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1. How does exercise DIRECTLY benefit the brain?

R// Exercise improves memory and increases synaptogenesis, forming new synapses that
mediate learning and memory, facilitating the absorption of information and the formation of
long-term memories.

2. How does exercise INDIRECTLY benefit the brain?

R// Exercise can stimulate memory and thinking indirectly by improving mood and sleep.

3. List the 10 benefits of exercise from the video:

1. Boost The Memory

2. Improve Concentration

3. Improve Mental Health

4. Slowing Cognitive Decline

5. Physical Fitness and Weight Loss

6. Protection of the Body against Age-related Decline

7. Improved Heart and Lung Health

8. Increases Lean Mass and Strength

9. Improved Cholesterol Levels

10. Prevention and Management of Diabetes

4. According to the video, why is it important to get regular activity?

R//To maintain a stable physical and mental state of healt

5. Select one of the benefits from above and explain in 4 complete sentences how this
benefits your brain and body.
R// Improve Concentration: Improve their academic results Improve their performance in
different tasks, and this will lead to their success

Improve Mental Health: Emotional and mental health is important because it is a vital part of
your life and impacts your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Being emotionally healthy can
promote productivity and effectiveness in activities such as work, school, or caregiving.

Improved Cholesterol Levels: High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is known as the

"good" cholesterol because it helps remove other forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream.
Higher levels of HDL cholesterol are associated with a lower risk of developing heart disease

6. Select another benefit from above and explain in 4 complete sentences how this benefits

your brain and body.

R// Prevention and Management of Diabetes: Normalize blood glucose levels. Reduce
cardiovascular risk. Prevent the appearance of complications related to diabetes or control
them, if they have already appeared. The diet is recommended to be balanced and adapted to
the tastes of the person to promote their acceptance.

Increases Lean Mass and Strength: A higher muscle mass activates the basal metabolism (we
burn more calories even at rest). It also helps reduce the percentage of fat mass. The weight
may remain, but it will be made up of more muscle and less fat. Improves performance in
carrying out activities of daily living.

Improved Heart and Lung Health: Lowers blood pressure and triglycerides (a type of fat in the
blood); by increasing HDL (high-density lipoprotein) (“good”) cholesterol levels

Physical Fitness and Weight Loss:

Manage your weight.

Reduce risks to your health.

Strengthen your bones and muscles.

Improve your ability to do daily activities and prevent falls.

Increase your chances of living a longer life.


7. Record your voice on https://vocaroo.com/ the answer given on # 5 and 6

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