(English (Auto-Generated) ) JLPT Michel Thomas Method - Japanese Foundation Course Part01 (DownSub - Com)

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michelle thomas method Japanese

foundation course

copyright 2008 in the methodology Thomas

keymaster languages LLC all rights

reserved in the content Helen Gilhooley

and leave Kelly in the recording hodder

& stoughton welcome to the michelle

thomas method Japanese CD this is a new

and different approach to language

learning a practical and functional

approach to Japanese in eight hours of

learning time

why is it new well you don't have to

memorize there is no rote learning or

drills there's no textbooks and there's

no homework

it's the teacher's responsibility to

lead you and to be your memory aid it's

your responsibility to do the following

relax listen to the CD in a calm

environment leave anxieties about

learning or other stresses behind you

you can only really learn when feeling

relaxed and stress-free you never need

to worry about remembering don't even

try to remember this is the teacher's

responsibility you're aiming to retain

information naturally as Michelle Thomas

knew once you understand something you

know it and once you know it you don't

forget it it will go into your long-term

memory you will play an active role in

the learning process in the following

way in the course there are two students

learning the language of the first time

like you you are the third students and

you will become part of that group so

when I introduce a new concept it is

important you followed up in a practical

way so when I say how do you say it or

how would you say then you use the pause

button to think about the answer and

then respond out loud when you release

the pause button one of the students

will also respond and then myself and

Mickey our native Japanese speaker will

repeat it so you will always know the

correct version let me re-emphasize that

you will not be burdened with memorizing

language so you're not be overburdened

vocabulary michelle thomas compared the

teacher of his method with the architect

to the house the teacher creates the

structure and then it's for you to

furnish it with more words later this

method of learning will give you a

constant sense of progression and

achievement because you'll keep

returning to concepts you've previously

learned building on these and learning

to manipulate the language in different

ways this is an exciting stimulating and

self rewarding way of learning a

language so let's talk about the

Japanese language of course it's not

very similar to English or to other

European languages but that does not

mean it's a difficult language for us to

learn although the Japanese written

language is more challenging with its

three different writing systems the

Japanese spoken language is relatively

quite easy and Japanese was a spoken

language long before it became a written

language anyway you are probably already

familiar with a handful of Japanese

words which have become part of our own

language for example some of the words

that we use in our language you might be

familiar with chemo know if you come

across that word yes yes which water to

chemo no clumping he's overlooking

that's right and data might not be the

way you pronounce term we have our

native speakers say that word cut out


yes is that something familiar martial

art and people off to know that all care

pronounced differently now in English

people say karaoke but it's kinda all

care which is what song in a pub that's

very very popular in Japan and of course

also became very popular around the

world and as well as these words that

we've taken into our own language many

of them have links with the arts of

martial arts or more recent trends those

little attack of words we've taken in

the Japanese have had a lot of contact

over many many years with Western

countries and this is enriched the

Japanese vocabulary hugely and these

words that they take into their own

language as an adjusted to fit the

pronunciation the way that japanese

pronunciation works is that each

consonant is followed by a Val and some

were also shortened to fit the way that

the Japanese say them now I can


this with some of the words that

Japanese use which have originally come

from English commander would you know

what that meant

camera camera that's right commander and

and a shortened version of that word is

edgy come there would you have a guess

at what that might mean

a digital camera that's right a digital

camera this weekend met some sounds in

Japanese don't exist in English and vice

versa so r and l in japanese is

somewhere in between they don't have a

distinction between R&L so you'll get

some words for example auto which would


hotel where the n sound do or Lou is our

L sound and that's the closest that the

Japanese get to sayang Hotel look at the

end what they do and words such as I

Sookie move

I was Chris screen again that that's

been lengthened out a little bit to fit

japanese pronunciation but it's still

familiar as an originally in english

word another sound which there isn't a

distinction between is the H F sound so

the Japanese sound is somewhere in

between an H and F so the word for

