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BASIC ENGLISH P LEVEL-1 oO Wil) @\ a ia ae Lesson (5) Families & Relatives Dialouge - I Hoff SS ance GenelHpEicfhojomcth Dialouge - II m 8slm Erk SanigoknelTpEchQdiomichy Vocabulary (cclonqep:) mB Saniqjudiafeinadtnedtyp: Useful phrases & Sentence structure (sloyooSca3$) Pass away $€ Still alive m>¢-Qy RBGarigokcogeh nedledla}:: SRaoch gS: Love / like 73}:Gi9: ySqon Gif 8uReGpe: eGroiys Adj 73¢:Q)G: San:qo8eo i, 8Aegvemmon:ne[ApE: fro}ys Simple Present Tense §2>4:Qig SeyorSesoreh gS: (\) $5: Who euigfronnjin§ sai: GG: SancgoBcoge§ ScRsorRqe348 (Question Form) Exercises (copoyo§:ap:) = Fill in the family tree with given words. = Match the meanings. ™ Choose the correct verb form. ' Translate the following sentences into English. $2 1. DIALOGUE (1) (Susan § Kelly 84 SamgofmclapE: mafiqhiBaodelifaiieR copanfajgSqesnf...) Susan Kelly Susan Kelly amt enue mt enue : What's your family like? : My family is small. : Oh, | see, My family isn't too big. Do you have any brothers and sisters? : No, | don't have any. | am the only child. Sopp ee’ + vESanigm mBeGeon 2 Ayr Sanigo8Ssdlonin 2 aah. NAG AyrveS: SaniqoBvypudh + oBeunrhyuganen dln an8S:nSicananidh nub SnSRonkzveogfara $2 1. DIALOGUE (11) (co8slon BRc8 Bornigo8ancfapErclhp[Gcpoomiclp carcogeRoapanfajdiqesné...) Mini Linda Mini Linda 5 nel ntl HG : So, tell me about your family. Have you got any brothers or sisters? : Yes, 've got three sisters but no brothers. : Three sisters? How old are they? : Well, the oldest is twenty-three The second sister is twenty-one. And the youngest is nineteen. Sop ew +: vEGanignrelHE: Ife Gun vEyp enkeayuecggoran + Uyinbu (p)eunchfousi Slavs eunku§ 2 Sabu (p)ewnh... agofnauefinBerneh§(Gou «mba (9) 3880p heuesBum (sp) g88Gp mela Sumcon (og) 5888+ GRAMMAR SPOT What's = What is Isn't Is not Don't Do not Ive = have “Useful Phrases” “What's your family like?” 2. VOCABULARY Sibl ote o iw Grandfather (n) ng: 3 e Granddaughter (n)_ : 4:Gxy TIL, Love / like >-Qi$: ySqonG5yRs8arrReGpE: Passed away (V2) adage alloy a§ My grandmother passed away 3 years ago. mpfcoange myfio5 958m apvkognzoudn My grandmother is still alive. mafectangum mg auchfeokqnfiongide IL. e$Sarrrgo8eoge§ zed odT ap[§: ScSaocK gS: Simeon GSouiefeGrG:SRzorhuibshoE "This is "eG Gig: SRzorReuiqslueSu This is my father. SmeenegfeoFneuGSdorin His name is aapudincon Her name is aqupwaineen ~ —~ He is years old. aye ~ 96" She is years old. ayer He is a manager. ayer ufcgqnorScunehdhe She is a doctor. aur somofenScunrhSh TIL. Love/ like 299g): RSopSqon RjoSs8aoc8o[apicfspo3ge Rue tema cnc teuened He loves travelling, 34 >Aaguqon [yioude She loves travelling. ayy Pagugon (pondn Ilike him very much. Banh afeok mig SiGhyRllowis I like her very much. ayer egfeo ana hiGHyehdlonss IV. All] 222}Gf8: Sarngo8 cog Scho garconconaclape He is so kind. agen aig: aveamermEronSi She is so patient. ayo ng Ss8cigSouss His son and daughter are clever. 