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Com./BBA, Sem. 5th (Gy.


300 words)
Q. 1. Give in your own words a character sketch of Joe Keller.
What impression do you form of Joe Keller ? What does he Sie: ards the end of the p)
eat built mane cuie
Ans, Joe Keller is the central
character of the play ‘All My
Hisa Sons. * : he state. His aim
aim Is to become a successful businessman. He owns the best shop in the is to make mm
He is clever, shrewd and practical, though
not properly educated. — ad
He has talks with
his natural wit and high sense of humour.
He finds great joy in his funny "Well
boy. When he finds Chris and Ann embracing
and kissing each other he humorously a a a
me it was labour day, from now on I will wear a bell round k , nobody
my neck." When Ana says that Frank now gj,
his hair very fast, Keller humorously remarks, “He
has got his responsibility.”
Joe Keller is really heartlessly tactful. On the phone he
tells Steve, his partner, 10 Cea the cracks
cylinders heads anyhow and ship them out. He promises
Court. But in the court he denies having instructed to take the responsibility if the matter oonn
Steve to do anything. He shifts all the blame on his Part
He tries to be tactful with Ann and George also.
To win Ann's favour he tells her that her father did
crime, but he is not a murderer. He tells her that comm
he wili do all te can to help Steve to set up a
as he gets out of jail. So far he is a practical businessman without a heart business aS §
and without any conscience,
Joe Keller is heartless and tactful to others, but he
has a lot of love and affection for his sons. He isq
considerate to his wife. He believes that Larry is dead, but he does not want to hurt his wife's feelings,
never tells her that he believes Larry to be dead. So
He tells his son Chris that he worked hard and
for his family. For him there earned mor
is nothing
bigger than the family he loved Larry. When he finds
himself because he (Joe) had murdered 21 out that Larry kill
pilots, Joe Keller's conscience is deeply wounde
shoots himself down. d. He feels guiltya
First we find Joe Keller as a heartless man without a consc
ienc €, who tells lies, commit
“money. But he find that s crimes justtoe
he does have a conscience, which when roused,
makes him feel that all young mené
his sons. At last he declares that the 21 pilots
were killed in crashed by the defective cylin
him. He says, "They were all my sons." ders heads sold!
He shoots himself down for the crime
he committed, e
“Tem All My Sons 4 Joe Keller Sata afta 8
1a wer ara
wre STI a SATA ETT AAG Sea GH Saat Ch S| saeWERsegate eT 69 ore oer caf FATT ae sree,
caer & wets wa & feafara AEF | | ey
ae shat sara ai fate frat AE Ble TES Best Ua He aT
Chris Fl WH-Gat F. STATAAA oR AR wt Se Rat ah ae
warn et ae fF Sire Some Ha Tae LSA SI 1
ULvuoLS d citizen. ovusg~ogg
154 A BINDRA ENGLIS H COMP ut fails to De? e 00 (Apri.
ther b
Q. 2. ‘Joe Keller is a good husband anda good fa
ive a reasoned a ap,
Or e e? Givea
- gional ion. Do yo" agr
Joe Keller invokes in the
reader both pity ~ A , this an app 7
‘ hu sba nd. Is "
ate father and considerate
Joe Keller is a practical businessman, affection
s he has worked hardton,
assessment of him ? -or nearly forty
; , businessima
i; fy, Ore 2 hard task master, Heke,
Ans. Joe Keller is a shrewd and practical rade. He isa
inutes a day his workeas rs SPend
; : igh; Fthe t
his business successful and prosperous. He knows all tricks of
; : sines hig ‘
watchful eye on all the workers of his factory. He knows ie hts are switched off. As a bu
toilet. Before leaving his shop he goes round and sees that all ight: Nan unscrupulous. He tells his .

aim in life is to earn money and make as much profit as possible. = on his partner Steve. When his -
supply defective cylinders heads, but in the court he lays all the blame ess, The cut-throat competition gj,
ing of his big and prosp erous business .
is rotting in jail, Joe Keller is boast -affection for his sons, Helo,
business world has made him callous and even cruel. :
a father full of — seine killed ag
But this otherwise callous and cruel businessman is i
very deepl y. He is griev ed over the death of his elder son Larry. When
his sons
because he considered his father th
red derer
his fatherthe murderer
of 21 pilots, he feels so much shocked and guilty that heshy
pilots, hard and done everything for}
himself down. He is proud of his son Chris. He tells him that he has worked har : father <a
son. He wants to see him a happy, successful and prosperous businessman. This affectionate fa er a
and considerate husband. He knows that Kate his wife believes that her son Larry Is still alive. Though}
believes that Larry is dead, yet he does not say so before his wife, because he does not want to hunk
feelings. {
But this successful businessman, affectionate father and considerate husband is something else also.h
is a selfish man and an irresponsible citizen. For him there is nothing bigger than his family. He does nottha
of society, the bigger world of man, where every man is responsible to every other man. He tells Chris thatifl
is to be sent to jail, half of Americans will have to be sent to jail. It is true that Joe is a typical product of me
American business tradition. All businessmen and industrialists were making money when young:
were laying their lives in the battle field. As a victim of social tradition we pity Joe Keller. He after all oes
a conscience which when pricked fills him with such a sense of guilt that he punishes himself bs
and unscrupulous behav: If
himself down. But, we feel indignant at his selfish, curel ca behaviour As acitiz
have known that by sellingdefective machine parts to the army he wa
nis society.
We can say that calling Keller a practical businessman, af
onality, For hesid-_
,ot an appropriate assessment of his pers
allous, cruel and unscrupu lous inan also. We do pity him for his

a apa RA PT TE TIT A
8 so k E n| TTa
po ger TE
Tg NA om e 6
qos =
ISH Oo et aed pa SWS SURRY
eee et 3 chris FAN AU
ud fea Hes Surdt, a afar US ee
ST TIOE IS +nayxt AS
MEMES oS fom Srafcters svar er “apse10 mds Sus y a
AN HT FATS 2 Res a
we fa Joe Keg ereyaati@r
eM SREY et Swe nudiast ae" as |
me Behar ch Nee bk ra na TART OT ST gg sreHP TSKIS ver nn
6 Ae sftp 8 ag BAe UST | oe ter

CATS feet Svante t

frac amuston arst erg ad el AMfiner THT
HET CMC gap ars! | one
oberon 83 Saat are 3 GHG HN
erg AUST or
mera re far ase Ore were, Preeeh AS HOSTS BO 4 sy
Gus awe atten st far mere mats @ ua BAGi FSF OT ;
: - a any 1 FETE UST aie Gp
far Ht
aurdt, fet ga fee ee Oe eee
nT ate NaS at fx Keller $ Pa Hew feast
feniastse or Rat etae aot fate fea Hs ae Te SE @pct oF @ wet noae
fsoeet fewest et.31 Ono Sauce set nt OHS Sa UE TES "
j¢son Larry in ‘All My Sons'? '
fast sotafa nae | wv |
Q. 3. To what extent is Joe Keller respo nsible fur the death of his ey
f a c t o r y . These cylind
produces cylinders
h e ads in his eads to American Ai
Ans. Joe Keller owns a Factory : Joe Keller h
s cylinders
heads are installed in aeroplanes. During the Second World War h e suppliae n o t c a r e for the intereg,
H e d o e s
Force. He is a practical businessman whose only aim is to make huge proms.
n y t h i n g a n d everything fy.
an do a
of his country or his people. For him nothing is bigger than his family. He c
that a batch of i ae has come oy
the benefit of his family. Once Steve his junior partner, informs him
defective from the process. Joe Keller knows that the army is clamouring for cylinders. The eIl be—ruined. ae a
act will be cance lled. His busi ness w1 Soo
If he does not send the cylinders immediately, his contr
in the cylinders and ship them out. He preten
ds to-be ill and dogs
the phone he tells Steve to cover up the cracks
cause air crashes. 21 pilots die in
not go to the factory. These defective cylinders installed in the aeroplanes
instructed Steve to-
these crashes. Joe and Steve are arrested and tried. In the court Joe plainly denies having
ship out the defective cylinders heads. Joe is acquitted, but poor Steve is sentenced to jail. Steve rots in jail,
while Joe starts manufacturing other items and prospers. We see that Joe commits a crime, but throws all th
blame on his partner.
Larry, Joe's son is also a Pilot : Larry reads in the newspapers about the heinous crime committed by
father. He considers his father the murderer of 21 young pilots. He feels so much
his ashamed
death criminal
he wriof thisis criminal
his plane and commits suicide. Before
sinful act of his father that he flies in tetas ton
writes in the letter that he has lost all interest in living, and he is eo} € writes a missi
nis girl friend. He ' going out ona
‘o return.
for Larry's Death : Joe believesth -
Joe Keller is really responsible to him that if Lag at a
death. When his wife says
s not responsible for Larry's in P-40 planes and Larry,
were installed
ays that the defective cylinders
idealist like Chris, hi
arry was @ practical man. He was not a sensitive
He thought allthatyoung
, sensitive and idealistic as Chris.thopght pilotsia Kile
the 21 men
have that
others. His father should family,
that society and humanity are bigger than
, benefit of his fa
lens = agp un _—
ders hea edt nceara 3
RIT sree aI CN erga oh D
Roe Noha Fer hat resee FE paar yy agrdea
ae Harer }ie eh Gre GAGE , _inders Hl |
arg @wer Ber nmete s Steve
hehe es O ag 5 5 AT"
stato Keller PEaot are
Sat ag fetta Cylinders heads
iene |\Hord Ga ferent are
Ga eo F Steve e
Past 3 od Arar | fer Bet
eT eer GM
cen Few be wa gr & ter diea

me Steve
B FET E TE aff fe
heads geet qa

fer 3 fy ¥ Steve Joe
TE Cylinders heads gare or eet Tae 168 at
fn Steve SSeS Rr are gifere ay ETT TC TS 3
Such searcrsinnmeus attr Jos TNT OF fed
| Jarry eras E
Larry Stewart ara THAI ems
ue user SUSE

fr st S 21 TE RT AT A TST OY y
Sd Gr mm ve el aga fed PIC" 7
Jo rd fa Ga mr ud
So au S feat ans eesg eT STa
v5 :
tae Gome
ra ygs"d ‘
Wane & atm
e r e fa
d V e a t e Faia,
er un as Re na e yo o eh it s er re ne st Ie LaitWey Se eee oT ay
= Kell eu ver a 9 Ore VPS ry ? pala STF Ht
fr Lary eh w C y n e S e o v e r
no tea e e e . La
O's Keller abeR f eee MgSO TATE
oe FUSS ong
a SE ee
ome Be Cte ent
S Eee
~ ~

C T ah g h ee eS
ordt Hrs TE 21 ny e ar ch A SE HT E IS
e ee 4
ufsers ot garet wet mr Ss StS § er sot eet STC e
e 3 fer Ga fea t mu aa tu g ut a —J oe Keller Chris } Larry di fvotuya ylag
= Joe Keller Haga a TT gc ce
Gunfire fe best Lan SRP MOTT f NS AR
" a Ga ra ai e S N e a
a era (aa BeGu atcers, Romaera w e w e e H U Fe Foe oS TS EE
za r bi Ga ur ed
Bee y
a far rus Usa Sts e Ga ue feea
o perpen innit us at Fa Joe Keller Ye Be
Q. 4. How is Joe Keller responsible for his tragedy ?
be ie: ‘
tragedy in All M A a
o you agree that Joe Keller's arise s out of his inab ility to see beyond hi
| : y Sons’
family and business ? aad 4
How far do you agree with the view that the tragi end of of Joe Keller resulItedted from his narrow visio
giccend vision n of
family and business. wit h a st ol id min d. Chris oe
a half educated man n. Heis
Ans. Jj oe Kelleris
his fam ily and business, Hi 7 . him an ignoramous ma
ca nn ot loo k be yo nd see
of limited vision. He ce y aim in life is to ee
ma ke huge
sis business for the welfare of his family . For himhimse is nothinesg bj igger than the family.
there down
shoot lf
the family, he would o eh
inything bigger than | - When he realizes that nation
han the famil y he really shoots himself.
160-A OT ate ane FUE
= Ur arafeer afta manera keller Saal
Par aay ers io at we
MS atSn
a ets Te aTMAATgaST pater ant®
afcrers Tet Keller sre haa PEATEcy ol OG s
Sara aren ameter
wet ee eT TAH Keller eg BNE Vane 5 ae
Joe Keller fer we ufgent Het me eg gate ig .
fevnret 2 Qu winee wives we eur erento on ON de
fa tas ufvera S Set Aet ote Tet F" aft or ;
ufseas We one GuneyedeNTemO oswo1 qeOe eg Kelle
OO Se arnt 2
Joe Keller& ae Teret Rare Bet Cyl ee
sarvar 100 Cylinders heads yore |
fe xt
Ahe ot Qre ' a¢d st Hoe Cylinders }
3 far Cylinders heads 37
Keller get eo ae er aaige Pens mS Steve sf
Tear AAS SRS 40 At et HIST OS AEs Care ardt a ate JO * qrat SH TUS B
& fat agt feur 22 wa Gat g MST ET gst ST
ot wach or BT Ty
Soucaret gan ee om fare Hee 2! eh OT GIES TO rua ET FORT
foo ater mS Gast 3 water aa tenn AST OAS go",
fFer Fi Joe Subeaue eueerensarrens e
cues nis Se S ters penern 0 fa Le
UT OME asa es 6S LO
Joe wus BB Ure Larry G arnt BOR"
farxt | HeT= Cylinders heads fae P-40 geet HO FI ad George ©
Garfewr 1a wus S2 Use Chris $ BIT fers TS eq atten a far ed
Ong oat ed fet gre eag_caa aa St Seat Sa oe SFE
Chris $ affer3, “Christ fea Sa eet ats M7, fea fer
afer 3 fe soe fea Su tdi gog mud He MONS Se ars
_ Keller $ fea ufagn aertenr fx Gre muss STIS WS oa
Keller MRagR age" 3 fax RH IS HOUT Ulges FSS TO IS gest ae Id zy
SOE SES SH at Us wal fea Saer Ons fat eH AT nmgdt a GAS & fea caer
| Siaorae Ser do fer agt ous rug na feet 1GreT ROTTS saat fa a Ue Aaa
TH ET TEs ser at gama aah a
YES Bae Sinem Keller ue nis ea OAT
> =o ar tee
33a S omries On interst mora & firarra 3 ferret et THA
or Ser sadn few strech waht & a Surct Ceca MS FAUST ST ;
Ata Keller Sats At)
mde fedtacfsr thie |
smartness does not pay in thelo
Q. 5. Characterise Joe Keller in the light of the remark that
that. smartness
Ans. The character of Joe Keller in Arthur Miller's play "All My Sons" proves
pay in the Jong run. Smartness means cleverness and cunningness. Asmart man may befool certain
some time, but truth comes out eventually and he stands exposed and has to bear the consequence
misuse of his smartness. _ ie Es
Joe Keller is a practical businessman. He is shrewd, tactful and quite smart. He gets a contract
junior partner Steve informs
and supply cylinders heads to American Air Force. Once his
cylinders heads have come out defective in the process. Joe knows Steve
that ,delay
his partrin supply ing ngthe
pplyi the
of his contr act and busine ss. On the phone he tells
vill mean a loss to be ill and does not soa i.
. He prete nds
hip out the cylinders heads
eads installed in the aeroplanes cause air crashes in which 21 pilots ar
sent to Jail la
ne blame on Steve, and goes out scot free. Poor Steve is
ot. |
nd becomes a big sh
OA EEE VO py.cniea.
, OV
162 me BINDAA ENGI ish er afaad es a

BE HS prscen: ct — fefes fat ke “fee gata ot wre at garat SF ee,

rthur Min reer AT] My SOP : “eH? ' ; 7 moc a
7 et wee 7 qa ad ‘ a" i ies uA we J gis ' a | Que
: a sot har Mie 71% na 4 |
D1 Ue hy Fete teret prone wt ate” t a OH mere Sear teers "
wa VF *@ eer Hi “7 <7 ‘
Joe Keller fy seetere eurat ¢ vo 7 . as GRE" -" ane feat fo ays
Cylinders heads e+ @ dee er eer wee Y oh fae Ch ie rs at fégu ae ms C ylinders 4 ;
a _ aes hii Os | * 4°
eee € ua" at oS ary
pert |< ae’
™ rare fas Bet fey |
- = ~we
eure ex 3 eee
aT eae
8STH Oa Steve & after oN ett rate C1 Het TBE BE Jou ‘
TaTY easey ae No erry ehyrat err arnt ae" « ra" ara Hd 4~ + ¥\ Joe Keller Sattor
SE Tee Pewee & yaw fhe oe fearxt fs 2 ‘= aa feo" rae
Stewe ‘Sm Faker 5 wa ary are Fe AT+o57 i creve HE 5
BS 83 fer bord was et wud BF ster qarat 5%, errr ga 84 :
Keller arte}
3 On ai | a wae wn jus Ga OG"?
ares at 5 er | OHS PREH
t ge a"

Gre er d nud as O'S om neafta

2, OS'S guts *}
aaares Te OT we Re es ds FT Ann ft Hess Us
ae @a
Joe Keller
Sa Of stent ae #aofgor afbrmgr US TUS | ah S| Keller Gnge

See Tareswrg ame sta ES cic Ooh eg

we 3 | Ann Steve 4r. mare aTIO

P Ore ee wan meh ne ay ater lie Steve ar Yad GeorgeSe esses Keller 31 Kellere
o George atu fust ans fie dar da Gu ne TT
gar 3 fa mnat Os dt K ller St uses

winct Sarat ow stsaverd fOr George GUTS HATES WT Keller a2

fa fred 15 FB" FES Joe ; ata Saute f
fam ame Reet aS on atetd Ga afte
George 3 uSEee Scar fe a fee EEE T GH LES loe St Mat fas feta Sara" Hi GHay
feEeR Swed fe Gus at fea muse ata 1Ga Ore aa Ta SE UT UNeTt feer o Hats Gra
Keller rus pure SRStas ager dus afer a fa feo ng Haug USS, ufgetd Set afar)
SF Lany S orustits Fas Sa ubrst fat At Keller foHA aeeT J fer SHS MUTT S
AOS Seat St disor at act att Ht wat Ons mus find SS Use St St disor att At Ga
fe So21 eet ara wea rs Ons at Use AS UST et eTSaT SS Joe Keller Tat Wag
ee “SrA Gag aT at rah fon Fur Barer fat GSA Ba HH Se

Q. 6. How did Joe Keller realize that the pilots who had lost their lives were all
his Re

Or |
How and when does Joe Keller realize that there is something bigger t
Ans. Joe Keller is a practical businessman with a limited vi sion.
business, his profit and his family, He thinks that there is nothing bi i
he, his two sons and his wife. He plays false with his partner an
"his business and keep on making money for the welfare of his f;
is something bigger than his family, and that besides his
sons. }He is made to realize this in the following way,
Joe Keller tells his partner,
Steve tosupply defective c
cylinders heads cause air crashes which result in deatho
blame on Steve, who is jailed, and Jo
oe's elder son is reported missing,
gemen en is dead, But he j
_, 0¢ Kel Sar aaete
fealer SHOdTS SY a afgete ©
Wet, Ga iiger 3 fy ufsers a eat aot ote OT OMS PEE, 5 frase
SST Ga ms esters are ther ase, SHS AHS fer nig ted OE
nena ave EFT FEEL
atime ah, rm ns
Lars S Sat gees OFS
St et ord One Busat TOTS ae
& aa SS fea eta a wast
Py Ate TI SHEVE MIS Togs as, ee
5 Joe Keller arud wtvters & afer d far Ga wars Cylinder” heads
eads Tete} Bauzaret San ee “pteg 2191 GETS AT sag FAST >| S| Joe Keller Az Rrg ayge
> aoe fee a frat feo
Tse SAt S ya THT F Joe HI" SH Steve FHF FARE PF wees uf aD TE oe

& fememn § far Ox er vars wa dar di ua Ong Jnwr o fet ORE 7 carat fod BA AS AS Lary npc”
me ide 8
UWE St Sa Sat Hien | fae Gu Cylinders heads firas P-40
se Svel Aaa Sat GarterAt |
Fe Gre Se use Chris F fered ater d fa ferar J | Keller bi ;
BSS S afer dS OneS 2ad-z-zaaad aa de ot oat mrue Fe Chris
Gu afderd fat feo ng ufsers Sofas Bet dt ater a iferr
J “atgost fea Sx sat 37 at sat cain fee dt aoe?” ug Joe Keller fed FS @xé u AT | rs:
SITET So fer tar usa at iat fee fea yrust a, Has aH St AAO .
after 3, “One fusrat, ate uss d,s AAS
wTUSt UsS at
feu Hatwe sete)” sf 3 =
Joe Keller get 3 f& Chris fea mreaneTet T1GHE’ I” A1
3 eller &t fed Sau St;
Tae One usd ufsers at ater Ore # res ATE tS ST- YA ATT |
MUL MATTE Ann & festHT Larry

HE QU Chris § Ret uge nee DA Lamy was geSweeatSo Uw!

fee fee set feweMN OaT aT EAN
si er Rar at & avare 3 Row nator ar aig gage Bet ast fa wr ae 2
aa feo" Tt TS Keller ufsmA agers fa Gre az 5S yea OxS fea nfoyAiF Airyg
Hoe waa ot Ore otusa ne Ga afser a, “Ht mee at Ga HG Hs USI AS” Gd os a Ud S nies ae