coffee is call heat core he and other

words that you probably recognize tee


t-shirt t-shirt so again the test sound

at the end gets lengthened out into a

soft foul found teashop food TV shuts it

right let's get straight into learning

some of our first phrases in Japanese

there's a phrase or could a sigh or

could decide which basically means may I

have please or kudasai

awkward-ass I may I have please would

you try it

all good SI o kudasai and in Japanese

things are slightly back with the how we

might say it in English you say the item

that you want first and then you say

orchid SI so if you wanted an ice cream

ice cream I would you say please may I

have an ice cream

aissa creamer kudasai

I 16-4 kudasai ice cream or could a site

and if you wanted a t-shirt tee shot

t-shirts orchid SI t shirts or the site

that's right and if you wanted a coffee

call he would you say please may I have

a coffee

cause he aquaduct by and with the

kudasai kudasai

could SI and say it again may have a


call he could SI and call he is a little

sound you need afterwards call he all


call he all could si core he or could a

sigh and if you wanted to camera


camera could say come in our site they

see japanese sentences like this can be

very simple

there's no there are no I may I have a

t-shirt simply t-shirt through orchid SI

so they're paired down to their simple

elements the item please may I have if

you want to increase your politeness

because this phrase is a very useful one

of you in a shop or a restaurant then

you can say excuse me at the beginning

excuse me is nima sen gumi mass then

think of somebody called foo so excuse

me through me

tsumimasen how would you say excuse me

tsumimasen tsumimasen need to say that

at the beginning so if you wanted to get

somebody's attention that shot and say

excuse me

these may have an ice cream

tsumimasen ice cream aequitas I msn

I scooty more could a sigh and if you

wanted a t-shirt

msn t-shirts or kudasai

tsumimasen t-shirts or could a sigh and

if you wanted a coffee

tsumimasen coffee aequitas I with coffee

it's somewhere between and fnh though

it's probably better to err on the h

side of it of course he could us a call

he could decide right core he all gasp I

if you want to talk about something you

might not know the word for it but you

could point it and say this this that in

Japanese they have an additional of a

group of three that over there

so this is something that's close to you

that is something that's close to the

person you're speaking to and then that

over there is something that's not close

to either of you and they form a nice

little rhyming triplet the cursor a

triplet is called it so there are there

called it saw it at it that the ks a

group the k1 quartet is this something

that's close close this order is

something close to someone you're

talking to your debt and then they add a

think of it as a ray of sunshine in the

sky over there other so-called it

thought it added so how would you save


quarter quarter that

so that solar and that over there

add it now you want to ask for this

please may I have this the order this

may I have

Kotaku desai correo their site and that

may I have may I have that

someone with something or a aequitas I

saw it or could a sigh and may have that

one over there

SI la all could as I a few wanted to

then say excuse me

how would you say excuse me please now

have this

tsumimasen Carly okay yes I msn Corey

orchid SI excuse me please may I have

that over there

tsumimasen era aqua death I msn

I do is I now in reply to that you might

want to say yes go ahead

that's quite a useful phrase in Japanese

the word for yes is high which sounds

like somebody saying hello hi height

how would you say yes

hi hi and then to say go ahead

yes you may that kind of meaning is just

one short word which is doors up which

if you want to try and remember that

it's sort of like go ahead don't doze

off doors or doors or

also doors are so excuse me may I have

this please

I would you say that

tsumimasen Cora kudasai

tsumimasen correo kudasai and you

wouldn't reply with say yes go ahead

hi those are high doors are let's talk

about verbs verbs is a grammar word that

people often a sort of know but they're

not sure quite what it means at school

they're called doing words that Michel

Thomas felt that wasn't very helpful

description of what a verb is he talked

about verbs this words that you can put

he/she I they we in front of so I eat

she drinks he goes in Japanese will be

pleased to know that verbs are very

simple they all end in mass it doesn't

matter who is doing the action whereas

an English I go she goes the ending

changes in Japanese it doesn't change at

all it's simply ends in math and you

don't even need to say words such as i

he she they if it's understood from the

context who is doing the action will

start with the verb to eat the virtuous

in japanese is tab mr Talbot if t a de

and an image you might like to have this

Easter tablet Tubba the first part of

tablets of Hamas I eat would be

Tomas Tomas she eats

Tomas Tomas you eat

Hamas bumass so nothing changes up ms

fits all of those situations and if you

want to say the item that you eat going

back to awkward SI please may I have we