2gAiany, Sim ercok Goud V. Simple Present Tense 3209}:{g)¢j dloy orgSccorchg pS: (J) $25: Re ecee uke eeos ics {am the only child.” myfcohmas:nS:cananid “He isa bachelor.” Berg Gilde Peet Cate ea Eeos city e,they > VI it —> ~ Vs/es sh He loves travelling, 2g >Raguqon (ypfoude My cousin works at Sakura hospital rfc Buo8iqjm anngep eaoiyr zySryScqlous This is my cousin. SImaon myfeo Suo8inj GSSousn Her name is Dahlia. 2yud, prusimecn eaSunQ8dlousn She is 14 years old. ayum ag s8§1Gn She is a student. ayum empEiayonBeunchiSh She loves cooking very much. auum U&sayiqan sigh: (Biehonn This is my grandmother. Ameen ryfeoS ny GSSousn She is 70 years old. 2g naveh qo §Slgu She has four children, ayi8yr ania’: ervicundgonsn They are my mother, my aunt and two uncles. aheqqmaon myfynau ned Serv ScunchQSilowSn They are all married aachecgnnfny: Rcank GGG Ge They have a big happy family. aycheoym eyfigEomermEso} Sacer GEREan: Gorin VI. Who corg$:oro3:c% s2a3:[a 8: 8arx908c0308 80820059036 [Question Form] Pen aah ceast sis (1) Question: Who is she? ayumnanBayede Answer : She is my mother. ayum myfunceGSdlonsn She is my aunty. yum mfuncdGsdlonin (2) Question: Who are they? aPZsogm mayen ‘Answer : They are my cousions. YeRsogen myFuA, cenE;vo8:njcoy GSlousn They are my brothers. 2yheoym nyfud nBcRaoy BSSousn (3) Question: What is your family like? EBanigm neGGpBanigndu Answer : Itisa big family. Sarieir8aQSouss It is a small family. SanignrcarondaQSouSu (4) Question: How many siblings do you have? ubyn enntzveyraSinBzeun§rdn Answer : [have two siblings. myfeotiyn ant sucy:nk:sScunrhgouss (5) Question Answer (6) Question Answer (7) Question Answer (8) Question Answer Ihave one brother and one sister. myfeoiys n&RoScunhy SunScunhfonss | don't have any siblings. mafeotys cyytinScunyefay : How many cousins do you have? uByr curd uobirjangcunrhfon : [have seven cousins. mafeofiyn oSirjevn8yu gySeunchfonss : How many aunts do you have? wbyn nest geurchifed « : [have three aunts. myfeotyn neflaj:cunrhfouss : How many uncles do you have? u8iyn SrervimBgcundhfron : I don't have any uncles. mafeotin ZrernoBounchiye§loya : How many children do you have? vbr aniaSionSzaunehifedn : [have one son and two daughters. myfcofyn annBcunchZ, 28: Scunchfousn Ce dteih is) I. _ Fill the family tree with given words. cousins , father , son , husband daughter , brother , grandmother , aunt as aaaoemed 9. 10. Match the meanings. Stepfather . 2 RBconfry niece . o eRe sister-in-law . 2 eRe daughter-in-law _ a nephew . . Ww the only child . © HYG: spinster . . wie: widower . 2 cane aude bachelor . yy divorced . Us: widow . 2 a88:Sican Choose the correct verb form. My cousins (am, is, are) married. (()) ena | (am, is, are) the only child. (2) My brother and | (am, is, are) students. (3) She (am, is, are) my aunt. (4) My uncles (am, is, are) bachelors. (5) Translate the following sentences into English. mafeotiyr ayfigSomarmésc} Sanel Sieh GExEarionsn I have a big happy family. imyfurn en88:orgS:can a185h Ameen oyfeos Su o8:rg BBdonsn agua e§ Sh vESanigm muBiefedn

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