Learning Area Science Learning Delivery Modality Blended Learning

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Learning Area SCIENCE

Learning Delivery Modality Blended Learning



Teaching Dates  MAY 23, 2022 Quarter 4th

Teaching Time 1:00-1:50 No. of Days 7


At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to; identify different sources of water
I. OBJECTIVES suitable for human consumption.
The learners demonstrate understanding of….
 A. Content Standards identifying different sources of water suitable for human consumption. Uses of water in
daily activities.
 B. Performance
C. Most Essential
Learning Competencies Describe the importance of water. S4ES-IVb-2
 D. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the Explain the use of water daily activities
attached enabling
Uses of Water in Daily Activities
A. References
 a. Teacher’s Guide
pages SCIENCE 4 TG. pp.
b. Learner’s Materials
pages SCIENCE 4 LM pp. 263-266
c. Textbooks
d. Additional Learning  Worksheets, Venn Diagram
Resources  PowerPoint Presentation
 Activity sheets
 Video Lesson on Adverbs
 Pictures
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
I. Introduction Activity A. Let’s start our lesson with a game.

The learners will be group into two then they will form a line. The first on the line will be
there chosen leader.

The leader will read the message written on a paper then will whisper it to his next in the
line until it reaches the last. The last member of the group will then write it on a piece of
paper then will read it in front of the class.

The group who will get it correctly will be the winner, however in case that both group did
not get the correct answer the closest to the correct answer will be the winner.

Note: The teacher will ensure that learners will follow safety guidelines such as the proper
wearing of facemask and face shield during the activity.
MESSAGE: Water is composed of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Nearly 97%
of the world’s water is salty or otherwise drinkable.

Activity B. Name the following activities being shown by the pictures.

II. Development
II. A. Let’s Read and Understand
Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals
must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth.
The human body is made up largely of water. Up to 75% of our body is water.
Water helps us digest food. Chemical reaction in our body would not be possible without
water. Water regulates our body temperature. A normal human needs about 2 to 3 liters of
water a day to survive.
We use water in our houses, almost 21% is used when we are taking a bath or in
toilet use. For washing the dishes we use 14% in a day, washing clothes is 12%, for
cooking is up to 15%, and 30% is consumed in drinking the remaining percentage are use
in other activities such as cleaning a car, watering the plants or in most cases because of
water leak.
Water is used to grow food. In many dry areas farmers must bring water to the
fields through canals and expensive irrigation system. Industries and factories also use
water. Fruits and vegetables must be cleaned before they can processed and sold in

Conserving water is also important. Here are some ways on how you can conserve water.
 Check your toilet for leaks.
 Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank
 Take shorter showers
 Install water-saving shower heads or flow
 Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
 Turn off the water while shaving
 Check faucets and pipes for leaks
 Use your automatic dishwasher for full loads
 Use your automatic washing machine only for
full loads only
 Don't let the faucet run while you clean
 Rinse your vegetables instead in a bowl or sink
full of clean water.
 Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator
 If you wash dishes by hand, don't leave the
water running for rinsing
 Check faucets and pipes for leaks
 Water your lawn only when it needs it
 Deep-soak your lawn
 Water during the cool parts of the day
 Don't water the gutter
 Plant drought-resistant trees and plants
 Put a layer of mulch around trees and plants.
 Use a broom to clean driveways, sidewalks and steps
 Don't run the hose while washing your car
 Tell not to play with the hose and sprinklers
 Check for leaks in pipes, hoses faucets and couplings
 Is water important to us human? Why?
 What are the uses of water?
 As a learner like you, why do you think we need to conserve a water?
 Can you give example of ways on how you can conserve water?
 What do you think is the reason why despite of all those daily uses of water ,we
still able to get water?

II.B. Let’s Put it Into Writing

Take a look at the picture below and write a paragraph about it.
Answer the following questions that will guide you in constructing your paragraph. Assure
that you can include adverbs in your paragraph. Write you answer in a cursive form.

1. What can you say about the picture?

2. Is she doing right? Is her action can be considered as conserving water?
3. What could be the harmful effect if her action?
4. What can you suggest to her?

