Unit 9 Software Development Lifecycles

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Unit 9: Software Development Lifecycles

Please note that this Example Assessment Brief is NOT an authorised assignment brief. It is
provided as a reference only. Centres must develop assignments and assessment materials
that meet the needs of their students and align with their curriculum planning. This Example
Assessment Brief may be used as a starting point for the development of an assignment;
however, Centres are expected to modify and revise the Example Assessment Brief to meet
the specific needs of their students and curriculum. All assessment briefs must be Internally
Example Assessment Brief 1
Student Name/ID
Unit Number and Title 9: Software Development Lifecycles
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title Planning a Software Development Lifecycle
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
Submission Format
The submission for LO1 and LO2 is in the form of two sets of documentation including at
least one presentation with detailed speaker notes/handouts and suitable illustrations
and examples.

The submission for LO3 and LO4 also requires a presentation with detailed speaker
notes/handouts and suitable illustrations and examples as well as a software analysis and
supporting documentation with appropriately formatted reports and other documents as

This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size
12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate,
and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard
referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing
system. The recommended word limit is 2,000-2,500 words, although you will not be
penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes

L01 Describe different software development lifecycles.
LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study
Assignment Brief and Guidance

Case Study: Lunch Box Restaurant

Lunch Box is a small restaurant located in a busy area of Canary Wharf right in the middle
of busy offices and providing different types of food items including packed (ready to go)
and prepared on order. The restaurant serves Mediterranean, Italian, and Indian food.
Since the restaurant is located in a busy area where people from different cultures visit to
buy food. The restaurant has no seating area therefore it operates only on take away
basis. Though restaurant holds a good reputation however new entrants, presence of
large number of other restaurants and no seating area are some of the key limitations
which is affecting on the business profitability. In order to grow profitability, the
restaurant has conducted a survey which revealed that most of the customer would like
to have food delivered in their offices, so they don’t need to leave their workplace. On the
basis of survey results the Lunch Box Restaurant management is interested in E-
Commerce system which would enable their customers to select/choose food for their
lunch and to be delivered to their offices.
You are required to attend following tasks by keeping in view the above case:
In the first instance you are being expected to look at different software development
lifecycles and produce a presentation and detailed lecture notes supporting your ideas. (-
250 words per slide)
1. Produce an assessment of the merits of applying waterfall model to a large-scale
development project. Bear in mind there are several versions of this model.
2. Produce a presentation describing two iterative software lifecycle models and two
sequential software lifecycle models. Go on to show how risk is managed in each of
these models.
Your next task is therefore to explain the importance feasibility studies can have on
the whole development process of given scenario. And produce a document that
includes all of the following:
1. An assessment of the impact different feasibility criteria have on a software
2. A straightforward explanation of the purpose of doing a feasibility report on a
potential software development.
3. A discussion of the different components that make up a feasibility report.
4. A description of how alternative technical solutions can be compared effectively.
Please review the unit essential content and grading criteria for more details on
the expected elements and
Example Assessment Brief 1
Student Name/ID
Unit Number and Title 9: Software Development Lifecycles
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
Submission Format

The submission for LO3 and LO4 also requires a presentation with detailed speaker
notes/handouts and suitable illustrations and examples as well as a software analysis and
supporting documentation with appropriately formatted reports and other documents as

This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size
12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate,
and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard
referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing
system. The recommended word limit is 2,000-2,500 words, although you will not be
penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes

L03 Undertake a software development lifecycle

L04 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design techniques.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

Assignment Brief and Guidance
You are expected to evaluate the process of undertaking a systems investigation with
regards to its effectiveness in improving software quality.
Towards this you will need to include a discussion of two approaches to improving
software quality. To give you material to work from you will need to undertake a software
investigation into meeting a particular business need (see below). For this you will need to
utilise the most appropriate software analysis tools and techniques to carry out the
investigation and create the supporting documentation.
During the process produce an analysis of how software requirements can be traced
throughout the whole software lifecycle.
Please review the unit essential content and grading criteria for more details on the
expected elements and topics that need to be included.

Requirements document:
1. Demonstrate your expertise and understanding of software development via a
software investigation.
2. You are being tasked with the software investigation into the requirements for the
management of the whole process from entering the race to documenting the final
results and allocating prizes. This will take some research on your part, but a list of
essential requirements is available, unfortunately it isn't a complete list, you will
have to identify and include others as they arise.
Manage entries by runners Record entry fee payments Manage staffing, marshals, judges,
timekeepers etc. both volunteers and paid staff.
Record results and track riders.
Record payments to customers.
Track customers.
Track staffing of water points along the race and logistics of providing suitable supplies in
a suitable form.
Produce certificates to go with medals for those who complete the course with time,
name etc.
Entries are expected to be in the usual multiple thousands.

Your final task is to look into the suitability of software behavioural design techniques
with a view to the company adopting appropriate ones.
First: prepare a presentation discussing the suitability of different software behavioural
design techniques using appropriate examples to illustrate this. You will need to include
detailed lecture notes/handouts for your audience.
Include, as the second half of your presentation, an analysis of a suitable range of
software behavioural tools and techniques.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Describe different software development lifecycles D1 Assess the merits

of applying the
P1 Describe two iterative
M1 Discuss, with an example, why Waterfall lifecycle
and two sequential software
a particular lifecycle model is model to a large
lifecycle models.
selected for a development software
P2 Explain how risk is
environment. development project.
managed in these models.
LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study.
D2 Assess the impact
P3 Explain the purpose of a of different feasibility
feasibility report. M2 Discuss the components of a criteria on a software
P4 Describe how technical feasibility report. investigation.
solutions can be compared.

LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle

M3 Evaluate the
P5 Undertake a software process of
investigation to meet a undertaking a systems
M3 Analyse how software
business need. investigation with
requirements can be traced
P6 Use appropriate software regards to its
throughout the software lifecycle.
analysis tools/techniques to effectiveness in
M4 Discuss two approaches to
carry out a software improving a software
improving software quality.
investigation and create quality.
supporting documentation.
LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design
techniques D4 Present
justifications of how
M5 Analyse a range of software data driven software
P7 Discuss using examples behavioural tools and techniques. can improve the
the suitability of software M6 Differentiate between a finite reliability and
behavioural design state machine (FSM) and an effectiveness of
techniques. extended-FSM, providing an software.
application for both.

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