AUS AUS TAHT SET | Kellernfg fea nfann aaer 3 far au, caput ns wsusufsesS VSTS| ca aii
Q. 7. "It (War) changed all the tallies," says Joe Keller. How did war affect the lives of Joe Keller anges 2
(h ae

members ofhisfamily?
= ae In the beginning war proved a blessing for Joe Keller and his family. He got a contractto mai
n supply cylinders heads of the American Air Force. But-soon this blessing turned into a curse. Oneb
cylinders heads came defective from the process. Joe's junior partner informed him of it. Joe kisew that
was clamouring for the cylinders heads, the officer incharge was in no mood to wait. Delay in pl
heads would mean the loss of Joe's contract and business. So, Joe Keller told his caries to ae he
and ship out the cylinders heads. These cylinders heads installed in P-40 ; planes cau caused air c rashes
the death of 21 pilots. {fthere h ae been no emergency and urgency of war, Joe Keller would not have co
this crime. _ ;
Joe Keller's elder son, who was a pilot, read about his father's cri ; ;
ather's papers. He He fifelt som
crime in the¢ papers.
of his father's misdeed that he flew up in a plane and committed suicide, He
his son Chris. . 3
not return even after three years and a half Joe Keller and might ret got ‘ vinced that L
was reported missing.
Kate, Keller's wife still bel ievedthat her son was alive and
for Kate also.
a ee

Sr |
Se Soa ca dat tte woes wT OTE fap Cytines
dar fifsor ius awet at fea wees HEU S| ioe TE™ ut
wets feast nistera SG} fesse '* ade ave '<*
art o gut S2 mS Cylin Che, neve™
ATi fer ats 5 a an fagares adt ad Fae! Cylinder
SUT ST S| FEN SET Joe Keller Srmud Aistes @ IS cc . heads eae -f
s se alee 3 wu Hat or oy , will
eae TU SA FSI p- so seat reret fea BATE TT fag el eS ue — for tl
faqt fee 21 Tea HS aes
owe r | aT WT usb
Keller fea uaa at ageT | nye fust ie li
Keller @ 23 asa 3 a ue fea gevtt HOH wed A a Fe
ar FES
wc freq
a 1SFetaees GPa HS H
Gres fra fem freee Se OH Me TTS rat Joe Keller nS GAS Use) fath
Ong arfee Rares ata far fH TH ITT TT
ine Gas nee pererr 3 is oe ae con
IF =
diet Sfeer ays ferris Keller ot ugat Kate
Sg GT Kate F Bet St fa NTU HT TeT |
Keller oe" BSar Chris St faurat At lug Bat SS qed
Sefer Stew arent ated fers fea xs fruint 6 ES ar
r far Ba BAN eee
Sat Fes fers ars nfatiar Ht us Gus Shie .
| Gate SET se fan foe et STS
gS St fea va o ast ace eat Is fee Sor Sheer a Qn HfoHR ate
RUSS SH Saucer Sta tI GAS ams fustSan fede eae wy ATTY
dag fia Sent, Gast wa, Gre sla nS Wea ST US fee cous na 1ST pores furs ae u
us ae Ons ust Stam far Te ere NTE Cylinders heads FS ST MUTT Ore fuss Tatar
St 21 TeV AT A Tea ae Ae Ga mus fust aw seas gas Va" IGT fst S Sas-gas

at fed
Heer T ait Sue a fe ata S Chris S sews fos At Gnd Gas sss Heeoul wer fear
Htfand Gnd fuse feduaares aes Sete aa fest] 5
Larry &t »ruat Heise Ann } faut feet fea more aaett& fer | airy Paweat fa Sat vim
yeant stat wt faGta Ord orué fusr S musts ws mere fg US fepae AT Keller 3 ae WfagR
Suse 4 yeast atst fea nfogH are Bet fa Gat Grex use sul Hit Hef Ore mau Sates
ATH Tea St Gre Tt Us AS |Keller Ro MRgH age" OS tor fan aoe" 9 fer mus mT ge
SLi eaner ie Z
Q. 8. Aue a character sketch of Rats Bellen ‘
: Or
Give your impressions of Kate Keller. Or
"Kate Keller isa noble woman, an affectionate mother, bu
Discuss Kate's character in the light of this statement,
_... Ans, Introduction: Kate Keller is Joe Keller's wife, She
and shocked. She is desperately wala for the return of her st
anda half ago. <
-AnaffectionateIMother: Kate is full of great affect
alive and may return at any time. She dreams Hehe miss
Ave tuonevons dsibheaiiit aha a, i
, indness, She she vers h
oS So Kao wre oe feraars a0 qgeiv'= ] ame = tae"
HUE apres FF BF or wat AT AF ewes a is oe pest
fea WHET edt ut—Kareate rue *, afer"
@a wa aw euad© apts AS HHS :BTS Uy ne
fe ds ae St stun Hae mA » a0 mre’ ‘a are HUE Ufsery ‘ ?
Ratt SH war-aran& wat fare gfe FF" toe Kelle
fern eereet
* fa Geor =
* "% ree ae gre asurct i
HS" Sat ier — Kate eg OR ICON ne GE a an

George #2 Ann &WV stue thant ee . fe daa JP ty wat wh

‘woe UF" ee (THe
ert 2 gu fete were weet 3. Kate @ fore ° we frond Goo a ats gare BS Sen ~
ee—eKore soferent
oe ninfemeni DFE a orr crtf
S72 wee tene
ee + par wearer 9 far Georr’ fewer: *

dot fee, 754 re
Oc Frank & @are fefeor aac ;
fee Gait meres uat- Kinte wud watt § Rew? as z sae fe9 fot 31 Og .
Sue 3 fe vant? fete Ga mrad ut g ars ay a her wa j
Cylinders heads oer
S57 enh Seer eat § us fed L
“rat fd Joe Keller Are aap
ewe set vo St Geetdi mews peau a Ret to fr
oO er ufomm aac 3 far Oud ares fara 3 at Ga George @ ena Chris Ud 28S TS" Hara ‘

fee wthres
ise —Kate fer fora oes B1e TT a are’ Gu George = Oe wy
# SPSS fe Ca Chris ave ates wa ma wat Hat | fea fet tag F afsadt fos HHS O BY Aa es
Sere aera ero Baer GHG Ba fe George ETT S :
= af nn & Ae : Yor y <3
Se rete eee anc ih aaarTe tes AUST oe
fee man 3 Oud nous usterue fewer yrs bites Gest
atmudé ust S
afi Bae SG
Ht owed uptodate erecta, us Gu Gre mB fsa IIE S TY
ms Seer fet 5
Q. 9. Kate is described by Jim mye as a woman witha talent for lying. Do you agree?
for your answer. ;
Describe how Kate Keller tries to hide the crime of her husband. How does the truth fing
Aus. Kate Keller is a noble woman, an affectionate mother and a considerate wife. Sheenjoys fi
of her husband. She fully knows that her husband has committed the crime of supplying dé
heads to the Air Force. But she keeps discrete silence about it, she silently stands by her ht
him silent support and encouragement in his immoral conduct. Her si ence i: itselfa lie. =
When she hears of George's coming to her house she fears that
it may create trouble for her husband and his family, She gives a hij
tupid people. We don't know anything. You have to protect us
verything. But she hides everything even from her son.
But the truth finally comes out, and ironically, Kate Keller
uth and letting the cat out of the bag. During her conversation
en for a day during the last fifteen years, Guilty Joe at once sa
once see the point. He is convinced that on that fateful
tended oes! sone he wanted to avoid Boing to
ack nd'ship Hhemout Kate again
a Ue td
Fe Ons aust we Geor re SonQe oT Us" > peru 4 aren
S wee at aaa feats HEU Ty re
Fenrar FA Sars are fir “furor YOU T ange vs

a ema eae re Te
mesh ferns ag areet dius Qa ue ae FE fe a he re three

Us ue eet di sisars o dares Ga te TT crema § 88 4 Fag faa Atl @d Fag |

CHT Joe fea ey atierd, “hae da a feat
prs arene TNS
steve dt Cylinders heag,
fenen a ater d fr Ox usaara few Joe HT perf Oe MT graft a topee
WET ager fer wet Gus shat er grat ats GT TIC geen =
CTS SF fSurs ond Cat F para at Fat OS | Kate 160 F
AT fet Flue FSS S Joc S Shira wat Tat A ea in
fa Great Uae
He ST Kate 3 fered Larry frente Sov ue are
Chris 8fe"S fe Larry He Gard ae HL arty eters Ann grins me 1 Kate
RET T, Sa Nfemr Sat feT He g Joe Keller afserad far feo St roqeTn d qiatSIA
afret dg, “aT Larry ne fer at fea gr ata a Te CHS or peer Kellerfey
MLE ATTT S| Chris afore, “Sera gat HoT ae SHS ees |
HAgs T Ater FF Steve 2 wert: Colindersheade CRE MS Se" ar ot for 519q
Kate gS Bae fe ra diva Greys One feng ws furs 9 rs UST SHUT
feo AG
ea ene
st ude@e sarge diGa frag nus ust suas Bet yo wet TST afard™ St S
Aes sot us fea Ss we Cus rua ad fen ws Kate &G @net us"
SUS St afaR ats feat at afy vat |
Q. 10. Give a character sketch of Chris Keller.
ung marl of thirty two. Hetwas in
Ans. Introduction: Chris Keller, the younger son of Joe Keller is a yo
afmy during the war. Now he is helping his father in his business. Chris presents a sharp contrast to his fa
An idealistic and very sensitive young Man: Chris is avery sensitive young man full of idealism |
experience in the army has made-him very sensitive. In the battle- field he saw young soldiers sacrific
themselves to save one another. There was love, sympathy and co-operation among them. But when he:
people he finds that war has taught them nothing, The war in which millions of young men have been killed!
been for these people nothing more than a bus accident; He finds the world like a zoo. He feels all the we
things that people are enjoying is loot. It is covered with the blood of young soldiers killed in the battle-
A man of firm determination: Chris knows that Larry is dead and so he has decided to marry Ann, L
fiancee. His father and mother do not approve of the match. But he rises nea in revolt. He tells his father :
will leave home and go somewhere else but he will marry Ann.
He has no love for Money: For Joe Keller money isthe very aim and end rue life, but Chr hae
made through under-hand means. His father rightly says of hini, "You make a deal, over chat
his hair falls out. He does not understand money.' Neatly Chris doesn’ t understand
inspire him.
-. An uncompromising Young Man: When Chris finds out that his ath
heads scandal he gets furious. He threatens to tear his father to pieces|
When his father confesses to have instructed Steve to supply the defevig
Chris shouts at him. "For
that he did it all for. his family. for his son,
killing my boys and you did it for me.............. Don't you have a countr
er Kat e Kel ler ask s him to be prac tical, he grows bitter and says
Ee ‘oth
wherad away when we were fighting were practical, Only th |
: 5 gg
HEU? ~ fed Be 3 mot |
“SS VeDVug As cage

fearet= ees
7 ferars
a fea Larry OT us Y coms ATT | anisea et ane
rrr' et Ann yu 4 bec
afin Sirwcepecatema fas Aes OY Cao ade] F, Shy
TT lt OTT :
Set pws SaT—Joe Keller e sh AON
Gag OF ate
d Gre” fs" OH “paca” ONT CNT r
a8 OS aor’ as § wees wae

UTS Gre ae waa sare ae Ga OF fF aE OE” -ylinders heads &
ot ustes sat weer) vie a fe Ore Os aaa 2 Me

fea matst ar aan erat Sees Chris0 8 , aft onat ae Ox fora ats
Whe Ht st Ov wae Cee d | Ga wus fusre 284 ge re gr renee TT eee
GreT frst nis Berdfar Gas Steve Sus Cylinders heads OT pare, '
for Rar Gus muh utara met ed muh ye Chris BEY ATT SCOT a ae asc? a HT Sa aly

Te? TS GF St ut Kate Keller @ag fearaa Te Ot HOT : Bs ¥

“Qh arate Flor Bt Rearaer om Ga yar AGE BT aE FO Ae MT 4

a We are feose sata” Nor GESTUS
PH HS eye,
Ser er ysHtseh Chris Bear yo statis as wr BT HIGHS TAM Te cic t Mite
Ser Ree fer Da eet ta Da ules S VET TM, THCINS MOLT oe eure eS aa :
Sa Sat Safed fe Gans &2 even ness FT Gus Foe 1S )
5 Sue ifimere, aweach nfetor nce varie Ranardit CT ESTN BEST, THOSE OM
MS Btaa Rewer F fre dat, feos Fat cart T! , s ¢&m
Chris has on the battlefield and at a —
Q. I1. Describe in about 500 words the experiences
‘ow these cause confusion and agony to him.. estan ie : i Se ae =
wo :
Ans. Chris is a sensitive and idealistic young man. He believes that society and the wider
umanity are bigger than family. An individual should be responsible to society. In the army he was comma
company. There he saw his soldiers sacrificing their lives to save one another. Here he saw a world based
He learnt that each man owes something to those among
ve, Co-operation, sympathy and sacrifice. whi
‘es. But when he returns home after the war, he finds that war has not changed the world. Ithas not ch
> people. For these people who were busy indulging in cut-throat competition and making money;
ning huge profits, the war was only a kind of bus accident in which some people were killed accidently.
Is that the young soldiers laid their lives for the welfare of society and humanity in vain. He found
und him rotting in weafth. Chris feels that all this wealth is lost.and things like cars and refrigerators
i by him or others are smeared with the blood of noble minded and pure-hearted young sol a
ificed themselves on the battle front. Chris joins his father's business, He thinks that his
ey through honest means. He tells Ann that he will not touch even a pe - from aT
: that it has been earned through underhand means. Ann also tells
Chris knows that his father’s partner Steve had committed the.
: to the Air Force. He was rightly jailed. But his father Joe Keller
- Chris thinks so. But this illusion of his is shattered very soon,
. phone Keller had instructed Steve to cover up the cracks in
rion fills Chris with deep agony of blind rage. He forces his fat
makes a confession but says he did all for his family, for @
BINDRA Eat Ho fe? gos
ChrissrecerS fg Gre hare rete ss OTe a 78 a fea rge OTE ‘s
aia {Ud Joe Keller Gre RST SI ove Bee gue é
h ex
ve @yer weer
Keller 3 Butta o oenc been tear far Go lng ee 8 fuss"
S31 fe Fs Er vgET Chris FETTSTA UIs TM a reer oteeaten te
8S SoS Oa (Chris) One ges LAe aT SEI CHT ge Ateag MNT os Fearae
Fos fs Sar ater bi fam watt fet nrent @ AP nag !© gaa d
afer d Horus ary & aay farret HaeT HT ugh 150 ane
dfx SATS feoea verioor 31 Ga udata es ofa Se ru US 8 i
nfvet ter d fang Oa nfret sat ader Ht ret ST grad on Fe
age ater fuse umfars aa nrg fo Sa EM Ae sa wa2r
his return fr
Q. 12 Why is Chris disappointed after
conduct towards Ann ? War.
r e t u r n from the
er his
Give a brief description of the thought and fe hris aft tc brother, not like hi
Ans, Chris kisses Ann but Ann tells him that heh as te :
Says that it looks as if Chris felt ashamed of making love ee themselves to Save one another, ’
battlefield has changed him. There he saw young soldiers sact 1
no t ju st m e n. If they had
a world based on love, sympathy and co-operation. Those sooldiers y go t ki ll ed . There Chris |
mpa n
selfish they would have been alive today. But all the soldiers5 of his co for which even th e sl
Th er e wa s something
there was something higher than one's self or one’s family.
be sacrificed. We see that this experience in the battlefield
her he can't forget his boys who laid their liver for one another. Love making t
which had not dane
After the war, when Chris came home, Chris found himself in the world
same old world full of selfishness and cut throat competition. He found himself among creatures who wer
human beings but big dogs. These big dogs have no love for man. They only cat man. This old wor!
world where people were busy making money. They could not see beyond themselves and their famili
saw people rolling in the wealth. But all this wealth-appeared to Chris Bone pu lost. The car he
fridge he had, all appeared to him to be smeared with blood.
Chris finds that the soldiers sacrificed themselves during the war all in vain. The world
have learnt no lessons they have not changed. It is this disappointment which affects Chris’ §. con
Ann. Even when Ann is in his arms he remembers his boys killed i
ove to Ann. For he feels as if even this natural love making too
Chris Ann #1 Gear WI Ann Baa Hehe fe GA
an cata & fe APY Chris #1 Ann #1 ak FG 4 con TEE
ae ace fen eset HF eet a Ue Ta a eH A
8 Fee Serer ech he
ot s
see erPene
sap gra are gre we seh a TA A ae Chris
4 fe fre Fe ae a ore Pr aT
pyncsor es ee Be
if wT 2 ns an FU
ae . + - oeteh LNT TAAL EIN INAS STEN Ngen eT
Chris Sate fe faufeay 5 reg A UM 38 a cera Fae
S St Ann Ea afr
aca Tél | Fe FRM ST SITY Faces &h eat 1 hem ite cir A ate Foca err ae HY ft 1
Chris & sareror a gunfirg apeat & sta Ann Seay wel A teh esa eTETE

fx fae
Barer od3 far Nee: ; beet
: gare gu feagute: Shor
ZNO Larryny SSagara
ene shris& gu fea oat
J, Christ gu
eT aie xe Ree Re Soo FES HEM HATH Tet Hi Chris OHS afoer & far ato te
fT snmp ek SN MTU aaS ewe mat a cH aaATAT fee Bfra” AT |
Qa fires, MESES
Shot Ht Ou fru fae wment atasdt ns ears Oa Har at erat
Sus MUS MS ORS 5 users F yp 5SBT Cae S Hs :Hurst wd d ave Hes5161A Chris ‘ 3 fer at far are
ave of ao MT er feo SHEE Chris SESS FeO 8 wet rus nme s <A fevers aT" a HTT T rt

ra FS EM ow ae flours aot ase Oa On S az BS Ts fea

yet Zar Ga gabat Ht Pete Borns my nes oes ufsers Subs ay ait Bu AAS HG Chris $ Bats
dos feo 38 Shimer jug Cates eps +3
Ht, fed Habu wie GAS us ote feretbut sag an eho Aa
Chris ewer d fer frurdhat 8 tt feta mmusthat arat fara dt apar fgbut ne eabu Battu setdwee
ad Hite Sa aes oat fea fears Ft Ann SUSt Chris tHe Sustes aget TAs
Ann Creat Aa fee
ged GAS BATE ASS Mrs US Hers UTE GS ae SAS Ann Te fiers eas fea St HOM MIA SETS
agta Go fea Higa ager 3 fer Harhee fuerg waar at fea agt ot paratite 3 |
Q. **. How was Chris convinced of the guilt of the father ? What
did he do there after?
Ans. Chris believed that his.father was not involved in the cylinders head scandal
. Chris told Ann that he
vould not have touched even a penny of his father's money if his father had been
guilty of committing such a
time. George Ann's brother came to Keller's. He came to Keller's after meeting his father
Steve in jail and
istening to his version of the story. He told Chris that Joe Keller, his father had instructed Steve to ship
out the
efective cylinders heads. Chris, however, refused to believe kim. Joe Keller himsel
f talked to George andtold ~
im that his father, Steve was a timid man who could not take blame for any wrong done by him. He gave
xamples of Steve's committing a mistake-and laying the blame on someone else. George was more then half
onvinced that Keller was not guilty. But, a casual remark by Kate Keller
during the conversation revealed the -
uth to George. Kate said that Joe Keller had never fallen ill during’the past fifteen years. Keller at once said that
¢ had not fallen ill except for his flu during the war. George knew that Kate was speaking the truth. Qn that
teful day Keller had instructed Steve on the phone, and had not gone to the factory pretending ta beth At
lis Chris also grew suspicious. Kate also told a lie and said, "Weill, sure....... [mean a i
© wanted to go to the shop but couldn't lift himself off the bed." George told he
AE oat) ers
” ae ae
1 j T-A
aon ene
chris fea ferere aroer o
fet Cylinders h ; ST aay
fe fr eA SACO
en a
agi TOT FS eS Pa SP areas cn
ne l gre Gast @ ton ae fer oe ATT BST
TE I Ga ii herd
in ora Keller & WE fer gar R 8 hw "ot oe Fe
e Airs loe Kett le m FES"
ers heads are oreregentn 31G
@nd Chris $ Str" Kote AE fir e Ste ve F Mar e Cyl ind
water E fara
Sot WIE) Joe Si
ye Chris GE" feGUHeSh BIT eee sear
get or Ou rus S Heer Ga ones AG S
in hoe Gh bet te us er e O0 7 2 Gat or ter & ofr feve rest Peet
Fo onee HETIER ERN Ket es ae ae s cate Ket
ager aa ByFEST Kate fora fer fir Kelle Re
2 er a af
oe Kee
SERN hrs as howe paqstr
nae 28 fo eh
Orca heriGnmpne ST
ergata tof Ane
moe ee oe My
BS ye tet
2 Reg b fares
15 srt fate are stra et Sh
t sit fer Kelere!
year Eee 2 fear Oat Sa ufoet at aHra fra
ge e hers
aegis TL
ust 3z Ann§ fora “fe r
bo oL oe hi rt
eh ode
later teeptene ee i e eecerer wi
ws wet AT Chr is & far a“
pe foes aa FES DZ George @ were 5 aft 3) fea Be
Larry ree” KatLar e Paar, "Lary9 e ar” Reveé @ Keloer : oafc erer 3 fer Larry aie
t,ta“Z ee ry M3 farm ie ot 33 fuars Grp wefernr 3 GSfes Keller e ITEM A
@| Kate Steaa ehot @rfa r Go Cyl ind ers (I P-4 0 Ter
aaa © mcf rene Parr fx ft ne fe ” 2 3
weg ere era nt rf Mi ze Chr i
aha oreo ew. pan ra FEB ” Kel ler fa rt ft § Ba tr a Chris PES
few Go + Si Arar aga on aaretantt gud zad-208 as Be" Keller wT SNS I
yar 2 Str, Se om gata atar 3 ey AIS
MCs BTR, “a
Hy ieame wre ufaera ns hse eh sr form
Qa GA ars FE BS FO
eet arse Heat § BA MS TA AT” nef Fer Clesand
r e n a te r GR
ree Gee ad a TOT TS aT
exe neo iran 1GES war GN aa zee MeL Sw AEN
fa Gm Bow mf
ee ap atari hee" F ge AT!
Bee a re dt Tem, Fer Qa fen ea eft does this
of his fat her and co mm it ment to truth." How far
tween the love (important)
Q. 14. Chris is divided be
acter ?
statement sums up his char Or
In All My Sons.
Discuss Chris as an Idealist

Give a reasoned

his lov e of his fat her , Do yo u ag re e?

