Math10 Q1 W8

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WBLS Lesson Exemplar in MATHEMATICS 10


Quarter 1 Duration:
Week 8 1 hour per session
Learning Area: Mathematics Grade 10
Curriculum & WBLS M10AL-lh-1 WBLSM10AL-LH-1
Learning Competency: The learner factors polynomials.

Key Concepts/  Masters key concepts on Remainder and Factor theorem.

Understandings to be
K to 12 Learning Objectives (KSA) &
7 Self Mastery Skills
1. Learning to Think  Describes the process on the use of Remainder and Factor
2. Learning to Do  Solves the polynomials by the use of Remainder and factor
3. Learning to Feel  Follows the steps in using the theorems to factor the
4. Learning to  Defends the proofs of the remainder and factor theorems.
5. Learning to Intuit  Predicts the factors of a polynomial.
6. Learning to Lead  Inspires others to search for factors in a polynomial.
7. Learning to Be  A critical thinker.
Core Values:
A. Morally Upright:
Exhibits patience.
o Makadiyos/
B. Socially
Influences others the importance of factoring through dividing whole
Globally Aware
or object in real-life situations.
o Makakalikasan/
Entry Point of Integration Land of Bayawan City
Resources Needed: Mathematics Learner’s Module (LM)
Manila Paper, marker, projector

Instructional Phases: DAY 1

1. Activate Picture of the Land of Bayawan City
The land of Bayawan City is divided into different areas
owned by different owners. Each area has an irregular shape
and is of different measurements of sides. The sides of the land
are usually represented by polynomials. The sides represented
by polynomials are associated by its area. Usually factoring is
important in determining the measurements of the lot.
1. Have you tried dividing polynomial by a binomial?
2. What method/s did you use?

2. Acquire 1. Activity
Activity 5. Determine the remainder if P(x) is divided by a
binomial. Verify your answer using synthetic division. Indicate
whether or not each binomial is a factor of the given polynomial.
1. P ( x )=x −7 x +5
a . x−1 b . x +1 c . x−2
2. P ( x ) =2 x 3−7 x +3

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a . x−1 b . x +1 c . x−2
2. Analysis

1. How did you find the remainder?

2. How did you determine that the binomial is a factor or not of
the given polynomial?

Concept Discussion
The Remainder Theorem
If the polynomial P(x) is divided by (x-r), the remainder
R is a constant and is equal tp P(r).
The Factor Theorem
The polynomial P(x) has x-r as a factor if and only if
The factor theorem and division of polynomials can be
used to find the factors of the given polynomials.

Example 1. P ( x ) =x3 −7 x+5

a . x−1 b . x +1 c . x−2
a. x−1
P ( x ) =x −7 x+5
P ( 1 )=(1)3−7 (1)+5
P ( 1 )=1−7+ 5
P ( 1 )=−1
Remainder: - 1
Thus, by factor theorem, x-1 is not a factor of x 3−7 x +¿

b. x + 1
P ( x ) =x −7 x+5
P (−1 )=(−1)3−7(−1)+ 5
P (−1 )=−1+7+5
P (−1 )=11
Remainder: 11
Thus, by factor theorem, x + 1 is not a factor of x 3−7 x +5

c. x – 2
P ( x ) =x3 −7 x+5
P ( 2 )=(2)3−7 (2)+5
P ( 2 )=8−14+5
P ( 2 )=−1
Remainder: - 1
Thus, by factor theorem, x-2 is not a factor of x 3−7 x +5

Note: The students can use use synthetic method to verify the

3. Abstraction
a. What can you say about the process in identifying the
factors of polynomials?
b. What happens if the remainder is zero?
4. Application
Read the following and determine which are the factors of the
given polynomials. Show your solution.
1. Using factor theorem, verify if the following are factors of
15x2 + 17x – 4.
a. 3x + 2 b. 5x – 1 c. 3x + 4
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2. Use the factor theorem in verifying that the following are
factors of 6 x 3 +7 x2 −x−2.
a. x +1 b. 2 x−1 c. 3 x+ 2

Use factor theorem in identifying whether or not each binomial is

a factor of the given polynomial.
1. P ( x ) =4 x 4 −3 x 3−x 2+2 x +1
3. Formative Assessment a. x−1 b. x +1 c. x−2
4 3 2
2. P ( x ) =2 x −3 x + 4 x + 17 x +7
a. 2 x−3 b. 2 x+3 c. 3 x−2
4. Assignment/ Answer Activity 5 and write your answer in ½ crosswise.
Agreement Activity 5. Applying the Remainder and Factor Theorems
Determine which of the following binomials is a factor of the
given polynomial.
1. P ( x ) =8 x 4 +12 x 3−10 x 2 +3 x+27
a . 2 x −3 b .2 x +3 c . 3 x−2