had the item then we had all and then

coulda sigh we keep that all that all

tells us the item the item that you want

or the item that you're going to eat so

it's important to put that all after

that item so if you are eating ice cream

you would say I sickly move or tab ms we

keep the all they're just as you had it

in orchid SI and notice the order as

well just the same as awkward as I item

first then all and then the verb so if

you wanted to say i eat ice cream

I screaming happiness I scooty more

severe mas and the word in Japanese the

Sun which again an English word that's

been taken into the language sandy cheap

son delete key can you say fund which

sandwich e sandy tie2 sandwich

sunday chi and then the little or happy

math that's right Sandra to your body

mass and if you wanted to say I eat this

going back to our rhyming triplet the

cursor a triplet I would you say I eat


Cordell happiness correo en masse and I

eat that

sorry for the math today or a beer mass

some more good news about verbs in

japanese is as well as meaning i eat it

also covers the future tense i will eat

so you can say both using that same word

so if you want to say i will eat that

over there

Alton us a day or prepare mass or I will

eat this

Corey or Bobby mass quarry or tab air

mass and just to reassure you again we

don't need to say I you he or she if

it's understood who it is that's doing

the action let's add another verb we've

got to be a mess

let's have the verb drink I drink is

nommy mas and nami mass a picture image

to help you remember it is maybe if you

go out drinking

you'll nominate a driver so nominate

mommy mass remembering everything bands

in math no meanness so if you wanted to

say i drink

no mass no me mass if you wanted to say

I will drink

nomas no me mass and you drink

nami math Normie mass and when we add

the item exactly the same as today mass

exactly the same with every verb we say

the item that we drink or and then nami

mass though I drink coffee

cocky or mommy mass call here

nami mass I drink this

cut it it's gotta call it good call it

or not a mass called a or nami mass and

I drink that

so they are

only mouse today or nami mass

let's add a couple more easy words again

words that have come from English used

in the Japanese vocabulary the word for

juice is to suit juice

tusu juice it and the word for beer be


dat be do so I drink juice

bureau or that I drink beer which is

good news

sue or Namie nomie mass that juice or

nami mass and I drink beer

be your mommy nuts be do or nami mass

and I will drink this

call it or no me mass quarry or nami

mass and if we bring back in eat tubman

mass i will eat this

choreo happiness quotes or double mass

I've told you that mass covers the

present and the future so I do something

and I will do something so we're talking

about the future as well

the word for tomorrow in japanese is ash

that now if it helps you is a picture

image of Ash and tar and maybe you can

mix a contar to make a road surface

which was set by tomorrow so ash to ash

that but the top is a shorter ashta


ashta ask that and when you use a time

expressions such as tomorrow put it at

the beginning of your sentence they as

we say in english tomorrow I will drink

juice for the ashtar at the very

beginning so how would you say tomorrow

I will drink

ashta know me math a start

noemi mass and tomorrow i will eat

ashta album us a step double mass and if

you don't want to say the item that

you're going to drink all the item

you're going to eat

you're going to be saying tomorrow ashta

then the item then all and then the verb

nami math math so tomorrow i will eat

ice cream

ashta ice cream ooh or maybe math good

as that ice cream or Hamas and tomorrow

I will drink coffee

ashta cohete all know mee mas aster

Corps he or nami mass call he when you

say coffee the call

part of it is quite long the core he

rather than Corky we say coffee don't

but this lengthened out in Japanese call

he coffee
core he core he lets talk about sushi

most people have heard of sushi sushi is

often misunderstood as being simply raw

fish and a lot of people think that they

must avoid that at all costs but in fact

sushi means rice with vinegar su parte

means vinegar and it's a very

competitive business the sushi making a

market in Japan every restaurant on many

many restaurants have their own secret

methods which they won't share with

anybody to make the special vinegared

rice and it can take up to 10 years to

qualify as a professional chef the

classic sushi is an oval of sushi rice

which has been formed in the hand and

then it's topped with things such as raw

fish cooked seafood an omelet style egg

so I eat sushi I would you say that

sushi tapped a math and all the ark good

sushi or tapping out at sea or air mass

and i will eat sushi tomorrow

ashta sooo she'll have amassed a stat

sushi or to be mass and I will drink

beer tomorrow how would you say that

ashta bureau or nomas a stat b2r nami

mass and I will drink juice tomorrow

ashta do so

nomas ass that Jews your mommy mass

let's talk about questions when you ask

a question in Japanese the order of the

sentence stays the same

where is an English if he said I eat

sushi and then you change it into a