Chris's commitment to tru th is greater than
ot ofehis
a his lov
ov e st ti en trae. Bt a
= esta ot re s tb a
ts 00 CONS .
father ind his comonioaheneeretuto rnens hosome me after the war, he joins his ft
respect for him. When But he thinks th
le wer e bus y ma ki ng money and buge Pro}
War pe op
i Co ns oe ia ve d ss ten eee
F e ows that fOr is 1Ove .
better man than others. This sh ree :
an his§
even his father to love truth more th 5 fener
The moment Chris finds that e
love for his father changes into intens
stn uw Qar ra fa @ at fra eS Herel =
TUS rats few finrmera wurst aver Qa frst et BTS ie
wura fer ator sah Ga sree" 8 fr ft B Sars OTA
patted Fes rar fewrsera rent paver rt Qa Que wae” 3 ft Gre” FST
ba gat S Sar EMT TRUM FES Ua Saver fix Chris & wet stare @ ust furs Ore first @ UST flrs
ferarer HIT RYTS TST TTY fer over rere et nud ra ned rue ules a femrer Maret g flows

Popa at Chris $ fea ust Barer 9 fe Oa z fata da Ht ot Ga

: grt at ator at sot sth gad ceded are Setar |” ae Qrrer first mat mnuaa Hs BS" SST
eae oct after Gu reyes we wer Civs rer, “ones aM ah 37 aA
see St Sat, mulaS Sat Hse | SHY ata? fits I
gt fos Gu Ge HS Ts ad TUR Ger da nfo aaerd fa Qn fea mud fuse} gq BAe SS
er aot OMS Sat Stay Gu St HT Het F ford Ga wand fuse or eure Lae St SHS AIS" I |GTHTS,
3 sfsot ot fen gabut $ Ss Sear is va Set dn SST:
Christe 8h8 Ser arent di Gre nmué feg ford é ust fens mud fuse yt flea F fears
+ | QaetHt Kate Keller after 3 fat Chris & set ufsers F Sat A det Star 31 Que Set Ma AS HOST S
ene firs Uses S SS Ts Gas fens 8 far fea fevast a ara a faet 31QHS PHA S Ut fees TST
cor Sine rer fust afoer & for ware Cylinder heads SHES VT mMuSU wus ulseTs S Alors SET ATS,
+82 Chris Bet ats St Chris tae 31 “goa uses at 37 gat fea na hs Set AIST at TTS SST CA
fat gut eater fea sat afre?” Chris ot Haret & ust as rue feg ans Syst feaen fuser, HST aT
seo 2 ust flere S fas frre nd seuas 31 Gnd foot S fea eae Set mus mIreoHt S BET TUS PH
at eae Steyn Ht | Chris HTueT mS nus fusr er Ha S Bet, TUS ford Set, nTUS wTSaHt S Set ST
se aad HAST |
Q. 15. For Chris there is something bigger than his family whereas for Joe his family is
supreme." Discuss. Ath 8 (V. Important)
} : Or | is :

How does conflict between Chris and his father bring out the main idea of the play ?

Chris's scale of values differ from those of his father. Discuss. ‘1

Ans, Chris and his father Joe Keller present a contrast of character. The conflict between father and son
iclearly brings out the main idea of the play. These different scale values show what businessmen really do and
What they should do. lh aaah | on eee ae
For Joe his family is supreme. He is concerned about the welfare of his sons and his
Chris to be his greatest accomplishment. For his family he can tell lies, deceive his partner, d
and do anything. Kate Keller tells him that for Chris there is something bigger
"Nothing is bigger than that ........... if there 1s something bigger than that
Instructs Steve to ship out defective cylinder heads; because he knows that
the ruin of his contract, his business, and his family. He knows that these defecti
air crashes resulting in the death ofa number of young pilots. But he does not!
a Uae Larry Heheor3s en heads P-4 0 ge nt wan d foe' s Ba t Te AS AS Larry dae P-40
or ara ST ese| nese S l Q a w a rsa arAs fsusaTrasse
SH fe ns T
yg Chris S Bet AMAATSESMSHtmst mrs ea ure 3 as Re feo dO S UTS"
Lepsat § ES BAST HES s St on e Ht Chr is & wet Us TUL SAT MU
Ly gst ae Tia 31 AS Joe Keller afer}
tare Chr is & wet mu d us a @ wet at a ot Chris Sere" a,
2 gee TITS", FT AS SATNwe Tt fa it a ot ea n FES OS aT” AT
Be ar t at rar aut BAT MOUS ET
po coud fust ot at Gre Sar im hore he met ffm aaa F1 Chris &
on fee fewech @ Uesat & at e 3 ee
Pee ee
. (V. Important)
Q. 16. Write a character sketch of Ann Deever Cnet 2011)
Write a note on Ann Deever
beautiful and charming girl of twenty six. She is pol
Ans. Ann 5 the daughter of Steve Dever, She is a
ar con vic tio ns and fir m det erm ina tio n. She is a female counter part of
gentle and considerate, but she had cle it was proved that her father had knowingl
ide ali st as Chr is. Wh en
Eris. She 1s 8s uncompromising and
an ations with him. Sh«
shipped defective cylinders heads whichcould causes air crashes, she broke off all all rel
to know of hi
can not co mp ro mi se wit h evil. When Chris comes
Ann n i
a be a murderer. Like Chris to tea r his ton gue from his mouth. We see that An
him. He say s he oug ht
father's guilt, he begins to hate sch emi ng, lying and selfishness.
Like Chris she als
e Chr is she hat es
of Chris. Lik
wally female counter-part
has the courage of her convictions.
that Larry is dead. The letter that Larry wrote to hi
Annis a very wise and sane woman. She is convinced circumstance
, few moments before his death convincesher of this. She very sanely adjusts herself to changed
mou rni ng over Larr y's deat h. She read ily acce pts Chris's proposal for marriage. Wh
She does not keep on Ann wisé
he does not want to use his fathe r's money because he considers it a loot of war,
Chris tells her that
is noth ing wro ng in your mone y. Your fathe r put hundreds of planes in the air. You shot
says to him, "There
be proud.” thinks t
and stra ight for war d wom an, She dislikes scheming and lying Kate Keller
Ann is an honest
Ann fran kly tells her that Larr y dea d and if she has not married during
Ann is still mourning for Larry. But is wai tin g for Larry. When Kate does not believe her,
a half it doe s not mean tha t she
ast three years and te considerate.
y's lett er. She sho ws the lett er very unwi llin gly. This shows that she is qui
thows her Larr a poke ate.
ings . —
oes not want to wound anybody's feel Larry By handing over th ek
in the play. She convinces Kate that
Ann plays an important role d his on an ilo Sg
that 21
ask ing him to rea d is she makes Keller realize that had kille b:
0 Chris and ith C ak
e also his sons. Her proposes
efective cylinders supplied by him wer
t to see. Thus, Ann
is father, whom otherwise he does not wan

Ann Steve Dee ee

ait anet ack arett &, Tey Tew BIE Fae E st

ical at a8 Het
aut MY SONS 183-A
17, 1! How does George beh
Q. tae ave wea.
towards his f 5 ‘ Fie cheat nd how does h ne
S father after hearing of his crime’? When a Uspaniaw
nange in this respect ?
Ans, Like Chris and Ann,
George is also an j
ater’ crime, he breaks
7, ake all relati
: ons With him . He consi
: i iminal, a murderer of 21 young
pilots. He does not visit his father In jail, He does onsiders his father a criminal,
Not even ;send him ‘hristmas. He begins
I a greeting card on Chr
19 hate his father.

But something happens which forces Geo g Isiti hisey father inin jail riarclg:aee
. George appro ves of Ann'sle marmma
with Chris. George knows his father | : i jai
7 . ves Ann td
very much. He wants to tell his father of Ann's marriage with
Chris. He goes to see his father in jail. When he meets his father he learns from him how those defective
cylinders eee ae Supplied to Air Force, George! father Steve Deever tells that one day he went to the
factory. The foreman informed him that defective cylinders heads were coming out of the process. He contacted
Joe Keller, his senior partner on the phone and asked him to reach the factory at once. The morning passed. But
ithere was no sign of Joe, By that time there were more than a hundred defective cylinders heads. The army was
Iclamouring for the supply of cylinders heads, ; :
| But Steve did not have any good cylinders to ship out. He again phoned Joe Keller, On the phone clever
Keller instructed Steve to cover up the cracks in the cylinders heads and ship them out. He promised to take the
responsibility. He could not reach the factory because he was down with fever. Steve followed the instructions
of his senior partner and shipped out those defective parts to the army.
After hearing the true story from his father George is convinced that Joe Keller has deceived his father
and ruined his family. He knows that on the phone no one can take any responsibility, and in the courta man can
deny a telephone call. This is what Joe Keller did in the court. As a result poor Steve Deever was sent to jail and
Joe Keller was acquitted. George knows that his father was like a frightened mouse, he could not do such a
thing on his own. George now knows that the real murderer of the unfortunate 21 pilots is not his father, Steve
Deever, but Chris's father, Joe Keller,
Chris 3% Ann % BAM George oft wm srevtaret ae WH a fergie aren cafea Fa ae ora fer as
FHS ILA YAM S Ht Fe SHS Be Seay as Sey B 1 ae STA fle Ht 21 SAM leva ST SIT ASAT SI
ae fear 8 Set H fers i Tet Se ae aS fe YH sora Wy fae at UH afters STE Te AT Aaa ae aT
faa IT HLA TAT EI Salina e
Wel TH ASA & Fed Ft George Hl Tea HU & fe fra S scr A faerl & fora ww | George Ann il Chris
% oy wel a ane HM S| George Bam & fae Tae fie-Ann Hl BEd AR Heat e | ae fa wl Chris & Ann
B fae at aan Sa ree & |e Fen a fener Stet Se & | es ae Fee Frere ah Sah He a Gaere faa aT
Cylinders heads Air Force I Ha YH 74 4 | George #1 Te Steve Hea& fh ew fer ae that wan wa ase
ara fe Sees wiwal B FS GTA Cylinders heads Frenet W 81 TAY FAW HT ales TigieR, Je Kellera
ere farm atte se @ vin thagt agat Bt eT A TH 100 8 HR GTA Cylinders heads
fF Joe BY GH fran | GAT ATEN, Joe 3 Steve at sree fem fir fare ae Cylinders head
Sit Se wee wera SS Sh set re Sef ae oTy GR TY a Te fa ae a
© STATI ne )
en om Sane
: et aT sn |
Fran 3 ae wert gaa H ae George #1 frre tt 774 fe Joe Keller 3 Say

a ea eee aren Fa Te A SNEwet THC Ae Fora aT ate

Fan at WHA | Joe Keller ¥-AeTeTa | MTF Ste +
mpur.Ony [22
$0 /8, Com /BBA,
4% Es
rts aT | ae eS
eo oe is rit
reeT pt n Ty y wre ® Fe vy 8 gare frat Steve Deeve)
TH J " rT op
ee were y agg‘ weeerrtl
8 Geiree >
ours GTR.
— ere

gt aT HTT aa ,
= "Ann ety, Cenrge
—_ Ot BT Rly wrwnrerret 097 T “bd Ara
Tiel canté
ta 71 3
; TOW sre :
ear 3 1a" & Tom rig
:me ete Dero. ees wr ford ore ther 317

Swes wax ware 8)

rower as fata HB
| George 4
AS tone feet
Fee Ne MED: George ere d fer TT acerd ahaa
Qn” NS" A en ar a furs & Breer
Ofer ee OE e e a fcr arr her
ae ~ e ay te D1 Fe G e eT| furs Steve Sidergas
are He! Georg
lindersheads Fees sp
NS SS Hehe jog Keller av fuga atat
| Steve & fed Joe 2Se
Grd fear en eazdt ‘Joe &
cum tinder heads frat a
e pane Ht feinStev rerdte mS
$ Tan Gifig
~~ nders heads@ 5 are : a al y
ar ee Meare cn 5 fart Ht! Steve 6 AUS zs THT Sy
Stree Fe na erate ne
#9 Ae
ee me uew bes
Fre STREE'S Joe Kelerd ae ofeaaae
eta FEST <3 fear
(SOSH ates BS fest fama George t lot s aH Sieve $3 Me
frat o fa Qn fst fet sate ge stat |
@e ot Set nae wp George ge wrest Sf
Deever Sat RE Chris & fUST Joe Sp
3 :
Q. 18. Sketch the charact ag
er of Sue Bayliss. a
Ans. Introduction : Sue Bayilss is the : 4
wife of Doctor Jim Bayliss. She is a fat
round forty years old. She and overwe
is neither a sensible woman nor a goo
A nagging wife : Sue isa naggin d wife. a3
a ‘dog.’ She dominates jim Baylis g wife. She is often quite rude and rough to her husband. ; he
s because they were married whe
nurse. For quite some time n Jim was an intern doctor b
j im had to depend on her salary.
She calls him a worthless-fel She insults and humiliates her
low, But Jim is really very devoted husba
the phone, you dog?” But Jim to his Wife. Sue says to him,"
says~“My light, my love,”
. A practical woman : She is
out and out a Practical woman. She knows
| thing in life. She had killed all the ambiti that money is the
_ work. ons a nd aspirations of her hu
But she knows that "Research Pays twenty sband.He wante
_ £0t to give up your life to go into it.’
fiv e do ll ar s a we ek minus laundering the
As a neighbour : As a neighbou
r Sue is mostly fi
is, because she thinks that Chris enc
ing her husb
ourages Jim to carry on
nding i with
and crazy with his phony idealism,
o¢ Keller. She tells Ann that Joe Keller rui
She tries to
ned Ann's father
0 get out of jail." She thinks that Chris's idealism ig
elf he enjoys his fathers ill-gotten money,
We can say thatSue Baylisis
s not at allaple
girs ap bag eh Sct Pilea
et aie re Moise
[B.A./ Sc./B.Com./BBA, Sem. 5),
RY ’
Q. 19, Write a note
on Jim Bayliss.

In about 300 to 500 .of he ther married life of Jim and Sue, 4
Cause of their wo rd s na rr at e what you know bri ng omhg .
Ans, Jim is 4 doct h, B i5
or and Sue complementary to ca ck oth
in their Natures an a nurse. They shou
ld be t, and so aaa ty,
d characters they th et e
gentleman through pr es en t a sharp ranean e ed "
and through while Su wife and troublesom
together only
because Jim e is out and outa darieet e Meco Thay
is a very though
tful. patient man and
hike with a go a devoted
and t husb
od salary. As and,
for SOmey. a
Jim was an intern
doctor when he ma
had to depend on rried Due, wae e
the salary of his wi an leads him by the
dreamer, He aspire fe, she dominates nose, Jim ig mig
s to do some research Ae ealictas e But Sue is a pr
research work can work in the nee % actical Woman,
bring you no money. our life if you want
himself tells us ho You have to ee eee to do any PeSeATCh
w for some time he ed in doing some
research work ing Wy
di| sease. Fortwo months had been happily par
he lived on bananas and mi es beautiful. An
Jim had to 80 home lk . But it kiwands ofbema d th er e ca
with him. He wanted
to be a different kin
autin.ful.Sue, however me Sue, She
madede hihim m aapy m o.,
pecked husband.
Sue finds "
a kind of pleasure in
the presence of Fran dishonouring and humi
liating her husband
k and Keller Says in ied ee Be
‘dog.’ She considers him a Wo to her hu sb and. "Mrs, Adam ing
rthless man. Sue suspects her is a Be poor ae
Mrs. Adam makes a call on husband of flirting with his fespat
the phone, Sue tells her husband male Patienoa
telephone. that she can smell her perfu
Me even

din 599 PI
Ig 98 We
Be SF ed er ot (nn rae
Tait & | Jim BH
FM gun Bue AOE TER te aay gee
FEY SuUeeane
we A
| Fear afte Gi me Src ae eH Se oy wy
Fe vite
& Fe ee aT aE a th
Shad ar aera y ap a WHAT
| steer dom CA EMT Jim Fa |
aa a or wee eH ATT ee f
ag Re
shee gar aes
© i Jim SER BC ITA
aye ae aarrt v
a fea |
TET IG Ue Pree ay sey
am ge re ;
ee seh 8.
sr ie See aes a |
Fe Mes Adam WA

iF cd ATM HS gE
ar eh
wre Bm Meese eR NRC Net on wi tn eh te 8 afore

on ee 8 on

pon@unrethens 5°80 fe rye were oh wre Sie Wie ath armies Ber art ra TW He
ee wed ae Re NFO me Si re ware At 8 nc Qo at tir te ene Heth
oe aceenie fee Ger err
en SER ER IR Farr are See arn Rta eee ht Se Fe Ferra
eantnenal Sree AM Ret os ther tt we earer dears got vt er ara age Tat FTG
hese wth PR hn ee oe OP ag" are itt Re rm a @ aT wt a Rr ae
cgpbevartbcabtich Go Re wrk rd vert a gree we fear ot fed Sue GR ar UT Ga att, tat es
er bee ee Fete edt gt et mement warn ariter Ht ua Sue F Qs fe Mar Ag or a
Suc FH BSS RIMS Jim St AMerst ew nd Oy shat fener fates unit Rarett at Ga nue a eg
tad neve Uet f ENE, ST, Mes. Adan Bp Rees aot Ge Os or ats art fer eG PD?
nee Bare WENT REET Fi Sue F wer D fer Jim meruretnt ra vette ares aera are Ae Mes Adam GAG
gH see CS Suc US UST S aed, “4 Get wae Ba feta at pur ware at”
Jim BROW ST BEM, RMS SS Ss TRS erat fenrarst dies ae wt Ort usat Qret atest aaet Far Gas
ate feecP et oF ware aes Sarat dst im ga ater da Gas ga atte 3 us Jim Gags “Hat aaah est
fmed?” STE SUS Jim Weer D fer Hhew fee mss et at 31 Oa rus gufant, neve erat os
gio $ &s fee des oruet usat ae mds ag Fer}
Q. 20. Give a character sketch of George Deever. (\. Impertant)
Write a note on George Deever.
Ans. George is the son of Steve Deever, who was a junior partner of Joe Keller. He is a young man of thirty
two. He tries to restrain himself and speaks very quietly, George plays an important role in the play. It is George
who brings of Joe Keller. Like Chris, George is also an idealist and a man
to light the real guilt and crime of noble
principles. As soon as he comes to know that his father had knowingly supplied defective cylinders heads to
the air force, which had resulted in the death of 21 pilots in the air crashes caused by those defective cylinders
heads, he breaks off all relations with him. He does not go to see him in jail. He does not send him even ¢
Christmas greeting card. He considers him a murderer.
tivecylinders heads to the army, but h
He his father for committing the heinous crime of supplying defec tha hi
own. Ge
his e ws
knows that his father is a frightened mouse and cannot commit such a cronim
father loves Ann very dearly. So when he himself approves of Ann's marriage

Keller had deceived having given any instructions on the

Deever was imprisone
He reach Keller
ofa man who has ruined their family.
my SONS la
| qre-us'e~George Steve
Deever ar
| gra Cylinders heads S$ 33 po YS Joe Kell Bettie _ 5 Ja 3 MBAS Steve
ee TaN we Egy ‘ie
dG FS ayy Nai ee
la iad George 32 HS
Peale it al
HITS UTS Sa de de fe ta du e ot af ar as STH" T| George ©
fortes ST
rgeJoe Keller @ HI SH MT MUTT
Ho's mreaat PET Geo#2
what George wt fear mreaHar
Uae atte ge eM Chris
| erent 3 fTR TORE terse
3s G'S ch
: st TS TRE TONEY Te ee 3H HS
ME NTH re wy Re Hf WaT Cylinder heads
ust SECT IGT OHS aa fets heee one MF 21 Tereh ora Wr aTe IGE At Ga UE fs" BE
| 108 32S THE CT RUS Tamar mares ee TMU ca G aE fees @ Ha waTE S ws ETS =

ae George HE Ann Chris O76 feora et raga 8 fart a Gy frar§ etter et wea eat oder TPT NST
3 ae S fea re & ays year aarer 3 fa ware Cylinders heads Tee Ra" } Joe
Len seer Tee Me Eee Same eames tes gv ewer ea)
aeOar e SEtlowa§
es TS, MUST Chris 57S fenra ar aesa7 OH Croreer fo used
wet fer OzOU Chri
ame ws S Annhard } feu afus
fees & Fes Sar tpit mmevt—I"S" George wud frst Sur de Faves Joe Keller as asda aoe" d, fed |
Za Kate Keller CR flores S yates Fated sare} fx Oa Chris oT St tres aTSET TAS Chris ORS
er Up Ie a tae 8 OHS 3 feneTH fa ata Bt George afterd, “fagfa g fens feneH ata ATT
ge ote feu fenen aoe" Ht fagier Ht tger Ht fas at Gn fee fone $ Hue"
aaerd I? @Brat Keller George
Ufa George & UST aHeds MreMt 8 Ga ore myst Sa wet Hos Heer Go ate aust aes er Su eter
Sugar Ga Steve & atest age mS On Plant & fe naw or St Gorse feet THe few George Keller 2
eal sd feast 3 Sarge fenen ag Berd) She «5p,
| fea Ser 31 Ga Kate Keller otfaathe mye
sa fener se"—George fea meanest us Ga sa fewer
| ata G ey Ser 3 fer fuss 15 wrest fSe Joe Keller She Sat Tent Ht 13S Kellerfea eH afser ds, “at fas
| agra dors He fluste ehra de § Sea!” George} fare Tater d fa Gu farsa fea Kellere flufex —
awatHt Ga Chris & Ha fee<P Cylinders heads UUs e HS fee Gre fuse nua as Tera er ka Ter
Sa Ha, Hawa
3 | George fa ager 3 far @re fus fea aris, sola rent St At us GT Joe Keller
aa fee"

