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AA. Sol. Sol. PART - 1: SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS cam -1: fawarcra 984 (SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) Section (A) : REDUCTION aes (A): TH Write the hydrogenation product of following species with H./Pd. (a) 1-Butene (b) 1,2-Butadiene (c) cyclohexene (@) trans-2-butene (e)cyclohexa-t,4-diene HPa & ener Prenfeiftar monte & eregtorttareer sere fetta, (1a () 12-3 TSE (0) ereaeieay (6) Pao 2-24@4 (© wget Arg (A) Butane (®) Butane (©)Cyclohexane (0) Butane (€) Cyclohexane wars oa Owen age Owewitas Write the hydrogenation product of following species with H/Pd/BaSO,, (a) 2-Butyne_ (b) Acetyl chloride (0) Benzoylchloride (@ 3-Hexyne Frefatten fore a H/PaBaSO, & wr sfttrar aes ow ra ergsortrer seme FH | (a) 2-3er (b) ofita ater (0) vires (ste (A) cis-2-Butene (B) Acetaldehyde (Ethanal) (C) Benzaldehyde (Benzene carbaldehyde) (O)cis-3-Hexene (a) aa 2-292h4 (@) eteteaeres (CE) (©) akseres (isis arises) (0) ws Beas What products are obtained when following compounds react with H,/Pd (a) Benzaldehyde_ (b) Cyclopentanone (©) Acetophenone Frey abfret ftvat wa H,/ PAs werd oh Bah ay ag see Fe (@ Fates (sere (o fersrit OH (@) Ph-CH,-OH () (©) Ph-fH-CH, oH Write the product formed when the following limonene derivative is treated with one equivalent of H, over Pad catalyst? fre ares erst aA frat To geal H,8 Pd valew A oaRaft Fae we at aren oes fee? cH, Rese0eos?§ —__ Sol AS. Ans, Az. a Draw the organic products formed in each reaction, fre aia sativa fea ere ars ord seg fey H,excess) Pa H.(exoess) S Lindlar catalyst Hyentea (@) CH=CH-CH,-CH,-C=C-CH, (0)CH,=CH-CH.-CH,-C-C-CH. (@)CH=CH-CH,-CH,-C=C-CH, Hert rear saree Hiexcess) _ H,(cifra% Pa Pa ()CH.=CH-CH.-CH,-C=C-CH, (@)CH,=CH-CH.-CH,-C=C-CH, CH,-CH,-CH,-CH,-CH,-CH.-CH. H,(excess) =CH~ = ———> (©)CH.-CH-CH,-CH,-O=C-CH, Ter carat Hatter) )CH=CH-CH-cH-cuc-cH, —)_, mere oH * Finca wae What products are obtained when following compounds are treated with (@) LiAIH, followed by H.O (b) NaBH, followed by H,0 ARAM ch BH Aen A Pris we ow eM UTE eT (LIAN, satire aaa & are HOF are (NABH, sfaftra wat arg HOS wer (PhcHO ()CHHCH-G-CH-CH, Cl) ° LIAIH, and NaBH, both gives same products. LAH, ser NaBH, he ere womre 28 | on (Ph-CH-OH ( CH-CH-CH-CH-CH, (i) What isthe product of reaction when a€dtbphenone treated with (@) LAID, followed by H,0 (©) LIAHH, followed by D.0 (©) NaBD followed by H,0 or pees aA fr Pet @ gere—yer ae ae TY are gee ae eT (LAID, sain area HOF aT (©) WANK, sift serra DOF eer ()NaBD, sitter cearaRT H,O% ee @ort IN Resonance, ‘Reduction, Oxidation & Hydrol D 4 5 D Sol. (A) pec, ® Prgch, © Prch, oy) erech, OH oD OH oD AB. Identify a and b, in the following reactions : (Ft sififirensit a cen bw sear) Oo NaBH, CHOH LAH, ° NaBH, “A [con (ester partis no affected by NaBH.) ° oH Sol. aH acy ee or HOH ual t [UAH eee a a aye TT LIAM, re ona omen 1) oH 9. Identify a and, in the following reactions : (Fr=1 sfaftrenst a ven b wt wear) ° NK Zo NaBH a ro LAH oon, NH ZO NH, Ho; b: HO: Ho ScH, Ho“ cH, =P Resonence. ERO Ato. Ans. Sol. AM. Sol. Sol. a Complete the following reactions. © CH-CH-C=0-CH-(CH)-CHOH —ONeta, coon @ Naini, DO Cece) oC These are Birch reduction : (4e 74 arqat # ) 0 CHatH-c-0-cH CH) COM NOMD , Cy C4} CHACH) HON a CH,-CH,-CH = CHCH,,-CH,-OH ‘COOH, COOH ° O eo O fim orrahtadat & fare rae (aPtante / sale) za eri CHCl @ — CHACH),-C=C-(CH,)-CH, —> a OC , OQ 5 oe as (@—NH-NHJKOHA o) Zn/Hg/Conc HCVA, Oe eee (i) BW orenaRRaeha 8 COM ag -CH,- Hi FR apre® ere aaa oT weve (@ —NH-NHJKOHA. © Zn/Hg/Conc HCVA, IN Resonance. En Anz, Sol. Aa3, Sol. ata, Sol As, a ‘An organic compound (A) which have molecular formula C,H,O and reduced by Zn-Hg / HC! to give an hydrocarbon (B) C,H,. Identify (A) and (B, ww rite aha (A) RET SMES C.H,O8 eH ZnHg/HOl aT seraea eee arenas (B) CH, Ba & (A) ser (8) #1 gee | cHycHo —2°-H9lHCl, oon, “ ® What happens when an Methylhaide reacts wth AgNO, and product reduced with LIAIH, saa der & ra Aes wh emt AGN, & el ae ema at area LIA, are fear ota CHNH, CH.