question do I eat sushi we've been

changed that the way around that we say

it but in Japanese nothing changes at

all sentence order is the same but what

the Japanese do that is different to

english is they put a question mark at

the end which is spoken and that word is

cap cap that tells us that it is a

question this through the word can so

the spoken ? is

okay cut

so if you were to say do you eat sushi

how would you do that

sushi or talamasca cr-v maska so in

other words you're saying exactly the

same as you've already said you're

simply adding cap at the end of it

so if you just wanted to ask do you eat

or will you eat

how would you do that

today mosca today maska and do you drink

nami maska know me maska and do you

drink coffee

call he know me masker and if you were a

little heat yep that's right call he

more normally maska call he or nami

maska and do you drink juice


you are normally maska juice or nami

maska will you will you eat this

car and Cora Cora a tabby mass go Corey

or tampa maska correo de maska and will

you drink this

kalyani maska correo nami masker you

will notice that the cat tends not to go

out whereas in English we tend to rise

at the end of a sentence if we're asking

a question that it's clear as a question

in Japanese the cat is already there so

that it's clear that it's a question so

generally in Japanese it tends to stay

fairly flat the whole sentences and you

don't rise at the end although you'll

sometimes hear people rising the cat the

end but in general you keep it flat

right if you then want to reply with a


how do you say yes in Japanese hai hai

so if you want to say do you eat sushi

sushi or tab America is she or severe

maska you're going to reply yes I do yes

I do in japanese is actually yes I eat

you repeat the verb yes I eat

hi tomas hi tabby mass you can say the

whole thing
yes I eat sushi that would be

hi sushi or Thomas hi sis you're a bear

mass or you can simply say yes I do yes

I eat

high-top enough hi Toby mass so do you

drink beer

bureau or no maska beador nami maska and

with beer again like call he it's a long

sound at the beginning call he be

0b do so do you drink beer

bureau or no maska beador nami maska yes

I do yes I drink

hi mom yes hi Nami mass and do you eat


sushi 0 taba Nazca sushi or severe maska

yes I eat sushi

hi sushi or Hamas hi co-op a mass yes I

eat it

hi happiness and notice as well there is

no it in Japanese so you are simply

saying yes eat

yes I eat yes eat height mm us let's

talk a little more about time

expressions so far we've used ashta

remember the ashen eat are making the

road surface ashta hashtag tomorrow

we'll add two more into our collection

we have the word for sometimes which is

taki taki taki taki it's a nice sound

sounds like a tick talking of o'clock so

it relates it to time

tokidoki sometimes

oki doki doki doki and again the time

expression is said at the beginning so I

sometimes eat sushi

okie dokie sooo shield happiness

tokidoki co Tomas or I sometimes drink


tokidoki Junsu anonymous

okie dokie jus saw Mommy mass and again

juice is another long sound jus suit

we've had call he be do jus sooo making

it long at the beginning juice

use to juice it though I sometimes drink


okie dokie video Thomas tokidoki be do

know me mass and I sometimes drink


call heal and I sometimes tokidoki go

he'll know me mass tokidoki core he or

Tommy mass another time expression ash

that we have tomorrow

tokidoki sometimes and the third one

we're going to add to that group is

everyday everyday is mainichi and think

about my knee is itchy everyday mainichi

so every day

mainichi my unity so every day I drink

coffee would be
mainichi call here

nomas my need to call he or nami mass

and every day I drink juice

mainichi to sue Nami mouth

mainichi juice your mommy Mass every day

I eat sushi

mainichi sushi or happiness

mainichi sushi or to be mass so we'll

pull that together now let's bring in

ashta tomorrow

tokidoki sometimes mainichi will have

some questions as well with the cat at

the end and answering with high so every

day I eat this

mainichi correo Obama is mine ET correo

Hamas sometimes I eat that

okie dokie so do Thomas tokidoki 302b

mass tomorrow i will eat sushi

ashta sushi Oh Thomas ash that sushi or

Hamas will you eat sushi tomorrow

ashta sushi or the Nazca a step sis

you're a bear mascot and the time

expression is still there at the

beginning even though in English

naturally we might put it at the end but

we're putting it at the beginning in

Japanese and yes i will eat it

hi you don't say it good

hi Thomas yes hi
mm us sometimes I drink beer

okie dokie be you or mommy mask it

tokidoki be do your mommy mass do you

sometimes drink beer

tokidoki be you or nami masker Tommy

Muska tokidoki be do not know me maska

yes I do

hi know us hi Nami mas every day I drink


mainichi Jews sue or nemeth mainichi jus

tsunami mass do you drink coffee every


mainichi kohi Oh mommy maska 9et core


nami maska yes I do

hi Normie mass hi Nami mass yes I drink

coffee every day

hi mainichi cocky or mama

hi my need to call your mommy mass and

when you say the time expression having

said yes yes comes first just as it

would in english and then every day so