Q. 21. Write a note on Steve Deever.

'Steve is a little man caught in a big game.’ Discuss. Sa

in the play'All
How do you come to learn so well about the character of Steve, although he does not appear
my Sons.' | " Bee MO
on the stage. We don't see him doi
Ans, Steve Deever does not appear yin
but we come to know a lot about him from what other characters say about him,
We know that Joe Keller had a factory which manufactured cylinde
Partner, Once over a hundred defective cylinders heads came out of the pi
Steve of these defective cylinders heads. Steve phoned Role; aid asked iy
p aim Sone CE cicitnemsicnanneaie ey
- .
Ss Deeve
“gen tee bl orreeh ere hay weet ore at gree ae irra eT fara —
lode Et ae var ten srrenft & Ferd serach 8 7A ere on aT :
: of ait faxiaeta TH
ee EAST Joe Keller WRAY BA Jow Keller Hr a eemTat, MrCTATA afr getve |
ay ageradt ua, ay after aot Hee ua grt WII

: e , Joe
Keller 2 Se"4
ag Gsures Cyli ders heads yargdft HT Stev
edt Ht FT ylin
Prares Te | zane B als
te head 5 Mie tom fets 100 3 fiat Cylinders heads wane
we ne_ ve shee SENT SHH | Steve 3 Keller $ ae atar nro Ong fear on Baedt ge G [AT

goa Keller Steve § Jax fe'St fe Cylinders heads et uereh 3 fur fag ua Gat G HdA anit an feg iGne
att eaedt ddl HT Raver faGyfyRS flu Swed steve & Gat ater A Org fara farar it ward Cylinders
peads © OTIS ST aes = TEbit | Keller mg Steve & fapeara ar four fart med Gat S yore” Sera" | IT
| fea Steve & fara for # Cylinders heads KellerSaaa aa ne idea fescan $aee Haas ool aaet MT Steve
ag fee Be TEST fom mS Keller s Se far farmer np Sud at fer Steve fea anita mera Ta Tet BAST
sftad Fae" GH ASS UlTe aoe St fos wet | a Nenta ot eat as fee afin fear Ser ment 3 1Ga Keller
adaeat & St ots fers T HtET 31 Steve feta fsa nme} a far S et fener oa Hae" J! Keller
Qnet fen aura & erie Gorge d
Steve BT UST George Ye afoerd fax Grex frst fete salle ga Start a fast fan ot Aes = fea ia Tt
adi wit HOST PTT TET US niry Stet Gy Ba aaNr | TaTT Keller, Chris S SAE" d fer Steve HeTE TA
|ya GAS Tse SUT FAT AT AAET | Steve for HST Set reat HA SS rea F St Toe" AT Keller Chris
sfeong fen Bet Sher d fa¥tar Chris tweens far mrfraara Steve fea anna Ma Sauer Arent HT
Keller George Steve @ atest aaa md Sa ehmat 3 fra nae ot Gers] fee dF gy Keller TTS.
SGeorge GAG HSS S BT aoe SI feHS fader 3 fa Stevertae fea ans eH TA ae Sa TUS fhe eT
$Raet | GHet Sct Ann St George § aftet g, “us Ga (Steve) Say adt ata nae gH Wee Gu eat Hot
yous Hae TS |”
mal Dae Tt Steve Deever fea aHAa tent o Gu da set Surg Tt vabut S Gat Sat, fed Saat ulys ass
azas, Hts drs St ages gst TGs fea afro arent 3 fad wat oe fade uel AT AaeT TI Steve.
ug Gn fea Joe Keller Saat sarat, TSTH MS FAST aut S|
¢ fiat Joe Keller
in dtasadt ms frutsdt]
Q. 22. Bring out the meaning and significance of the title. Or =e eee Clams April, 2011)

Discuss *he title of the play ‘All My Sons.' Is it suitable ? Or ' (B.Com. April 2004)
Is the title of the play All My Sons appropriate? Discuss. are (BBA, Dee. 2016)
Ans. A good title must be suggestive and must sum up in a few words the very theme and subject matter
of the passage of which it is title. The title of the play "All My Sons" is an appropriate title from this point of
view. This titl: is very suggestive. It gives a glimpse into the entire theme of the play. The main theme of the play
isthat society or humanity is the bigger family of which every one of us is amember, The interest of the smaller _
Personal family should be sacrificed for the interests of the bigger social family. The message
of the play is that
aman should rise above his personal and family interests and be conscious of his national and social responsibility.
Joe Keller, the central character in the play considers his family to be the biggest thi :
loanything and everything for the welfare of his family. He saysto his wife, "The
amily, If there is something bigger than that I'll put a bullet in my head." For th
leceives his partner, his country and his people. He instructs his junior parti
ieads to the army. These cylinders heads are installed in P-40 aeroplanes


U L O R Y [ B . A / B.S 3C /B.Com./BBA, Sem Sh
. .
i—" +
impossible i ual bu t also of Scie, ;
inc jivid
Q. 23 "ATL the impo:
My S — not only of
, EY Sons' is a criticism ( ™portan, :

Discuss ' All My Sons’

¥ (BA/BS¢
as family drama.
. : Or ioty in 'All My y Sone
; d in
T he ret race for money is the main dris ing force of society describe ngr ;

The problem that ta radation of an individyay,,
but of the Society the play deal s with is not the competiti
as a whole. on and deg
‘AH My Sons’ illustrates the Or
tragedy of the capitalist society
that is meric competitive,
Ans. The play ‘All my Sons' deals with the problem
individual but of the competition
not of the competition and degr :
and degradation of
©orruption and degradation of Joe Keller, a businessmansociety as a whole. da py
product of Capitalistic society
but he is what society. has madeoahim._ He
in which rat race for money is the main
Society as a gathering of great big dogs driving force. Chris the idealist g
, who do not love a man . They eat him.
Chris is sensitive man. He is an
idealist. He is conscious of man’s
he saw his soldiers Sacrif responsibility to man. In the bas
icing their lives to save eac
Sympathy. When he returns ho h Oo ther. It was a world based
me after the war on cooperati
which millions of soldi he finds the people. unchanged.
i For them the ter
competition. He finds peo rt of
bus accidentHe. finds people
ple interested j ing money. Joe Keller Says
engaged i
that there js nothing big:
opportunity and he took ; air for ce just for the welfare for
it for his son, Chris, Chris his family. He sz
asks him if he does not have
a country, if he
ne world. But people do not care for the country and the world.
Joe Keller, however, is right when he says, "
vents, nickels and cents; war and peace, its nickels
rue during the war when soldiers were dying foran
ind businessmen were busy making money and
vhole society was corrupt and degraded,
Jim also says, "Half of my
patients are quite mad. Nobody
nd they are cracked as coconuts, Money-money-money, You sat it}
We see that the main theme ofthe play is not the corruption and
anruption and degradation of the society in Which Jog Keties lives,
by All My Sons We Ua afer a a wera et sat
ee Uh CP. PATA Joe a Sen :
a fo3A
ra a aeaBE CF ea Ber | TETATE Chg J
at Cylinders heads Geshe i
# gar Chris SS TE Fe a ag ae eT A oe on afte SAA TTA AEH fae
Oa FR ET em eth a a ek ey it em AY eT TATE
; Joe Keller
ata 8 & spay in ts
: . CET ahr Fear faery forced erro ast army femrert—2re aT eo tat
| @l qe 5 we- See S feu,wee,
FETT HTSURWAR sr oe OY Syaeey on) dep ah hen caret err 1"! are ere & fe ue STA
| are SI THY Q wg a
21 Keller wr sate ast
FETE 8, setrefit athe waren tran ery ait eM

~ ate. See BOTH rh ey ey we Hea tegen wre are eT Praca|

eACaTe TS HAR Joe Keller et : a
Cher HT UAT aie wrerere set & |e areata A oe a
cova t FIRM Joe Keller Ware
Joe eafgnrerara et sal wat ys MTS use Hd faHe
gediTea Ea HAS, SU

Qu fee mreareret di otra fers feta Ord nud Asa fea eet A
for = SETS PT AST SS Shor Ht fea Afatiar, fla nd aa a entas ators Te Te
ene STUS SETS SST Bat} nrewefm Syed Guat a wet Ga oa fan fete Bet Aisa we aE AS
free fea SH EGUCST ST AT GT Sat S wars ae dee vt as fee Bhan SueT IF Joe Keller ASTD fa
ifsc S Sst eet Ste Sat OHS mys Ufgers & afte Bet HITT Cylinders heads dent Rar } an Ao IGT
a fa fearHar
afe AUS SHS MUS He o Bet fen ws Caren Chris Gus Uses feat gos set Sa
oda SAT Sobor TSE ot IS? Us Ba Oe Ut nd rs St aa fT ad aa
Ws Joe Keller Sta AT HS Sa ase 5, “sats das fend feat fates Taras feo sta e
TUS T, US CSTE ATS Tae Ag Teter sts Ma aes Ae TST usar!’ fone Tae sTe
aes He frudt fea Move GOH S Bet, wus Oyo wet ye fowes ag ad Ho, Coast ws Surst Or
EVE US OE OHSS FST SE Aa Keller frase Gat fees fea wt
lim Satcer d fa He udte frags was os eet fuga ad aoe fa fas Sa ea saad US |GTAT
sams St Sgt Sos US Ts daddy dr | fen S oat avet Sa A Sa afses wd fener Set nae aot
eaee | ;
mat See ot fa orca ST He ATS Joe Keller STusS mS fgnevers aut a feos fea GHANA BT USS
ug fgnet
o farara
fe Joe Keller afder 31
Q. 24. Miller's plays express "moral, social, political ideas." Discuss, _ (April, 2011)
Ans. The Play, ‘All My Sons’ presents mainly two types of characters. Some are down right practical
realists while other are idealists. Joe Keller is a practical man and a realist out and out. Chris. Larry, George and _
extreme of selfishness drives him to the other extreme of self-annihilation. Larry's extreme of setfishness too,
drives him to the extreme of self-destruction, These extremists know no middle path, they know no compromise.
Chris, Ann and George however, learn to compromise. George compromisAnn e. asksh
£0€s away, without forcing Ann to leave Keller's home with him. George is an id alist, |
with his father, the moment he comes to know that his father has committed acrime tl
f21 pilots. But at last he finds that the real criminal is Joe Keller, George c
Amn not to marry Chris. Chris is after all the son of a man who has ruined.
ee _ ie
- All My So Hu
eeSga= 2
areeed SOF
an a nH Se te SE Dav Bae feo i
i Chris, Larry, ema Ann =

ec aa NS

| Se en waa ee ee ae dt mada are Be 31 Ann QE WE BEI

| sect 303 GU Ann § ME 3S B Keller ue Bee 3 vagy Md fs B GO" He 91 ore
e AaB fae Te IT
ei: HBS George § fer use Ser 3 far Gwe fuses ea merg
NS TET BT GR SS meu s furs Sa Ser
Rau apre
reAnn ws= fer ius ols PeeCharisa BeST
qa TRA
joe Keller Ji George, Keller = wg »rust Se
wfa rd far Ga FES OF a Chis
Keller FT E
ipheg SRM ST USS 2 ferns Oat 8 ulses § ses aa FES" |Georee, fis eT Te
as e Si Ama a mre are ct as} Go od har oes eae,
qghee & fea Tt scien d fa Gas wees & mind us an fag oS TSS
ee caret sent” George FE

tar ud RS" § Bed s aa Tua nis Fels Ga et mas ase fe SEI S AE GG Jor Keller STAM
gue aes Ge Kate g STS TI
sus Bae 8S Ga Gn eat aaes oe sa AUIS us Gast MATe fee Go wus fuse eae EA
5 fegaae oat aaa” Chris SwreaeTeh 3 a maafasr aa Se Sig
sect oat ee Siuanis fos Qaatier’,r otToitdae Perea§ agsteSHARE TRS AG SES
years OS MEN Te Se Sat war g farw ot we Que fas ae eS PT
por se BETS Chris UST SASS wig ss es aT
SU aE NS fed Sor MES
a ene hs CH MUTTS Bela we Games Tse H fa Qa URS
dis F Sar Sites fox wea SS
jim payliss RE WENT a PANG ferwat S retour 3 fz fewsrans Ss ROT!
goed ot Ons MES aes Bel fans sige SUIS" S| Jim Bayliss Sane wes, Ree
sen St were fe Sar UST SE
Ag On fit fami 3 fer as Qa ets order at Gag fea Sor Ra aes TTS IS
Joe Keller
Se eeees a RET AHS Tsar Ie TAM eT wis TTT HAS WS OMG
Jerse | (V. Important)
Q. 25. Discuss the main theme of ‘All My Sons.’
; (April, 2001, 03)
man's evasion of responsibility." Discuss.
"In ‘All My Sons' the main idea is a business
; Or
play ‘All My Sons ’ deal s with the problem of evasion of responsibility.”
"The - areas
, Or
dual but social and human i
"Keller's actions have not only indivi
intellectual and a realist. His chi
Ans, Miller as a dramatist is both an
sho wn to be cau ght up in the real , social and political confli
They are
ws that for a businessmen
picture of a businessman's life. He sho al and
aim. A businessman pays no heed to his national, soci
character in the play, is a businessman
responsiblity to his country, to his i
results in the death of 21 young
the welfare of his family. We c
c./B.Com./BBA, Sem. 54, (
: NY [B.A/B.S

Q. 26. WriToete a note on the structure of the play

. ‘Aor
l s” ? »)
What do you want to say about the ‘
structure of the play BBA, Dec. 2 ye BA/BS
(B.A/B.Sc./B. C e ee? Sunday morning tg ;
: ne T ie three Acts of All My Sons’ portray events De Fes The scene of the action tht,
the back S a Bee reel bamies Ce is d their son Chris live in this home. Dr ly
and his ee eo de yom, Joe Relies, his val 3 oe 4 "et are their reighbours and family frien
carers me Sue Bayliss and Frank Lucky and his wife Ly the junior partner of Joe Kelle,
“ever Is the daughter and George Deever the son of Steve Deever, engaged to Larry Keller, Chri
brott ens euns i Dever is inWord
>rother. Larry fought as a pilot in the Second War home.
and wasSherepoae missing. Everyone
return home accepts
any day, Ch i
- dead. But Kate, Chris's mother believes that her son is still living and may retit dead
z ceed ford ae
intend to marry. Kate, however, objects to it because it would mean phon ele
Ann's father, Steve Deever, was Kellers partner ina factory manufacturing Cy linders « 7% cmt,
Force during the war. The faci ty supplied some defective cylinders heads to the army. These cylinder
installed in P-40 airplanes cauised air crashes in which 21 pilots were killed. Both Keller and Steve were ames
and convicted. But Keller made another appez! and Keller was given the benefit of doubt. He was released ay
Was sent tojail. Steve said in ie court that defective cylinders heads were supplied under Keller: S instructions
on the phone. But he could not prove it in the court. When the play begins Steve Deever Isin jail. Keller's Neigh
believe that he is guilty, But Joe Kellers wins them to his side and builds up business again.
Ann and her brother George believe that their father "knowingly shipped out parts that wouldcn
airplane." They feel ashamed of their father's crime. They leave him in jail and turn their back on him, Kelle
to explain to Ann in what conditions her father was forced to supply the defective parts. He says it}
mistake but not crime like the murder of twenty one pilots. Chris had also been.a soldier. But when he ish;
home after the war he is dissatisfied and disillusioned. He tells Ann that he had seen soldiers who had saci
themselves for one another. They had built up a world of cooperation and mutual responsibility, Bu
civilians have learnt no lesson. They have not changed, for them the war was something like a bus acci
Chris and Ann announce their intention to marry. But just then there is a trunk call from George,!
brother. He is now a lawyer. The call is from Columbus (Ohio) where their father is in jail. Keller and his wi
nervous when they hear that George is coming to their home. They both fear that George, the lawyer may!
up the case again in the court. Kate asks Joe to be smart to meet George. Here the Act one comes toalt
Before George appears on the scene, Ann learns from Sue Bayliss that neighbours still believe Kelle!
guilty. Chris tells her that if his father had been guilty
he would never have for
and he turns the tables on Joe Keller. George has heard the story from his
ais anal
just to inform him of Ann's marriage with Chris. George's father told him that defective cylinders heads!
sent under Keller's specific irtstructions on the phone. Keller had promisedto
take the re ‘ ibility, Kellt
ended to be down with fever and so had not gone to the factory. Clever K,
| aa and says that his father is a weak man who cannot take a blame, He De ae eal
a mista
a: ke and confe
ng thehis blame
guilt, on
but totrie
others. George faith in his father's story ise
tos justify it'sin the Shake
en. e
But truth
at last. Pie name o
arguments. He leaves home. Here Act two comes
accept Kate 10 accept Larry's death, a
But Kate does not do SO
asks at after readin g father’s crime Larry had cor
of his
ars Chris read that letter. He says that he will cong
._ con and he would never tell him to do that, K
‘his vs Sons. And I guess, they
were, | gue
ig last words give the play its title.

