Unit 1 Practice Exam Questions

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Unit 1 Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. a Hard drive
2. d it is read-only
3. d IAS
4. c USB
5. b it is non-volatile
6. b The computer can immediately read any record in the file
7. c Sensor input
8. a Transposition error
9. b Weather forecasting
10. d icons

Structured questions
Question Part Answer
1 ai The Control Unit: passes instructions to all the different parts of the
processor, so that they carry out the right tasks in the right order.
a ii The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU): performs calculations and logical
processes such as comparing values.
a iii ROM: is Read Only Memory. ROM is non-volatile primary memory that
stores the instructions to start up the computer system. These instructions
are fixed in the factory where the computer was built.
b PROM is Programmable Read-Only Memory. PROM is blank when it leaves
the factory, and the instructions are added later by a programmer. But then
they are fixed and cannot be changed.
EPROM is Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. If EPROM is exposed
to ultraviolet light it is wiped clean so it can be reused to store new
instructions. This allows start up instructions to be updated when needed.
2 ai Web cam: is a video camera that records a moving image and sends the
signal over the Internet. Example: People use web cams to send video
images to friends who live far away.
a ii MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) works by detecting special
magnetic ink and turning it into digital data. MICR is used to read numbers
on bank cheques.
a iii Bar code reader: scans the bar code on a product. The bar code represents a
code number. The code can be used to find more details about the product
from a database. Example: Supermarkets use bar code readers attached to
a Point of Sale (POS) terminal. The bar code reader captures information
about the goods a customer is buying.

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Unit 1 Practice exam questions

Question Part Answer

a iv Biometric systems: recognise a person’s physical characteristics, for
example, reading their fingerprints or iris (eye) scan. Example: They are
mainly used for security purposes, for example, to allow access to banks or
military premises.
3 When people enter data into a computer system they can make errors.
The user might type the wrong character on the keyboard. This is
called a typographical error. Some of the most common errors are:
spelling mistakes, typing the wrong key, misreading the input data and
transposition errors (typing two characters in the wrong order).
Checks that can be used to reduce errors are:
• proofreading;
• verification (entering data twice to check);
• validation (software checks to make sure data is of the right type or that
it is an acceptable value.
4 Cloud storage uses the Internet to transfer data between your computer
and large remote storage area called a data centre. The advantages of using
cloud storage include:
• data can be accessed from anywhere on any device using the Internet;
• data is more secure. It isn’t lost if a computer fails, gets lost or is stolen;
• more storage can be purchased if needed.
5 A B
Uses sequential access Magnetic tape
Common computer port USB
Divided into sectors Hard drive
Used in digital cameras Flash memory card
Optical disk CD-R
6 If a monitor is faulty:
• Check that the video cable connecting the monitor to the computer is
firmly connected.
• Check that there is electrical power to the monitor.
• Find the brightness and contrast controls on the monitor case. Adjusting
them may solve the problem.

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Unit 2 Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. a hotspot
2. c duplex
3. d fibre-optic
4. d Ethernet
5. b Router
6. a Modem
7. d To create web pages
8. b Wireless Access Point
9. c Local Area Network
10. a Generation

Structured questions
Question Part Answer
1 a web browser
c web page
d web server
e web site
2 a Hub: is used to connect network devices together. When a hub
receives data, it sends it out to all the devices connected to it. Each
device checks network messages and accepts data addressed to it.
b Switch: a special kind of hub. A switch works out which device
the data is for and only sends it to that device. A switch is more
expensive to buy and operate, but is faster and more secure than
a hub.
c Modem: Data is sent across the Internet using public networks
such as telephone systems. Public networks use different data
formats to those used by a LAN. A modem is used to convert the
data between the two formats so that it can be used in the LAN.
d Network Interface card (NIC): a device used to connect devices
to a through a cable or wireless connection. Most modern devices
such as computers and printers have an NIC built in so they are
ready to be connected to a network.
3 a A student can access learning materials, timetables and other
information held on the school learning platform. Emails and
messages can be sent to a teacher or class members to get advice
or answer questions. A video conferencing link can allow the
student to talk to experts anywhere in the world.

