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Pre- reading

a. Which of these images do you associate with Scotland? Be careful! Some belong to other countries!

b. Now, watch this short documentary and tick the ones that appear:
The Old Corner of Edinburgh
1 The city of Edinburgh has many facets: classical architecture, valleys, Georgian crescents, graceful bridges,
green parks and a medieval fortress. It represents the dual face of an old city, the Old Town, and a new neo-
classic urban development, the New Town.
Castle Rock is in the heart of the Old Town. Today, it is a historic monument and also a working military
5 establishment. Inside the castle you can admire Saint Margaret’s chapel, an old, small Norman chapel. It is
approximately 1000 years old and it is still in use.
The castle is the symbol of the Scottish monarchy. In the Crown Room you can see the ancient honours of
Scotland – the crown, sceptre and sword of state. Nearby, is The Great Hall. It has an ornate wooden ceiling
and an interesting collection of weapons and armour.

10 In August, the Castle Esplanade is the venue of the world-famous Edinburgh Military Tattoo. There, the
Scottish regiments host a lively programme of military music, marching and historical enactment.
Leaving the Castle Esplanade, there is the Royal Mile. This historical street are the symbol of Edinburgh’s
medieval times.
At the other end of the Royal Mile is the Palace of Holyroodhouse. It represents the union of Scotland and
15 England to make Great Britain.

(Carlassare, Jorgelina with Harris, Michael & Mower, David & Sikorzynska, Anna; Art and communication on
stage Elementary; Longman 2001)

1) Complete the chart with information from the text:

NAME of the country where Edinburgh is located:

Characteristics of the city:

. -----------------------------------------
. -----------------------------------------
. -----------------------------------------
. -----------------------------------------
.classical architecture

Dual face of Edinburgh: a) Old Town

b) ……………..
Names of some rooms in the castle: a) ………….
c) .…………

Place where Scottish regiments host a programme ………………………..

of military performance:

A symbol of Edinburgh´s medieval times:

Now, there´s a new type of exercise: REFERENCES!

In this exercise, we have to look for the references of words in the text. They can be pronouns,
adverbs, phrases.
En este ejercicio, tenemos que buscar las referencias de palabras en el texto. Las mismas pueden ser
pronombres, adverbios o frases.
Let´s see an example! Veamos un ejemplo

If we say:

. I study at the University of Rosario. There, I study History

What does the adverb “there” (allí) refer to? ( ¿a qué se refiere el adverbio “there”? It refers to:
University of Rosario. So, your answer is: (entonces, tu respuesta es)

✓ There: University of Rosario

Let´s see more examples:

My cousins are Albana and Luciana. They are professionals. Luciana works in a
. private shool and she´s the headmistress

What does the pronoun “they” refer to in this context? ¿a quiénes se refiere el pronombre “ellas” en
este contexto? The pronoun “They” is a plural personal pronoun! So the reference must be plural. Al
ser un pronombre plural, su referencia debe ser en plural:

✓ They: Albana and Luciana

Now, what does “she” refer to in this text? ¿A quién se refiere el pronombre “she” en este texto? We
have to see if the pronoun refers to a woman or a man. Tenemos que fijarnos si el pronombre se
refiere a una mujer o a un hombre.

✓ She: Luciana

Another example!

I study Anthropology. I love it!

Now, what does “it” refer to? ¿A quién se refiere el pronombre “it” en este texto? Be careful with its
translation into Spanish! Cuidado con la traduccion al español: Estudio Antropologia. ¡La amo!
The pronoun “it” changes to “La” in Spanish … El pronombre “it” en inglés cambia a LA amo en
español.. so what does “It” refer to? ¿Entonces?

✓ It : Anthropology.

One last example!

The University of Rosario is located in Rosario. This city is popular

for its excelent academic offers.

Now, what does the phrase “this city” refer to? ¿A quién se refiere la frase “this city” en este texto?
✓ This city: Rosario

Are you ready to look for references in this text?

2) What do the HIGHLIGHTED words refer to in the text: “The Old Corner of Edinburgh”?
It =
It =
The castle =
It =
It =
There =
This historical street =
It =
3) Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Justify the false ones with
information from the text.