hype mainichi call Jionni math let's

just try getting you to say longer

sentences so for example we'll start

with i drink coffee every day

mainichi call here Thomas my need to

call here Thomas i drink coffee every

day tomorrow I will drink juice

mainichi kohi oh no Marina ashta to sue

Nami mass my need to call here namimiss

ash that juice or Tommy mass I this

every day

mainichi quarry or tacky mass may need

to call your OB mass I this every day

sometimes I drink that

it's everything for us mainichi correo

happiness sometimes I drink that

okie dokie i think that time that I


sorry good tokidoki sorry or nomas

mainichi correo en masse

okie dokie so do know me mass so far

we've been using two birds have MS to


nami mass to drink will add a third one

to that now the third one is mee mas me

must means to look to watch or to see so

look at mee mee mas I see

mass I look

Matt's i watch

mass me mass look-see watches all

covered by the one verb me mas and again

as it with every Ferb when you want to

say the item that you watch then you put

the item that what I was now called a

marker all and me mass item or me mas

there's a shortened word that's used in

Japanese taken from English press you

can work out what it means tear be

tender be

television is television that's right

it's a shortened version of television

and also illustrates that in Japanese

there is no natural V sound the nearest

natural sound of V is be so when V

sounds are important to japanese

language they become Abbie said Abbie


therapy today be so i watch TV using our

new Ferb me math would be

caribee me mass and we have a little

markers that way about therapy or mass

tell a bee or mass and i watch TV


mainichi terrible mass mine ET today

beyond me mass so everyday the time

expression we're putting at the

beginning I sometimes watch television

tokidoki terrible Mimas tokidoki today

beyond me mass tomorrow I'll watch


ashta i watch television

ashta their RB or a mass i start today

be your meme ass and if you wanted to

ask a question do you watch television

Tara Bo mosca KBR me maska and do you

watch television every day

mainichi caribee or mosca mainichi that

maska yes I do

high mass hi me mass will you watch


ashta maska good ask that me maska yes I


hi UMass hi me mas you used the word yes

height now let's practice of the word

know the word no in japanese is yet

it actually sounds a little bit like

yeah which of course is the opposite

no but II

e.e so if you ask the question will you

eat this

choreo album Oscar correo de Vere maska

then you might want to say no I'll eat


your and it's e year i'll eat that

sorry 0 ms e so do the beer mass so you

might ask the question will you eat


sushi o-tama mosca sushi or a bear


no I'll eat sandwiches the word sandwich

in Japanese sandwich e but it also

covers sandwiches there isn't generally

a distinction between singular and

plural in Japanese there are ways of

doing it when it's necessary but on the

whole if you talk about coffee or ice

cream sandwiches or any items at all

they could be in singular or plural

there's no equivalent of an S at the end

of a word so context would normally tell

you so

no I'll eat sand which is

yeah sand ricci your happiness

II Sandra to your vm us if you were to

say ask the question will you drink beer

EU or no maska BDO nami maska and you

would reply no I'll drink juice

yeah too soon

Mama's e-juice your mommy mass will eat


correo de masker quarry or a bear mascot

no I'll eat that

yeah cariño correo namimiss that's right

II correo nami mass we learn to say

please may I have please may I have was

awkward SI so will you drink coffee

Kohi or a masker core here

nami maska no may I have this

yeah correo when I have aequitas I de

correo critici-- so if you asked will

you drink coffee

core he'll know maska core he or mommy

maska and you would reply no please may

I have juice

yeah to see

sigh e-juice thought could a site and if

you were to ask and will you eat sushi

sushi or Tabasco sushi or a bear maska

you might reply no please may I have

some witches

sandy g4s i.e Sandra to your career site

the word sandwich its it does come from

English originally but it's been adapted

to suit the japanese sounds so it comes

out of sounding sunday ichi-san Daiichi

San de chi that tracks i please my have

a sandwich

sandy chi o kudasai sandy tea or the

site and please might have a beer

video is I be do the site please may I

have this

choreo good SI Cordell good eyesight and

please now have that

so do is I saw it or could a sigh and

you're going to ask a question will you

eat this

correo de mosca correo de Vere maska no

please may I have that

year sorry o kudasai e300 good eyesight

and you're going to ask the question

will you drink this


maska correo nami maska no please may I

have that
II correo and that

oh sorry sorry hold a caucus I so no

please may have that

II sorry o kudasai e300 site aqua decide

the all is the marker that comes after

the item so you don't need an additional

or it's it's there as a market by itself

so it's actually two separate words

please may I have something is something

all and then a separate word could thus

I could decide covers please may I have