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Unit 2 Practice exam questions

Question Part Answer

b The engineer can access manuals and parts lists on the company
web site. Replacement components that are needed can be
ordered. Pictures of faults can be taken on a phone and sent back
to the company headquarters for advice. The engineer can access
an expert system to help identify a problem. A job sheet explaining
the work carried out can be sent back to head office so that the
customer can be charged for the work.
4 Network protocols are the rules that tell us how data will be shared
across networks. If a manufacturer of hardware or software makes
sure their product uses agreed network protocols, then it will work
with other hardware and software on the network.
Ethernet: a protocol that tells us how network hardware will be
joined together with cables.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP):
the rules that tell us how data is sent between network hardware
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): the rules that state how a
web page should be written so that it can be displayed in a web
browser anywhere in the world.

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Unit 3 Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. b Denial of service
2. d Counter measures
3. d Firewall
4. a Car factory
5. b Expert system
6. d Telecommuting
7. b Doctor
8. a Web site
9. c Make a backup
10. b A security system using physical features such as fingerprints

Structured questions
Question Part Answer
1 Describe any four of these security counter measures:
• Physical security: servers and network data storage drives are
protected behind locked doors. Key codes and biometric systems are
used to make unauthorised access to systems more difficult.
• Intrusion detection systems warn when there has been
unauthorised access to a system so that action can be taken.
• Back-up and recovery systems store versions of data held on a
system at regular intervals, so data can be recovered if it is lost or
• A firewall prevents unauthorised external access to a computer
network and the data stored on that network.
• Anti-virus software prevents damage from viruses and other
malware affecting data. Anti-virus software must be updated regularly
to be effective.
• Data encryption is a method of coding data when it is sent across the
Internet. Encryption prevents data being read even if it is intercepted
by a criminal.
• Individual working practices The way people use a computer
system is important in fighting the misuse of data. Individuals should
set strong passwords and never reveal them to others.
2 a Telecommuting
b Identity theft

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Unit 3 Practice exam questions

Question Part Answer

e e-commerce
3 a Software piracy is a form of illegal copying. Some people make copies of
expensive computer software, music or videos and sell them illegally.
b Expert systems are complex software models that use information stored
in a database to provide answers to problems. In medicine, this software
is sometimes used to help with diagnosis of illnesses.
c The World Wide Web (WWW) is the collection of all the web sites in the
d A Podcast audio or video content that is shared over the Internet. People
might listen to a podcast online or download on to tablet computer or
smart phone to listen to offline. News providers typically publish podcasts
on their web sites.
4 Your answer should include examples any of the following aspects of IT
used by the profession you have chosen:
• Databases. For example, police forces hold large amounts of data on
crimes and criminals that they use to help solve new rimes. Fingerprint
data is an example.
• Expert systems. Doctors and engineers use expert systems to help
them diagnose health problems or faulty machinery.
• The Internet is used by many professions to share expertise and
learning. E-Learning, where teachers use the Internet to communicate
with and provide learning material to learners, is an example.
• Computer controlled devices are used by many professions.
Engineers use scanners and 3D printers to help them design new
components. Doctors use a wide range of devices including MRI
• Robotics are used in many professions. Robots are widely used in
the manufacturing of products such as cars. Robots are also used in
dangerous environments.

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Unit 4a Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. c selecting
2. a superscript
3. d cut and paste
4. a To produce many documents, with differences between them
5. b Using track changes
6. b left justified
7. a The document is printed so it is wider than it is tall
8. b Spell check
9. c The text you enter will write over what is there already
10. d At the end of every paragraph

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Unit 4a Practice exam questions

