BASICS Reading and Writing

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1 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the description quickly. What was 3 Read the notes about Will’s best friend Luis
Jill’s profession? and complete the description.

Background same
c o – M e t a t college, on the
From Mexi
tennis team
ersonality air
Description/P w n e ye s; sh o rt, dark curly h
t; bro ughtful,
medium-heigh , ve ry c o nfident and tho
o in g
Extremely outg
not arrogant
nd dancing
Loves music a : ad ve nturous, fun to
be with
/lik e h im
Why I admire

My mother’s older sister, Jill, is the relative I admire

the most. We don’t live near each other, but most years,
I see her at Christmas and in the summer, and we keep in
touch on social media.
Although she’s in her 50s, she seems a lot younger: she’s
a fun-loving person with a really positive outlook. She’s
medium-height with shoulder-length light brown hair. She
dresses well, but she’s not an extravagant person, and
she doesn’t like spending a lot of money on clothes.
She doesn’t go to work anymore, but she used to be a
social worker. One of the things I most admire about her My best friend is Luis who is 19. He’s
is that she’s an extremely caring person and is always
looking out for other people. I remember when she was
1 but he’s currently studying in the
making meals daily for an elderly neighbour who had UK, in Manchester, and that is where we met.
had an operation, and now she’s looking after my uncle We both love 2 , so we joined the
full-time as he’s not well. college team and got to know each other during
I really love spending time with her as she is so kind, practice. Now we see each other almost every day
patient and caring, and she is great fun to be with. either to practise or just hang out.
Luis is 3 with short,
2 Read the text again and circle the 4 hair and brown
correct option. eyes. He’s extremely 5 and very
1 Jill is the writer’s grandmother/aunt. easy to talk to. Although he’s very confident, he
2 The writer sees Jill fairly often/a couple of isn’t at all 6 , in fact he can be quite
times a year. 7 . He absolutely adores music and
3 Jill is a very optimistic/negative person. dancing. Sometimes, he even dances in front of
musicians who are playing on the street!
4 Jill absolutely loves/doesn’t really enjoy
buying new clothes. One of the things I most 8 about
him is that he came to the UK to study without
5 Jill is an extremely extravagant/
knowing anyone or having anyone to help him.
helpful person.
I think he’s quite adventurous. I’m happy we met
6 The writer really enjoys/completely
because he’s great 9 to be with.
dislikes being with Jill.

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2 Reading and Writing

Reading 3 The Kompak i90 power bank charges a
phone twice as fast as the computer. T F
1 Read the product review. What does the
4 The Kompak i90 weighs less
reviewer like most about this power bank?
than 100g. T F
5 One disadvantage of the Kompak
i90 is that you cannot charge two
REVIEWS electronic items at the same time. T F
6 The reviewer doesn’t recommend
this power bank for people who
want an emergency power source. T F

3 Complete the product review with the
words and phrases in the box.
 downside easy-to-use 
  Having looked at a few 
  ideal for  I like most about it 
  really impressed by  the end of the day 
Kompak i90 power bank      HHHHI   the time had come 
After a recent problem when my phone died while
I was out, I decided the time had come to buy a power
bank. Having looked at a few alternatives, I chose
the Kompak i90. Although I’m not a big tech fan, I’ve
found it really easy to use.
I’m really impressed by its speed: it can charge your
phone four times faster than if you plug it into your
computer. But what I like most about it is the size.
Though there are other models which can charge for
longer, this one is very compact. It’s under 10 cm Review of TapIt 2.0
long and weighs only 115g – about half the weight of Last month I decided 1 to buy a tablet,
other power banks I considered. and it has transformed my life. 2
The downside for some customers might be the fact alternatives, I chose the TapIt 2.0. I use it at school
that it only has one USB connection, so you can
to take notes and work in the library when we have
only charge one device at a time. However, if – like
me – you’re only going to use it in an emergency, self-study periods, and I can also watch films on the bus.
that doesn’t really matter. What 3 is that it’s very 4
At the end of the day, if you’re looking for a very and it’s only 30 cm long so it fits comfortably in my
portable, emergency power source, you won’t be backpack. I’m also 5 the high quality
disappointed with the Kompak i90. of the sound and visuals considering the very
reasonable price.
2 Read the review again and circle T (true)
The only 6 is that the battery life
or F (false).
isn’t very long. I need to charge it every night, and
1 The reviewer bought a power bank sometimes it runs out before I get home. However,
because her phone frequently runs as long as I have a power bank with me, that
out of battery. T F doesn’t matter.
2 The reviewer thinks the Kompak At 7 , I would definitely recommend
i90 is simple to use. T F this model. It’s 8 students because it’s
cheap and easy to use, just make sure you take your
cable with you so you can charge it on the move.