III. C. Let’s Do the Math

Based on the context that you have read, graph the percentage used of water in our
daily activities. Make sure to get a total of 100%, then answer the questions that follows.






bath/toilet washing the washing of cooking drinking others
use dishes clothes

1. Based on the data which activity has the highest percentage use of
2. Which has the lowest? How many?____________________
3. How did you get your answer in number 2?______________
4. Find the sum of washing the dishes and washing the clothes percentage,
then multiply it by 10._______________________
5. Subtract 100% to the highest percentage use of water
III. Engagement A. Write T if the statement is True, and F it is False.

_____ 1. Water is needed to transport nutrients and waste materials in plants.

_____ 2. Water prevents dehydration to people.
_____ 3. Water provides habitat for animals.
_____ 4. Water regulates our body temperature.
_____ 5. People need water to support the basic needs.
A.1. Supply the missing word/s to complete each sentence.
IV. Assimilation
The human body is made up largely of water. Up to ________ of our
body is water. Water helps us digest food. Chemical reaction in our body would
not be possible without water. Water regulates our ___________________. A
normal human needs about ______ to ________ liters of water a day to survive.
___________ is one of the most important substances on earth. All
plants and animals must have water to _________. If there was no water there
would be ________ on earth.

A.2 Write your answer inside the circle based on what you have learn on the lesson about
the uses of water.

V. Reflection (The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal
insights about the lesson using the prompts below.)
I understand that_____________________________.
I realize that ________________________________.

Prepared by: Observed by:



NAME: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
GRADE & SECTION: ______________________________________________ DATE: __________________________________

I. Activity A.
Take a look at the picture below and write a paragraph about it.
Answer the following questions that will guide you in constructing your paragraph. Assure that you can
include adverbs in your paragraph. Write you answer in a cursive form.

1. What can you say about the picture?

2. Is she doing right? Is her action can be considered
as conserving water?
3. What could be the harmful effect if her action?
4. What can you suggest to her?

II. Activity B.
Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must have water to survive. If
there was no water there would be no life on earth.
The human body is made up largely of water. Up to 75% of our body is water. Water helps us digest food.
Chemical reaction in our body would not be possible without water. Water regulates our body temperature. A normal
human needs about 2 to 3 liters of water a day to survive.
We use water in our houses, almost 21% is used when we are taking a bath or in toilet use. For washing the
dishes we use 14% in a day, washing clothes is 12%, for cooking is up to 15%, and 30% is consumed in drinking the
remaining percentage are use in other activities such as cleaning a car, watering the plants or in most cases because
of water leak.
Water is used to grow food. In many dry areas farmers must bring water to the fields through canals and
expensive irrigation system. Industries and factories also use water. Fruits and vegetables must be cleaned before
they can processed and sold in supermarkets.

 Is water important to us human? Why?________________________________________________________
 What are the uses of water?________________________________________________________________
 As a learner like you, why do you think we need to conserve a water?________________________________
 Can you give example of ways on how you can conserve water?____________________________________
 What do you think is the reason why despite of all those daily uses of water ,we still able to get water?______

III. Activity C. Let’s Do the Math

Based on the context that you have read, graph the percentage used of water in our daily activities. Make
sure to get a total of 100%, then answer the questions that follows.





bath/toilet use washing the washing of cooking drinking others
dishes clothes

1. Based on the data which activity has the highest percentage use of water?____________________
2. Which has the lowest? How many?___________________________________________________
3. How did you get your answer in number 2?_____________________________________________
4. Find the sum of washing the dishes and washing the clothes percentage, then multiply it by 10____
5. Subtract 100% to the highest percentage use of water daily._______________________________

IV. Activity D.
A. Write T if the statement is True, and F it is False.
_____ 1. Water is needed to transport nutrients and waste materials in plants.
_____ 2. Water prevents dehydration to people.
_____ 3. Water provides habitat for animals.
_____ 4. Water regulates our body temperature.
_____ 5. People need water to support the basic needs.

V. Activity E.

A. Supply the missing word/s to complete each sentence.

The human body is made up largely of water. Up to ________ of our body is water. Water
helps us digest food. Chemical reaction in our body would not be possible without water. Water
regulates our ___________________. A normal human needs about ______ to ________ liters of
water a day to survive. ___________ is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants
and animals must have water to _________. If there was no water there would be ________ on

B. Write your answer inside the circle based on what you have learn on the lesson
about the uses of water.

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