Structured question
Question Answer
1 The task will be completed using the Mail Merge function in a word processor. The
steps involved are:
1. Create a primary document; a word-processed letter that is to be sent to many
people with customised information such as the name and address of the
person the letter is for.
2. Create a data file containing the personal details that will be used to customise
the primary file.
3. Insert the field names used in the data file into the primary file at the point you
want the customised information to appear.
4. Run the Mail Merge function in your word processor.
5. Print the customised letters.
2 Some of the features of a word processor that can be used to make a text
document more interesting to read are:
• Different fonts are available – some are good for formal letters, others for more
informal documents such as an invitation to a BBQ.
• Font size can be changed. A larger font size can be used to draw attention to
important details such as the date and location of the BBQ.
• Colour can be used to highlight important information and add interest to the
• Other features that can be used to draw attention to information are bold,
underlined and italic text.
• Pictures can be inserted into a document. Other graphic-like text art can also be
3 1. Automatic save: saves your document at regular intervals so that there is
always a recent copy available if your work is lost or spoiled.
2. Back up: is available in most word processor applications. If you switch back up
on, two copies of your work are saved. One copy is for you to work on the other
is a safe copy in case anything goes wrong with the original.
3. Password protection: allows you to set a password for a file it must be entered
each time the file is opened.
4 Editing a document involves changing the content to correct the meaning of
sentences, correct spelling errors and add or delete sentences and paragraphs.
Special keys such as backspace and delete can be used to correct text. Special
functions such as spell check can also help when editing text.
Formatting text involves changing what the text looks like. Text can be formatted
to make it clearer and give it impact. Formatting can involve changing font, size and
colour, and by adding effects like bold, underline and italic.

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Unit 4b Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. d uploading
2. a web browser
3. c A connection from one web page to another
4. b home page
5. c HTML
6. a The URL of a web page
7. d Web authoring software
8. b Provide space on a server to hold your web site
9. b FTP
10. a A long number such as

Structured questions
Question Part Answer
1 A web page is a document that appears in the browser window. It can
include text, images, animated or interactive content and hyperlinks to
other web pages.
A web site is a collection of web pages on the same topic. Typically:
• all the web pages are hosted on the same web server
• all the web pages have a similar design
• all the web pages have similar URLs.
2 a Web server: a computer that is connected to the Internet. Internet
content is stored on the web server. We say that the content is hosted
on the web server.
b Search engine: a service that can be used to search the Internet for
links to pages about a particular subject. Google is an example of a
search engine.
c Hosting service: hosting companies run large web servers. For a fee
they will host your web site on their servers. Hosting services offer web
design tools you can use to build your site. A hosting service might also
offer features such as email and e-commerce tools.
d Domain name: a name that is used as an address for a web site. An
example is www.oup.co.uk
3 A hyperlink to an email address will cause your computer to start up the
email software on your computer, with the email address entered ready
to write and send an email. Email links are included on pages to help
and encourage people reading your webpage to contact you.
4 Web authoring software allows you to design the appearance and
content of a web page. The software converts your design into HTML,
ready to be used as a web page.
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Unit 5 Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. c B2+B3
2. b A cell range
3. d =Average(B2:B11)
4. a D3
5. c =SUM(B3:E3)
6. a Bar chart
7. b Absolute references do not change when they are copied to a new cell
8. b Labels are left-justified, values are right justified
9. a Fill down
10. d 10%

Structured questions
Question Part Answer
1 a C5
b B1
c =B5*B1 (B5*$B$1 is also correct if you intend to copy the formula)
d Currency
2 a =SUM(B3:D3)
b E4
c =E3+E4 or =SUM(E3:E4)
d B10
e C10 and D10
f =E5−E10 calculates the difference between money earned and
money spent in the quarter. A positive number in cell E11 means
you have made a profit in the quarter. That is, you have made more
money than you have spent. A negative number means you have
made a loss.

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Unit 6 Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. d locate records that match a criterion
2. a unique
3. b a set of related fields
4. a structure
5. c putting information into the database
6. b relational operator
7. c Only some records are included in the report
8. d does not match the data type
9. a A field from another table, used to link tables together
10. b Every item of information is stored only once

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Unit 6 Practice exam questions