EEE —————————
aul MY SONS 203—A
Smet et een nt nner

George eros Sure 3} fix area

Ann } Sue Ravliss F wat atarerr Keller & ge ft antsd a!
a FT Joe Keller
& pure et aver ige George met
Sy gng after 3 fa # He furs Cot Oe BY Gat
3 > uns 6 Fae fee a! George ® rue flys a art wrt Qs mud frat & firme, furst & Ann @
ppt d Chris 2 TE ST aS OS wet Aer faye Hi George @ frat & Gus efi eft far ware Cylinders heads,
Keller & flue
one a TES RUE OIG SH TE A i Kellor Fora feriverdt Ba er ereer aftat Ht
iar ti amr Keller George @ first
3S ST HTT AIST ATS FE BEOe factory ae fant ht aHeaet€
5 oer 8S AFIET T F Stove Fee eet fevers, ft Og veces wet era Herer 1G Steve & ae
gas 3 OF eter HOM Se Short are Gevaaet frend ind firar et arava’ fats George @T femern sana”
per dues FES STE IMS oat HD Keller mmuey Ow ine Dus fe ds ord utara es wus TIS
ons PSH SS CTS ISS CH atin aera | Chris Keller @ ae fetes Ao ae" Gaus es a ST
[nerd fee gr er eros Sater F Chris Ufa arfenny erust ot Gar} fier SF Ann Kate & afret 3 far Go
lary HS PASTE TS BS US Kate few sgt at ae ate Ann Chris $ Larry aa faste feet FI
feta usa n"
ge fee fofeor Ferd fer wnners fee mms fire 8 muamr et usta Ug a Larry Sora ifaw ae Bet AT |

Keller fem USS S Chris Sorar ufigmr ater perer dh ar eferer 2 far He mmcaer Ser wrStara ator oS MUS |
ug BRE TES SHIT Kate GAG ated fix Larry gover Ysa Mt 3 gas for eas HTS Ht ater
celler SET OHSAS CT RT USS Ht us h teer at Ns wet Ga Aa rue dulga ne St muse at Gans yes
fae! STMT EES TET S Tete Soran dior aa Berd Keller S mites wae fea Sea ST frase
aus oes CA ae Sage ee Ste as fee aa
Q. 27. Trace the events leading to the imprisonment of Steve Deever. What is the attitude of his family to
the episode ? (V. Important)
Ans. Joe Keller and Steve Deever were partners in a factory manufacturing cylinders heads. They supplied
hese cylinders heads to the Air Force during the Second World War.
One day Steve Deever was in the factory. The foreman told him that some defective cylinders with their
iait-like cracks had come from the process of production. Steve, a weak man, could not take any decision. He
jhoned his senior partner Joe Keller, informed him of these defective cylinders and asked him to come to the
actory immediately. The morning passed, but there was no trace of Joe Keller. By this time more than a hundred
iefective cylinders had come out. The army authorities were for the immediate supply of cylinders heads. Steve
gain phoned Keller. Joe told him that as he was down with flue he was unable to come to the factory. He,
owever, instructed Steve to cover up the cracks somehow and ship out the parts. He promised to take the
esponsibility if anything went wrong. Poor Steve did as he was told to do. The defective cylinders were
istalled in P-40 airplanes. These defective cylinders caused air crashes, resulting in the death of 2! pilots, Both
eller and Steve were arrested, tried and convicted, Steve said that he had supplied the defective cylinders
nder the specific instructions. But clever Keller denied having given any such instructions. There was no. way
\ prove in the court the instructions given on the phone. Keller made a further appeal and was given the
enefit of doubt, and was acquitted. Steve Deever was sentenced to jail,
Joe Keller built up his business and became more prosperous, But poor Steve suffered in many way, He
as rotting in jail. His daughter Ann and son George began hating their father, They considered him acriminal,
murderer of 21 young pilots. They broke all relations with him. They did not visit him in jail,’
ts. They. ould ne
nd him a Christmas greeting card. George and Ann were young idealis
ho had knowingly supplied defective cylinders to their Air force, In their

ung pilots. eer ys
rh #* ye prey. HR
Ft teed eea Says
Here : . ee rei *

E —

aii MVS:
7 » 28, Do vou regard Joe Kel
ler ac o:
(hv. Important)
vill ain ? Give reasons for you r answ er. :
ioe Kell er does dec eiv e in “Sa : F
nier Lass IS partner Steve and his people; he
the de eve Deever, he does cheat his government
pag COMMIT A CHUNG W hich results in l cannot call
ou sh in pilots. Joe Keller does all this, but we stil
itt’ illain, He is a good Neighbour too, He
veatest vice IS the selfishness and short “sightedness Mallar finds pleasure in hurting and harming othe
rs. His
Sre ‘ an, an industrialist
competitive capitalistic socie ty. He is na sie eller is in fact a typical businessm
al the class are.
! i c nuch a villain as all others of his
We see that Joe Keller is a good and Lata ings. He
Larr y is dead . But h e an. dera te husb and. He does not want to hurt his wife's feel
seljeves that hs son
C ut he does not say so before his wife, for she believes that her son is alive
: turn any day, He tells that this marriage would break
|Pe :$
te ae
heart my ee ets marry Ann only:because he knows
aa F
“eller is a good neig
His neighbours borrow money from
<a come to his eee Eales his neighbours in every way. rs would never have
he craic . play cards. If Keller had been a real villain his neighbou
e was venial. Joe's affection for
fogs eee lei by him, In the eyes of his neighbours Keller's crim
pert, an eight year old boy is genuine. It is neither a pose nor a pretension sei
Keller did get defective cylinders heads sent to the Air Force, but he in fact did what any other busine
would have done. He tried to save his contract and his business. He was not motivabyteany d villainous desire
to cheat the army and get 21 young pilots killed, Keller's selfishness and short sightedness do not let him see
er than
beyond himself, his business and his family. He forgets that society and the world of humanity are bigg
conscience and so he does not hear the still
the family . Selfishness and short sightedness muffle up Keller's elf down for the sin and
smaller voice within, But when his consciene is pricked and roused Keller shoots hims
crime he had committed. This shows that in the heart of his hearts Keller was a good man. He in fact, was not
ed by his crime:
a ey = a victim of social tradition, custom or way of life. At last he real; ized that 21 pilots kill
his sons. ‘
were al
Joe Keller 3ARA 31a Bihan St rar ars ae aes SoS HATS oH HS ae GH STITT HUT AT
RUE 21 ATA SPA Tes BL STA TI Joe Keller 4E a HLA F WEY Fee fh ea Sa GH, gE
aaa Tet HE GRA ae Ua TAT TAT Paes, Wee sree St Tot at MATH I SRT ATA
ayeth SS ae ae SE ET AU a eT a he a HT ATA H ares Ferrer et | SaaT TAR TST TIT
| Joe Keller exes a oR sphere wens HI UH Sts HTT &, Sera e |
¢ saan eaeitaa an Saat Uefa Gf
au 2a FPF Joe Keller TN BY ATR ST A HE ATT UH oteRT Ga w |e STATE Fes SAT ST Larry
TT EAH TEA TET wT ae Fe eH & fs sar eran & stk Pet
ec a
fox ee a seen & 4 Choris BY Ann AATEC A Serr THA ET AH eae
P o a ow Sova
aa vet ai fe aS SAT! :
ler wey aw ae a g S (Se
sie axe ey ant FV Ber t WH Kel ler ar ma aet time até ods at
TH aH ce aes
shah cern aren ea & | TS |
cet errand geen a sea
, THA et,
so ph GRE A TA
WEST eT. Kellareea re Ae S A
Te Ye Sree fas TAT aterm a Sr
AT aT Sach a AE ATS
TL arent ere ETA HF
be st)
ah a
eg aoe 7127 FEES Sy ” \
Joe Keller mrud misters § thar for 1 Qa Ue eH ETS a Ae ade er reg
ei 21 Ses geet
We aren rae Wg AI IS | JOP Kelle oer em TO Ta ae
free wat evar fuat od, fet Tit a peat
ate Ra3eOu Gar come at = Bay,
O'S > fee Saroot arate fear owe Hg AH HANG LAN Fr tere * Settaee HoTa
Sr Or or erate 3 OHettot He| 08
ie erase fer SIT
Qa fen i re
USTer: TIC o / fertgym
HAT SUS THT Joe Keller uzat eput arearet©
ryred ade srert fat ofa
USE Lamy He Boor dus Ga fea ats wruat use Arye oT is pana 5 AIO B ee ae ma
31 Ga Chis g@ Ann re
nr paver /j
Pager dS fat et fers Ga eran
feat Go areer 3 far fos fens Qret usat er few Fa CST | aft ATS"
Keller fea Sar aporet 31 Ga nud apntetbat at ad Ig" OF ot @negt
Goss as Ga Ors we am tse onGsas li Keller FIT OMe Ie" ars 2 Hd a 3 ae sag
Bert SYST GAR py,
8 BT ISE GAS artetoat ahot aerat ft Ger rust pHa AATF PMO
3 fer aetuls sot . | = Opt atar A Ts TE SA aurg
Keller S ware uaa geet Rar Saga fare He Us Te FeSO 8 21 deat ATH TBats ;
Gud wus SS, nus eure S uTGz ot shim fst GTsA F TMES A * rue SUIT Ube
SETS Uos adh Stews Keller evAeTaTS OAT SATAGM OHS TN oscar erage
BS SUS sot Ht fer Ga seer d fae maa WaeT et COMM Ulaers OTF
Sat Such Suet ors f mifaar wile BS ae fr Ca MTT = edt Saree
ret oranr S$ Se user, we Oa ira Poet gt aT Us MUG ABI NT AA sft fe
FenrQ'er 3 far few chat grt fats Keller 25 Sar nrent 1 Ga 7M Fee OT PEs SHS FLAT Ry
gaterct ona at tes yerat or frara Ht nig fete Ga fen eHateaS } HiTEA AGE" TTS 21 HoTay
faus fa Coe mau asa we ae Oa Cae Usa AS |
Qe29. Why does Joe Keller commit suicide ?
Describe the circumstances leading to the death of Joe Keller.
Ans. Joe Keller and his partner. Steve Deever were producing airplane cylinders heads for the AirFy
One day Keller's junior partner, Steve, informed him that some defective cylinders heads were coming outof
process. Steve asked Joe Keller to reach the factory immediately. Joe did not reach the factory. By night
than a hundred cylinders heads had come out. Steve again phoned him. Joe pretended to be ill, buton
phone he instructed Steve to cover up the defects somehow, and ship out the cylinders heads. He promise
take the responsibility if anything went wrong. The defective cylinders heads caused air crashes in which
pilots were killed. Joe and Steve were arrested and tried in the court, Steve said that
he had shipped out
defective cylinders under Joe Keller's specific instructions given on the phone
. Keller denied havin
5 g givetlq
instructions on the phone. Keller was acquitted and Steve was sentenced to jail.
__. For some time Keller prospered. His son Chris and Steve's son George and his dau ghicrall conse
Keller a guiltless man. But George once met his father in jail. He come to know that his fath had shi |
the cylinders heads under Keller's instructions. George reached Keller's home and told a ae i « 4
sister) what had really happened. Clever Keller still blamed Steve and said that Steve co; a ae ao
Bear ge's faith in his father's story is shaken, But 4 casual remark from Keller! wife ey ae !:
yn that day Keller was not ill, but was pretending to be ill, Chris also suspect bodes te convinced
his guilt, 4 :
im to pieces if he di
ieces if he did not speak the truth. Keller confessed
Chris. Chris condemned his father for the crime.
ily and for his som.
RY (B.A: jo 4
sto APRe 8th aes
PAR es >,emcee
3 ach gt Qywe wgwer Sere
on nme fra 8"geht
BETTE OO esirallerGet
Tayys ‘|

AIT Se yd oe Joe wa Steve 9 . ft gat AO | Ke *

linders heads &< 3 . aol ald s ey MAH" tu 4
#08 Sx Keller avat a7 7 a feta? fam {7 | a
ae feyr) Keller & ee fey fam ot Steve & aa ae it an 8 George ma Wey VSR
Z oF A'S wet Kelley 2 uy ade? ated) ua Chris era Steve © sgt | QH & UT BST For Gye
cller § Fe
mee aE Ue hea wre George nud tua
& PF wi 5 ura uatern” F GAS Ch "4
HE Cylinders heads, Keller @ yan @ yanae
oft at He George“wr Fe gteve TE 5 ° adh eHa, era
ae Gane FOS at Sfiomr ti gare Keller § Fe =o neat Kate ope wee
Gini US FUST St ararat fete fewer sanrar” faPHt UA rata Ht Chris G <1 71 fag
eit ee fe Keller & @x fos hat eo TT pag eetat | Keller 3 ne
SST UsUs FTfy. Rus
FR Sanat
fore enutarafea@ ant
wet Heated att gos eee tar iChris 5 AUTTU SBE
ned md Use Chris @ Bet Een Keller Fafa Py,
STS" Kate ® foro fix Larry Wa fant at Keller
8 dt GAS wa Gere
heads FFSe P40 art fee at 8a es nr Larry & P-40 vere Bat HS |
t-Ao FE Y |
3 san Rate BRET Fa Ga Larry fr Bf is Kate FHT IE usa fee Lamy %
& Chris
Gre § fea
use felis fast Larry
Lany Samu @ geat
at ufvet
it dt fefieo
e rAt!ATGAS NSE fAge TS ofa Fay
NST ee . orerst fee us fm whi Ga fusre mares TT gaffer2 fer ula Ugo HO fea
Sut ate Tet wt Ga fee Gam ees ar rar df Sar sat Keller & Chris § fea Usd FE Blo m Gray
SIS AS ORE USE Lamy 8 man dfamor att st fata Qa fenern ae" Ht ft Gre AUST 21 FTA
STSTS so AT rKeller & fag ater fe Larry Gwe sa Hua Lamy @ BE GT 21 TSE ATH aay
GHEUSTAS Keller faa, “Gang htusans! Casa aw us ented far S Ons us Us ay
& TSH disagorBet |
Q. 30. The theme of father-son relationship is predominant in the play, ‘All My Sons.’ Discuss, _
, ete (impor
Ans. The predominant theme of the play "All My Sons" is father-son relationship. Joe Keller
everything for the welfare of his sons. He believes his son Larry to be a practical man. He knows his sor 0
to be an idealist. But he believes that his sons will be happy if he makes a lot of money for them and} ils
@ prosperous business for them. Keller cheats his country by supplying defective cylinders heads
to the:
Force during the Second World War. He deceives his partner Keller and gets him imprisoned. Keller thi it
there is nothing bigger than his family. This practical, selfish and short-sighted father does
not know t a
sons are idealists. For them society and the wider world of humanity are bigger than their family. They vl
that all young men who fought and laid their lives for their ideals and their country were their brothers.
were all their father's sons. When Keller's elder son Larry reads in the papers that his father's crime has kill
pilots, he feels ashamed of his father's deed. He considers his father a callous murde
rer of-young pi !
commits suicide to make his father realize that the young pilots too were sons
of their fathers. They we
‘Keller's own sons. . =
Chris, Keller's younger son hates his father for his
crime, He loves his father. But he feels sh ck
~ he finds that
his father too is a great big dog in a world of great
big dogs. He feels like tearing b
"pieces. He wants to tear the tognue out of his father's mouth. He says to him, "Don't you have a
you live in the world?”

g.5¢ /
wo (p.A/E
SLORYay (B.2-— = a Sth ig:
' @n 5 ufaets F St tet NY
iteca — _.__ BINDRA ENGI isH COMPULS
farses fror A Kelle! hil 3 0 eet Je aaj BE Fu na
feces er +3 Cnet ax
aerrt OH MS SHES a
or Fenn ine tS Sat seat ergee hyere aeth eararerr fr TE 8S neyerat; c
we ft usd AS let Kellet a, 5
ft oes
Prats Ufgery + 23 ox | Oa fewemn ave 7A @ut 4 oF fi

L ATTY yo 72 Oat
US Patt Fares fesine Cae
>RET? gaan
gar ye @ sway’ * parent
wat oP prart wept at 4
sorrytt tate eT ut est santa moar a
7= Uae % fa @y @ frat 8 neyary 2
2 } ae
: ws ua Rafifer 5 » , , . 5A : Ww J gat Qa i‘ :
wT yet D1 Oars fee & 5} Fo = faa He ; Ore a
fust S fix

Ong war cere gue Re ones ae

Ke eer RARE
vt Ber S att fer4 Oa 4 gent nant
Ue Oo fro fsa ager 3 fa Gre
s e ae
TM fursap i + Ga mire FCS 7
eT «

eo JIS
frag ag
eee CS age r 3 é Owe pis fed Qaret erat 5 FH

ower Man e pana ua mney

RT Saye Sut? at sHt eabat fee wat afte 4 sina:
d e Se e fea rea , pur gut na sat sade SF" ena
a nrué fust oT are,
fee or =. George Hiof fee wru-tzr a1 Ann #722" 3 bide! eae 5 fa Oa HITE Cyling
Keller SN
2 Of SET
Purse fee praet nd Sar oandte ee"
NSTER Dus Gr fos mus Vs Hes a dfaaT MS = AOSeS TIM
SSS SSS Sot fea Reet first St mit ns METS Ws HS BAT ATC" |
Fase Sous fur Stare 8 eat ua Sa nmud fur § foeH OT ats MAR" | George MS
Soe SUSE 3 mre wet fer aad a8 Kobe arena STS STemMT AS Hare
= Yar Sot age [aes gant or ues fea musta dt sot uu a
Rs Wse & seams fos rests went Bae eT at BA SH TASH ASCSM, fare
Q. 31. Give your impressions of Chris Keller. How far is he responsible for pushing his fath
jaws of death ? pe
Ans. Chris Keller is thirty two years old son of Joe Keller. He is an idealist. He served in the a
the war. As commander of a company he saw his soldiers dying to save one another's lives. That
based on cooperation, love, sympathy and sacrifice. When he is back home from the war, he is shoe
that the world of the civilians is just the same. It has not learnt any lesson from the war and the:
millions of young men. For the civilians the war has been nothing more than a bus accident. He cc
father innocent and guiltless. So he joins his business, But business, the rat race for money and pre
inspire him. For him society and the under-world of humanity are bigger than the family. He consid
be the murderer of 21 pilots killed in the air crashes caused by the defective cylinders heads suppli
Force by Steve. ; .
But the moment Chris finds that the cylinders heads were supplied by Steve under the specific
. of his father, he begins to hate his father, He says to him, "you are not even an animal, no animal k
what are you? What must I do to you? I ought to tear the tongue out of your mouth, what must
does give a rude shocks to his father, but his father still justifies his action inthe name of his fa
sons. Joe Keller is satisfied with the thought that his son Larry has not been killed in the crashes c
his cylinders
father into heads
the jaws suppliedChris
of death. under his did
in fact instructions, It will, therefore, be wrong to
not want his say that(
father to die for his titne. He fast
reperit and become a better man. When Keller shoots himself down Chris is shocked, he .

" y ; j . 5
zi i ’ : Hl
é i to eeescewrers .

coe know thatit was not Chris, but Keller's own roused conscie
a he let er that Lahad
yn to
His pier realize thathe had killed Larry, his son and 21-p
[ 8 . 4 /B.S¢ ,/B.
PUL o r y 1
vafitting close." i
r .

he play © short-sighted businessman dy

Q. 32. "The disclosure of Larry's letter to Ann brings !
ifish and
the theme of the play is the crime committed by ase
is roused. Joe Keller, the Many
one ae worli d War II. He cos) ge
= € condign punishment that he gives himself whet i his conseparce aul fueling .

of cylinders heads, supplies defective Cy linders heads to t he Ail For and his sons. But these
Woks ‘ det, ;
io family
his business, ensure his profit and promote the interests 0
those defective cylinders}, \ ge
cylinders cause air-crashes in which 21 pilots are killed. Keller cakt sth Keller andy cyl
og a P- AO airplane. Sy
snStated only in P-40 airplanes, and his own pilot son, Larry never phi ders head g under Keller's in % As
that he sent the defective cylin
es are arrested and tried. Steve says astructions on the phone, aaKey | fa
given on the phone. But, in the court, Keller denies having given 4nY "
acquitted and Steve is sent to jail.
t, he condemns his father, Hey
: When Chris, Keller's younger son comes to know of his father's guil did it all for his fam
him that he is not even animal because no animal kills own. But Keller says that = a ill ; amy
you- Keller still thinks thag *
son Chris. He says, "Chris, Chris | did it for you, it was a chance I took it for Chris's words do not evening
not committed any crime. He did what half the goddam country was doing.
conscience. Chris cannot understand his father, for whom nothing is bigger than his family. ‘4 :
that hi Ss son Committed ys 3
But Larry's letter to Ann rouses his conscience. It makes him realize
because he considered the 21 pilots killed in the crashes to be sons of his father. Keller realizes thag f
twenty one pilots were all his sons just as Larry was his son. This realization fills him with sucha sense of;
that he rushes into the house and shoots himself down. Keller's last act gives him all the nobleness :
grandeur of a tragic hero. Larry's letter brings the play to a fitting tragic end. 3 7 ¢

BOF a ea 2 wale saat aren wT sadt t Cylinders heads #1 SCUSA HL ANAT Joe Keller SR Paws

& Sh Sa Ft SUS cylinders heads 4 2a #1 ae ta aes SR Bl Ta F fae, ae aa |

et & fey wen ara Set & care a ofl & fore Het | eq A TA cylinders heads aq SUZaeH Ha
& fara 21 agar ales a aE Keller ta @ f 4 GU cylinders heads Saat P-40 at aaa i
SIH HTN AGAMA ATH BI Larry FH P-40 AIA AEH TET | Keller Be BighaN Steve Bt Tha
€, TAK FHEM Bea = | Steve HEM z fa TAI GVA cylinders heads BAW Keller
& faftre aad

W Keller % Bre Fe Chris Ht arr fren ery athe srqey at wey wera Bh
ath erg a hae a ore ae” eee
Chris, Chris, SOLCr
p fer fara, aA Az Chris % fere fern are weet fe

n fore ar A PRK fers ey Sava |" Keller 1a Ht Gram & fr sad we arm

agi otk are tet) Pte

gon o few Heraet ne Sa sneha ee Regen
we cena
cia SO AeA erik anys bt atey Paner neural > » tera Ow GIS
wer Bt ae edt fe onerarerup eS PS Joe Maller
r Pr as g perer 3 Te fr Gave? wiranyr ren Get
a yiinders henrle
# qa ay
VTA =e
RT ‘ :
an 9
> yi 4
% i Cy
ne > aars a ll x1
wiferet ory at ra 8 wey & srt,
gu a os see ie . 4 ylinders hencls S47 fare 8 Gey ‘ ' ie
Wt ,
ware Cylinders heads
a ory re
oats U Waragt a gat & met aa" ye
af aan SSS
fee . an or ates See ow feet ” 7 1 : MA a ,
21 rer
AxotRS wat e a ara ermca r ed aH Tai Keller raeLarr
yeaeahPA40 ‘« set & araFEYtfifeere
yf fs
y aa p.40
t Pe
wets Heads >
Farat RY
Gre sutipart epee erarret area rt

Oat + ater ase? T | Steve atser 4

= WYyters ie ba
oo iKeller
Steve § Set wetting eter
at 2
Fat were CY ae heads 8% 3 Keller @ gay Marae dt Fa wx ug nerees feta Keller 8% F are st yay
fi axes sa@et d! Keller fray F phen a MT Steve $ ay ae fear ater 3)

FE ‘« Keller eeu Chris Somes fat 9 Syne nar or urge Barer fh at Qa furs } fuga wae” TIFT

gg ee NE SM gv ttre Keller ae 8 a feo Me BY

ats” 9 |FET
garde ae = USE Chris Bet atari Ga after} fer “Chris, Chris Ht Aa ae gore wer
GE wt tar fer Qs Se oa eft at" IT
ae2geusTSMON OBSTS BETS Coen” Keller ars g agaat frat &§ adt aHe Rae
TS foo AT Chris @ Rae Gre oe Sdt | Chris wus
a 3 oh eet sha at

