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Online (Netiquette) Classroom Management and Policies

1. Attendance is a MUST. Students may incur only ten (10) absences for MWF
schedules or seven (7) absences for TTH schedules. Otherwise, they will
automatically be dropped from the class and receive a grade of either NC (No
Credit) or a failing grade of 5.0, whichever is applicable.
2. Students who incur three (3) absences will be asked by the instructor to see the
Department Chair to secure permission to be re-admitted to class. A
re-admission slip should be properly accomplished for this.
3. Tardiness is discouraged. Students who join the class 15 minutes after the start
of class are considered tardy. Please note that three (3) tardiness is equivalent to
one (1) absence.
4. Classes should always start and end with a short prayer. The instructor can opt
to lead the prayer or assign students to do this alternately.
5. During the online discussion (synchronous sessions) the student must observe
the following:
 Observe proper dress code.
Mute your microphone/s.
Turn on your Video Camera.
Avoid using your mobile phone or gadgets while attending the class. It should be
switch off or place in silent mode before joining the online class.
Write your questions and comments in the chatbox/discussion forum.
Make posts that are on-topic and within the scope of the course material.
6. Academic Honesty And Integrity (Pledge) 
7. The works of the student in whatever such as examinations, assignments,
quizzes, projects, reports, and reflection papers, presentations, case analyses,
and terminal output/s or requirements must be truly his/her own. Cheating
during the conduct and performance of activities leading to the production of
such works is an offense punishable by exclusion (refer to Student’s USC
Manual). The use of the work of others in one’s work must be properly
documented and avoid committing the act of plagiarism. The student is required
to strictly follow certain literary rules in citing the work of others when using
published and unpublished primary and secondary resources including opinions,
pictures, and other illustrations, movies, presentations, quotations, and
8. Students are encouraged to write an email for any concerns, questions, and
assistance with regards to the course.
Your concurrence below indicates that you have read, understood, and agreed with
course policies set by the Center of Social Entrepreneurship and Dept. Business
To signify that you have read and is amenable to the COURSE POLICIES
and NETIQUETTE, comment in the discussion post:
I concur.

Katere Claire P. Manlangit

August 22, 2022

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