and the all is the marker which tells us

which item it is you're asking for

I loved one more time expression to our

group of three so far

ashta tomorrow remember the ashen the

tar mainichi everyday my knee which is

everyday and tokidoki sometimes which

has that nice sort of rhyming pattern to

it sounds like a clock ticking linking

of time if we add to that this evening

this evening is combat combat and I

think about a notice up in a pub which

has no convicts tonight the convicts

have been banned combat tonight combat

this evening also means tonight there is

no separate word in Japanese this

evening tonight is covered by combat

how would you say tonight or this

konban combine so will you eat sushi


konban sushi Oh Bobby mosca combat sushi

or severe maska and combat like all the

time expressions we've been using so far

follows the same pattern say at the

beginning of the sentence for these

short sentences that we're doing so

again it will not come at the end the

only word you will ever have at the end

of a Japanese sentence is the verb and

then care if it's the question so will

you drink beer tonight

konban bureau or no maska combat be do

your mommy maska no coffee please

ya know he'll

that's a year call here clear-site and

the call he talked with the side covers

may I have coffee or simply coffee


it covers both you're in a restaurant

and you're going to ask the question

will be eating sushi

Susheela taba mosca sushi or severe

maska no sandwiches please

year so enjoy she or and it's the kue

could decide that's right

II sandy to your class I i'm going to

add a word so that you can link to short

sentences together and that word is and

and in Japanese this particular that

you're going to be using can be said at

the beginning of a sentence so it's not

and that you would use in the middle so

you'll say one sentence and then and

followed by another sentence the word

for and is such their rush to think

about so it and it will stay so saw cher

stay rushed rushed and how would you say

and brush to brush step and it has this

debt at the end which goes slightly up

such death so if we start with i watch i

watch was look at me and look watch and


i watch

mere us that's close but we need the

math sound at the end for me maths me

mass that's really not the mass so i

watch TV

Tara be or me mass today beyond me mass

i watch TV everyday

mainichi a video me mas Ted be terribly

so i watch TV everyday

mainichi therapy or mass yes

mainichi tell your meme ass i watch TV

every day and sometimes I sushi

okie dokie and sometimes I eat sushi

um so dream is so and stay rush rush to

so i could set yes and sometimes I eat


ashta sushi or happiness and sometimes I

sushi and comes at the very beginning

and then you can put in your

talkie-talkie you sometimes and then you

sushi and then your eat so it'll be and

sometimes sushi I eat

and is such that washed soch there

okie dokie sushi Oh Thomas that's right

such there tokidoki sushi or severe mass

and the longest sentence i watch TV

every day and sometimes I eat sushi

mainichi terribile me mass soch there

sometimes I eat sushi

tokidoki sushi o-tama yeah

mainichi today be army mass so step

tokidoki socio en masse

that's right tomorrow i will watch

tomorrow i will watch

ashta mass that's right ash that me mass

tomorrow i will watch this

ashta correo me Mouse ash that quarry or

mass tomorrow i will watch this and I

will eat

ashta correo mass yes and i will eat and

so and stay josh Josh they're good

such their album us ash that quarry or

me mass / step tabeer mass so tomorrow i

will watch this and I will eat sushi

oshte cardio me mas soch their sushi 0

demos a step quarry or me mas such debt

sushi or tab air mass so let's pull

together our learning so far you've now

learned three verbs tap ms to eat

nami mass to drink me mass to watch to

look to see you've also learned how to

ask for something using awkward SI and

how to say yes and no height year to ask

questions by putting cap at the end of a

sentence and you've also now learned

different items of food and drink and

tender be television as well as those

useful three-quarter solder other words

this that that over there

you've you're also able to say here you

are or go ahead height and also and just

to remind you that that mass covers the

present and the future you don't need to

have the or are in Japanese there's no

specific plural or singular so it's

either sandwich or its sandwiches

depending on the context but also

learned for time expressions which are

ash there tomorrow

tokidoki sometimes mainichi everyday

konban tonight or this evening and we

just had to go and saying the word for

and / step so let's combine all those

together and have a go at making some

sentences with those will begin with

some questions so just as a simple short

question do you eat

tap in Alaska to bear mascot and you


Mosca me maska and do you watch TV

therapy Moscow and always with the item

we need the little article

yes Larabee or math today Bo maska will

you watch television

terrible the masker KBR maska so me mass

the verb is covering do you and will you

we watch television tonight

konban terrible your maska combat today

BR maska do you watch television every