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3 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the opinion essay. Overall, does the 3 Read the jumbled paragraphs. Complete
writer agree or disagree with the statement? 1–5 with phrases in the box. There are three
extra phrases.

 despite for example for me 
‘People can’t be happy without   in conclusion  in my opinion 
possessions.’ Do you agree?   it's no surprise  on reflection 
These days there’s   while it’s perfectly possible 
a lot of interest in
minimalism and in
reducing the number of
possessions we have.
However, I’m not so
sure that it’s a good idea
to throw things away.
To begin with, a lot of our possessions bring us
memories of the past, and while it’s perfectly
possible to look at a digital image of something
we used to own, for me, it’s just not the same. For
example, I still have my first ballet shoes, which ‘It’s better to live a great life for 50 years than to have
help me remember my early lessons. an average life for 80 years.’ Do you agree?
Secondly, although space can be a problem, you a
never know when you might need something To sum up, I firmly believe that it’s essential to live the
again. It would be incredibly frustrating to need best life you can because you only live once and you
something you had recently thrown or given away! need to make the most of it.
Finally, one of the most important reasons for b
Nowadays, as people live longer, the actual age for old
keeping things is that it stops us from buying
aged people is rising, so 1 that some
things unnecessarily. In my opinion, people spend
governments are considering raising the retirement
too much money buying things which they use a
age. However, while I think it is good that we can expect
few times and then get bored with.
to live longer, 2 , it’s more important to
To sum up, though I firmly believe that keeping have a great life than a long one.
things alone will not lead to happiness, I do c
think that for the majority of us, keeping our Finally, 3 for older people to be active,
possessions is a positive thing. many are often unable to do the activities they enjoyed
in their youth, 4 advances in science.
Instead they use their memories to recall the past which
is why it’s important to have a great past to remember.
2 Read the essay again. Which are the three d
reasons that the writer gives for keeping Secondly, humans are more productive when they are
possessions? happy. So, I believe people who are living a great life will
not only benefit themselves but also society as a whole.
1 They were gifts from friends and relatives.
2 They might be useful. To begin with, you only have one life, so it’s important to
3 They take up a lot of space. make the most of every opportunity. 5 ,
if you want to go paragliding, learn to surf or simply eat
4 They reduce the need to buy new things. cake every day then you should because you may not
5 They help us remember the past. get another chance to do it.
6 They can be recycled and used again.
4 Now order the paragraphs in exercise 3.
Write the correct number at the start of
each paragraph.

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4 Reading and Writing

Reading 5 There are museums and castles to
explore in the area. T F
1 Read the description and choose the
6 It’s the perfect place for people
correct option.
who enjoy a lively nightlife. T F
Ribeira Sacra is a great place for visitors
who love city life/enjoy walking in the
countryside/want to relax on the beach.
3 Complete the review with phrases in the
box. There are two extra phrases.
  can also take  can learn  could begin 
  for people who enjoy  here’s a place 
  if you’re looking for  the area lies 
  wide range of options 