—X+ AgNO, —» CH.NO, MAHL CH.NH, amine (¢4) Compete the following reactions. fre ahem we ge ae L AKOCHMe.), “ Q ssw, ol _Jargrai” © () moron by oH HCH, “ O ® © cr Compete the following reactions. fre Brant ge ae ° GOOH Red P+HI Red P+ HI — . a) —, ® © ge ed Feel HO 00H Red P+ HI “ eens ° Red P+ HI ——- e) HO ° © crm Red P +H Cone IN Resonence or ou Section (B) : Oxidation Reactions ers (B) : sitet aftfirary BAL Sol. B2, Ans. Sol. Ba - Write the structures of the alkenes that would produce the following products after reductive ozonolysis. (@)CH,COCH, and CH,CH(CH,CHO—(b)CH.CH,CHO only (0) HCHO ° a yet # dean fora fore sorafta stoish ques 8 Pet seme ae a8 8) (@) CH,COCH, 71 CH.CH(CH)CHO—(b) #47 CH.CH.CHO (0) +HCHO (@) (CH),C=CHCH(CH), ()CH.CH.CHECHCHCH, (©) CH, Self explanatory, (BI: eer} ara) Whats the structural formula ofan alkyne that undergoes oxidative cleavage to give two moles of CH, COOH and one mole of HOOC (CH.), COOH ? Ser VERY I aeeTA a Te Sera tage ue eA wR CH.COOH # ah stele HOC (CH), COOH 1 ye Fret wrer ere & 7 (CH,),C=CCH, (CH.),C=CCH, —> CH,COOH, HOOC(CH),COOH, HOOCCH, Write the structural formulas for the products formed when 3-heptyne reacts with KMnO, under ? () neutral condition at room temp. (il alkaline or acidic condition at higher temp, a Ges wT ee ea aa MT a Ferg aw] KMNO, + ster es ofePReke A eye fren are #7 QR o aw var Re (i) Sea aa oe avec a eae Ree OCHCH.C-EoH.CH.CH, (i) CH.CH.COOH*HOOCCH.CH.CH, ().CH,CH,C=CCH,CH.CH, > cHy G-GOH.CH.CH, (a dicetone) () CHCH,C=CCH,CH,CH, —> CH,CH.COOH + HOOCCH,CH.CH, (Oxidative cleavage to carboxylic acid(s) occurs). (CH.CH,CHCCHCH.CH, —> CHCH,G-ECH.CH.CH, (ow ser) (i) CH,CH,C=CCH,CH,CH, —> CH,CH,COOH + HOOCCH,CH.CH, (tetregs Faren araarr sr Hee) What products would you expect to be formed when each of the following compounds is treated with periodic acid ? How many molar equivalents of HI, would be consumed in each case ? (@) 3-Methylbutane-1.2.3rol (0) CHOHCHOHCH(OCH)), ()CH.COCHOHCOCH, (@cis-1,2-cyclopentanediol oss at a Roan re PIT wR Te ATA GT TT TA? HO, w FTA Hoe ose we Reet A geet ete? (@ sARaeEH,2.3-crisHe1 (0) CHOHCHOHCH(OCH), (@CH,COCHOHCOCH, (0) at 2gRttre site Resonence, EE mee eneO & Hydro Ans. _(@) HCHO + HCOOH + CH, COCH, ; needs two mole HIO, (b) HCHO + (CHO), CHCHO ; needs one mole of HIO, (©) 2CH,COOH + HCOOH ; needs two mole of HIO, (@) OHC-(CH),-CHO ; needs one male of HIO, (@) HCHO + HCOOH + CH,COCH, ; 2 le HIO, (b) HCHO + (CH,O),CHCHO ; eh Hiei HIO, (©) 2CH,COOH + HCOOH; FIs HIO, (6) OHC-(CH) -CHO ; w= set HIO, Sol. Self explanatory. (faci: esr ait) B45. How are the following conversions carried out (2) Benzyl alcohol ——> Benzoic acid (b) Benzyl alcohol ——> Benzaldehyde fare oreeaftaeis wy ay Bet (a) APs Geaetst —> Irahgew ory () au Waits —> anieees GH,-OH ‘OOH sol. a) so. CH.-OH CHO ees B46. Complete the following reactions. ®) — ph-cH.-cH-oH SU > Ph-CH-CH, Cu GH-CH, __ cua ® by oH, @ PE-OH _ cus cH, Ans. (A) pRcH,-CH,-oH —¥4> pricH.-cH=o Ph-CH-CH, _Cu/A_, Ph-C-CH, I | 6 8 ou ff Pr4-On _cun bx, PR Resorence RIT B7 Complete the following reactions. CH.-CH, o Kno, CH, © KMno. © = CHACH, OOH Ans. 6) Aino, Q cH, Ni OOH ym B.8 What products are obtained when cyclohexene is treated with (@) Cold dil Mino, solution (0) Peracid followed by hydrolysis. He HRN HY AMADS AT ATS Taek ey awe | a ANY Gears ret We 8 (2) aver ag KMnO, PREF (0) Ras Te GPF wT ware TINT 1H Dil KMnO, Cs 7 (1) Peracia om L(t) Peracid,, (HO MOH B98. Whichwillgive lodoform reaction ? Also write products fre 8 Sas sreshord iff Gon 8 gen sere A PaRRG | (@)CH.CHCHO (0) CH.CH.OH (©)PhCHO —(@) PRCH,COCH, (@)Me.CCOcH, ()CH,CH.COCH,CH.COCH, —_(@) PhCH,OH Ans. (b),(d), (€)& () willgive idoform test. Product of reaction is (b) HCOO-; (d) PhCH, COO™ ; (e) Me,CCOO-: (N) CH,CH_COCH,CH,COO- BER. (0), (C), ()& (0 aaron saffron a & xf 1 SEAT (b) HCO; (4) PhCH,COO- () Me,CCOO (9 CH,CH.COCH,CH,COO- =[N Resonance. ET Sol. _lodoform testi given by compound having 2-0l and 2-on functional group Sol. 2tat gen 2a are frarere aye sitatsrorl weer BS | Sect n (C) : Hydrolysis Write the products of following reaction (Pr siftfiransit & ree fered) Ho. 7 H 0 Ore rye " om CI 0 HOT om ‘OH C2. Write the products of following reaction (FI sirars scare Fer) cn 19" che HO Ans. (@) H.0"_, cH.COOH cH-can EO, cy © che 22>, CH,-NH,+ HCOOH PART - Il: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS ‘AM - Il: ARGPS FET (OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) * Marked Questions may have more than one correct option. * Face wet yam @ cafes eel Frawe aTe ee B Section (A) : was (A): rama AA The relative rates of hydrogenation is in the order of angghorttre et 13 eh (A*) CH. (©)RCH (0)R,C = CHR > CH, = CH, > RC! d Sol. Rate of Hydrogenation Snaing across x bond (Hydrogenation follow syn adkition) wa. erggtonttoren of ee oe —__t_____ ergghorttrer fir aierere aiftivar ei ®) 2TH Pt ate fares 2 Inwhich case the reaction is most exothermic with H, / Ni HA / Ni ser FTA Roe er oven aoa MEN | < 2 @ aor ey) Oo ©) Oo © Oo Resonance, EUR ner aoa Sol. Sol. Ad Sol Sol, Sol. - S (CI nes macinum neat ryerogeraton nd unsaiity < ue after erggrortterer sen ween &, she serfs | Which of the following reaction involves homogeneous reduction? fare 8 fret eH era ee ? (ach, =cH, 2 > ch,-cH, (enchy-c-c-cH, Meena, _ RTA SA oy CHecH-CH, (oycrjcoci "2PsCecoysunans, ymacacoymen CH.CHO ycHjcace Ms"PH6200, aunt, Reduction with Wilkinson's catalyst is homogeneous Rafer Tele yw HiT Tee & | HaIPaCaCOyRFM CH CH=CH, SEC0SIETT 5 CH, » {An organic compound with molecular formula C,H, is not reduced by H, / Pd / BaSO,, From the given options, the compounds may be {Wo arden “API C,H, ,H,/Pd/ BaSO, Bae sera el Be & | ARAL AA A a he Aa A AT aifig OQ ~~b a ou enw nw ova ' tL (Ay RCOCI (8) RCONH, (C)RCOOR (D) None of these wares arses A waa che & (a) RCOCI (8)RCONH, ()RCOOR (©) HB ae ae Reduction of RCOCI with H, /Pd, BaSO, is called Rosenmund's reduction H, /Pd, BaSO, are ROOCI Br arrears STAT EAT # | HOCH: 4 HAPL_ x, xis: (x8) CH. cH, (A) Only (RR) product (B) Only (S,S) product (C) Meso compound _(D*) Racemic mixture Wee RR TIE Fa SS) sere C) NA (©) Rather Fret ‘Syn addition of H, on double bond and racemic mixture obtained HY a Fare we vera aT ete & | Ree Paso ae Resonance. oT ‘Aand B are respectively : (Ad B wae: 2) (©) (2 reer Cronsct—cho in both case (©) @rri srawensit ()reroncnon in both case ans. (Y-cr=cr—cro HPA, (c,h, chon (A) (se (rch ctt-cH.oH ® AB Which reducing agent, would you use to carry out the following transformation Rial iareies atc whoo mE och, (UAH, (8) NaBH, ()NaiNH, ()BHJTHE Sol. NaBH, can not reduces ester. NaBH, yeex a sia Eh ae A Thereagent usedto convert RCOOH -> RCH.OH is (A) NaBH, (©) Na/ Alcohol (©zatgHoI (UAH, RCOOH “> RCH,OH i urate aco feng wee irr #1 NaBH, (@) Nav weet (©)ZngHeI 5 UAH, Sol. itis fact. 48 dearer 8 | oH. | Na/NH3(0) Aso ETO ene product canbe (sew sam # ) oH. oH, oH. Sy “ O e © © e Sol. itis birch reduction, (ae = orrarrt & ‘AAM1_ Which ofthe following converts carbonyl compounds into hydrocarbons fe aha rea Pa a erga A afar apc 8 ? (A) HyPt (©) LiAIH, (©)K,Cr,0,/H,S0, (D")Zn-+HgHCI a /\\ Resonance, ere eT Sol. Anz Sol. itis fact, ae ears | Which of the following reagents converts both acetaldehyde and acetone to alkanes ? @) Nill, @)LiAH, (©)LyNaOH (01) Zn-Hg/conc HOI Frafeftes #8 aise aiftante wheftseres der weiter ate at eda A aRalsa ae Sar 2? (A)Nillt, LAH, (©)LyNaOH (01) Zn-Hareis HCI Itis fact, 4e dearer #1 Section (B) : Oxidation Reactions avs (B) : sitar Bt Sol. eal Bag Sol. ea Sol. - Baeyer's reagent decolourises which of the following (A) Alkane (B)Alkene only (C*)Alkene