—- or Use Het ors G SHa a Har fer’ fea ng ufo aaergrer 8 fer Gre Yass I
gow ist faGTS Gu Gat 21 Jeet ATH waar s St nmud fuga ot a2 vise Mt Keller Hag aTET
marae fares St ah
SER ATH TES SOAS TET fe Lamy Gram saw feaWISEHa QnT Keller
ex BE A TST UT ST OH THE IS US wIUG TA ar neta aM GAG fet
Ges tea SWS NIST MS SUS UES aa fee Fi Larry aruga aa } fea Gfas gates is
his crime ? When and how
Q. 33. How do George and Ann behave towards their father on hearing of
(V. imp.)
George's feelings towa rds his father change in this respect ?
father Steve Deever has been sent
Ans. George and Ann are brother and sister. When they hear that their
Air Force, they begin to hate their father.
to jail because he knowingly supplied defective cylinders heads to the
even send him a greeting card
They break off alt relations with him. They do not visit him in the jail. They do not
an idealistic young girl. They believe that a man
on Christmas. George is an idealistic young man, and Ann
father the murderer of 21 young pilots who
sould be conscious of social responsibility. They consider their ,
says about her father, "Father or no father
yere killed in the air-crashes caused by the defective cylinders, Ann
out parts that would crash an airplane.”
there is only one way to look at him. He knowingly shipped him of
when he meets his father in jail to inform
George's feelings towards his father undergo a change
that his father sent defective cylinders heads to the Air
Ann's marriage with Chris. From his father George learns . That day Keller
He had instructed Steve on the phone
Force because Joe Keller had instructed him to do that,
ill and did not go to the factor y. Moreo ver, Keller had promised to take the responsibility if
pretended to be
. But in the court Keller denie d havin g given such instructions. Steve was unable to prove
anything went wrong
sent to jail, But we see that George knows that his
phone call from Keller, Keller was acquitted and Steve was on
s committing mistakes and trying to put the blame
father is a weak man. Keller gives him instances of Steve' him.He
now instead of heating his father George pities
others. George accepts what Keller says. It is true that ing his
an betrayed by Keller. But we do not find George praising or admir
feels that his father has been deceived
father, For Steve was not a strong man with moral courage. George.a alls him frightened mause who would
B too docs Pe oe 0 eae
Never buy a shirt without somebody along,Annalso pitigs her fiat,
A LL MY a eo me
af Kee wD, OUT Keller Searatat dius
ar Georee @ NS > WORT oe Ht fers wae met Sue farGiter Steve Stas Ind erst fey TEM
eA are nerd yr fiber ated et ae wate Here AT
pat ere o* fel TETHSTET George MS Ann wee ae far fer vo Atvleors O ars MS Mal sa reo SBTh
at Gu at at Keller & Tan eT UB
pera fo RITES AST Steve few Sse TAS ever nrent ger
Q. 34. Discuss the role played by Larry and Steve in ‘All My Sons.’
ans. Larry and Steve both do not appear on the stage, But they play important roles in the play ‘All My
Sons. Though they do not appear on the Stage yet we know a lot about them from what is reported about them
yy other characters.
Larry was the pilot son of Joe Keller. When the play opens we come to know that Larry has been reported
aissing. He was reported missing three and a half years before, Chris and Larry's fiancee believe Larry to be
ead. Chris wants to marry Ann and Ann gladly accepts his proposal for marriage. But Chris's mother Kate
ejieves that her son ts alive and may return home any day. Joe Keller and Kate, Keller's wife believe that Larry
a practical man whereas Chris, their younger son is an idealist and an impractical man.
We find that at last the letter written to Ann by Larry rouses the conscience of his father. We also find that
ke Chris, Larry too was an idealist. When he read about his father’s crime in the newspapers, he felt that his
ther was a murderer of 21 young pilots. He felt so much ashamed of his father's crime that he lost all interest
sliving. He decided to commit suicide. We see that though Larry does not appear on the stage, he dominates
¢ play from the beginning to the end. He is referred to and mentioned in every act. It is Larry who in fact drives
¢ play to its tragic end. ,
Like Larry, Steve too does not appear on the stage, but he too plays an important role. We do not see him
ting or talking on the stage but we know a lot about him from what others say about him. First we come to
now that Steve, a junior partner of Joe Keller shipped out defective cylinders heads to the Air Force. These
fective cylinders heads caused air crashes in which 21 young pilots are killed. Keller and Steve are arrested
ud tried. Keller is acquitted but Steve is sentenced to jail. His son George and daughter Ann hate him as a
of 21 pilots. iia e
But later on we come to know that the crime was really committed by Joe Keller. Joe Keller had used Steve
.acat's paw. He had instructed Steve to cover up the defects and ship out the cylinders heads. But in the court
in disclosing
denied having give any instructions on the phone, Like Larry; Steve also becomes instrumental
¢ guilt and crime of Joe Keller. It is Steve who tells George the true story of what had happened,
they do not appear on the
We can say that Steve and Larry play an important role in the play though We Known that Larry is a
age. We know them better than many of the characters who appear on the stage.
sitive idealist who kills himself for the sin and crime comimnifed by hisfather, we know ose that and Steve is a weak
power or making @ decision, He is led by used as a cat's
an with no determination, initiative and
Wby clever Kellen) (0) i egos
Larry ait Steve #4 744 eae ot
ea sai at Haga Go 9 4!A EN"
Larry, Joe Keller #1 21
: —<e
nny sa e
| amd feo WS UST Sater d far K
Joe ‘ e &
l At
l aeHtr | Joe Keller & Steve=e SaoT TaN
ereFes AIH TTT SS.
ae: afr AT GH ® Stfa§ev be e
Cylin der mG feeft suae & faun a Gat G 8
Rar GHA R Sa,
ee ep aaz P29 Gra ata Joe Keller & ©"
td Steve
RIS AST F is ae} gan welt fear Ht | Larry TET eT S|
fet Steve George SHA usar et Netne aTeSgrt
tedtve Qa n e ange wata e
‘a aft Ha teve heearts oreaare
MS Lanry area wdserus a ave
ghar fsar@e3 ree er
Ga rer SAY ¢
nt qa Te do Ra HSCORTS
fa Lary y Ted re: mua a ards
za fa Steve
t fea anne fent est
fan fea fey Ber fuar araa
. eg BRBTAS ot' aet TAT HITS
a Ua TENGns ws a igs star
joeidKeller 8° fed sas ear
Egse! U!
35. Bring out the contras
, ‘
Chris. (V Important)
Joe and Chris are fa fc een the father and the son-Joe and and a
eo prese nt a sharp contr ast. Joe is a callous, realistic
etn san but they hand, is a sensitive idealistic.
tical man. For him there is the other
Pie gociety andthe iden ides bigger than his family. Chris, on
r or his family.
ei rid of human ity are bigger than his; father, mothe Ww H say 5 to his wife y
h -sigh d hi
ad Joe is‘ a short ted man, who cannot: see beyon eyond his busin ess and his famil y.
ti head." We
‘ ( f a m i
o's bigger than that at (family)....... and if there’ bina puta bu et inmy .
here's any thing bigger than that I'll : hat he
Nothing $ 5188:Joe reali h I
zes that there is someth ing bi our's famil y and as soon as he realizes, tha
see that at la eine bigger than
ily puts a bullet in his head
He shoot s himse lf down. But so long as Keller is living heis just the opposite
oe. : i conce Chittie te ead. ucts his Junior partner to ship out defective cylinders heads just to save his
to W > * e instr
er Steve just to save his own skin.
ea a an s and to ensure his profit. He deceives his junior partn
caused air crashes in which 21
When he comes to he that the defective cylinders heads installed in airplanes
He does
illed, he does not feel sorry for havin g supplied those defective cylinders heads.
young pilots were
the youn g men killed were not his sons. His own son Larry was also an Air Force pilot
not feel sorry because defec tive cylinders were installed, When Chris condemns
but he never flew any P-40 air plane in which those
and I took it for you.” He was
him for committing this crime, he says "Chris, Chris, | did it for you, it was a chance
inter est of his son. He feels no conip uncti on for having killed 21 young pilots
interested only in promoting the
who, too, Were sons of their parents.
man. His mothe r Kate says about Chris : "There is something bigger than the family
| + But Chris is a different another. It was
has serve d in the army. He has seen his soldiers sacrificing their lives to save one
‘to him." Chris race for money
love, symp athy and sacrif ice. His father is all for money, but this rat
\a life based on cooperation, his guilt, he files into a fit of rage. When
Chris hears his father confi rming
does not inspire Chris at all. When the hell do you mean, you did it for me? Don't you
Chris burst s out, "Wha t
father says that he did it all for him, hell are you ? Yo're not even an anima
l, no animal kills
in the world ?What the
have a country ? Don't you live , his ideal s are bigger, greater and dearer than
that for Chris his princ iples
his own, what are you?" We see says, "Wha t more can we be 2" Chris says, "You can be
his mother,
father, mother, or his family. When is a unive rse of peopl e outside and you are responsible to
it, and
show there
better ! Once and for all you can why he ot Chris wants that every man should
away your son because that's
unless you know it, you threw Jo e TH 5 a .
: HY FA E |
be conscious of his social: responsibility. ph a T e c F A TT
d 4 agi t c p a ee po on. seen aie eg a
e q a z i w S O
e e
Joe ait Chris Frat HR

reotshe Hr >t eTSIT

sa fre so
fee? THT
d Wases SASS at gars set an sath at ait eaontt rtfeeBueactat fat Chris
seit veer grt ha?”
St ic ate e egroans Su
we S MAE OH ne Ore a E “fo ,
1Fae I HHT Here J for aTIIE
SH ay da Sat we nes a get oer wet feo
fea us" fens toms Set fer fore
lla ar arrey Neral 1S SUS menaa | adag Ht hes sears ot ant rus ae 6 fe
fenrarat nub moter feneratnt
eon — St fort” Chris arden 5 for era free
; 36. How do you comet
Q 0 learn so well about Larry, though he does not appear in the play?
wheels (Important)
does not appear in the play.
pense ; nee uhiee Keller Was a pilot in the American Air Force. He
we do no Omg or saying anything on the stage. But we find him dominating the play from the
beginning to the end. In the First Act we find that A
: nn, Steve Deever's daughter has come to Joe Keller's‘s home.
She has been an invited by Chris, Keller's younger son. We come to know that Larry was reported missing three
years and ahalf ago. Chris and Ann believe that Larry is dead. Ann was engaged to Larry. But now she is willing
to be married to Chris. She has forgotten Larry. But Kate, Larry and Chris’s mother believes her son to be alive.
She believes that her son may return any day. She opposes the marriage of Chris and Ana, Throughout the First
Act we hear Larry's name mentioned by Kate, Chris, Ann and Joe Keller. Larry's mother and father both think
that Larry was practicai when Chris is a sentimental idealist. They think that Larry would not have condemned
his father for doing what he had done. oS :
But Larry's letter written to Ann a few minutes before his death make Larry stand before us in flesh and
blood at it were. We see him as a sensitive idealist who felt shocked when he read in the papers about the crime
committed by his father. For hint his father became a murderer of 21-young pilots, He felt so much ashamed of
his father's evil deed that he lost all interest in life and living. He decided to put an end to his life. He wrote to
Ann that he was going on a mission, and that the Air Force authorities would probably report him missing. He
see that
asked Ann not to wait for him. He wrote about his father, "If | had him there now I could kill him." We
Larry is even more sensitive than Chris, Chris waited for the court verdict, he believed his father to be innocent
s his
but Larry could not bear the shock of his father's being arrested and tried for sucha crime. Chris condemn
realize what the loss of a
father only when he confesses his guilt. But Larry kills himself just to make his father
of their parents, they were rather
son means, and also to realize that the 21 pilots killed in the crashes were sons
conscience of his father and forces
his (Keller's) own sons. It is Larry's self-sacrifice that rouses the sleeping
ting himself down
him to punish himself for his inhuman act by shoo
1 ASI Larry arerttent aaa HATA Aes ae ares H chet Saftere AMT Stat (asa
Joe Kel
aH go Hee AT 8) an
cig Chey
sad # fis Steve Deciantsr3a Bnimidne Keller erat STATE 1S Nag? @ Ch EA
eT wea
ee T
eenATArarEAANE ar
O E Cheriss
wr Freie Reon earrty HE sem
fagara ana & fee La T f 5
Lay he eh eg Lary se chrissst AS
TB 1 HE Ch ri s SAK AN N" fa
ae fare fh fe ee ary BTA AA ea eee , ie ka : ‘Sao _farmnt

a Joe Keller Larr e a


areteh 1 Larry 3 SR
Sor AES Sot atse Chri oat warat fea QE UST’ ase ©
e 2 erate Slee sone uct Afsat § fee gr a garnet Al
St esha fim, Rfvaar, oeaet, Pet nausea oe aue
US Cr Sat F meas Seer ti Gu sat gf 15 Oe wa
28 ST ot eat after dA ren § fir STANT Fy Keller
feu Uett dfiznrst des, ve 0s mfr”S pea 9 ara
RAG Sar st ahenes nforen Ga Tea iKeller SFTE : 5
FEO Ht Ferrer eran ayer ns BHAT MT TMTIT eget Fa TH
fEX Set ot afs sas ot fr Joe Keller fear wr SUS as 2 x

Q. 38. Write a note on the neighbours of the ae Fs

r llers-
| -
Give your impression of the two neighbouring fam ilies of the a aaighb ouring families ofteka,
Ans. The family of Dr. Jim Bayliss and that of Frank
Lubey arehas his wife, Sue Bayliss and his so.
Frank Lubey has his wife Lydia and three children. Dr. Jim Bayliss he could not be conscripted with
Frank and Lydia are happily married. Frank was lucky because an given to laughing and being _
Frank becomes as astrologer. We see that Lydia is a happy-8°-lucky ee cS marry him because eu
There was a time when Lydia was in love with George Deever- She co d becomes a happy mother of
up to serve in es Frank a
the Army. She does not wait for George. She a aking “ipities and hats. <
children. ren. L Lydia ts an affectionate wife, she enjoys cooking
Kingane me e man, but he has a nagging wife ig
But Dr. Jim Bayliss is not very happily married. He is an amiabl
practical ex: |
Sue Bayliss uses rough and harsh language. She can call him even a dog. She is a very
thinks that Chris spoils his husband by filling his mind with idealism. Poor Ji im wanted to do SOMEte
work, but Sue did not allow him to do that. For she knows that research work brings you very little Money,z
you cannot live happily without money. Jim does look like a henpecked husband. She calls hima dog, bit
calls her ‘my darling, my light.’ But we see that Jim is a very good neighbour. He is always ready to
neighbours. He gladly goes to pick up George from the airport and bring him to Keller's house. Jim is ints
very wise and intelligent man. He knows that the middle path is the best one. He knows that the extret
idealism is as bad as the extreme of realism or practically. He knows that all people come back to the middle
He says to Kate, "Oh no, he (Chris) will come back. We all come back, Kate. These private revolutions:
die." He tells her that he wanted to become a good research worker, but he compromised and has be
good husband, Jim's wife, however, is a very selfish and practical woman. She indulges in back-bitin
criticizes and condemns Chris and says that his idealism is not genuine. She tells Ann that Joe Kel
a trick to get.out of the prison. She is really an art evil-tongued and nagging wife and a scandalmor
one eee
an arguing woman, a nurse, so she dominates her husband.
Keller anit % vets ata é Dr. Jim #1 RAR Aa Frank Lu ee
Arq qed #1 Dr. Jim Ft Feit€ Sue Bayliss ait Th 8218 Bert | hey Frank
Frank #2 Lydia Gat aenfes Star fan 78 & 1 Frank aergTet en
ea ee
Aan et seg See ae 7 Ta aR 5
be ——E——E=— a g¢./B,com/BBA, Sem.

224 4
< 4MPULO RY | pA/B: ive? fs
: suggestive
GLISH CY jate &
BWwoRA ENS cons’ appropt™ (B.B.A/B.Com,
Q. 39, How
Justify the title of the play All My wen by Arth g playwright of Engli
Sons writte n by “, u

rthe play ‘All My Sons’ jg

A.Arthur ORs. AU My Sons is a beautiful play written b ySseon
The tle of
ritle the pl)
4) the characters
characters are :
carefully en byby Millet:
are carefull feb ae
; ANG suggestive The Second Worlg V

Kground Of the play is war, The setti setting ng ! is AM er ican S$ : ; wn.

Joe K Keller is gh,
ap te
ended There js ‘ ‘ree a Amer ican To
. Is 4 lot of destr : p
Re uction, Kelle smyily
gellerr famil uly 18 is livin g inf
In pars ; want s to
a material ystic man. He al status is prioa r than ayy:
BS: Chris and Larry, Larry was a EHO is * j

S. For him, the fina . nily and his soc!

the other hand, his Sons are total ncial security of his * 1. They are not money minded. , Foy 4.h
ly opposite to his thinking.
sPonsibilities are more important. : :
facturing cylinders-heads for
. Joe Keller and Steve Deever are business partners
of eK the defective cylinders-heads
One day, when Joe is at home, Stev e calls him and informs @
him to repair the cracks and follows his orders. Joe tells py
supply as it was an emergency.
S86 Of any Prob
Pilots. Both Joe &lem,Steve
he would take up the blame. The next ay Il
are tried at the court. Joe cleve the blame on. Steve by savin
not at the factory due to flu. Steve is caught rly shift s a
and imprisoned for a long per Os
Out cleanly. He re-establishes his
Wrong deeds. He thinks he had done
business & his status in the society cane
all this for the sake of family. He secu famil fume
red — oi a:
Both Larry and Chris are against their father’s views. b Oe
his father, he comits Suicide. Chris is full of anger when he When Larry comes to know ee a
comes to know about € reality of hig
involvement in the defective cylinders case. He feels
like tearing the tongue of his father. In anger, h
his home. After some time he returns back & asks his father to
Chris’s words are a mouth piece of Arthur Miller. Chris expr
esses his strong disagreement on
He makes Joe realise the seriousness of his
. When Ann reads out the letter of Larry, Joe
. he committed suicide because of him and says, r
“Sure he was my son. But to him they were all my
guess they were, I guess they were.” Finally, Joe s0
accepts his crime and feels guilty. He goes Ip
shoots himself. :
Thus the title of the Play is appropriate
and suggestive: We should think that
We should not think about our own fami the world
ly but about everyone. We should no

oa ae es He Arthur Miler aera

SUS RTH ARGH TE ae ar apo oe
RTE All My Sons To eh gy fen ath grey
TERS YRS weet Te aT aH & SIN7 American
Society 3 aie waren wey fav2a ag :
®- Larrae ae Teel
sik Chris. A TART
y Larry (SIC 1 Keller Van TA wsRT cea ‘a
€ Joe 1 Teg rag enya sea ate > Keller wT
Ferg Sa VAR wtStar GAT SN AMMA ER A Ta Sa | sae tig srt
By fered 1 rT cite et & se fore aeahas Pai se age
fergie Pee arm sae aide ter eras jooar
thro ;
n & Re A“versus Real ism oe Keller istabaci& materia)

revo lves aro und Idea list
Q. 40. The play Money.
Ans, Idealls versus R alis™: *, wants to eam
lism }
The play, ; ‘All My
jal respunsibilitie
y So revolves around elfish,
Sons’ Idea corrupt 44
cormuP ut h jis S0€
ets a big order for 1,
represents realism in the play. Joe Keller is $ oes not care
foul means. He wants a good status in society: army. eu i ers-heads are defective. fy.
factory which manufactures cylinders heads for § e cylin ly the cylinders heads,
; ‘act that i

heads by Amy. He is aware about the ae cracks ; and ai € would take up all the reg, )
business partner, Steve Deever [0 repair
in futurenews ° ane crash comes qj.
ready to do this. But Joe assures that if any pro blem occur f pl ae di
ing, the ost their son.
Steve does as he is ordered to do. The next morning Mothers have | Sons
for that.
21 young pilots died. After this news when everybod y is shock? hen both Steve & Joe are fig
paving flu. He comes 9 m
ieast guilty about this fact, After this order, Joe become® quite ‘fone
court, Joe smartly shifts all the blame on Steve saying he ¥° ae
re-establishes his reputation. ; e defends himself by saying Whatever
When Chris comes to know about his father’s reality, Joe aeiwasia materialistic, corrupt»,
was for his family sake. Family is bigger than society. This, sh se bout society. a.
fellow who could go to.any extent to eam Idealism
money . without thinking 8°. =| 1ys
Chris Keller was an : ic cheehis cafather
hand represents
Chris on the other
interest in money. He wanted to devote his life in the service of needy p E one ae
commanded a battalion. There he saw how soldiers helped each other. He had no ie ey Ms
business. oe oS
t his fa th er ’s act , he co mmit suicide. Ch
Larry is also an idealist. When he comes to know abou
honest man. When he comes to know about his father’s wrong deeds. He wants to te
ar his to
once, tells his father to surrender himself to police. 3 ara)
George is an idealist. He loves his family. When Joe and Steve are tried at the court and Joe
blames Steve. Steve is unable to prove his reality. Georgeat once breaks away all his relations wit
thinking him to be real criminal.
He does not visits his father anid not even sends hima C
When he comes to know that his father was innocent,
he decides to punish Joe Keller. It is Ge
about this reality to everyone. fh: | : |
The play is a clash between Idealism & Realism. ism i oe
by Joe Keller Ann and Lydia. Dr. Jim Bayliss is Wee ei = Gm
. HIE® All My Sons aeviarg sik areataa ed_firé FAA ME | Joe Keller :: ‘
{ areatacran Ht Zeal @ | Joe Keller 4¢4 eref, aera sth cnet 3 “eae Clie! ae oo

“afk ware A Sar Pa Sse HON eM FTE See afr Pacderee a

roaren fisrife tee te a ge rat eee a e
& ita Gy
fer Begs aa 4 Petoh ae at Sre
ag HEA FTE BE AME | Steve AS FeTE UH Te ar ah Joe a
ae, FE At FARM TI HR ct CIT | FHT Stove 34a Rey
21 HT
re om mg Pree Fa Fay
ay fareper ATS HH STIR TET SH TELSape
P et ae esl 227 *gcsesneailn®