1 a different holiday destination, why

not try Cappadocia in Turkey? 2 in
the centre of Turkey but is easily accessible by
If you’re looking to get out of the city then here’s plane or bus from Istanbul. The area was subject
a place you have to visit: Ribeira Sacra in Galicia, to various volcanic eruptions thousands of years
Spain. The area lies inland and it’s a great place
ago, so it’s full of mountains, canyons and caves.
for nature lovers. It’s less than two hours to the
It offers a 3 for places to stay and
coast, so you could also combine it with a visit to
things to do.
some of Galicia’s amazing beaches for the perfect
holiday mix. You could start in the old city of Goreme which has
churches and houses built in the rocks. It also has
The best thing about the Ribeira Sacra is the an open-air museum where you 4
wide range of options there are and the amazing
more about the local culture and customs. Uchisar
countryside. For people who enjoy hiking, there
is another old town nearby which has three castles
are lots of great walks with fantastic views of
you can visit. 5 more adventurous
the river from the top of steep cliffs. But if you
activities, there are horse riding and cycling
prefer, you can enjoy the scenery from the water
trips through the valleys to explore the amazing
by renting a kayak. And, of course, you can always
stop off for a refreshing swim! There are also some rock formations such as the fairy chimneys.
great museums to see in Montforte de Lemos and 6 You a hot air balloon ride over the
an impressive castle to visit in Castro Caldelas. area to enjoy a bird’s eye view.

It might not be the right place for people who are 4 Read the last paragraph of the review and
looking for bright lights and nightlife, but if you’re choose the correct option.
the kind of person who loves being outdoors, then 1 If you’re the kind of person/It might not be
make sure Ribeira Sacra is on your ‘must-see’ list. the right place for people looking to relax on
the beach, but 2 it might not be the/if you’re
2 Read the text again and circle T (true) or the kind of person who wants adventure
F (false). then this is a place you have to visit.
1 The Ribeira Sacra is on the coast. T F
2 The Ribeira Sacra is about a
two-hour drive from a big city. T F
3 You can enjoy walks along the top
of cliffs. T F
4 You can go kayaking or swimming
in the river. T F

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5 Reading and Writing

1 Read the report and choose the most 3 What is the problem with collaborative
suitable heading. Complete the title, assignments?
library … There is not enough time/no suitable
a book selection b expansion c usage space for this.

Year 11   report Writing

Introduction 3 Complete 1–5 in the report with the phrases
The aim of this report is to explore problems with library in the box.
use among pupils in Year 11 and suggest changes which
the school could introduce in order to make the library a   Our comments are based on 
more user-friendly place for them.   The majority of students we spoke to 
Computer use
The majority of students we spoke to said the PCs in the
  The purpose of this report is to highlight 
library were unreliable and that the limited number of   We would therefore suggest 
them meant that students could not always find a free   While we recognise that 
computer in working order. Students had the following
• Increase the number of computers available
• Improve maintenance of library computers Student report on School Cafeteria
• Allow students to bring a laptop or tablet from A
home for use in the library (not allowed at present) 1 issues in the school cafeteria and make
Space for collaborative work suggestions for improvement.
This term, nearly 50% of our homework assignments 2 a student survey and interviews with at
consist of group tasks or projects. However, there is least one third of the pupils.
no adequate working space available in the library for
students to talk together.
3 reported that the biggest problem was
the serving size. They all agreed that they were often
Although we understand that the school has limited
still hungry after finishing their meal. Students had the
resources to modernise the library, we feel that making a few
changes would adapt the library to current students’ needs following suggestions:
and encourage Year 11 students to use the library more. •  Increase the size of individual servings
• Allow students to buy two servings (currently not
2 Read the report again and circle the
correct answers. • Offer some healthy snacks such as fresh fruit, cereal
bars and yogurts
1 What is the main problem for Year 11 C
library users? The queues to choose and pay for food are often very long.
There are not enough class books/ A number of students complained that it sometimes takes
working computers. up to 20 minutes which doesn’t leave much time for eating.
4 reorganising the waiting system and
2 Which are the three changes students increasing the number of payment locations.
suggested? D
A Provide all students with their own laptop. 5 a complete change to the cafeteria would
B Provide more computers be very expensive, we strongly believe a few small changes
would make it more user-friendly and enable students to
C Make sure library computers are enjoy their lunch break.
always working.
D Allow students to use their own laptops
4 Write the headings in the box above the
at break time.
correct paragraph in the report in exercise 3.
E Give students permission to bring an
electronic device from home.  Conclusions Introduction 
  Portion size  Waiting time 

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6 Reading and Writing

Reading 5 The speaking test is a big/one small part
of the whole exam.
1 Read the informal article. What does
6 Staying positive in an exam can affect/
the writer say you should do if you don’t
doesn’t have an effect on your
understand something in the exam?

