy Conversion and Management." Elsevier. (February
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Naryan, Venkateswarlu, Jagadish. "Studies on portable power banks for recharging
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Yang, Carmen. “What is Piezoelectric Effect.?” Electronic Design. (2016).

B. Website Content
“Energy Conversion” nd.
“Piezoelectricity” Accessed 2019.
“What is Piezoelectricity” (2019).
Project Data Logbook

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