mainichi Theriot Moscow mine ET today Bo

maska yes I do

hi me mass hi me mass and I eat sushi

soch their sushi 0 happiness so step

sushi or Hamas let's now add a fourth

verb into the group that we've learned

so far we've had me mass i watch have MS

I eat normally mess i drink yummy mass

is I read now it's actually a lengthened

version of me mass the masses to look

and you had a yacht in front of it and

you have yummy math so how would you say

i read
yummy mass your meme us and i will read

yummy yummy mass and gallery tonight

konban yummy mass combine your meme us

sometimes I read

tokidoki your mouth tokidoki your meme s

all Japanese people love comic books and

comic books are written for every age

group so it's not just something that's

for children and you will see japanese

adults reading comic books on trains on

the way to work very very keen on

reading and the word for comic book

maybe one you're familiar with in


manga manga

manga manga and if you were to say i

read comic books i read manga

mango yumminess mangle your meme ass and

do you read comic books

mangilao yummy masker Mungo yummy maska

yes I do

hi yamimash hi youngmee mas

the word for what in Japanese the

question word what is nanny think of a

nanny who looks after children money na

and I money


nonny nonny and when you ask a question

such as what do you eat

what will you eat what does she eat what

does he eat then you put the water in

the same order as you would in English

for the knee is coming at the beginning

of the sentence you put the marker the

all the market that tells us the item

comes after the nanny so nanny or then

the verb and then at the end so that we

know question what you need

cap cap that's right so what do you eat

neo K maska nine your team mascot or

what will you eat

nani o tambien mosca nine your hubby

maska and it doesn't matter who it is

that you're asking about he she they

what you say will still be exactly the

same so what does she eat

nanny or tacky mosca nanny or a beer

mosca and what will he eat

nah yo tambien mosca nine your w mosca

so whether you're asking what I now or

what the future or what is a general

thing that somebody does the verb is the

same nanny or tab mosca what does he


Gnomeo maska nanny or mosca and what

does he read

man you're yummy maska New York your

meme ask if we then want to put in our

time expressions so what will you read

tonight what will you eat tonight and so

on then you put the time expression at

the beginning so tonight what will you

eat would be the equivalent in English

tonight what will you eat

konban nanny or kappa mosca kombank nine

your hobby mosca and tonight what will

you read

combat 9yo mosca kombat 9 your yummy

maska and when you reply you replying

exactly the same order but all you're

doing is taking the money away and

putting the item in so tonight what will

you eat

konban nanny or tampa maska kombat 9

your avi mosca i will eat this

choreo happiness correo en masse and

tonight what will you watch

konban nanny or me masker kombat 9 your

me maska I will watch TV

it's a shortened word tear tear be or a

mass they be your meme us we're going to

start using the negative the I don't or

i won't part of a verb and the good news

about Japanese is that there is one

negative and it covers all verbs and it

covers whoever is saying it I sheehy or

whoever is doing it

whereas in English sometimes you say not

sometimes you say do not does not in

Japanese it is simply covered by one

phrase which you have already used you

use the phrase tsumimasen excuse me and

the must send part of excuse me is in

fact the negative what tsumimasen

literally means is it is not excusable

in other words what i have done is not

excusable please excuse me

sumimasen so much sin is not or do not

and you simply take off the mass if

you've got to ms you remove the mass and

say mass then instead of mms msn

so if you were to say i do not eat

thomas n that's right to vm r sin and if

you were to say he doesn't eat

Jameson TMR sin and she doesn't eat

msn msn and it's also covering the

future as well they won't eat

Tabitha TMR sin and we can try it with

all the other verbs nothing's going to

change it will always be the same

I don't read

your msn your msn

I don't watch

mimosa mimosa sin and in the same way

the center's order is the same two so if

you want to say i don't watch TV you put

TV beginning then our market hall and

then the verb with my son at the end so

i don't watch TV

terrible msn today be your msn and I'm

not going to watch TV tonight or I will

not watch TV tonight

konban therapy or msn com ban today be

on msn and I don't eat this

Cordell Jameson correo de msn and I

won't eat this night

konban correo msn com bomb correo de msn

and he won't eat this tomorrow

ashta correo toby mathieson pastor Corey

or msn and she won't drink this tomorrow

oshte correo Norman a stat correo no

meme ascend and I won't read a comic


mangle your msn mangle your msn she went

read a comic book

mangilao your msn mangilao your msn

do you read comic books

manga or yummy maska mangle yummy maska

to reply you say in English no I don't

have the answer is negative in Japanese

just as we learned for yes i do you

actually say no I don't read so now i

