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Title of the article: Intellectual Disability in Inclusive Education in South Africa: Curriculum Challenges


Bibliography: McKenzie, Judith (2020). Intellectual Disability in Inclusive Education in South

Africa: Curriculum Challenges. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, (),
jppi.12337–. doi:10.1111/jppi.12337 

Exact Article Parafraseo

(copia exacta del Artículo ) Lo que dice el autor en las palabas del estudiante
Introduction The origins of inclusive education in South Africa
are complex and closely related to the historical
The origins of inclusive education in South Africa are injustice perpetrated under apartheid, a white
complex and inextricably tied in with the historical supremacist ideology that systematically and
injustices perpetrated under apartheid, a white globally allocates resources in a manner that
supremacist ideology that systematically and discriminates on the basis of race. The so-called
comprehensively allocated resources in a Bantu education system was based on obedience
discriminatory way according to race. The so-called and the training of blacks in unskilled labor to
Bantu education system was predicated upon serve white capitalists.
rendering the black population docile while
developing them as an unskilled labor force to service
their white capitalist masters

Literature review We believe that inclusion of students with

intellectual disabilities will require adjustments to
We are persuaded that the inclusion of learners with the curriculum rather than major structural or
disabilities that stem from impaired intellectual complex adjustments to equipment. Therefore,
development will require curriculum adaptation adapting within a comprehensive education and
rather than major structural adjustments or training framework will be easier to facilitate than
sophisticated equipment. Accordingly, their bringing in students who need extensive support
accommodation within an inclusive education and through medical interventions and structural
training framework would be more easily facilitated modifications. Built environment and/or assistive
than the inclusion of those learners who require devices with minimal adaptation to the
intensive support through medical interventions, curriculum.
structural adjustments to the built environment
and/or assistive devices with minimal curriculum


Results During the early stages of inclusive education in

South Africa there was a strong commitment to a
In the initial stages of inclusive education in South curriculum for all, and this was reflected in the
Africa, there was a firm commitment to one policy discussion above, which governs the
curriculum for all and this is reflected in the policy curriculum. The "one-size-fits-all" model emerged
discussion above where curriculum adaptation is in part from the racial history of segregated
seen as the major strategy for ID. The ideal of one programs for racial groups, where segregation
curriculum for all arose partly from the apartheid meant inferiority and inequality.
history of curricula separated for racial groups where
separate meant inferior and unequal.

Conclusions This research is in part made possible by relying on

This study is made possible in part by a National grants from the National Research Organization
Research Foundation grant for rated south African for Researchers at the South African level.
researchers. The contribution is gratefully

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