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Gerere » (sers76) waumrmvwce wal Revision No. 61 Dated 07/01/2018 me 72-00-00 POWER UNIT — SERVICTNG AND_ STORAGE A, Preservation Procedures. NOTE: Engins must be run on aircraft before preservation/etorage, allowing oil ayatem to achieve normal operating temperature to remove all moisture from tubings (@) aman down engine (72: (3) Inspect power unit for removed or disconnected parts. Be sure that all Giscrepancies are entered in power unit records. (4) Check to be eure that the engine, accessories, and inlet area are clean and free from corrosion and foreign material. (5) Clean the engine (72-00-00, CLEANING) . (6) Allow engine co cool enough to prevent auto-ignition. Before removing engine from aircraft, preserve fuel system es follows: (2) Cnsck to ke sure that the ignition eviten ie OFF. WARNING: AVIATION TURBINE FUEL (SET FUEL) “FLAMMABLE - DO NOT USE NEAR OPEN FLAMES, NEAR WELDING AREAS, OR ON HOT SURFACES. +DO WOT SMOKE WHEN USING IT, AND DO NOT USE IT WHERE OTHERS ARE SMOKING. SCONZACT OF SKIN WITH LIQUID CAN IRRITATE SKIN. CONTACT OF EYES WITH LIQUID CAN CAUSE SEVERE IRRITATION AND BLURRED VISION. INHALATION OF VAPOR CAN CAUSE IRRITATION, HEADACHE, NAUSEA, AND DrzzINEss. SIF LIQUID CONTACTS EVES, FLUSH THEM THOROUGHLY WITH WATER. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE FUEL SATURATED CLOTHING. IF VAPORS CAUSE DIZZINESS, GO TO FRESH ATR. TF LIGUID T5 SWALLOWED, DO NOT TRY TO ‘WHEN HANDLING IARGE QUANTITIES OF LIQUID (MORE THAN ONE GALLON (3.9 LITERS)) AT AN UNEXHAUSTED WORKBENCH, WEAR APPROVED “DISPOSE OF LIQUID-SOAKED RAGS IN APPROVED METAL CONTAINER. SONTINUETY. p> | i Disconnect fuei supply inlet Line. (c) Gonnect a hose between a clean, vented S-gallon (18.9 liters) container and fuel boost pump inet. ‘IF OTT TS DECOMPOSED BY HEAT, TOXIC GASES ARE RELEASED. PROLONGED CONTACT WITH LIQUID OR MIST MAY CAUSE DERMATITIS AND IRRITATION. AND WATER. IF SOLUIION CONTACTS EYES, FLUSH EYES WITH WATER IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE SATURATED CLOTHING. ATTENTION. + WHE HANDLING LTQUID, HEAR RUBBER GLOVES. TF PROLONGED CONTACT Dobe, seantea: oz cspremicns vimaeus one cupeegs sities, Caete of Ges qeannises Boge Dec 9, 2019 Gita to a Non-Us Person, without USG authorization, 18 strictly 4 of 65 (@err—ne 9 (se1976) MAINTENANCE MARUAL Revision No. 61 Dated 07/01/2018 mt 72-00-00 WITH MIST IS LIKELY, WEAR APPROVED RESPIRATOR. (a) F222 the contasner with iupricating o21 MIL-L-60s1 , Grade i010 cr equivalent. (2) Piace container above power unit fuel iniet. (1) Cap disconnected Tuet 1ine, using protective cap (g) Ravance HMU condition lever (CL) ta LOCKOUT. NOTE: Approximately 2 to 3 quarts (1893 to 2839 mllaliters) of o21 will be used in the fuel system. (a) Let the o21 pase (gravity-eupplied) through the fuel ayetem components for 30 to 40 minutes, or until you see the 01 that drains Trom the AGB overboard drain (chis is connected to the ecolagy tank on the aircrazt). (4) T2 you see che 012 cher drains from che overboard drain, do as (SHORTER PERIODS. OBSERVE REQUIRED STARTER COOL DOWN TIMES BETWEEN OPERATING CYCLES. NOTE: As the engine 12 motored, rue and o11 will pe diecnargea trom che engine overboard drain. > icine ann sane oe pe ee] Do @ visual inspection ef the tailpipe for presence of oil. 2 2 If you see oi in che teiipips, the fuel system is preserved, and you do not need to motor the eagine again. If you do not see oil in the tailpipe, wait 10 minutes and do (3) Return CE to OFF. (x) Dasconnect nose trom pump inlet, and connect tue2 supply aniet lune. (2) Remove and gigcard tue fitter element (73-00-00), Insraz2 new ruer (my Tag power unde with follawing informacion? “POWER UNIT SYSTEM HAS BEEN PRESERVED WITH LUBRICATING OTL MIL-1- 6081 , GRADE 1010 OR FQUTVALENT “FLUSHING IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OPERATION. (0) Drain 021 tank (pare 19). (2) Tnetai2 covers on power unit engine intet and exnause (8) Tf covers are not available, seat openings with barrier materiel MIL-B- asi or equivalent, and secure barrier material with adhesive tape PP?-T- 60 (20) Cover any other power unit openings, including fuel pump inter ana (21) Record dace and extent of power unit preservation in power unit recoras + Maintenance During 61 ts 365 Days Storage. No maintenance i2 required during 61 to 268 Daye etozage. NOTE: Iz the power unzt has been previously preserved per para 4.A and vag not represerved (para 4.C) prior to exceeding the 365 day limit, then the power Ge PROPRIETARY TNFORVATION - Nov to be used, disclosed to others Jor reproduced without che express written consent of GE. Technical tava i considered TTAR and/or FAR conzrolled? transfer of this Dec % 2019 agra roa Non-US Person, without US authorization, 12 strictly pate Printed: page 5 of 65

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