The 1. Z. ,: Broader, More Fifth Irl

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Broader, More Recent Changes


Recent changes comprised the fifth view. fhese broad changes !appened irl 1:

l Ii
the last half ot the Scholars today point to these three n6table
changes as the or,igin of globalization that we know today. They are as follows: iT

1. The emergence of the United States as the globat power (Post-World

z. The ernergence of multinationa[ corporations (MNCs)

demise of the S,gviet Utr[on end of the Cold War

3:, , Tl',rp
3nq ]he
, ,Through'its dorninant military and ec6nomic power after WWll, the US was
able to outrun Gerrrrany and Japan in terrns of industry. Both Axis powers and
Allies fall behind economically as compared to the new global power. Because of
this, the US soon began to progress in different aspects like in diPlgrnacy, qedia,

(.r in the Hollywood), and rnany more:
Be-fofe MNCs came into peirlg, their r0ots are from their countries of origin
during the eighteenth to early nineteenth cefituries. The VS. Gernrany, and 6reat
s!1a!g!rad in their homeland gr:eat corporations which the world knows today.
l-lowever, th&y did hot rerhain there ds'far as their production ancl lrarket are
concerned. For example, fbieland General Mot0rs originated in the US but in
ihe twentieth century they exported ntore automobiles and opened factories to

a More recent than the first two woutd be thep(oiifre Souiet Union in 1991.
This event led to the Opening of the maior parts of the world for the first tifrte
since the early twentieth centu ry. M any€! ohalrysses-lCIrn!tr$ n, to u rism,
'l-his paved way
r?edia. diplomacv, arld f$NCs-spread'thioughout the. planet.
for the so-cal led "free" China, even though the governmelrt remains
communist, is on its way to becoming a major force irr global capitalisnr (Fishrrran
zoo6). Moreover; China is also globalizing in terms of other . spects sLrch as their
trosting of the Olympics in zoo8.

1 Are societies in the world becoming more similar (hornogenous) or

more d if{erent (heterogeneoui)l

2. V/hat do you thiirk are the advantages and disadvantages of

homogenization of culture? How' about heterogen:zation?


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