; Myi g ST a
TTT ora’ fret TTT HT TPA 1 t enn ant Pe om pe fy wetry
1A] Wye shal t, loo are ae) arene * ue He fie NT
% A afta PAT Ta | afte ATT Tyra ‘ & porefl reer

ee gah fer GATS HY : ThayAMT gr:AY Vm FA ye ererer & fH Jow WT mT OT, TM

. PARE AA ee ar wn eH Ory are) re Chris sree HT afet #1Chris
tar & Pate ae m OD ;
Aa! ot!
ks carat
T Se AY wi a AYE UE oy eft
| ee syerrt after wreceerettl OH fa, TTT TT oe
& | TH OATH vary8 wa ¥ rep
WTCY ay wart mt) tte HT a |
. eater H olyRevered ay TUR wrt Rene A As tg
ay wt OT evierel 81 Sat oq
ST flay ey er erp
aT ere #1 Chris UW ‘

a 38 TTT FHT eT rey | WAT even Bree street

AY vay weve re ory firey emt apart area drat area B
, ag feral a TH Ay} aga) WET wee) wee
aft Sey | pee TE * at Joe mel
} Geersge aces wet Uta ey “TUBB 1 HT Joe att Stove
ba + q Steve TS Steve stp} we won eet at

ag dat SK TS Seat TEM +,Peary Te Ufaafer aay A are f ara fren

#1 George
| atee All My Sons *HTSTHSTT >
r arsct 6
Fog ABT SPITS T | Jog Keller eure Um uberaftrer tt Joe Keller fee hire
eee WS Parad id weet Ga Stas na me-Ofes sarare UAT
eae ANS Baar aT ET S| Ga rua wufater fest GT HTS" |
ee Sse tan wets iota ars Org fe ear rasa her a few
. NST Ht fer frag Ya Ha ea St Ga mus surg & atFETs Steve Deever G
ST fea" 31 Steve fer wet eer adt St Joe GAG after a far rae |
reece sea » SH et Hat fitters nud Crug B asa 18a Steve SQn ag cats fae
Mago aret fan ove 21 ures! Wa ae fen wed S aS AS
SST AES HS UST Joe § fawae musa et yETTST Set Mt fer
fess 3 oe WNT OMS OE jv ee een
ge Sr ESAT TRG Sy Hv Gaus Gores sere ftir Se wanes
fae Gel
ve Chris US fs St Asha eT Us eT, Jo nnuemusungetfeaatafatayst
ig ata,
deGT TUS ulgeTs
Bet atsT| ufserg AWA SF Ser- 3, fern St ust doer T fa Joe Us BT Set,
pret ns Tere Ht A om ooGe wet murs et Gifiew aud fat xt de da AT RAST HTIEH WH Chris
FRETS 8 PONE ET AI Chris rEaHSTE A mus fuses Que Ong trange fsa
fesamt sat wt|
jrrus Hiss BaSet Bel Bar Sar ae At Chris HU fea ated feria at zadt a arect acer sd
feauer 3 fa fore Risa feo-gn St rofer aad ani Gn stomis firsre aus few et fewer at 31
Lary Sor Ae Sas
e rus
n fusrSt
dyeo ust ewer 3, Ca ws dfagso Ser I!rChris. -
ra fersens femact dine Ong aus fuss aes ant ed us seed Gamma fur tgs fitsder
reed GaGa mit orig frst § amend far Ca ome nus ufo sae wa aS
George StoreaHeret g 1 Ga nus ufsera $ furs age" TAS Joe M3 Steve SHAE TEI ST Joe
Bt Iarat SS Steve ‘SSH Bar feed Steve nruat Hae Frag as few MH eH ge" T | George mus fusT
Tend hau Sz Berd ms GHG Mat Set AHF I
Q. 41. Why does George visit to the Kellers? How do Joe and Kate reatoct it ? _
Ans. George Deever is the son of Steve Deever, the business partner of Joe Keller who was imprisoned
ora long period due to the supply of defective cylinders-heads which caused the death of 21 young pilots.
Vhen Joe and Steve are tried at the court. Jos ie all the blame on aieye ee or and Ann break al
nf Joe FEU HES TS Qu Ba ats ae
fax George fae
MS Sat F we tater F Joe saw waft fern
fee fart 4S ORS Sat Surg Kate et uanra t fag Qu Reet o for Aas
eAaa |
so Oe Hat weet

Ra Chris Ge NS
aq CW UaTIGTROETN ern ee
nr ies fr nett
rite? eees dhfir George Bt fox frafH aftBCfart oe Kate ore 9 far AE
TO aM far
iste Qa uterer
pierc ee SIGIR FIT D Joe mata udu gerd Qa aya Herd fer Sus" wae
yaesroe Kae ee EU" IT TS | George eranQar aren fers fea nd seyas a hoger
Q. 2: oe a aust a Play, ‘All My Sons’ give of the American Society ? Or
what is artnur Miller criticizing about American Society in this play ? (B.A./B.Sc., Dec, 2015)
ans. Arthur meee 8 good picture of American Society in All My Sons. The background is Second
by fair or foul
jord Wart. ee oP ehving mi America have turned materialistic. They want ta earn money
ans. JO Keller is a businessman. He is materialistic & selfish. He wants to earn money by hook or by
yok All the young boys were drafted in army. The young boys were serving in the army. Chris was in
ny. He served there and after the war ended, he came back with changed mind set Larry, was a pilot. He
ant for WA, He was reported missing for 3 and half years, | ‘
Another aspect of American Society was the relationship of parents and children. Men are firm in their
igtion. Chris loves Ann. Chris threatens his father if he would not allow for his marraige with Ann, he
wild leave his home. Joe agrees when he listens these words. Ann and George support Joe when they
ink that their father, Steve is the real criminal. Money is an important factor in marriage. Sue suggests Ann),7 oa,
marry Chris as his father has enough money, He

The American women are strong and practical. Ann loved Larry and was engaged to him when she
ew Larry won’t come back she moved on and feel in love with Chris.
Education is spreading fast. Joe tells Chris.and Ann that how people are getting highly educated. In
factory there are majors, lieutenants gtc. He feels ashamed in asking them to sweep the floor. ;
The whole country has been von to Z00. It seems to be a mad house. There is no law and order.
is no
innocent man lientenants imprisoned:for a long period’ and a clever man comes out clean. There
nanity found is anyone. Chris i the country is a land of great big dogs. “You don’t love a man
e, you eat him. That’s the principle.” The people have become so materialistic that they have lost touch
hhumanity, People have become mad dr earning money.
It seems
The picture of American society potrayed in the play is not stable, There is no hope anywhere.
pilots but has no shame, or
a puzzle.-There is no regret and guilt. Joe does a crime of killing 21 young
out. Joe shoots himself.
It. Later, when the’ reality of Larry’s suicide comes
My Sons9 States Best 1 Ea et ate Faa-fata fava & Ire es set
Arthug Miller3 S173 AIZH All feat ot oats a
ae at fava GG te lain sa feat ae Bt rel aA uae ciel ae 9 12 shada atgfan
FA aed Y | Joe Keller Ga Sant @ (ae eae am era a cit
arash Ser ort Ca Chins “HeTAT THA ITAETA athe sae ie BY ae, ae BR aT a TT,
ot oe a TET
Fe ee eee
ah ace eat | Lary ae
aanFagen ower oe poe a
afc ea ar GT FATS TA
IE es HTeT- apaat angel ar
FA Ann
ant fer ae Ae
13 ca wet & | ChirsIe BTA Fe Ht sai Ann ain George494 1 J|
Te RM Joe 3 wa AE WR Br FE AM EOE as
231-A “EE

: AL MY. $ scaa DF
quence of circum de r wh ic h Joe fee ls co mp el le d to commit suicide ¢
Q. 43. Narrate the asebusi stances ; un ve
jis. JOe Kell er is sinessman. He
a fact ory that man ufactures supcylinders-heads. ifOneany dayproSte
ble m
abo ut the def ect ain ,
ive ylinders-heads, Joe asks him to ply the m and ‘
i .m and asks
: grise he would take all the blame on hi mself. Steve dj told to. Latet,Joe very cleverly shifts
R e v e 8 ouit self. Steve did as he was i
Ww ‘ escapes
. th e blame on Steve and MAY
al Joe _ we-establishes settne hisAASs bu business an ‘ wants to marry Ann.
Te-eS Everything goes gmooth. Chris
Joe for marriage, Earlier.
he vane his father, he agrees. George
yinees agrees but when Chris-threatens
¢ on pis him about the cea about the reality.
visits BIS
father to inform
ae of Chris & Ann, There he comes to know
He makes a call to; inform Ann about his‘ arrivalal,
He k reality of
George arrives with a new truth. l cul pri t. He tells everybody abut the
s Joe is the rea er fallen ill.
ees for Ann’s a know Kate says de tha| t Joe had . nev
joe. He doesn’t even agr ‘ag Chr is, By cha nce
diab od He draws Ann’s
to beove att ‘
nis sogivmes Geor: ge a chance Ns
point. It.
o s s attention towards
suspicious anger and he wants to
Chris becomes
ask s his fat her about the reality. He is full of pamcedhome in4
ne tongue.out of his n
ow. He
to avo id th ; tari fro
of his mouth. Joe tries He lea ves aw ay
meee e questions of Chris.
ang”- er Ioe Keller threatens Kate to explai s comes
, family

did was for family. For him


in Chris that whatever he


ng against
anwhile a Kate that she will not say anythi

| gest and then society. Me ahte4 ah nn enters. She tells Joe and
: ;

court, all she se reed for the

Joe in the
a e sho uld al lo w her to marry Chris. Joe had earlier ag
relation of Chris and Aan oRue e for thi s. If she agreed for this marriage it would
mean to accept
ref use s
ine death of her son, Larry, i
: : 4 is not
Chris returns back in fat her to sur ren der to pol ice for his wrong deeds. But Joe
Be asking his other hand tries
suiity for what he has ane families future. Ann on the
s for his
letter of Larry to Kate. Kate is
e argues he had do né thi
Whe ‘ nd s ove r the
E came Kate. n kate ref uses to un de rs ta nd . She ha
; : zoe Spend a It is a suicide letter
ow wha t wa s in the let ter . Chris reads the letter aloud. . t his
4 . Whe 1a eae to kn her wa s in vo lved in the case of plane-crash.He knew tha
n Ty ad he ar d th at hi s fat
by Larry. mmit suicide. He asked Ann to
world and he was going to co
father was the criminal. He couldn’t face the d Chris to take him to Police
move on in life. When Chris rea d this letter, Joe realised his mistake. He aske compelled to
n, he woul d surr ende r th He
er went
e. upsta irs and shot himself with a gun. Thus, Joe was
| statio i"
go te aia
- commit suicide. e A HA HEAT S AK
joe Ta CAAT & | SH CH BCAA & sre we Fees SEH TAT ATE [wa RA Stev
saaua fader tea & at H aaa @ Joe FH sea rs fr aaa feet Feu FT GST H NT sit Fag seals S
[qeA Joe a SSt Va
HHT | Steve 3 ae fren A SS HET TH AT
aid etre ore at ae ART TTT STA SH ya :
Oa a Se
an ay Steve Tt am feat sik saa aa THeaie amet A-wfreWtar aT et a HS StS AetetFi Chris
ea AT SII aM A cont ra fara
Bt MEF FAG ATA BITE AE ALT ATT IEG SS Chris9 atv’ Frat et Sat
Ann @ Bret BC AEM & ae Joe a er fret ert te 38 Chris AR Ann Tew av A sek wa-sE
Adveraraa rGe ore esn Peer
oT are an a aad Re: HeM z aint Ann
wat & ont a oar ao & aa a€ Keller afrak Aw
re TAA | araKa JOEteTE®TAS ore $15BE8 TAR
JoeJo FBi area
secre wd ea 3 ae oe r A
et at oi Ae 4 je A aoNt sha eh set ETS A
cer at ft rel
tae dt Chris #t Ann & FAT Se AND
| George #1sea fe ea eT wT
i yar water are & | Joe BT
2 aBFE
a a Kate a we
. ub M 5088 write a note on the importa Nee of Larry’
s letter in the play, ‘All My1 My So - o Dec. 2015)
? (B. B.A./B.Conts
oe or - - is the importance of Larry’s letter in the play
was a pilot. He went fo. war and was
Ans: Larry : oe o He of Joe and Kate Keller, Larry play.
stage, we hear about hin for other characters of the
ne li qe appears on
pi st of Larry
in the family has accepted the death
: iss?
Sobe r eis Ever ybod y
wu a ot ae Ce with the return of Larry. She has asked Frank
pee s many super stiti ons Frank tells Kate that
oe" anoe a sloge
ve eo n re aa S horoscope of the day he was reported missing.
t to prepa
was grown in the memory
tree which
ne" parry 4 adie g that day was Lucky for him, The apple
wie” ew at the BACK) uprooted by the strong wind. Ann, the fiancee of Larry had came to Keller
on th € month of Larry’s
; the same day. It wasEEOR: arry’s bi
birthday . All these .
superst ‘
ions made Kate believe that
agen watt TEKBGM
house with a
Joe and Ran Larry a lot. Ann, who was engaged to Larry had came to Keller
as now in love with Chris, the younge r brother of Larry. She wants to Marry Chris.
yiferet purpose. convin ce Joe, when he does not agree, Chris
accept ed the death of Larry. They try to
chris 2nd Ana have agress then.
and go away. Joe
reatened him that he would leave the home in anger. Ann
tells everyb ody about the truth of Joe. Chris leaves te home
in the court and she forgives him. But she
When George arrives and
ls Joe and Kate that she would not say anything against
does not accepts this suggesiion. Meanwhile Chris
agree for her marria ge with Chris, Kate
yants them to
father to surrend er to police. Now, Ann is left with no other option. She
‘aso comes home and asks his takes away the letter and
all, Larry had written a letter addressing Ann. Kate
sows the letter of Larry to it from Kate and
what was written in the letter. Chris snatches
reads. She is shocked. Joe also wants to know in the death
heard about the news of his father’s involvement
pads it aloud. Larry had written that when he l. He was not able to face to the world. He
he knew that his father was a crimina
of 21 young pilots,
act. So he was going to commit suicide . He wrote to Ann that she should not wait for
shamed of his father’s but she shouldn't wait as he will not return
His news of missin g would be reporte d
him and move on in life went upstairs
g this, Joe realise d his mistak e and asked Chris to take him to police station. Joe
After listenin fe
himself with a gun. ;
and shot Joe
p the play on a tragic note. His letter makes
Thus, Larry’s letter is of great imp®rtance. It ends-u are
realise his mistake. ds ae aH ah
3% Kat e Kel ler #1 331 821 € | Larr y UH WIR E F ait qa % fora st air are
- Larry, Joe
sed xy era Tee Ht Lacy Son OH WET eT & TTY UH TH aT A GA TAT SYA
& | AA R TE SSE Kat e 3 fara ng Larr y 3 Hie a Sater FT |
Larry a3 Tg Chris FH ACE ARMA eet Brea 1A Larry GIA Sr Vet Gera at Kate TH
te ae ab rere Larry eve AA
Set Fae
HE 1 Frank TT & FTE FI Larry &@ A a Gat
‘afeat Frank Lubey Bt Lary #121 HAA ST Fea rs HST GT on, Fa BHT BRT TSE
HTN Tt Larr y Bt EA
raBt Lucky f% on aelerAU wica
fer sae fower re a sa re & 1 Fe
t Lar ry 3 aa a en eT a |e Te STATTELATE
TH Larr yet Ann Sat
Hit £4 Kel ee
Bt Fr ee e Fe et & Fes S H A M AAT
Kate Ann Lary # ita & ae fet sik are fore, Keller
Joe at Ka te SrA La rr y St AG A AR eR
LA Y AT ES ang & ae Chris B eTeh swe TERE ChriaAs
omeect ar b A g se
s Chr is E R N E ae pris SoRY HT
cee aneahmceenncatea es |

Rat fs ae ey aig wt en ET Ta Joe TINT
ar 4tee FHoe sla
¥ George ara & FFainMEafCo ur
ek gss if
bee Kate wy are
Y 2397"
d My gONS
you consider the i
g.45: Do} ending of the play satisfactory ? Or (B.B.A., Dee. 2016)
Comment on the ending of the play 4 My Sons
ans. All eR EEL. drama by Arthur Miller, Joe Keller is a businessman. He is clever,
means. He had two sons, Larry and Chris.
and ict Oe 8 went ue to cam money by fairngor forfoul3 and half years. Chris had comm anded army
was @ PHO": r war. He was reported missi
y minded. Everybody
eS eal ee man. He was unlike his father. He was not mone
it ee was hopeful he
ig the family "© k . e'death of Larry except Kate. Kate was superstitious lady. She
guid returnhad back: /
Joe a factory of manufacturing cylind ers heads. One day he received a big order of supplying
ers-heads. Joe told him to supply the
ejlinders-heads. ae called Joe and told about the defective cylind
cylinders-heads by filling their cracks. Steve does as he was told. Joe even promised to take up all the blame.
lost their lives. Joe and
next day there was news about the plane crash due to which 21 young pilots
escaped. Steve was punished for
Chris were tried at the court. Joe cleverly shifted all the blame on Steve and
Jong period. a -
innocent and Joe
When George visited his father, he came to know about the reality of his father being
broken. He left the home in anger.
peing the real culprit. When the reality cames in front of Chris, he is badly .
when he returned, he read aloud the letter of Larry. The letter revealed that Larry had committed suicide
f witha gun.
This makes Joe feel guilty of his crime. He went upstairs and shots himsel
it shows that smartness does not pays in
The ending of the play seems to be satisfactory because
of his own deeds. He was the Killer of 21
jong run. Joe Keller met the tight end. He got the punishment
e of him. Then he realised him
young pilots. But when he learnt his own son had committed suicide becaus
as the wrong meets a right end.
mistake. The play ends on a tragic note but seems to be satisfactory
E ABT el
All My Sons Ua Teste *Ize & | Arthur Miller $4 Ew #1 Tat & | Joe Keller Ua SAUL F |
e 'TAH Chris SK
creel ee a THB Le eT HTH fare aE oF shears saafa ahar oteT Ta
ae wT Ate eB ere | Chris TE ATA A
samy 82 1 Larry Wem arora, 1 me eB fare sen eT
TT ih
arrahe wereren & 1 He fr earn Bat EH aT He BE TTA rT Se Hse | ae
eT FI Kate Ter Sraeeareh sea & 1ae era & FF Ie
Kote Be FTE APCATE AAT BAS Larry 3h Hie HH A

TH Fe ?
fe fair tga eat ATA E [Joe 3 SE ATE a ee a HU HHT supply FHS Steve
biog eer tt Joe 3 a SH Sete PR AIST MTL TR me TL a tn ste FEY
een Ac aC TTT TY es TSS et
hah wet wreak aera espe eee
a Googe eve Tan wt EAE UTI OREN Te Ta
Sed ym chs ene A eT a A SE TST
teh any ava yea (a ge aera BA Larry Sere _
wT eae et
brag see ara tA I Fant aie HN TTA

4 /8.$¢/8,COm/BBA, Sem, gy, te
Se pn sqaas ai Joe Keller ” vig)
ere aur
Chris a eae 3
tas Pear ae oa TT
try ey
Se emg ane V38 a5), ifrx oer?!
ae gente cA :
Te fear xy :
Rs te
SMI K Ste S'fearer ufse
rs eT aa a

eon feeng 3 wd ware Is Joe 3 GAS

atat Aas Tet fey |
oe Ee
nee ec aaute
Ro Se 8 Uet SEAT 5TH ATT EH Ste,
oc nie sis en 9!
{Ss ay: Steve § Sa my wet er vienriio
Ha AST fw" | e?S fagen
fy Meine hmcontere TE ET UST ' STRAT IS 3| 4
Geb La ma poe nare Quart feoua es ates

aye enean e

ee m
ET et

a oN
Sore OE eestiaie
riz tete
) TF aoe in coat cr

Q. 46. Give 4 detailed

account of the love sto
ry of Chris and Ann
Ans. The ?
Chris and Ann PS0lay , “All My Sons’ al
es through many upsthouanghd do
seems to be tragic, But it has elemen
t He Ms lov
be |
wns, Chris Keller is the son e
father. He has of Joe Keller, He is unl
no interest in money.
idealist. He wants to dev ote his life in the service
of needy People, He

»w the approval of Kate is ne s threatens him that he will leav

Kate does not agrees for this
e the
relationship, Finally, Ann had sc
itten to Ann before commit to show the letter of Larry
ting suicide. Now the truth
This love story also meets a tragic end. Wh comes in front of all. Joe Ke
en Chris comes to know about thellrea er ends his
nable to accept Ann as he feels guilty
about his father’s deeds. Ann issti
is all alone now. But Chris refuses ll aaah ac
to take away Ann. Thus the love
rs do not meet.
: ;
. OS _ <<< Y [B.2: bee ha
inna enatisit 2° mpuLor
4¢ 2 sons, Larry and Chy
Q.47. ‘ Tre ce the tussle betw
she h for 3.and half years,KayNh
Ann & Kate.
ween é
Ans, - Kat Kate Keller is the wife of Joe Keller.
, she i
«a loving m 4
‘ other’,
. missing arry. she was a sy
Sh¢ snorte ‘
Wa : : ad » was rel ath 9 i ae
: S her elder son, He was a pilot. He went for war He accepted | er spe tree planted in the Gy
ot ready to accept his death, All the family members hac ve, the i ae Larry’e birthday Month, ‘
lady. § : 4 avin of vet’ = lay
y. She attached mary superstitions with the retur™ 0 n the game day: Larry: She was 4 loyal Birl, |
Larry ew .
arty got uprooted. Ann, the fiancee of , Larry hadad came
came °
was engab ho su orted her. Thus, shy
Ann Deever was the daughter of Steve Deevel. she : he only n their love Was Kate
Was reported missing. Ann’s father was in prison. Chris vile biggest urdle avince Kate but Kate
in love with Chris,
Chris. Chris
Chris & & Ann wanted
‘s to marry y 10 now. BU hris. 5 i ed *g girl, stilli having
i her te,
Ann came to Keller house with the intention of marrying thoug ht Ann :
disliki ng Ann as she 4
ho sign of acceptance. Kate started oh Chris. Kate refuses to ac e
Chris. ion WI! .