1) ____Edinburgh is divided into the Old and the New Town.

2) ____Castle Rock is located in the New Town.
3) ____Saint Margaret’s chapel is no longer used.
4) ____Castle Rock symbolizes Scottish monarchy.
5) ____Edinburgh Military Tattoo is held at the Royal Mile.

4) Answer the following questions:

a) What is Castle Rock known for today?
b) What is Saint Margaret´s chapel like?
c) Which elements are the ancient honours of Scotland?
d) Where can you see a collection of weapons and armour?
e) What does the palace of Holyroodhouse represent?

5) Choose the best translation:

working military a) establecimiento militar b) establecimiento de c) trabajo militar de

establishment (lien 5/6) en funcionamiento trabajo militar establecimiento

a new neo-classical urban a) un nuevo desarrollo b) un nuevo desarrollo c)un nuevo desarrollo
development urbano neoclásico neoclásico urbano clásico y urbano
(lines 3)

an ornate wooden ceiling a) un cielo de madera con b) un cielorraso de c) un techo de madera

(line 11) flores madera ornado muy florido

The symbol of a) el símbolo en b) el símbolo de los c) el símbolo de

Edinburgh´s medieval Edinburgh de los tiempos tiempos medievales de Edinburgh está en los
times (line 12) medievales Edinburgh tiempos medievales

a. Let´s read these other facts about Scotland:

Scotland has a population of about 5,424,800 people.

Scots have their own National Church: the Kirk.
This country has more than 790 islands.
Landmarks in Scotland have fascinating wildlife to see.

b. What grammar tense do these sentences have in common?

c. How do you call this new verb? When is it used? Choose:

To talk about future plans

To indicate possession
To show personal information

d. Let´s see this chart with affirmative and negative forms of this verb tense:

e. How are the interrogative forms? Remember?

e. How can you translate this verb tense to Spanish? Does it indicate the same? Let´s see.

In Spanish : tengo 30 años.

How do you say in English? I __________ 30 years old. Which verb is used for possession?
In Spanish: tengo frío.
How do you say in English? I __________ cold. Is it possession in English?
In Spanish: tengo miedo.
How do you say in English? I _________ frightened. Does the verb indicate possession?

BE CAREFUL with translations from Spanish to English!

a. Complete this paragraph with have got (´ve got/ ´s got):

Hi! My name´s Susan Smith. I _______ a small room in the Universiy

Campus. It ________ a bed and a desk to study. That´s all! My best
friends, Sara and Mike _________ a larger room with more space! This
university is cool! It _________ many big dorms but it _________ plenty of
entertainment. It ________ a wonderful theatre and a magnificient School
of Arts where lots of shows take place! Love them! Free time? Not much 
I _________ much spare time to visit my parents. I miss them a lot!

b. There are some sites to practice this new verb tense. Here are the links:

Previously, we have studied these verb tenses: VERB TO BE + THERE IS /ARE + HAVE-HAS GOT.
Anteriormente, estudiamos los verbos: verb to be* there is /are + have got/has got.
Let´s practice all the verb forms together! ¡Vamos a practicar todas las estructuras verbales aprendidas hasta


1. Jim ______________ a new friend, Ann. Ann and I _________________ very close to each other.

2. a. _________________ a football match on TV tonight, Tom!

b. Oh no! I _____________ a TV at the moment! It got broken!

3. The Harrisons _________________ (not) any children.

4. I can’t open the door because I _________________ (not) the key.

5. a. How many states _________________ in the USA?

b. I don´t remember really but the USA ___________ a population of 328.2 million people.

6. _________________ a tax under the door on the floor. _________________ it for you?

7. _________________ your sisters at home? No, they _________________ (not).

8. Everybody likes Tom, the new student. He _________________ a lot of friends because he _______ very

sociable and extroverted.

9. _________________ it cold today? Yes! And I __________ (not) a pullover on 

10. My sister and I _________________ a PC in our bedroom. It _________________ on our desk. My older

brothers __________ their own tablets.

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