and alkyne both (O) None of the above aay atest Ps a eee we tare ae aaa win (C+) ae ete cer Tends (Dy owa # A ag HE Allunsaturated hydrocarbons gives Baeyer's reagent test anf regen esto aoe fers vero 8a 8 | Baeyer's reagent is (4) dilute alkaline KMnO, solution (@)acidic KMnO, solution (©) neutral KMnO, solution (©) aqueous bromine solution ax atari & (as) ag atta KMn, Par (8) sr Kno, Pra (©) sare KMno, Pert (©) sett as Per Baeyer’s reagent is dilute alkaline KMnO, solution Kwno, & a sikta faa a ae afte a 8 | ‘The position of double bond in an alkene can be located with the help of (A) Ozonolysis (@) Oxidation with hot KMInO, (C) Hydration (D*) Both (A) and (6). foe Gear A fdr Rear ar Prather A a Res er fran oT erat a) stim (8) KMn0, arse (©) ari (D*) (A) cen (6) Ft The position of double bond in an alkene can be located withthe help of ozonolysis and oxidation wih hot Kuno, ‘ofteer 4 fda & verre a Rafe stair cen ai KMNO, gre sifaetanen aneeT A flee ora & On oxidation, an unknown alkene C,H,, gives a mixture of propanoic acid and pentanoic acid. The unknown alkene can be (A) cis-3-octene (B')trans-3-octene —_(C) cis-4-octene (0) trans-4-octene 1 Tae Ge CH, 1 steetreMy wea ww MTT oe he RT oe are ete overt eT Cn fresaie By gested (O) eH-stegrr Oy giee-citacrs CH-CH-HCSCH-CH.-CH.-CH,-cH, —ICL, CH;-CH,COOH+ CH,(CH),-COoH cis / trans tet, A cHo TA] “Ceonaiysis” OHC: CH,CH,CHO * dyjg [Alis = (Al er) @® ao 6) O © co © co Resonence, ‘Reduction, Oxidation & Hydrol Redvotve CHO Sol. a) Somes oHC—ZCH,CH,CHO + ¢Ho CHO CHO one-ZccH,co * Suter 4.0/4.0. Bs. Sn % product xis - (A2)CH,COOH (®)CH{COOH), (©)both (A) and (®) —_(D) none of hese 4. OJH.O aa (A)CH,COOH (8) CH,(COOH), (C) (A) ste @) (0) a a ag et (wo. COOH Sol. oO on” 20H! 22, 2cH,cooH X, sere XB (Q)H,0 “coon B7 Ethylene glycol on reaction with alkaline KMnO, gives: (A) Ethanal (8) Glyoxal (C*) Oxalic acid (D) Acrolein. emg Tea ane KMNO, eH Ba (A) tera (8) argsitasa (C*) airnifere arrer (D) wares cH.OH coon ol. | 1, Sel CHOH coon cHo CH-OH _2Ho, CH,-OH Product obtained are CHO I GH OH 210. sfaren amr sear wae | CH,-OH (A) HCHO, HCOOH ()HCHO, 2HCOOH (©)CO,,2HCOOH (0)CO,, HCHO, HCOOH CHO Sol. 24801, HCHO, 2HCOOH Xan be : (2 wert 8) (A) LAH ethertH,0 (B)NeBH/CHOH — (C)DIBALH (@) Na/C,H.0H Sol. DIBAL-H frst reduce - C= N group to—C=N (imine), which on hydrolysis gives aldehydes. Sol. DIBAL-Hant-C=Naye & anraan cen oasrTeT & sees are tht =JN Resonance, ET B40 Which of the following can be oxidised to ketone ? (A)t-butylalcohol——_(") 2-butanol (©) butanol (©) 1-Propanol res A Rare creer rer ater wr vies ete 8 Lapis wate BY ZaRAte (©) 1-2atet (0) 1-H Sol. _ 2°alcohol on oxidation gives ketone. Sol. 2 veatets d sifeettarenr & acts are era 8 | Bt Secondary alcohols on heating with reduced copper at 300°C give (a) Alkenes, (Aldehydes (C*) Ketones (O)tert-alcohots 300°C wr fate eater a sera wow eer wa ey ae BT eta B ? Arr (8) oesergs (cy Her (©) yatre—yerreta Sol. 2°alcohol on oxidation with Cu gives ketone. Sol. 2 yetteta } stave & ster re grav 2] B42 1-Butyne _KMnOss xX + Identify X and Y ? tae _KMnOuIn x + Y xaya gear (A) CH,CH,CH,COOH + 0, (@)CH,CH,COOH (C*) CH,CH,COOH + CO,+H,0 (0) CH,CH,COCH, + HCOOH Sol. CH,—CH,~C=CH —Min0, * CH,CH,COOH + CO, + H,0 H Bas, w) —Re000H Sol. B-14, _n-Propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol can be chemically distinguished by which reagent (Pel, (B)reducion (C*) oxidation with potassium dichromate (D) ozonolysis: nalfta ella cen aga wie yeoteic w fra ated & aI Wea oT Gea 8 | (Pcl, (omer (C) fee serie arr sree (D) street Sol. CH,-CH,—CH,-OH _I91_, CH,CH, COOH (n-propyl alcohol) (Acid) cH OH cH-cH-cH, Ly ¢ ou 8 {Isopropyl alcohol) (Ketone) PR Resonance ET B45, Sol. c2. a An alcohol on treatment with alkaline KMnO, gives brow ppt. The alcohol is Ye atte, arta Kun, wre sire Teh a rads tar & | esa eh (A) (C;H_),COH (@)(CH,),C(OH) CH, (© (CH,),C(OH)CH,CH, (0) (CH,),CHCHOH, K¥n0, oxidises