Essay On Fast or Junk Food

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 fast food is greasy

 fast food affects human health
 fast food causes many diseases
Junk food, also called fast food, can be defined as that type of food that, due to Its excess
fat, low content of nutrients, and other ingredients, can cause serious negative effects on
the human body's diet.
Common examples are hamburgers, sausages or hot dogs, and French fries. The
commercialization of these foods is widespread worldwide, it is part of various cultures,
which, in turn, has greatly affected the way in which people decide to eat.
1ts Supporting detail:
Firstly, Fast food is easy and available almost anywhere. However, much of fast food is
packed with calories, saturated fat, and salt, and fast food contains a high percentage of
fat or fat used in excess.
2nd Supporting detail:
Secondly, This type of food is characterized by containing a large number of additives that
are harmful to health. And it is that the additives are not nutritional at all, they are only
present to improve the flavor, color, texture, and conservation of food.
Junk food is highly processed and due to its high levels of salts and sugars, it does not
require that it be consumed in excess to damage your health. In addition, due to the speed
and economy, it is a type of food that you can consume at any time.
3rd Supporting detail:
Then, Junk food consumption costs thousands of lives, great suffering, and millions of
Diabetes, hypertensive diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, and ischemic heart diseases
were among the leading causes of death.
According to scientific evidence, the main risk factors for the onset of these diseases
include excessive consumption of foods high in sugar, salt, and fat. For this reason, experts
from all over the world recommend establishing taxes on junk food, so that its
consumption is moderated.
In conclusión, When fast food sneaks into our daily diet it contributes to the development
of: Obesity. The high levels of saturated fats, sugars, flour or starch, and carbohydrates,
among others, favor uncontrolled weight gain.

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