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Cinthya: Hello Mari, how are you?

Mariana: I am fine and you?

Cinthya: I am very well, I see Juliette, Hey Juliette How are you today?

Juliette: Hi Girls, I am fine and well Today is a beautiful day!

Mariana : Yes, is a nice day, but it´s too hot, and sometimes raining in the afternoon.
So, we need use skirt or shorts but with umbrella and sweater in the backpack.

Juliette: Yes, that´s a good point but not is a problem for me.

Cinthya: Yeah, me neither.

By the way, Mari, do you think that in the spring we would go out to have a meal in the
open air, we could invite the classmates of the English course and bring food

Mariana : Of couse, that is a great idea. Maybe, we can buy pizza, what do you think?

Cinthya: It’s a great idea, let´s tell Juliette, let’s see what she thinks, if she joins us.

Juliette: Oh YEAH, I LIKE Pizza, I love pizza actually!!

Mariana: Where can we make this meal?

Juliette: Taking advantage of spring season, we can go Palermo’s forest in Buenos

Aires , Argentina, there are beautiful flowers that we can admire

Cinthya: REALY???????? The place is amazing, The date may be September 21 in the

Mariana: That sounds good. And this season is amazing. the flowers are beautiful,
huh? I love spring.

Cinthya: Hey, let’s call Ronny.

Mariana: It´s a good idea.

July: Yes, that sounds good.

Juliette: Hi Ronny, Are you bussy?

Ronny: No really, I watching TV. Why?

Juliette: I just wanna ask, if would you like to go whit us for a picnic in Forest Palermo?

Ronny: Oh Yeah, it’s a perfect plan, what is the idea?

Juliette: Well, the idea is going to the picnic, see the flowers, eat pizza and maybe
drink some wine, I used to combine with fruits and orange juice, it is delicious.

Oh something that forget!!

You should wear some clothes that can adapt to the environment, since during the day
it can be hoy but night the temperatures drop.

Ronny: Thanks for the invitation, I’ll go!!

Ronny: Are the girls going?

Juliette: Yeah, The girls are going, they are excited for the trip, More than we will be
able to enjoy the landscape and flowers!!

Ronny: Alright, that sounds like a good plan. Hey I have to leave, yesterday I had a
problem with my car and I need to speak with the mechanic, byee Juliette.

Juliette: Bye!!

Mariana: What did Ronny say about going to Palermo’s forest?

Juliette: Well, he told me he was in. So, we all are going to buenos aires.

Cinthya: Superb!! Girls I forgot to tell you about what I did yesterday in my class.

I was working on some videos that I would like to share on You Tube and I would love
if you can check it out.

Juliette: that sounds awesome

Mariana:, let’s see it =)

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