Instructional Phases: DAY 2

1. Activate Statements:
1. If (x-r) is a factor of P(x), then P(r)=0.
2. If P(r)=0, then (x-r) is a factor of P(x).
a. What do the statements imply?
b. When will be the divisor x-r not a factor of the polynmial?
2. Acquire 1. Activity
Activity 7: Factor Theorem
Use the Factor Theorem to determine whether or not the first
polynomial is a factor of the second. Then, give the remainder if
the second polynomial is divided by the first polynomial.
1. x−1 ; x 2+2 x+ 5
2. x−1 ; x3 −x−2
3. x−4 ;2 x 3−9 x 2 +9 x−20
4. a−1 ; a3−2 a 2+ a−2
2. Analysis
(Refer to the activity.)
a.How did you answer the problems in the activity?
b.What did you use in determining the factor of the given
c. What is the remainder when x – r is a factor of the given

Concept Discussion
The Factor Theorem
The polynomial P(x) has x-r as a factor if and only if
1. If (x-r) is a factor of P(x), then P(r)=0.
2. If P(r)=0, then (x-r) is a factor of P(x).

Use the Factor Theorem to determine whether or not the first
polynomial is a factor of the second. Then, give the remainder if
the second polynomial is divided by the first polynomial.
1. x−1 ; x 2+2 x+ 5
P(x)= x 2+ 2 x +5

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Therefore, x−1 is not a factor of x 2+ 2 x +5.
2. x−1 ; x3 −x−2
P(x)= x 3−x−2
P(1)=(1)3- (1) – 2
P(1)= 1 – 1 – 2
P(1)= -2
Therefore, x−1 is not a factor of x 3−x−2.
Note:Numbers 3 and 4 are solved similarly.
3. Abstraction
 Explain how factor theorem is used in the examples.
 What generalization can be made from the given
 Give some importance of the topic being presented?
4. Application
Answer the problem below. Use factor theorem.
1. Determine if the following is a factor of the polynomial
4 3
x −x +2. If not a factor, then give the remainder.
a. 3x + 2 b. 2x + 5 c. x + 1 d. x + 2
3. Formative Use the factor theorem to determine whether or not the first
Assessment polynomial is a factor ofthe second. Then, give the remainder if
the second polynomial is divided by the first polynomial.
1. x−3 ;−4 x 3 +5 x 2+ 8
2. b−2 ; 4 b 3−3 b2−8 b+4
3. a+ 1; 2 a3 +5 a2 −3
4. c +2 ; c 3+ 6 c 2+ 3 c−10
5. c +3 ; c 4 −13 c 2+36
4. Assignment Find the missing factor in each of the following.
1. x 3−8=( x−2 ) ( )
2. x 3−3 x−2= ( x +1 ) ( )( )

Instructional Phases: DAY 3

1. Activate Select students in answering the assignments on the board.
Find the missing factor in each of the following.
1. x 3−8=( x−2 ) ( )
2. x 3−3 x−2= ( x +1 ) ( )( )

2. Acquire 1. Activity
Work by Group: Determine the other factors of the given
1. 2x3 + 7x2 – 17x – 10 = (2x + 1)( )( )
2. x + 2x – 3x – 8x – 2 = (x + 1)(
4 3 2
)( )( )
2. Analysis
a. How did you find the other factors?
b. State and explain the methods that you used in finding the
other factors.

Concept Discussion
Factor Theorem
The polynomial P(x) has x-r as a factor if and only if
Synthetic Division
A short method of dividing polynomial expressions
using only the coefficient of the terms.

Use division of polynomials to find the other factors.

Example 1. x 3−8=( x−2 ) ( )

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1. x=2
2| 1 0 0 -8
1 2 4 0
Thus, the other factor is x 2+ 2 x +4 .

Example 2. x 3−3 x−2= ( x +1 ) ( )()

2. x = -1
-1 1 0 -3 -2
1 -1 -2 0
The result is x 2−x−2.
Factoring x 2−x−2
x 2−x−2=(x−2)(x +1)
Thus, the factors are ( x−2)¿

3. Abstraction
a. What method is used to find the other factors?
b. Is there another method to find factors of the given
polynomials?What is it?
c. Suppose that there is no factor given, how are we going to find
the it?
4. Application
Find the missing factor of the given polynomials.(Work by pair)
1. x 3+ 2 x 2−x−2=(x−1)( )()
2. x 3+ 4 x 2−7 x−10=( x +5)( )()

