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The Director Generals International Bodyguard Skills Specialist Courses 2011

RELEASE DATE January 2011

Established Paris in December 1957

Fortiter in Re Suaviter in Modo

During 2010, the Director General will also conduct bodyguard training in the following countries: Albania, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech, Germany, Greece, India,, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a ,

National courses can be found by contacting the IBA National or Regional Director of a country through the IBAHQ website Facebook: IBAHQ Published by the Office of the Director General International Bodyguard Association Headquarters All rights reserved. IBAHQ Copyright material2011

The following courses are at The Fairways Hotel, ( Dundalk,Co Louth.
Republic of Ireland, situated 45 minutes from Dublin Airport and 60 minutes from Belfast City and Belfast International Airports. Course fees do not include meals and accommodation.

Duration: 2 DAYS (20 hours) Dates: 26th 27th November 2011 The course starts with Law and Defence. Conflict Management techniques are taught utilizing first Defence and then Restraint tactics. Defence is taught utilizing methods of impact provided by striking and projection. The dos and donts are underlined through tactical BG scenarios. Methods of restraint are taught to achieve compliance using locks & constrictions. Training on an Olympic standard mat area . DART training with the late Patrick Swayze > IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVES DEVICES SEARCH Duration: 2 DAYS (20 hours) Dates: 28th 29th November 2011 A 2-day specialist IED course IED. Current terrorist trends are covered and vehicle and venue searches are explained in detail. Room search is covered by lecture and demonstration. Practical exercises are conducted under supervision by qualified instructor with long term & current operational experience. Special modules dealing with Hostile Environment Areas Training (Iraq & Afghanistan)


Module: DART11/2

Module IED 11/01

Protective Driving

Duration: 3 DAYS (30 hours) th nd Dates: 30 November 02 December Comprehensive on the road course. Convoy driving in defensive mode. Next day on the skidpan for evasive mode: actions on ambush with forward & reverse 180s. The last day is very offensive driving with participants ramming the opposition out of the way. A current full national or international driving license is required

Module: PD11/1

Bodyguard Specialist Courses 2011 (Xmas Term)



Course only (without accommodation):


26-27 NOV
28-29 NOV


COST 220 (deposit 100) 300 (deposit 100)


IED09/1 PD09/1

Course only (without accommodation): Course only (without accommodation): All Courses (7 days 70 Hours)


26TH NOV 02ND DEC 2011

30 NOV-02 DEC

550 (deposit 100)

Course 950 (deposit 250)

Family Name Personal Name Date of birth Postal Address Post code Country E-mail Telephone Mobile

Declaration of Safety, Health and Representation

I confirm the following, freely and without duress or deception: I have not been convicted of any crime before a court of law and have no criminal record. (You may be asked to furnish proof of this at your own expense) I present myself for training by the International Bodyguard Association. I subscribe to the International Bodyguard Associations Code of Ethics. I understand that the training will require physical activity for which I must be in good health. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the instructors if I determine otherwise. I do not suffer from any ailment or injury which would preclude my training and working as a bodyguard. If I am in any doubt about this I will at my own expense seek examination by a qualified registered medical practitioner. I undertake not to present myself as an IBA member or instructor of bodyguard skills until such time I may qualify as a member or an instructor with the International Bodyguard Association. I certify that I will not transfer any information I receive during training with the IBAHQ to a third party without the express permission of the IBAHQ.