only primary and secondary alcohols. In given compounds only (0) is primary alcohol and other are tertiary alcohols, KMn0, as mer a fir ate a sta ar 8 | Ta AAT bas (Oy sa eae 3 otk ora gatas Wosteta oH InOJHt OH KMNOJH product (312) oH a) COOH “ ) ‘COOH ° ° COOH © © © ° (C): wasrrer What products obtained when benzene carbonitie is complete Hydrolysed artis orediaregien & yeh oeomen 8 ret some & (A) Benzoylchloride (6) Benzenecarboxamide (C) Benzaldehyde (D*) Benzoicacid (a) esta aires (© trtrrordiewrnes (©) trafteeres (04) ave aFe1 OE 40 ly Product obtained in above reaction are : (sefart sifMAban Hae aren were &:) oH (A) EIOH, ® (CH,-CHO (C)CH,COOH, (0°) EtOH, IN Resonance. EERE Sol. Sol, Sol. Sol. a ° I Which of the folowing gives CH, ~ OH and CH, - CCH, on hydrolysis with HO ° ; . tos fr @ ahs afta H,O-ara earTUeT @ CH, -OH wen CH, -E—CH, a & CH, OCH, ocH, Qo bo pho, “ ® © (©)CH-O-CH-cH-cH-cH, Ld g Only C on hydrolysis gives CH,—OH and cH, - C- CH, dae 08 srosrare4 $e CH, OH ce CH, —CH, Bat 8 ‘An organic compound (P) with molecular formula C,H,0, is stable to heat but hydrolyse to (@) and MeOH by NaOH followed by aciiication. (Q) on strong heating aves (R) which wth Red P/HI gives ethane. Compound eis ‘oe eri aay (P) FN OT C.H,O, 8, ea AA eh | hy NAOH 2 eer era 8 (Qe MeOH arr & | (C5 awe He (R) ae B | et PAM eer te 8 | aes (ee ° 2 f b-00h * p £-00H, - OCH, Zé ay cH CHS (oy cH< (0) cH, CHK ‘O-CH, ‘C-OC.H, you! ~o-cH, 3 (©) onhydrolysis gives propanedioic acid and methanol. Propane doic acid on song heating gives acetic acid which winen reduced with Red P/HI gives ethane hs (P) re rT EE eee re en sar ee a eas we aT AR PRE ars Wr 8 | FBR POHL TT tae a I oT eT Reagent Pin the given reaction is carta fra ofan "Pe 9 oon, [oH ofex oe eaencct® © Lon Loon, : (LAH, NaBH, (@DIBALH (70H IN Resonance. Reduction, Oation & Hyer Ans. Sol. wa a PART - Ill : ASSERTION / REASONING AT - Ill: GAA/BIRT (ASSERTION/REASONING) Each question has choices (A), (B),(C), (D) and (E) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. (A) STATEMENT-1 is true, STATEMENT-2 is true and STATEMENT-2 is correct explanation for ‘STATEMENT-1 (©) STATEMENT-1 is true, STATEMENT-2 is true and STATEMENT-2 is not correct explanation for ‘STATEMENT-1 (©) STATEMENT- istrue, STATEMENT-2 is false. (0) STATEMENT-1 is false, STATEMENT-2 istrue. (€) Both STATEMENTS are false. sree sre ob § Ftarea 1 (A), (B), (C), (D) een (E) &, FBrrd a Few yo aA EI (A) Were we 8, aTEL-2 eI B 5 THT 2, TTT wT we aT (©) emt yee 8, aTeR—2 wea & 5 eRT-2, aeeTeA—1 a aE ecto EB (©) wera ara &, aeRT-2 sree | (0) were ora, WaTEI-2 ae © sr ware area 8 Statement-t: 1-Hydroxypropanone is oxidised by periodate, Statement2 : Glyool on periodate oxidation gives formic aci memreret 1-2 SHRM rita RATE B Gre orate a GTA B are: Taga, PAGE serawTra EAI fH sera Se & © Vicinal diol or hydroxy-ketone can oxidised by periodic acid, Glycol reacts with HIO, and produces 2 mole GH,=O. Farrer alfa ear ersten CTH oor RT vee ave sep et rargatal HO, ® sifAfarar Be 2 Hel CH,=O 2a 8 | Statement-1 :HIO, cleaves 1, -glycols but not 1, 3- or higher glycols Statement-2:: Only 1, 2-glycols form cyclic periodate esters which subsequently undergo cleavage to form Ccarbony! compounds. aR : HIO,, 1, 2Targatel wr fAeerl aeaT #, Teg 1, 3 sie ser Tea oT TET | wera 2: Sas 1, 2argats afta wares Gey are &, a A Tea eas ae rele hh aT zl A Self explanatory. (Fc: Ss 274) Statement-t : Cis-But-2-ene & trans -but-2-ene when reacted with Cold KMnO, solution gives meso 2,3- dihydroxy butane and (Al) 2, -cihydroxy butane respectively. Statement-2 : Cold KMInO, solution adds two OH groups by syn addition. veered: SH ye-2-€5 fy Paeaye-2-$4 3S KMNO, fara Bi sifipar ae are Ph 2,9 gern ois (49 2, Sanferggiand aeH Seure 2a & emrea-2 : 3 KMINO, fcr HOH ares fr are aa By “ IN Resonance. EERE PART - |: SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS cam -1: fawarcra 984 (SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) 4. Fillinthe blanks : fan wart oF of aA Reactant Catalyst Product Pé-Ba804-Cac03 ET. on ps CCH (0H) COOH Ans. (i) + mirorimage (i) (meso form) (i C=C 1 2 VO ees, (Racemic mixture) Sol. (9 Catalytic hydrogenation of alkenes is syn addition reaction, Therefore, trans alkene always gives racemic mixture, eds a1 sateaia erggrorttorer fers ae ele @, gaiferg gia yeas eter Safer Maer aa | GH cn er He. cH oe: CH, + mirori co 0,.P4 + miror image Hem Sc, D (Racemie mixture) ee He, oH oH OH, ra @ C=C: 2nPs He cH, oH D =—N Resonance. ET Gi) Inthe presence of Lindlar catalyst alkyne undergoes partial reduction to give cis alkene. forsare aolew a soe A gerne, sire soeery are Pere yess ToT B | CH,-(CH,), (CH,},-COOH CH,ACH)-C=C-{CH,) COOH —__Yz _, Soe OH CaCO Pa-B3804-Ca005 Can 3. How many Stereoisomers are formed in folowing reaction ? fs sftfiom 4 frre afte aera avd 8? oH. on, 2s cH, ans. 2 cH, cH, sol +H, a : CO i i cH, CH, (rans) (ci) 4. Predictthe product of fllowing reaction. (Pre ara 2 ec) H, Pac w HuPOC i, PH =e! CN Ha tina gy H,, Presa ees catalyst wre Hn POe phcH,-CH,-CH,-CH-CH, sol. Ph, 4 Hos tindar [Heiner aK cH, catalyst H/” = Na Hn POC phcH,-CH,-CH,-CH-CH, PH c=" HH” \cec-cu; Ph, 4 Hy, fram Py bs = yee H’ OH =D Resonance. ST Sol. Ans. a ‘What is the structure of cis-jasmone, a natural product isolated from jasmine flowers, formed by treatement of alkyne (X) with H, in the presence of lindlar catalyst. aes ees a aCIT a 8, OHS TM Gu ger rer a eH ATER Sea &, FORE TITER (XK) fran Rewer wedeaw WA wae Ha ery ee Arm Te 9 CH-CaC-CHR-CH, . ns m1 Undlar catalyst cH, 9 CH-CaC-CH-CH, p= —_. ry forse sara cH, ° 9 cH, Hh Hh > on Lindlar catalyst fewsere scien Draw the product formed when a, P unsaturated ketone(X is treated with following reagent 0, BaRATT Be OO a fren Fra aftaria S ark ge ara Tes Tay ° (@)H,excessy(sifaayPd-c —() LiAIH, (©NaBH,, CH,OH oH oH oH Complete the following reaction. (R= sift ait gt Sy) ° @ Liat, toock, ° on ®) (CH.-NH: LIAIH, ° pA © a ° IN Resonance. EERE Danan x on Sol. (A) oa AAS +CH,OH soo, ° OH oH ® — CHANH LAI SoH uN NZ ° oH oH 5 2 ae ° ° 8. Complete the following reaction. (P= nat ah go wire) ° 9 Br NH,-NHJKOH zeeoel ® od © oH oI So. @) AA, Cy 9. Predict the products of following reaction. Preiftera sfafra ar wears Ft) Pos. nef" ee Hy oy (HuiAK, | tno, Testosterone ano (Male Steroid harmones) Pos. ne po a Hy oy (UAH, tno, areifiets ano oR ehigs ots) He Poo Gt ne ft ——- Wt : Cty He g ne 9M ony 7 7 (yuan, wi a HO 9 Ho PR Resorence RIT HuPaBaSO, DJ, y 10. cH-c=c-cH— NaINHutia), DUN, ‘write the products and also mention stereochemical relationship: ‘wearal ya cen ere Pa reap eae ae | cH, i——p> (Meso) HuPdBaSO, _DJNi_, HJ —D —— cH, cH, NaiNH.(lig.), _DJINi . (Racemic Mixture) p—}—# cH, relations Diastereomer ‘1. Anoptical active compound (Y) having molecular formula (C,H,,0) gives following characterstics ()Itreact with metalic sodium to give a colourless odorless gas. tis oxidised by KMnO, to benzoic acid i) Itchange the colours of Cr,0,* from orange to blue and gives a chiral compound, (iv) It does not gives precipitate with iodine in pressure of NaOH. Identify the structure of (Y) ‘ee wens ftps err C¥) Fer FO (C,H,,O) & FR aro we & (2 cata he fran ae Sets rs He Sor ( KMnO, are sitar share Stew ss Ba 8 | 1,021 So eA he He & ce LH ke er Be (iv) NaQH ah after eer fr a seals Bem (0) a see Gea | H, Ans, Ph-CH-CH,-OH Na Metal py Hs go, PrGH-cH-on ——}KitHO. 