Hypothesis GAB

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1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis

Ho µ=25000 25000
H1 µ≠25000

2 Level of Significance
α 0.05

3 Critical values
x bar 40000
n 50
𝑧=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
std dev 15000 (𝜎∕√𝑛)
use z test
zα/2 ±1.96

4 Test statistics
calc z 7.07

5 decision
calculated Z falls in rejected region
Null is rejected
alternate hypothesis is accepted
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis
Ho µ=2000 2000
H1 µ>2000

2 Level of Significance
α 0.05

3 Critical values
x bar 3000 t=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
n 25
s 500
tα,n-1 -2.0639

4 Test statistics
calc t 10

5 decision
calculated t falls in rejected region
Null is rejected
alternate hypothesis is accepted
Qty of water
540 1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis
555 Ho µ=550 550
560 H1 µ≠550
563 2 Level of Significance
567 α 0.05
552 3 Critical values
x bar
t=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
560 s 7.08 (𝑠∕√𝑛)
551 tα,n-1 ±2.06 2.063899
556 4 Test statistics
552 calc t 2.85
556 5 decision
559 calculated t falls in rejected region
554 Null is rejected
557 alternate hypothesis is accepted
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis
Ho p=0.34
H1 p≠0.34

2 Level of Significance
α 0.05

3 Critical values
n 110 𝑧=(𝑝 ̅−𝑝)
p 0.34
p bar 0.409091 /√(𝑝𝑞/𝑛)
q=(1-p) 0.66
z critical ±1.96

4 Test statistics
calc z 1.53

5 decision
calculated Z falls in accepted region
Null hypothesis is accepted
alternate hypothesis is rejected
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis

Ho µ=40 40
H1 µ≠40

2 Level of Significance
α 0.05

3 Critical values
x bar 42
n 200
𝑧=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
std dev 12 (𝜎∕√𝑛)
zα/2 ±1.96

4 Test statistics
calc z 2.36

5 decision
calculated Z falls in rejected region
Null is rejected
alternate hypothesis is accepted
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis

Ho µ=40 40
H1 µ≠40

2 Level of Significance
α 0.05

3 Critical values
x bar 42
n 200
𝑧=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
std dev 12 (𝜎∕√𝑛)
zα/2 ±1.96

4 Test statistics
calc z 2.36
p-value 0.01
two tailed 0.02

5 decision
Since calculated p-value is less than α
Null Hypothesis is rejected
Alternate Hypothesis is accepted
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis
Ho µ=10 10
H1 µ≠10

2 Level of Significance 1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis

α 0.1 2 Level of Significance
3 Critical values
3 Critical values 4 Test statistics
𝑧=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/ 5 decision

std dev 2 (𝜎∕√𝑛)

Zα,n ±1.645

4 Test statistics
calc Z 1.58

5 decision
calculated Z falls in accepted region
failed to reject null hypothesis
alternate hypothesis is rejected
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis
Ho µ=10 10
H1 µ≠10

2 Level of Significance
α 0.1

3 Critical values
x bar 11
n 10
𝑧=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
std dev 2 (𝜎∕√𝑛)

4 Test statistics
calc z 1.58
p-value 0.06
two tailed 0.11

5 decision
Since calculated p-value is greater than α
Null Hypothesis is accepted or failed to reject the null
Alternate Hypothesis is rejected
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis
Ho µ=45 45
H1 µ≠45

2 Level of Significance
α 0.01

3 Critical values
𝑧=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
std dev 5 (𝜎∕√𝑛)

4 Test statistics
calc Z 1.55
p-value 0.06
two tailed 0.12

5 decision
Since calculated p-value is greater than α
Null Hypothesis is accepted or failed to reject the null
Alternate Hypothesis is rejected
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis crytical value approach

H0 µ=45
H1 µ≠45

2 Level of Significance

α 0.01

3 Critical values

𝑥 ̅ 46
n 60 ±𝑧𝑐=((𝑥𝑐) ̅−𝜇)
5 /(𝜎∕√𝑛)
z0.01 ±2.575

4 Test statistics

Lower Bound 𝑥 ̅

of_𝑐 43.34 𝑥 ̅_𝑐=𝜇±𝑍_𝐶×𝜎/
Upper Bound 𝑥 ̅
of_𝑐 46.66
5 decision

𝑥 ̅_𝑐 is with in the limit of Lower and Upper bound of 𝑥 ̅

Null Hypothesis is accepted or failed to reject the null
Alternate Hypothesis is rejected
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis
Ho µ=2000000 2000000
H1 µ>2000000

2 Level of Significance
α 0.05

3 Critical values
x bar
t=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
s 25000 (𝑠∕√𝑛)
tα,n-1 ±2.09

4 Test statistics
calc t 89.44

5 decision
Since calculated t does not fall in accepted
Null Hypothesis is rejected
Alternate Hypothesis is accepted
Qty of water
1.191 1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis
1.291 Ho µ=1.108 1.108
1.118 H1 µ≠1.108
1.112 2 Level of Significance
1.114 α 0.05
1.118 3 Critical values
1.119 mean 1.11
1.112 n 25 t=(𝑥 ̅−𝜇)/
1.111 std dev 0.06 (𝑠∕√𝑛)
1.008 tα,n 2.06
1.006 4 Test statistics
1.005 calc t -0.07
1.119 5 decision
1.112 calculated t falls in accepted region
1.111 Null hypothesis is accepted
1.118 alternate hypothesis is rejected
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis

H0 p=0.05
H1 P<0.05

2 Level of Significance

α 0.1

3 Critical values

 ̅p 0.12
n 200
𝑧=(𝑝 ̅−𝑝)
q 0.95 /√(𝑝𝑞/𝑛)
p 0.05
Z0.1 ±1.645

4 Test statistics

calc Z 4.54

5 decision

Since calculated z does not fall in accepted region

Null Hypothesis is rejected
Alternate Hypothesis is accepted
1 Null and Alternate Hypothesis

H0 p=0.15
H1 p≠0.15

2 Level of Significance

α 0.05

3 Critical values

 ̅p 0.33
n 300
𝑧=(𝑝 ̅−𝑝)
q 0.85 /√(𝑝𝑞/𝑛)
p 0.15
Z0.05 ±1.96

4 Test statistics

zcalculated 8.89

5 decision

Since calculated z does not fall in accepted region

Null Hypothesis is rejected
Alternate Hypothesis is accepted
confidence one tailed two tailed
level α test test
90% 0.1 ±1.28 ±1.645
95% 0.05 ±1.645 ±1.96
99% 0.01 ±2.33 ±2.575

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