How to keep positive in 3 Complete the informal article with the
phrases in the box.
a speaking exam
Are you one of the many students who find   are you a student who  don’t speak too fast 
language exams challenging? The reality is that   If you prepare an interesting talk 
not everything will go smoothly. So, learning to   ready to face the challenge 
keep positive is a very important skill.
  so it's important to practise first 

1 If in doubt, ask
Did you understand the question? If not, don’t
worry. The examiners are there to help you. If you
  speak slowly and carefully 
  take the opportunity  the reality is that 
don’t understand something, it’s always better to ask.
Look forward, not back How to achieve your goals
2 Don’t spend time during the exam thinking ‘If
only I’d …’ or worrying about mistakes. You can’t
change what happened. It’s important to put the past
1 finds
standing up in front of
behind you and concentrate on what’s coming next in the class and giving a
the test. presentation difficult? Don’t
Keep things in proportion worry, you are not alone.

However, 2
Having difficulties understanding the task or giving presentations is an important skill you will need
knowing we’ve made mistakes can leave us at college or work, so it’s important to master it.
feeling that everything went wrong. It’s important
that our reaction after the exam is appropriate to the A
situation. It may feel awful, but remember this is only People are usually given time to prepare for a
one small part of the exam. Don’t let it affect how you presentation, so use the time wisely. Make sure you know
feel about the whole thing. your objective. Research your topic, take notes and find
Language exams can be very challenging and make photos. 3 , then you will enjoy telling
us feel nervous and uncomfortable, but keeping others about it and the audience will want to listen.
positive before, during and after can make a real B
difference to your performance. It’s not easy to talk out loud, 4 . Read
through your speech several times until you are sure
you know it well. Then you are 5 .
2 Read the article again and circle the C
correct option. It’s important to take your time over the presentation.
1 Learning to keep positive in an exam is 6 because no one will understand you.
When you first stand up in front of the class, take a
an important/not an essential skill. breath. Look around and make sure you have everyone’s
2 It’s not a problem to ask the examiner attention. Remember to 7 and pause in
to clarify or repeat something, they are between topics.
there to guide/study you. Giving a presentation can make us feel nervous, but if
you 8 to speak whenever you can, it will
3 It’s important to think/not to think about become easier. Remember, practice makes perfect!
the mistakes you make during the exam.
4 Making one or two mistakes means/ 4 Now write the three headings in gaps
doesn’t mean everything went wrong. A–C in exercise 3.
 Practise Prepare Take your time 

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7 Reading and Writing

Reading 4 Some people relax with friends
because their friends distract them
‘If you want to recharge your batteries, spend from their worries. T F
time alone.’ Do you agree? 5 The writer suggests exercise such
as playing football or tennis as a way
to relax. T F
6 Spending time outside is not a good
way to relax. T F