5 pn. coon je [SC01 > phCH-COOH ® : 9 LLC ojo) (UAH. (Regucible groups) © 2 Ho 4 aonF ~ Hq O@) EOIN IKO . (Oxidisable groups) =[N Resonance. ET Sol. 13, 14, Sol. a oer AH 9 OS og) UA rear 8) © Ho" 4 S nF (2) 010, 1H" / HO. Hc) Oe) ALCOA TO, iracttaenon ar) () abdet @ ac Write the product A, 8, C and D in the given reaction sequence. DIBALH | HO", ANS OA e H.0' c Red Pill, 5 refrac iftien siqara A gen A, B, C cea D Rf | DIBA tO" 5g HO’ oy ¢ -SHPIHL, p a ° 3 x DIA, Rte", : 8 HO! ae : [HO AAO _ respi, Write the products P, Q, R and S, in the given reaction sequence. fretted aftifiea organ ¥ sere P,Q, Reem $ faery | i Ihe WaIPs188500 , pM", @) ond I & ® (S) ©: Le ; t Ox, P) = @ or °C) a: I onc’ ud IN Resonance, ‘Reduction, Oxidation & Hydrol PART - Il : OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS. AMT - Il: agit WA (OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) Single choice type qa ftach sae 4. Thereactvity order towards hydrogenation of the following compounds is faa Afra S (A eregroMaeT a fraser I HH eB CHe cH, ()CH,-C=C-cH, a ene CHN UH CH, ZC, uy ere: Wy) eee Don, ™) on Son, @) I> > I> IV @)M>M>IV>1 COM> IW>N>t Ive n>1 Sol. _ Rate of hydrogenation will decreases on increasing steric hinderance at x bond. Sol. veafls tan weesgs oy Pfs are Gey oR eTES oe A ex TEM & > ° ws ev O@e (©)botharecorrect (©)None ~, 2 D . . “ @n ® ee Cari wa (Dare =a ‘D D Sol. Synadditon of D, on double bond Dx era we wera a eran & NaiNH,() co H, ae tt _> wo 2 Tindlar catalyst” Pand Qare : (Pam Qe :) Tinton eases © nvomcases ' W (©Pisi.aisn (©)Pisil, ais! “ Ca at Rea a oes) arr Reith 1 7 (CP ik.ane OPue.aik Sol. cis-alkene formed by lindlar catalyst and trans- alkene formed by Na/NH, frre-yedie fewer wake a gis Weis NaNH, gre welt =[N Resonance. Reduction, Oation & Hyer Sol. Sol, - ( yecoe() LI/NH.(O, product seme wOIMO oe i (0) None of these (g-ri & stg 72) OncooD ui (©) Both (A) and (B) (A) 2H (6) = Consider reduction of -butanone. (2-2-1 anwar we fra ara) _ NaBD, a Lr Cl 5,0 NaBH, c 36 OH pe 7 (9 OHO mates @ endear. cakoren, oxfoncn, bu 4 b h Te 9H oD gH (©) CHCCH.CH,, CH.CCH.CH, crecucn, (©) CHECH.GH, nal case 1 I H H D agate} arn Naa. rho > Nebo, 2-1 ee woo, 4, ABU CHR 0.0 oH pe e (eyo ater CHLCHOH.CH, © chdcH.cH CHECHCH,, cHECHCH, by 4 b 4 i 9H oD ou (©) CHECHCH, CHEoHOH, CHECH.CH, (0) eA aR cHeoH.cH, 1 4 D on 90 90 A= CH. ¢-GH CH, B= CH, -G--CH, Ch = CH, —G-CH, CH, é é H Resonance, NOT Sol. Sol. -i Identify a & bin the following reaction NaBH, 9 CH.OH BAL ¥ i oH (A) Both are my bana SAH (0H) H (Caz An A (+ EtOH) Ht H ee 6 fe offer 4 aden be [cH.oH * AA 4 LAH, wan Ave a (Cya= An Aon (+ EtOH) 4 o oa on ton,» = AN 8 (carbonyl) change to— CH(OH)- by use of NaBH, = CH(OH) # aftateer @t sree & esters are not reduced by NaBH, > [WRERNABH, TRY aA HET > C= N Na/NH(0) , p,the product can be : (sure et era) xe 30 3° (O) None cat = Itis birch reduction ae ad omar & Resonance. oT 8. ‘What are A and B in the following ? (fr # Asie B® 7) . 0 a tiNiH, Raney Ni. H, Cry UAH p 4 OCCT nates IC natn " YH NH OCCT nates oY we 7 0 women wma TS 7 1 4 anna oY way LAH, _ Sol. Ni/H > 9. Clemmensen reduction cannot be used in which of the following fae fre gees orga wr oiler eh Ppa oT eae L 2 cock, i “ 6) (©) CH-C-H © ‘COOH 1H 9 0 sol a duet presence of OH group OH 9 OL -OH WEES ORT OH 10. Wolff kishner reduction cannot be used in which of the following Fre 8 Reel crew—ftreer sree wor sulla eh fava oat ema & wl A eQ. A on ‘coc! Sol. OL due to presence of -COCI group (-COCI yg & BRM) ‘coc! =P Resonance, ‘Reduction, Oxidation & Hydrol nn. Sol. 12, Sol. 13, COcH, OH, ‘ (A)NH, -NH/ KOH (©) Zn—Hg/ HCI (©) Red (cite) P + HI (OANA All reagents are used to convert >C = 0 to>CH, ‘wih sift) Err >C= OF) >CH,# aftateia ae wea B CHO I H—C—OH Hei PH Ae Hoty >B, | H—C—OH ae CHOH Aand B can be : (Aton Bet wat &) (A) Both are n-Hexane (©)Aisn-Hexane B is Hexan- (A) arr ne Besa (OA neta, B8w1,2,3,4,5,6-2emsita & cHOH cHo ton H-G-0H Ho-cH Hel ag Ly H-G0H wton H4C—OH HC—OH buon buon ) He-e=c-ch,- cH \1 4 3,4,5,6-hexaol (D*)Ais Hexan- (B) Both are Hexan-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexaol 6-hexaol and Bis nHexane (8) ar Baie, 23.4 5 6a (DY ARR-1,2,3,4,5,6-R0se Ta Bn-tR Poll C,H, (n-Hexane) (n-887) H i He-C=6-CH,-cH, Inthe above reaction the