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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales


De León Aguilar Ángela Adamari 1989609

León Arroyo Alan 1900086

Ortiz Chavez Omar Josue 1896137

Hamilton Yuriel Gallardo Pacheco 1877828

Romero Cruz Nataly Johana 1811486

Laura Elizabeth Hernández Alanis 1867900

Carlos Alberto Ruiz García 1980612

Carlos Armando Hernández Pedraza 1942905

Najari Naian Vaca Hernández 1851141

Cassandra Michelle Bautista Segovia


Leslie Yoali Molar Cruz 1813736

Miguel Angel Calderón Iracheta 1753553.

Docente:Pamela Alejandra Hernández Ceballos

Fecha: 01 de julio del 2022

Lugar: Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

Nigeria y estados unidos
The education

According to the latest data

published by UNESCO, a
literacy rate of 30.56%. Its
male literacy rate is 39.06%,
higher than the female one,
in Nigeria is supervised by the
which is 22.55%
Ministry of Education, which means
that the local authorities take
responsibility for implementing the
policy of state control of public
education and state schools at the
regional level.

Finally the latest statistics indicate that there

are 38,649 primary schools throughout the
country with a student population of 16,190,947
students (Annual Statistical Report, 1995).
Secondary education is open to boys between
eleven and eighteen years of age.
Nigeria y estados unidos
The culture

Tourism is a fundamental part of the United

States economy, this in part, thanks to the great
cities that have been built in its almost 250 years
of life. Thus they have become the benchmark
in the sector if we take into account both North
America and South America.

It is one of the largest and most diverse

countries in the world. It has an incredible
number of tourist destinations ranging from
the skyscrapers of New York and Chicago,
to the natural wonders of Yellowstone and
Alaska and the sunny beaches of
California, Florida and Hawaii. With so
many tourist attractions, it is tempting to
make a list of the most beautiful cities or
states in this country.

The United States recorded a total of

45 million tourists in 2020, ranking 4th
in the world in absolute terms.

It is a very large country and full of tourist attractions.

Therefore, there are options for all tastes. In addition,
the destination is multicultural, since many natives
and people from different parts of the world live there.
You can also find many parks, museums, nightlife, a
wide range of restaurants and stores to go shopping.
Nigeria y estados unidos
the economy

Nigeria: Oil-rich Nigeria has been hobbled by

political instability, corruption, inadequate
infrastructure, and poor macroeconomic
management, but in 2008 began pursuing
economic reforms. Nigeria's former military rulers
failed to diversify the economy away from its
overdependence on the capital-intensive oil
sector, which provides 95% of foreign exchange
earnings and about 80% of budgetary revenues.

USA: The US has the largest and most

technologically powerful economy in the world,
with a per capita GDP of $49,800. In this
market-oriented economy, private individuals
and business firms make most of the decisions,
and the federal and state governments buy
needed goods and services predominantly in
Nigeria y estados unidos
The families

The families in United States are characterized by

their great diversity and friendliness in their
treatment. Its culture is known for being one of the
most open and multicultural in the world. American
families are characterized, for the most part, by
being families with a calm rhythm of life and with
an established routine, to which you will have to
adapt and be part of it. In general, parents in
American families teach their children to be
independent. Therefore, it is common to see young
college graduates move out of their homes and
fend for themselves.

Another fundamental issue has to do with religion.

American families that profess a creed tend to honor
it continuously, in their daily activities and, of course,
in the most specific holidays. There are also certain
religious rituals practiced by American families, such
as fasting on Yom Kippur (Jewish religion) or giving
gifts at Christmas (Christian/Catholic religion).
More than 500 native tribes are currently
recognized in the US. One very important
thing to keep in mind is that while they
exhibit similarities between tribal heritages
People from the east of the country tend to
and traditions, Native American culture
varies from nation to nation. dress more formally; in the west they tend
to dress a bit more casually.
A great representation of the
multiculturalism of the country is evidenced
through the music that is heard there. From
pop and rock, to jazz and rhythm and blues,
the United States of America has the
second largest music industry market in the

In the United States, the law

dictates that only those over the
age of 21 are allowed to purchase
The official language is English alcohol.
and it is spoken by the vast
majority of the resident

In recent years it has become

very popular for young people to
organize parties at their house
before going to university to raise
money for their move.

Fast food and large chains of

pizzas, hamburgers and junk
food abound
English is the official language of Nigeria and the
most used for interaction, even though it is a country
with more than 500 individual tribal languages.
As for religion, 50 per cent were Muslims, 40 per Almost every house has a flag of the
cent Christians and the remaining 10 per cent country.
practised various indigenous religions. While
Muslims can be found everywhere in Nigeria, their
strongest points of support lie between the Hausa
and Yoruba. Most urban Nigerians seem to
combine traditional cuisine with
some western-style dining and
amenities. In the south, crops such
as corn, yam and sweet potato
form the basis of the diet.

Clothing in Nigeria ranges from women in long tunics

and headscarves. Southern Nigerian women choose
to wear western-style clothing. People in the urban
regions of Nigeria dress in Western style, young
people mainly wear jeans and T-shirts.

Traditional musicians use a

number of different
instruments, such as Gongon
drums. Kora and kakaki are
also important.
Nigeria y estados unidos
The United States has the best
The education
Higher Education System in the

According to research conducted by

Universitas 21, a global research network of
universities, the United States is one of the
countries that invests the most in higher
education and per university student in the

In addition to leading the ranking and having the best

higher education system in the world, the country
also has one of the best qualified workforces and
one of the best employment rates among its
Nigeria y estados unidos

The government of the United States is based on a

presidential and federal anatomy. Its government
has limited powers enumerated in the U.S.
Constitution. Its form of government is known as a
presidential democracy because there is a president.

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