It is generally agreed that people today suffer a 3 Complete the essay with the words and
lot of stress due to the busy lives we lead. Because phrases in the box.
of this, it’s increasingly important to relax. But is it
better to do this alone or with other people?   both points of view  however 
For many of us, true relaxation comes from   many people believe  on the one hand 
peace and quiet, and that means being alone,   on the other hand  personally  to sum up 
away from screens and other people. Taking it
easy with a walk in the country by yourself is
one of the best ways to disconnect from the
pressures of daily life.
However, others argue that spending time in the
company of friends is a better way to relax due to
the fact that they can help to take your mind off
any problems. You could do some sport together
or go for a picnic. Whatever you choose, if it is
done with friends, you are sure to relax.
Having considered both points of view, I feel ‘The best holiday is also a holiday from technology.’
this is a matter of personal preference. In my Do you agree?
opinion, doing physical activity and spending 1 that holidays are important these
time outdoors are great ways to recover from days because they lead such hectic or stressful
stress, but whether you choose to do that alone daily lives. 2 , while some people think
or with other people is up to you. holidays are a time to switch off from everything,
including technology, others want to disconnect from
1 Read the for-and-against essay. Which
their studies but remain connected socially.
statement is closest to the writer’s opinion?
3 , some people can only truly have fun
1 The writer agrees it is better to spend and enjoy a holiday environment when they know
time alone. they cannot access the internet and won’t receive
2 The writer disagrees because she thinks notifications on social media. So, going completely
it’s better to be with friends. offline is the best way for them to relax, enjoy new
3 The writer neither agrees nor disagrees, places or even try new activities.
she thinks each person is different. 4 , there are people who enjoy being off
school, but want to share everything they do with
2 Read the essay again and circle T (true) their friends. They enjoy posting holiday photos
or F (false). and talking to friends online while they have more
1 The general belief is that most people free time.
are currently under a lot of stress 5 , having considered 6 ,
because of their busy lives. T F I think this is a matter of personal preference.
7 , I feel totally relaxed when I am
2 Some people can only relax when
completely offline, having adventures I can talk
they are completely alone. T F
about later. However, I also appreciate that for others
3 The writer suggests taking a walk this is not the case.
around the city to relax. T F

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8 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the formal letter of complaint and 3 Complete the letter with the phrases in
answer the question. the box.
1 What is the writer disappointed about?   extremely disappointed to learn 
  I am absolutely convinced 
  I look forward to hearing 
  I trust that you will 
  I wish to complain about  strongly believe 

 September 12th
Dear Mrs Croft,
I am writing to express my concern that the Moss Street
Centre for homeless is going to be closed at the end
of November.
Recently there has been a significant increase in the
number of homeless people in our city, due to rising
unemployment and increased housing costs. The Moss
Street Centre offers a unique set of services to people
who are in need. It provides a hot meal to everyone who
needs it. In addition, it offers users an opportunity to
have a shower. But without doubt, the most important
service which is offered is the selection of courses to help
homeless people integrate back into society, including  July 14th
literacy classes and support in making job applications. Dear Sir/Madam,
I was extremely disappointed to hear that the reason for 1 the proposed cuts to the bus service
closing the centre is that the building is to be demolished in Scotsdale which I only learned about on my recent
to make room for a new cat café. visit to the main bus station in the town centre.
Losing a centre like this is quite unacceptable, and I was 2 that not only are two of the
I strongly believe that an alternative location should be current routes being cut, but also the frequency on
found without delay. I trust that you will take steps to other routes is to be reduced from hourly to two hourly.
ensure that the centre’s valuable work can continue. For many people, the bus is the only form of transport
I look forward to hearing from you. available to them, and I 3 it provides an
 Yours sincerely, important link between Scotsdale and the smaller towns
and villages in the countryside. Buses also result in
 Rhona Barclay less pollution than cars and motorbikes which I think
is a very important consideration in this day and age.
2 Read the letter again and circle the The bus company notice states that the routes are
correct option. being cancelled because they are not profitable. While
I appreciate that the large buses on those routes are
1 The centre for homeless people is closing
sometimes half empty, you cannot expect me to believe
at the end of the year/November. cancelling the routes is the best solution. Why not provide
2 The number of homeless people has smaller buses rather than cancel the routes completely?
increased because there are more people 4 that if you appealed to the local
without jobs/the cost of food has gone up. government, they would provide some form of help
3 The centre offers all/some users a hot to maintain these routes. 5 investigate
this possibility.
meal if they need it.
6 from you.
4 The centre offers different courses and
 Yours faithfully,
helps to find work/apply for jobs.
 Lucy Towers
5 The centre is closing to make space for a
new café/hotel.

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