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Company Name

Potato Spiral

Taste the potato with a twist!


1) Introduction
This business plan is a proposal of patotie Company’s marketing team for a new product
to be added in the market, the Potato Spiral. The latter is not a typical snack made of potatoes,
and so it is anticipatingly a great upgrade to our list of existing potato snacks. By description,
potato spiral is like an upgraded version of banana que, only that potato is thread onto skewers
and are sliced spirally. In light of this, the team assumes that this kind of potato snack would be
offered best to the customers when sold along the streets or sidewalk since that it is a go-to snack
that everyone surely loves. With that, the team created this business plan to identify and analyze
business opportunities, examine its technical, economic and financial feasibility, as well as to
analyze the benefits gained by Patotie Company when potato spiral is added to our menu of
potato delicacies and desserts.

2) Executive Summary
Over the years, Patotie Company has been finding ways to increase its market sales.
Many new products, such as potato cream pie and potato doughnuts, have already been
introduced to the market, yet there seems to be no remarkable performance ever since such
products were launched to the public. It occurred to us that perhaps, the factor that our food
products lack is some sense of relativeness, in a way that people can relate to the value of our
products. Hence, the team have brainstormed new ideas or suggestions and eventually, potato
spiral entered the picture. The owners think that this kind of potato snack would be offered best
to the customers when sold along the streets or sidewalk. Thus, we plan to make a separate
branch called Spiralicious Potato which is exclusive for the selling and franchising of potato
spiral. The company's mission is to build potato delicacies and snacks Production Company who
offer top quality food considering the health and welfare of every consumers and to raise other
branch of Patotie Restaurant all across the Philippine. We also want to provide limitless
opportunities for the franchisees of our Spiralicious Potato. We take part on working our hardest
to ensure that we provide quality products to our customers and excellent service to our
franchisees. With this, we make sure that as we grow, our franchisees grow with us. In light of
that, the company specifically aims to improve the production of potato snacks and desserts in
terms of quality and quantity; the taste, appearance and cost, considering every consumer’s rights
and needs. Generally, Patotie Incorporation aims to meet consumer’s satisfaction and attain
efficient and improved services while achieving company’s growth and success.
3) Management Section
• Manager
Bultam Duno Jr
• Secretary
Kathyrine Barredo
• Business Marketing, Production and Sales Team
Jessalyn Manggaron
Angel Dejapa
Kathrina Capulso

4) Marketing Section
Product/Service Description
Potato spiral is a street food that originated in South Korea. They
are also called tornado potatoes or twist potatoes. From the name itself, a
potato is taken and cut into a spiral that is then stretched out onto a
skewer. This crispy tornado potatoes on a stick can also be sprinkled with
cheese, chili or ketchup.

1 stick of potato spiral costs ₱35.00.

Selling Location
The company decided to place the Spiralicious Potato Branch, exlusive for selling
Potato Spiral, at Barangay BayBay, Roxas City. This is along with other food carts situated at
People's Park who sell different kinds of street foods 24/7. Fortunately, the place was known
to be one of the tourist spots in Capiz. Everyone is fond to stroll around the People's Park just
beside BayBay Beach. Definitely, the place where Spiralicious Potato will be situated can
easily grab people’s attention as it is just near the beach at the corner of the park.

Promotional Activity
 Advertisement
We plan to advertise our product in television, radio and the Internet, particularly
social media.
 Personal selling
To effectively promote our product, we plan to create brochures and other collateral
materials which will be given to customers and other passersby.
 Sales Promotion
For the first week, ever since the product was launched to the public, we plan to offer
a promo. Free juice drinks will be given to the first 50 persons who will purchase our

5) Financial Section
A) Capital Amount: ₱50,000
B) Expected Daily Sales: ₱3,500 (expected 100 sticks sold)
C) Expected Daily Expenses: ₱1,560
D) Income per Day: ₱1,940

6) Production Section
Production Area
The production area will be in the food stall itself.
Enumerate equipment/tools needed
 Skewer
 Potato spiral cutter
 Gas stove
 Frying pan
Enumerate the materials/ingredients needed
 Potato
 Cheese powder
 Cooking oil

7) Competitive Analysis
• Street Food Vendors
• Inasal Seller
• Milk Tea Shop
• Store
8) Market
 Students/Teenagers
 Adults
 Kids
 Students
 Professionals
 People who loves street foods
 People who loves potato snacks
9) Organization Chart

Business President


Business Secretary


Business Marketing Business Production Sales Team


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