a sul die letter

By the end of the play when Ann tells Kate about her the : of Larry: Which he had wig
would mean to accept Larry’s death. Finally, Ann shows her
to Ann. :
itten to Ann to Move on ing
is He had also W
The letter revealed why Larry had committed suicide.
; att Chris.
Throughout the play there is a tussle between both Ann and Kate.
Kate Keller, Joe Keller & Wt2 |serena st sear FLAT) TE

a rer rae ge fare Te att Ft aT Ae TT rot aed Se Ha a 4

Sar en ste ae arg
SES oh eq Kate Seat sha at ae ay erat fee dae eT oh, ae TT aidan
CGE ae a ase te ot ae Lary ae me a at ee SPT fea mt
TAT | Ann TH Laney Ht HA ot, $A ST Keller iq
ST Se ST Larry $4 EH Sea Te MT, SIT SAE
ae “al
4 SM Sites Se Larry SH TET aT
SH Lay}
Ann Deever St Steve Deaver #132 of, saat ATE Larry 3 ae EE at (EFS SATA
Gh aa St war ah Ann Fran Ser 8 Chris # Uw Safa THT Ann Bt AS HUT A At ME AE Chris
ea art S| Ann ait Chris Sat erat See area a Teg SAH ANA TTA Tet VHA Kate Keller A Ann, Kay
Keller 78 Chris #1 30 1 aa HA aa S | ae Kate Bl AEA ANAT Set F TTY Kase TAI TaN ae
std Fara aT 2A | Kate, Ann BTHCa aT eM & aie ae ata fp Ann, Larry tHe & fet sae Oh
son sia wad t i ae i »

wee & at A wa Ann, Kate FH a4 ait Chris & fea & att F aac , Kate AAA A SN He Ae Be
ga feed 3 a OA aera Larry Ht Aha wy eae | StH AE Larry St SIHECT ATT Ta Kate #1 feet
ea die feat 2
Larry 4 Ann ®t ferar a1 tek
oe a IT FH M&F Larry eH ARCS Ann BY oH SAP aaa a eT eT LTE
2 hen Oren
Ann 3k Kate 9 wa are #1 fertty erm Teme)
yoga |,
Kate Keller, Joe Keller & ugat 51 Gz fea fra age eet uta | Ones
Gyre fer feo oma Go amit inv areca ee
gue worsen
wea § tse wet fone sot
cf failac marae He fae Fe SF At Udy Kate Gretsch ergy Ft.
Sua Orch its § raters aa gat He |Ga fear nia-femerHt tas st Ga Lary &

crvfataa Ht, GH eT GF fee Keller ufawra fewOnennerar fatteLaryr GoasLany 8 ay

Boner Deever Seve Deover ih, ae
paar ene
- ; 239-A
~ cecas fUtTS RIS Bare TS F Annte Chie =
+ wsF
is BY feomaraaar erga ne udg Gate finns FSS
| ae catesy Keller Ht! 5,Ann, Kate Kel) MitChris J
e eh ates cae ret 31 GT Kate
er awe
| ,
5 es fam
gs 5 yag Kate GAS Aetars gue or fagfa Ga
an ihc \Kate, Ann ot asda aaa Barts,
ican Larry a Hatset ee Ser
4 nig fed Fe Ann, Kate mre Ise Ud afer aust f
ad fect 3
v, Kate Hae a fraatd
Chris © ferret ard Het
fers Larry ot oars-a fa" arent fot Kate
‘ oa oF oe
oe ntser
2 ASterg
gaat Larry 8 Ann $ fautHh : ; 7 sft
vray ;
§ gg fate” <8S% RIES AT Lany F fa ar | faa" AN
tt Qud Ann @ Sto
ee Ann " Kate fee fear sgt er fet
a feo
rae ; Dec. 2015)
g. 48: piscuss All My Sons as a modern tragedy

(B.Com./B.B.A., Dec
different me
Ans: Tragedy has been given y is something which has
s j anings by different writers. Traged
ending. Arthur Miller’s All My Son a tragic end.
g be
« Keller is a businessman. He hie 's modern tragedy where the protoganist meets calls
factory that man ufactures cylinders-heads. One day Ste, ve
‘aq asks abo ut the defective ‘whhiith ers -he ads , Joe
; asks him to supply them and if any problem would
him 20 would take all the blame on ms
<0 He very cleverly shifts all the
he was told to. Later, Joe
out . elf . Ste ve did -as
n Steve and escapes 3 smooth: . Chris wants to marry Ann. He
ro-establisheses ishis business, hand, oe ; Everything: goes
Pe; ge re-establish

marriage. Earlier
2 ses Joe for
een het w info heh a > : oesn't agrees but when Chris-threatens his father, he agrees. George
visits his ay al ue € marriage of Chris & Ann. There he comes to know about the reality.
fe makes @ call to Keller house to inform Ann about his arrival
a oe Oe He knows Joe is the real culprit. He tells everybody abut the reality of
Joe had never fallen ill.
loe. He ne - €s for “Ann's marriage with Chris. By chance Kate’says that
this gives George a chance to prove his point. He draws Ann’s attention towards it. :
full of anger and he wants to
Chris becomes SUSpIFlOUs OW: He asks his father about the reality. He is
He leaves away from home in’
nill the tongue out of his mouth. Joe tries to avoid the questions of Chris.
ager ie oa ge tes ee :
. “or him, family comes
Joe Keller threatens Kate to explain Chris that whatever he did was for family
that she will not say anything against
frst and then society. Meanwhile Ann enters. She tells Joe and Kate for the.
marry Chris. Joe had earlier agreed
ie in the court, all she want is that they should allow her to
Chris and Ann. But Kate refus es for this. If she agree d for this marriage it would mean to accept
elation of
, Larr y. . . aye i

hedeath ofherson
ender to police for his wrong deeds. But Joe is not
Chris returns back in anger asking his father to sutr tries
for what he has done . He argu es he had done this for his families future. Ann on the other hand
ses to unde rsta nd. She hand s over the letter: of Larry to Kate. Kate is
i convince Kate. When kate refu
want s to kno w w
what was in the lette r. Chris reads the letter aloud. It is a suicide letter
shocked to read it. Joe his
, Whe n Larr y had hear d that his fath er was involved in the case of plane-crash. He knew that
by Larry
mit suicide. He asked Ann to
to comg
ither was the criminal. He couldn’t face the world and he wasmistgo ake, He asked Chris to. take him to Police
move on in life. Whe n Chri s read this lette r, Joe real ised his
8 a zis, 406 was compelled to
station, he would surrender there. He went upstairs and shot hunnself Wit a ee
commit suicide, — ahs fe
All My Sons is carefully knitted play: Joe’s Cane
cannot be called a tragichero Hee meets the right end © bi a“ “Chr
rd move on. Thus, ater Jpe shoots UE og
ee :
She said, “Forget now. Live.”
y sONS
cai ac aaecet
| arate e Cee Vee vea FEF Te | Tragedy Qe gerd fener te wet THAT
| All My Sons fear yet Tragedy fiypy
gfe FS eth NORE eR RENT fer
fare iit fier exer nia § yrua wae Ts
Batra ref Stove Ge ETDS
et FOO SER NS SHE Joe Qr a mre fr rr fr a @ Hora #3 FO 49 FF ay
B Bar| Steve R ett ettarr MF Ger & fara” fara ;
BH Steve
fea r nrg
joe? Qa F UST . PUT SET RIath
T e U> S netSy ag
a feserfern| fer ina aw
Bta-oTa SHE
pris ANP are fees Aaa yer di Gx Joe tee we Chris 4

pene SRS HS wy war eteerd ze Ga Keller ufeara fh de rae on Ann

George FER SST HSE Se mer D1 Sa HrerwTd fe Jo 5 Gana h Joe Ht mABPHS

gerats Qs" Crise Ams fewas etetimerimecr re reat hele orachahea dt A
® George OUST aT RT a Br Har fetgri Ae Ann er ftnnrasferrats ae fone oT AIS aS
Chris FE NT fora Te Gamma fuses ret ee fatter rg ars aAr om fare Gare
ger et ges NEST TITY Loc Haw awed far Ga Chris @ ust g aaanora aa Qu gh fas ws we
fee" bi Joc MUST USAT Kate § OMe Ferd far Ga Chris mers fer CHS Attar Qa nus ufsers Bet AST
greet users UTTET ET ONS MTA ETE flew |fES flee Ann nies mrget TIT Joe a Kate # SAT
afar Ge court FES Joe & fag Uae Saat ada Ga at meet D fe Ga feat Set § fens aes ot ortame =e
8@ Joe UIST Chris %S Ann 8 fous § ser Ht usy Kate fen wet et act istas Qa fen fens set Se
gat fone HSSE U, GAS Lary Miss weters aa fener)
Chris TF FES Wes Seu Ger Sd rus fused after d fer Qa rus ats mnuara wet US UF
pier e ITS TS SS UST Joe aust aS se & fone at der Qa after fer fea ne QRS meus ulses
eefev at ata! FAW, Ann, Kate Suse ewes geet TAS Kate se FT fears aact Pst Qa Larry
diver Gre oe S Tue Kate rg ug a ate usattd Cayserd fea feet feast Ht ? Chris Bs
me feet uge’ o19a Lary Barer fester fare ora-afaor er usa Ht, Ae Lary 8 pene fade aT
svergna ve few Quer fusr freed st Qa are ater d far Grex frst Sat 31 Ga eatat § wus fae
arfeer Riera mis mITSH-Tfamt aa wet GAS Ann § mat Sus } faut AS Chris 3 fest uRt Joe S rust
seat Hat Gre Chris § fora for Gu § yfan ae 8 Ts FA Ga ufone oat neuer Sas wear | Ga Gus
fama ns rus miu & Stet Hs fest | FER Set Joe TSH-afamr aan wet HAYS T fam |
All My Sons fea aga ot fears are fashion fame area 31 Joe nue feast ot ysst aaa Set mS hHs
Fuewe o1Qn & met Tragic Hero adt ata Hae, Ga} Guer ndt als feet d1Sa est “Surge ys, Su
Ree ae, eshat age Tos MS MUS GH Ade aide IS Ae Joe MUS MU g Tot He’ Y Kate, wus YT,
Oust ated fromt amg erate Ructrnsaiddesrewa
ne, |
All My Sons Hne fers aett ot orem or] fea mutae cage Ofer Sorat firmer Sa wet each GF
purus cot er em garset at ero! | :
Q.49. Explain
All My Sons asa 21" century play. Or |
Discuss the relevance of All My Sons in Twenty First Century. as
ea (B.A./B.Sc./B.ConvB.B. A., B.A/B.Sc., Dec. 2016
Dec. 2014;
Ans, All My Sons by American playwright Arthur Miller dwells on the selfish materialistic tendencies ¢
toder society where everyone wants
o fulfil his mercenary needs. The story line, characte
ideas rs,
Inthe play corres ponds
to 21" Century. ae
any (2 A -
OA ‘ of oi vosentative of modern
<t2-A RINDRA EMO vi e y fornobody In the ga
soe iety.blames
Fieve nn ~ ape j peer ea ter
ality ia
thirtke and hott as — ia eon nie ots and 4 joe! guilt 48 Anne, Steeve, G..
. there . ft oa oi ae gueart ai jie hris, parapet they :
Neighbours bun brit Peers ts ree

MAN Dd 8 succenchat teeinneennn, Moreove #1 AMET atggies AT beings we

Prototypes of maders: individuals who have or ee dai chat 2 paper fe signage!
a Apart freon thay Yee pain iden ofreoeed © bo papereriet oe svore all ty
SO ig
SPORGI Titles Pie aut ie warn a FO and we aaa fut pein ¥ - « atonement as he gh
et ere hee *& Ata! Few lien o) Gye he ee 5 a wn. bee —" and his
rp agvy's dee a crime. cereal
press they Were when he wee rovenlod eC m
ee perdi went exampily ote Printer oh tayglrew Ayia] * tragrc
- Hie veto Fi
and finally he had to Btone fiw i
AA Crane se g proder
n play if , regardjanguage
to its language te,
Of traditional g
l theme, 4/ 8 from “ +
the \long with the centra hic h differs d modem society mM gy ve
Play is simple day to day conversational language ‘
iculat an be
rank. Joe Keller isaco
Presents tragedy of a common man Joe Keller, his a h status of
Quite different from earlier plays where hero be 'onged to a hig «cessive love for family wntis
means. His €
became a big shot after using all sorts of dishonest
his tragic end ed, aterialism ay
ffectiy. ofIn greed,our time
™ thenee
In nutshell All My Sone is a modem play y as it advocates @
Consequences that can happen when greed supersedes moral ahs the expense of social re ie
relevant as we question the ethics of the pursuit of corporate pro its (B j . oe
li ™
Q. 50. Explain “4l/ My.Sons’ asa Masterpiece.
s as a perfe ct rep res ent ati on of time.
its ler
Explain Ail My Son pe P Mil is a mag num ns
ope thr oug h which y
Ans, ‘All My Sons’ by American playwright Arthur
are sven tme
Portrayed American society where greed, selfishness and materialistic interests
and one’s responsibility toward society is ignored. tei tape
t play.
it is @ masterpiece as Miller has wonderfully presented various aspects ofsociety in the
against the back ground of World War II, the play presents different types ofpeople-greedy hs is
Keller, innocent and kind like steeve, idealistic like chris, realistic like Anne and Kate and
represented society generally. The play is considered as the best specimen of Miller’s artisticab
handled the plot, story and theme very well. yt

The story revolves around Joe Keller who is selfish and wants to earn money. During =
order for the supply of Gylinder heads by army. The cylinder heads develop some cracks b
partner ae - repair the cracks & supply the cylinder heads. Joe assures hie fe
responsibility for resulted in plane crash and death of 21! pilots. J
started leading an influential
life, Me oe :
Later on when ehris came to know about his involvement in th e cri S ,
- Larry’ssuivide, he mage him realise his fault as he ignored his duty for
wt “4 bien |
finally Joe shot himself dead. 7% whieh
In short Arthur Miller draws a good picture of American Society, Itisac ;
a critique of an over zealously capitalistic society, It exhib bannietn
b ygreed and self denial camot last forever,
0. Discuss Satire
a in ‘All My Sons’,
by American Playwr
ight Arthur Miter isa bitter:
ie 243-A=
so ots as he gave order to his1
tohi Partner Steeve Deever to man
n n n
ufacture defective cylinder heads to Air
f21 pilots as he g rder
tho :
»verly proved hi :
and started living a normal life, Joe Keller! actually product of
oe a ee Builty
: : wth rat i wanted to
force, He acted selfishly because he
| pil mali to his family ’ » Loney is the main driving did not accept him with his crime. His elder son Larry
| cov < ide and ate his a ironteally his family
of his father’s
it eater a satirised eisai Was shattered when: he came ; to know h ero-
son who actually
was considered an idealist by his
a = Y idealj : : “fue

A struggle , between e vom Joe : and

: ndare him. was is '
: Vil and good as shown as Joe took loyalty to his family too far
hes es ;
joyalty to his country & society, Mil} ‘ tae et lay and has
ig ihe bigger responsibili -™iltler has highlighted American materialisation in the play
in this
gocusedeogreat sie 'y of human beings towards society at large. Justice has to be done
big big
ae dogs” and Joe's suicid © at the end is actually a way to show that smartness does not ot p pay
iand 0 g ‘

in the 10"
Q. 52. sate - a of World War Il on the play ‘All My Sons’. (B.A/B.Se. Dec. 2015)
following the
es eae Jord etn Miller is an effective account of a family’s struggle
widespree aonaiicl A dust ar Il. It opened people's eyes to the fact that while soldiers were risking their
jves 01 _ : m ae had been making money from thé bloodshed. The play shows the drastic
sffects of ~— =, aL one. oldiers died on the battlefield & families were torn apart. The war had sown
geds of distrust and secrecy causing tension between loved ones & ultimately destroying friendship and
oyalty. :
In the play Joe Sa obtained contracts during World War II ftom the Army to build cylinder heads for
jghterplane a= batch turned out to be defective & the play explores the-results of his decision
pout shipping defective cylinder heads.
The conflict between the idealism and the grab for wealth, both of which characterized the second
orld war is expressed in ‘All My Sons’. : d
The play takes place after World War II in the year 1947. It is in a way a critique of the “American
ream’ which can be defined as a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by
ie people of U.S. ohare, sina He .
Joe constantly lived in a denial, His son Larry committed suicide when he came to know about his
ther’s involvement in the death of 21 pilots due to defective cylinder heads supplied by Joe’s company.
owever and Kate botn kept on considering Larry as missing. The climax of the situation is presented when
ris proposes to Marry Anne, Larry’s fiance Kate disagrees with this as it would mean that Larry is not
ive. Later on Anne reveals the truth by showing Larry’s letter in which he clearly w-ote that he is going to
idhis life as he could not endure the guilt of his father’s involvement in such a heinous crime. Finally Joe
alised his fault and as a punishment shot himself. . i
In-nutshell growing up during the Great Depression & coming of age during World War I], Miller’s
otk focuses on the American experience. >
ven tee

“His probing drama proved to be both the conscience and redemption of the times, allowing people an

inest view of the direction the country had taken. .

nee ~—@ Be ad
RY [B.A./B.SC;./B.Com, en oY"
arent BF A Larry BON NY
C1 RH Sa UH Sacra Y Fy a Ho et Yer Larry al Ann #1 fer
arevtarch H eH tae
ah Rh ETarRT TT11E3SS
TY Fes i


PAraR-Tat Byer em | sees fer sea fear 21 ata TIAA

eo oman go se ar nsf eH HE TT GS
* et fear | Sa Ann 3 ee et he | TT it Tra
Ann 8 &et on fr to welen
a ea | saa ager fa a FT ty eae i
FH Baa e Fee Lamy, Chris 8 of safita sederates Chris 7 AAT ca es: fin,
Sep "
frat at astsea a rr re erg ah eA HEAT LAY * ay
EGR TA Ba ares ga ah ay a oe # ah ae oA ETE a Beha
SRI are #4
oi faeet arar_faasit a a> a), wea wa Keller $1 AT
| ae Larry
aT GTS Sree Bh sate ae se Fare atte wa TUT HU CIF FE re a Te
TTY} fed avg 3 ; . |
Joe Keller &* $37 BSA Larry net ere Hf eT TTA TATA ST ETC,
oe punt CHS eS ay afie-Hee at aad adh eus lug mt CAS Hg STH So Sree Fea ay
&t Bat Ann, Joe Keller Sus
ufsd nia fea ant Sat ot fa Steve Dever GET S| SHE Joe
BSS Chris Sorus us wef ig ust ware 3 fa Lary OATS fs WS MIB" MEET aan
Chris 43 Ann § ferrern 8 fat Lamy Wa Sar 2 Ann et Maret Larry 37S TET Ha
TE Ga Chi
ada wet fore die Ss Lary $ FB Tet Tus Larry AS Chris cut aug Usd © frre Te feat
31 Gnd fener ad fa Oren ug fan St few Stun HatET TG Chris #F Ann we Fema eT feayg
ufsé sat fa mH Kate, Chris, Ann 43 Joe Keller $ Lary OU BS Hee T | Larry SMa"fig
fx Larry feargar THe for Chris fea area ureTHSTeT TI Larry Smrud fs At Gare Tas es wath
atst Teta Gus ase wt , . |
uemnuatiis Sag 8a ufsst Lany Tat Ann § foot not gu fee Lany SHS WHE us ashe
Oné fea aeons nreaneet Ogu fee cue a fang aga tar afar Ht ae On’ fs Sones
fea ufgur At Gre wet Cnet fust 21 Bre deel aoa Twat er Stara Ht GAS MMe

er Sper a fem GAS Ann 6 festtour wt fer it fea fines Se ar far ot nfoardt rive a a dee
@e1@ne Ann & far Ht far et Gata or rae | Gas rus fuse a ars Festina Ht, “Fas
Qa he eae
wre fren” art BIW TF fe Larry, Chris ¥ = fewer AewOMS
F' Chris Baae Bors Asta ae

yaten SB Chris wus frst eh Ge tater tae owe Ore sr ue omit Se vis Bear 3 Lany 1
2 feed, nmud furans feanfomn ae Ge e axl fa weet wurst fai ae 2) Sem aenth
et eat rst fis © 99 HO AT GIS Keller TSE HS REO Lany eras wahors tA Kel
aut ora See a Har Fear 9 7S HG HED Ae fe Games nes at rag mre OR
| > 9.37. Joe KBeller isa
is a typica I businessman. He is that society maa.
typieat pus Se Is What society made him, Com i
7S . The play ‘All My Sons’ does not deal with the problem of comuption 9
; a spl on and degradation of society as a whole, We may sa

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