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Titulo: Could The Technology Change The Way To See A Relationship

Technology Influenced Relationships

By: Juan Andres Torres

Noelia Asensio Antolinos

Murcia University (España).

(It is necessary for society to continue evolving in terms of NN.TT. Y

relations, as well as the reciprocal influence that they have between them, since
Titulo: Could The Technology Change The Way To See A Relationship

thanks to these relationships we perfect our personal image)

1. Introduction.

Today we find ourselves in a society engrossed in

development, application, and innovation of the so-called new technologies (NN.TT. of
hereafter), these refer to instruments, tools, and channels
in which information of all kinds is collected, including analog and digital.
Likewise, these characterize our world, which means that they have been
extrapolated to various areas or structures of human life, including the
world of work, health, education, family, environmental, economic,
political as well as relational.
We are interested, more specifically, in focusing on this last structure or
dimension of human life, since it characterizes the person and allows his
evolutionary development to a great extent. Therefore, it is important to know how
grown and the types of relationship, communication and interaction have been transformed
between human beings thanks to the incorporation of the NN.TT., as well as to analyze
and understand the impact and influence they have had and still have today
in various interpersonal relationships. Thus, being able to highlight if they produce more
advances and advantages or on the contrary inconveniences in its use and influence in the
social relationships.
Therefore, we can point out as the main and only objective of our
research to know what impact has the influence of the NN.TT. in the
relationships. For this, our study is based on the identification,
review, understanding and reflection of bibliography that deals with communication and
technology, various news will also be analyzed in order to understand
the social and media perspective given to this matter.
Titulo: Could The Technology Change The Way To See A Relationship

2. The development of the personal identity construct from the

new technologies.

Taking personal identity as another topic to highlight in the NN.TT.,

Serrano (2013) believes that it is of relevant importance to specify that on the internet
carries out a representative staging of the "I" of each one of us,
this is carried out through the creation of a profile and the update of the
same. This profile is made up of a status that talks about your likes and
hobbies either through news, famous phrases, personal photos, among others.
Likewise, he points out that this virtual world and "not immediate" allows to have
greater control around this identity, allowing even according to Felipe (2010)
blur that border between the role and the self, since through the internet you are what
you play to be, this is possible thanks to anonymity among other factors such as the lack
of variables that inhibit the user and the protection given by the physical separation of
the terminals. Having as great trigger the existing disagreement
between reality and the image exposed by subjects in the virtual world.
Next, and around this last aspect pointed out about the identity
in the virtual world, Serrano (2013) underlines the warning made
Rosas (2012) on the different ways of using the internet, since these have
potential to produce both harm and benefit on a psychological level in
various consumer users of the same. It will be in the next section that
both the advantages and disadvantages of influence and
application of these NN.TT. in interpersonal relationships, as well as other
areas mentioned above.
Titulo: Could The Technology Change The Way To See A Relationship

Communication has been an essential factor for the development of society, both for cultural
evolution, personal and human relations. This is a conditioning factor in the interpersonal
relationships, because it depends of communication the structuring of our relational circle, as well
as the construction of our personal identity, implementation of knowledge and skills, among
other factors. In the We presently present an overview based on a partnership model engrossed in
new technologies, these inhabit all human dimensions, encompassing broad aspects of our daily
life. Therefore, it is interesting to look at the influence that these new technologies have in the
interpersonal relationships, in order to know its different aspects and observe if they produce
more advantages than disadvantages to time to relate or if they have only reduced our way of
communication leaving us at the mercy of a technological world that lacks the essence of


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