Structured questions
Question Answer
1 • Every field has a name. The name should describe what the data to be
entered in the field is about (e.g. Student_name)
• Every field has a size (or width). This shows how much information can be
stored in that field.
• Every field has a data type. Data types include numeric, text, date and
2 Your answer must identify a code that is unique to every individual in the city.
A key field must hold unique information that clearly identifies a single voter
in this example. Your answer may vary according to the country you live in. In
some countries there may be a unique code given to each voter. You can ask
your teacher or parents or research the Internet to find out. If there is no voter
registration number in your country, you will need to choose another unique
code. Examples could be National Insurance or Health service codes.
3 The one-to-many relationship between bank customer and payment transaction
means two things when a customer makes many transactions
• A bank customer can use their debit card to make many purchases.
• Each transaction can only be made by one bank customer.
4 The main advantage of using a data entry form is that it is possible to apply
validation checks to data fields. For example, the field student_age might only
accept integer values between 5 and 19.
A data entry form also has other advantages:
• clear layout, with plenty of space
• helpful explanatory text can be added to the form
• photographs can be added to forms
• drop-down menus for some fields can be added so the user can choose from
a list of options instead of typing information.
5 If you output data from a database using a report you can:
• select only the fields that you want to display in the report
• filter the output so that only relevant records are shown
• group the records in the report to show information in helpful ways
• calculate summary information for the groups in your report
• format the report so that it is easy to read and understand
• add graphs and charts.

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Unit 7 Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. c Define the problem; propose and evaluate solutions; determine the most efficient
solution; develop an algorithm; test the solution.
2. b input, process, storage, output
3. a Variables are areas of storage whose values can change during processing; values in
constants never change.
4. c Procedure
5. c Can be interpreted in many different ways
6. a pseudocode or flowcharts
7. d if Score >= 40 then print Score
8. b 28
9. c 13

Structured questions
Question Part Answer
1 a PayRate = 90.00
print “Enter number of Days worked”
input Days
Pay = Days * PayRate
output “Total pay earned is” Pay
1 b PayRate = 90
print “Enter number of Days worked”
input Days
Pay = Days * PayRate
if Pay > 450 then
Pay = Pay + 150
output “Total pay earned is” Pay

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Unit 7 Practice exam questions

Question Part Answer

2 a Highest = 0
for i = 1 to 15
input Score
if Score > Highest then
Highest = Score
next i
output Highest
2 b Sum = 0
input Number
while Number <> 999
Sum = Sum + number
input Number
output Sum
3 X M Y Z
4 1 3 14
4 2 2 8
4 3 1 2
4 4 0 −4
4 B C Total
4 6 5
10 16 21
26 42 63
68 110 173
178 288 461

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Unit 8 Practice exam questions

Multiple-choice questions
1. b Counter-controlled loop
2. c Integer
3. c 3
4. a MsgBox(n)
5. d 6
6. a Trace table
7. a A value taken from a spreadsheet
8. c Processing
9. b When the program is compiled
10. d Populate an array

Structured questions
Question Answer
1 Cost = InputBox(“Enter cost”)
Price = InputBox(“Enter price”)
Profit = Price – Cost
MsgBox(“Profit is $” & Pay)
2 • Identifiers such as the names of variables and constants are well chosen
to show what data they contain.
• The sub-procedures are well named to tell the reader what they do.
• Indentation and spacing is used to make the program easier to read.
• The program includes comments. Comments are messages for a human
reader to understand. They explain what the program does, or what a
part of the program does.

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Unit 8 Practice exam questions

3 Sub GuessingGame()
Const RightAnswer = 10
Dim Guess As Integer
Do While Guess <> 10
Guess = InputBox(“Guess the number”)
If Guess > 10 Then
MsgBox (“Too high”)
If Guess < 10 Then
MsgBox (“Too low”)
End If
End If
MsgBox (“You guessed it”)
End Sub
4 The three types of error are:
• Syntax error
• Run-time error
• Logical error

Syntax error. If there is a syntax error the program will not translate
into machine code. The translation process will stop half way through
interpretation (or compilation). You will see an error message. The error
message should tell you where the error is, and what type of error it is.
That will help you find the error and help you work out how to fix it.
Run-time error. If there is a run-time error the program will translate into
machine code with no problem. But when you try to run the program it
will crash or get stuck in an endless loop. You will detect there is an error
because the program crashes. You may see an error message to help you.
You can test the program with different inputs to find and fix run-time
Logical error. The program seems to work fine. It translates with no
problem. It runs with no problem. You will not see an error message. The
program will not crash. But it gives you the wrong result. The only way to
spot this type of error is to test the program and make sure you always get
the result you expected.

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