Print your name Date

ALL PAYMENTS: If you are booking courses described in this brochure, all payments and bookings should be made
directly to the IBAHQ (OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL); and not to a National or Regional Director. All payments by transfer, credit or deposit MUST be made to the bank account listed here, or sent by draft or cheque directly with this form to the IBAHQ in Ireland. Failure to observe this protocol may result in an additional 20% surcharge payable on the course fee(s)

Cheques, Bankers Drafts, International Money Orders are all accepted provided they are made payable to the International Bodyguard Association HQ. Personal cheques are only accepted up to 14 days before the start of the course applied for, at the Office of the Director General shown on the rear adjoining page. It is your responsibility to present any proof of payment for a course on the first day of that course. EURO PAYMENTS Credit transfer / Giro transfer to: IBAN (International Bank Account Number): #: ie07 bofi 90342939062436 (or) Account No: 39062436 Sort Code: 90-34-29 , BIC: bofiie2d address: Bank of Ireland, Dunleer, Co Louth, Rep. of Ireland account name : International Bodyguard Association HQ IF YOU PREFER TO PAY IN UK to a UK account and save international transaction fees please contact IBAHQ to make conversion and bank arrangements

The IBA logo is a protected trademark under registration with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WPO), The Madrid Agreement 1891/1958 and The European Unions Community Trademark registration.

The International Bodyguard Association (IBA) is an International Non-Governmental Organisation founded in Paris 1957. It is registered with the Union of International Organisations in Bruxelles. The IBA has established itself as the premier world training organisation for Bodyguards. It has been at the forefront of Bodyguard education in the emerging Baltic and Balkan Republics, the European Union Security; in the new South Africa, in Afghanistan and throughout the new Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. During 2004, the IBA in addition to regular courses, st trained classes of Iraqi Police, Cambodian Police, elements of the US Armys 1 Special Forces Group, Bodyguards for United Nations Security, Bodyguards and Drivers for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). In the following years, IBA training was provided to the Thai National Police and Royal Thai Navy SEALS and Royal Thai Army Special Forces (Task Force 90). In 2005, the Mongolian Government arranged an IBA course for their Special Forces, Central Intelligence Agency, the State Special Security Agency and Police SWAT unit. In the UK, IBA graduates were among the first to complete their training for the new state SIA CP licence. Training was completed through a partnership between the IBA and New College, Swindon, and now also with Protector Network. The IBA in collaboration with New College, have been delivering BTEC Level 3 courses in Close Protection for licencing in the United Kingdoms Security Industry Authoritys (SIA) Close Protection Officers licence. The SIA CPO licence became a legal requirement for Bodyguards working within the United Kingdom from March 2006. All IBA candidates (UK and Foreign) who took the BTEC 3 exam in Close Protection passed their exam, an exemplary 100% pass rate. By special application to the Director General, BTEC courses for SIA registration can be conducted outside of the United Kingdom. Last year IBA graduates successfully and safely completed high risk PSD and CP missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and South East Asia. In the autumn of 2006 the IBA provided training for the United States of st Americas first Homeland Security Platoon. Prior to this, elements of C company (Special Duties) 1 Regiment Armed Forces of Malta and Police were trained by the IBA. The IBA consistently provides the highest level of training to government, military, police and civilian Bodyguards. World-class security instructors give specialist training and guidance in a unique learning environment, helping bodyguards to develop professional skills and industry knowledge throughout their careers. President Victor Yushenko of Ukraine under Presidential Order 698/2006 awarded the Director General the Presidential Order of Merit in recognition of his work training Government Bodyguard units and Counter Terrorist teams since independence. In 2010, the IBA trained National Police Protection teams in Ankara, Turkey. The Director General has been similarly honoured by Baltic and Balkan nations, as well as by Governments and Churches. The International Bodyguard Associations reputation for excellence is a result of over 50 years of th achievement in protective skills training. The 50 Anniversary Dinner of the International Bodyguard Association was th held on Friday 14 December 2007 at Dublin Castle, Dublin, capital of the Republic of Ireland.

IBA 54th Annual dinner @2000hrs on Saturday 03rd December 2011 IBS AGM 03rd December 2009 @10.30hrs IBA AGM 03rd December 2011 @14.00hrs Contact Details
Office of the Director General International Bodyguard Association Castle Cosey, Castlebellingam. Co. Louth. Republic of Ireland Tel: +353 429 382 849 Cell: +353 857 292 859 : IBAHQ Often imitated Never equalled

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