3. Formative Find the missing factor in each of the following. Write your
Assessment answers in your notebook.
1. x 3+ 2 x 2−11 x+ 20=( x +5 ) ()()
2. 3 x 3−17 x 2+22 x−60=(x−5)( )()
3. 4 x3 +20 x 2 47 x+12=(2 x−3)()()
4. Assignment / Find the missing factor.
Agreement 1. 4 x 4−2 x 3−4 x2 +16 x−7=( 2 x−1)( )

Instructional Phases: DAY 4

1. Activate Select students to answer the assignment on the board.
Find the missing factor.
1. 4 x 4−2 x 3−4 x2 +16 x−7=( 2 x−1)( )

2. Acquire 1. Activity
Activity 9: Applying the Remainder Theorem
1. What is the remainder when 5 x 234 +2 is divided by
a. x−1 ?
b. x +1?
2. What is the remainder when 4 x300 −3 x 100 −2 x 22−4 is divided
a. x−1 ?
b. x +1?
2. Analysis
a. How did you solve the activity?
b. What is the remainder theorem?
c. Are remainder and factor theorem connected?Explain your

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Concept Discussion
The Remainder Theorem
If the polynomial P(x) is divided by (x−r ), the
remainder R is a constant and is equal to P(r).
There are two ways to find the remainder when P(x) is
divided by (x−r ), that is:
(1)use synthetic division, or (2) Calculate P(r).

3. Abstraction
 What do you think are the important application of the
 How do the methods in factoring help the learners?

4. Application
1. Determine the value of A so that
a. x−1 is a factor of 2 x3 + x 2 +2 Ax+ 4 .
b. x +1 is a factor of x 3+ k 2 x2 −2 Ax−16.
3. Formative Do activity 10: There’s a Story Behind a Box
Assessment Write a real-life problem on the procedure shown in the figures
below. You may use a situation involving real persons to make
the math problem more interesting. You need to consider all
significant information in the figures.
Step 1 Step 2 Product: A box with
no cover
6 units
8 units

4. Assignment/ Prepare for a summative test.

Agreement Study about Roots of Equation for our topic next week.

Summative Assessment
Read each item carefully. Choose the letter that best answers the questions.
1. This theorem states that “if the polynomial P(x) is divided by (x-r), the remainder R is a
constant and is equal to P(r).
a. Factor Theorem c. Remainder Theorem
b. Synthetic method d. Remainder method
2. This theorem states that “the polynomial P(x) has x-r as a factor if and only if P(r)=0.
a. Factor Theorem c. Remainder Theorem
b. Synthetic method d. Remainder method
3. Which of the following polynomials is exactly divisible by (3x+1)?
a. 6x2 + 17x + 5 c. 3x3 + 4x2 – 8x -3
b. 9x + 6x + 1
d. All of the above
4. Which of the following is the factored form of x3 - 2x2 – 5x + 6?
a. (x + 1)(x – 3)(x + 2) c. (x – 1)(x – 3)(x + 2)
b. (x – 1)(x – 3)(x – 2) d. (x + 1)(x + 3)(x – 2)
5. Which polynomial gives a quotient of (3x2 + 2x + 4) and a remainder of 19 when divided by
(2x – 3)?
a. 6x3 – 5x2 + 2x c. 6x3 – 5x2 + 2x + 7
3 2
b. 6x – 5x + 4x + 7 d. 6x3 + 5x2 + 2x + 7
6. Which of the following polynomials is exactly divisible by (2x – 1)?
a. 2x2 – 5x + 2 c. 4x2 – 16
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b. 2x2 + 9x + 1 d. All of the above
7. Which polynomial is equal to 25y2 – x2?
a. (5y + x)(5y + x) c. (5y – x)(5y – x)
b. (5y + x)(5y – x) d. (5y + x)(-5y – x)
8. Which polynomial when divided by (a – 2) equals (a2 – a – 3) with a remainder of -3?
a. a3 + 3a2 – a + 3 c. a3 – 3a2 + a + 3
b. a – a – a + 3
3 2
d. a3 – 3a2 – a + 3
9. The quotient when (2x + 4x – 5x2 + 2x – 3) is divided by (2x2 + 1) is
4 3

a. x2 + 2x – 3 c. x2 – 2x – 3
b. x2 – 2x + 3 d. x2 + 2x + 3
10. What is the value of k such that (x + 2) is a factor of (3x3 + kx2 + 5x + 2)?
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 11
11. What is the value of k so that (x -3) will be a factor of (x3 + kx + 3)?
a. -10 b. -12 c. -14 d. -16
12. Factor 8x3 – 729 completely.
a. (2x – 9)(4x2 – 18x + 81) c. (2x + 9)(4x2 + 18x + 81)
b. (2x + 9)(4x – 18x + 81)
d. (2x – 9)(4x2 + 18x + 81)
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