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TEODORO- To The Virgins, to Make Much of Time- Enrichment Activity

Share your anecdotes or observations on ladies, of age, who remain single for life or those who marry

- I have an aunt who marries late. If I am not mistaken, she was 35 when she got married.

She gave birth to a baby girl now, and based on my observations comparing her before and

after she got married, she was really a bit scarier before when she still really focused on her

career as a teacher and as a single lady than now. She was really strict before and a bit

perfectionist, she rarely smiles, but now she becomes more considerate, happy, and caring. I

see now that she is calmer than before. Through this simple observation, I can say that the

idea that when a woman get married, she will be more stressed because of additional

responsibilities and roles is definitely not true. I saw that my aunt’s change in behavior is

caused by the additional love and care she receives from her own family now. She becomes

more patient and if before when someone meet her at the market or at park, she rarely smiles,

now I can see she becomes jolly, I can now always see her smile. I know that my aunt prayed

long for this moment to happen. To have and build her own family. She waited for this.

- To sum it up, I believe that everything is in its own place and time. As stated in the bible,

there is a season for everything, we just need to be patient in waiting. Trusting the plans of

God in our lives is always the best. We don’t need to rush everything when it comes to

marriage. Yes, it is really hard to be alone or should I say single all your life, some say they

feel empty, feel sad all the time, etc., but I believe that when you obey God, you are walking

in His will, and understands His promises, you will never feel alone. Remember that with or

without someone, God is always there. He is constant. In God’s presence alone in our lives,

we can be complete.

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