don't know i don't read

yeah we must then II your meme ascend

and will you eat this

correo en masse and the question whether

the anger correo de Vere maska no i

won't know I won't eat it

yeah tabassum e-tab msn will add a fifth

verb so we're adding to our group of MS

nomie mass mass yummy mass and we'll add

ke mas ke mas I'd by the chi è parties

k AI ke mas if if it helps to have a

picture image search you're buying a

kite kite i buy

famous amos and again the sentence order

is the same so the item the market hall

and the caemos that will always be the


that's never going to change for any

verb and so if we go back to our words

for camera and digital camera

what were those what was the word for


camara commander and the digital camera

was the shortened version of the demon

Chi energy and a shortened version of

camera just the first two sounds dead

cheek that you can

that's right Daisy come it so tomorrow

I'm going to buy a camera

ashta camara your kindness

that's right i step coming out calle

mass tomorrow i'm going to buy a digital


ashta digi camera come math.dg camera

cut and you need to Marco ashta digi

camera or que mas although we say

digital in english in Japanese it's that

the sound is being transferred as death

deji comer

ashta k g camera or kindness that's it

yes ask that the Zika me or Camus and

pulling back in our nanny who looks

after children our what word

what you going to buy tomorrow how would

you say that

ashta many or commas and we make me to

go in Los cup that's right

ask that no new york maska Japanese is a

very polite language and the language in

which you show respect to people to

people that are old and new people that

have high social status people you work

with who who are more important than you

and people you don't know

now this can be shown in the way that we

use the mass verbs the mass verbs are a

polite version of Japanese and if you

use the negative my sin and add capped

the end of it you are actually literally

saying to somebody won't you which is

the equivalent in English to saying

would you like to and it's a polite way

of inviting somebody to do something so

you use the negative plus care and the

sentence order remains exactly the same

so if you wanted to ask politely won't

you drink beer which in english we will

probably say would you like a beer or

what would you like to drink beer you

would say be do or know mee mas ANCA so

you put the question into the negative

with a cat so if you wanted to say would

you like to eat sushi you'll be saying

in Japanese literally once you eat sushi

how would you say that

sushi 0 subtype innocenta sushi or

Thomas Anka and then you also politely

want to ask somebody when she drinks and

coffee would you like some coffee

call your mommy mas ANCA core he or no

mas ANCA we could add some time

expressions to that as well and say

would you like to eat sushi tonight

konban sushi 0 mas ANCA palm bank CEO

thomas Anka and again the time

expression is there at the beginning

nothing's changing in our sentence order

we're putting this Mustang kerr at the

end to be more polite to ask somebody

politely to do something and if you

wanted to say would you like to watch TV


terrible mas ANCA and if you wanted to

get in the time expression tonight

konban today Bo mas ANCA combat today

beyond me messing up so this Massacre

means won't you

it's a polite way with a polite language

of inviting somebody to do something

let's just add one more word to our

vocabulary list so far the word for film

or a movie is eager think of a gap so if

there's a gap in the market for a good

film a gap but there's no put at the end

of it a gap but agar-agar a film

aigo aigo so I watch a film

a go

maths a girl me mass won't you watch a


aigo Meah seneca a go

mee mas ANCA and when you watch a film


calm band and a gal me mas ANCA could

combine a girl mas ANCA and if you want

to be extra polite you could put the

phrase excuse me at the beginning of

this what was excuse me my son good to

myself so excuse me what

once you eat some sushi

tsumimasen sushi 0 ms enka good

tsumimasen sushi or Thomas anka excuse

me once you watch a film

tsumimasen a girl named a Seneca

tsumimasen a go
mas ANCA and one additional word that

you might also want to go and watch the

word concert in Japanese has been taken

from English its concert tour concert


concept for concert that so I watch a

concept is the all of concert part of

the world here and the concert thought

is the whole world that's part of those

the also art wise that you say it twice

but what you can do in Japanese when you

have those two sounds is is just push

them together so you get concert or so

you wouldn't need to be trying to save

them as two separate words so how would

you say i watch a concert

concert or mass concert or me mass and

once you watch a concert

concert tour

mas ANCA concert thought me mas ANCA

when she watch a concert tonight

konban concert or mass won't you be my


that's right combat concert dure mas

ANCA and excuse me once you watch a

concert tonight

Cena sen-constable nina sen combat

concert or meanness and cut msn com band

concert door me ma sing

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