using reagents X and Y are ; (A) Nal liq. NH for X (©) BH,-THF + CH,COOH forY weet ifafe A apeh Xaihe YE (&) X@ fre Nay 2a NH (©) firq BH,-THF + CH,COOH MN Resovence (6) H,, Pd! BaSO, for Y (0% Allof these are correct. (@)Y % few H,, Pa BasO, (Dy) satan ah we 8 | EERE Sol. 14, Sol. 15, a CH-C=C-CH,-CH, NAINA, OY, HupaBeso, ___ CH-P=O-CH.CH, of HH BH-THEICH,-C-OH (Cis) ° 4 CHs-C =C-CH,-CH, _NaiNtal) , oH, aa aoe H fauet HJPd/Beso, a CH-g=0-CH-CH, BH -THFICH-¢-O8 Ha q er) ‘An alkyne C,H,» when reacted with alkaline KMnO, followed by acidification by HCl, yielded @ mixture of CH, -CH-COOH & CH,CH,COOH. The alkyne is- 1 cH, (A) 3-hexyne (B)2-methyl-2-hexyne (C*)2-methyl-3-hexyne (D) 3-methy!-2-hexyne_ {WT Cy Hyp Ga eI KMNO, HE Ara aes HCI pT RCH, ~ CH-COOH a CH,CH,COOH I cH, car fer 2c 8 | Georg ahh (a) 3: O22 O)2ARTIT 0) .4S2TT cH, cH GooH * Hode - cH,- cH, —, cH,-cH-C=C—CH,—cH, ¢ CH,~GH~C=C~H,—CH, cH, cH, Identity the possible structure of X and ¥ KMn0,/ OH / or one resolution ao (ory) K.Cr,0,/ 180. LKCrO,/HSO., Blue green salt + other products KMin0,/ OH / on enon! one resolution ge Coe K,Cr,0, / H,SO, ACEO S01, crete oer + 9a Soe IN Resonance. EERE 16, x Y a) Ph-CH~CH,- CH, _ oH on CH, ne I | pr-cH-cH,-o# | ph—-c-cH, | on on CH-cH ~ Ph-CH,-CH-CH, °| © cH, on cH, I (05| Ph-C-CH,-OH Ph—-GH~ cH, CH | ‘ on Which of the following sets of compounds cannot turn clear orange solution of CrO, / aq. H,SO, to greenish opaque solution fear ahitah AS are gm C10, /TATH,SO, Ave Res a eer Taree Fer A ais et we wpa) oH on oH CHyCH,-oH cH Ec Hy - d= Oo o 4 oy a a avy (A) LIV (8) (LU (O*) HL IV Sol,(D) Only primary and secondary alcohols will be able to change the colour as they will be easily oxidised by 17. Sol. a 10, /29. H,S0, Saat rea Ga fatto Gees or oRaftia a HEA 8, AP 4 CrO, /TRIAH,SO, aR wer oTaIET aront é Which of the following alcoho! will be oxidised most readily by K,Cr.9, /H.SO, solution fre 4 ate weateia K,Cr,0, /H,80, leery are aera stage ef oT? CHs | @)OHs=CH=CHs @ICH,=CH,-OH (6) CHy-CH-Ph_— ©) CH, -C CH jl N on OH OH 1° alcohol are most reactive towards oxidation, reactivity order amongs alcohol 1° > 2°> 3° 1° yeatatar ererttoreer at sift aftea 8 | ferret pr aH 1°> 2°> 3° & IW Resonence, ‘Reduction, Oxidation & Hydrol 18. Which of the following compounds is resistant to periodic acid oxidation ? fa 4 a ahr afte waraitee stator & uff cate afar #7 () GHOH (89 GHOH (©) GHOH © eee 9° gts jee HOH CH.OH CH.OH HOH 19, The product which is not formed inthe following reaction cH, cH, | | excess: Ph-C-CH-CH-CH-CH,oH —NO(ercess) toed OH OH OH eae, Gh Pret PAB A et aT — CH, CH, | \ . Ph-C-CH-CH-CH-cH,oH —WO«(srftrs) rele | OH OH OH (A)HCOOH ®) ail oo ° chy cH, (©) OHC-CH-CH,OH © one-dH-cho Ph Ph Ph oso, , HOH 2, Thegivenreation, , ><" —araies > HSH vaimo.a, PR is an example of (A) Stereospecific reaction (8) Stereo selective reaction (C4) (A) and (8) Both (©) Ordinary reaction o B01, , Fh 7 fr atin >=< | wNaHso,” HO wes, Omase HoH KMn0,¢il, Ph ar saree & (a) Fafa sifafarar (8) afte aera sera (CVA) ste ®) BH (©) rare sift Sol. Since cis form in syn addition gives only one steresisomeri.e, meso .. itis 100 percent stereoselective and 100 percent stereoselective reaction is also called stereospecific reaction. we. Bf Farr aero offer & Reve eee Art omy Sa | ora: we cafe 100 after Fra wer often & afte gare 8 Pate fee Are A a =[INResonence. Reduction, Oation & Hyer 2. Sol. 22, Sol. 23, a Q Reagent R, CO enses R, Ryand Rye “He HO OH Ho’ H (A) Cold alkaline KMnO,, Os0,/H,0, (B*) Cold alkaline KMnO,, HCO,H & H,0* (C) Cold alkaline KMnO,, C,HgCO,H (0) CH,CO,H, HCO,H Q stonto, CY afta R, R, dar, at Hof “OH Ho! IH (A) 8&1 a8 KMNO,, OS0,JH,0, (B+) der emtta KMnO,, HCO,H & HjO* (©) dat eta KMnO,, CgHP+Q x Ox Poem Q mer (a9) hte cen Baa1,2,5,6-2Kset © shreRserss wen whey (0) webiefeeergs cen BaH1,2,5,6-2xifet (0) waefesergs cen wifeserEs & d 6 H+ Acetone efter (P) + Hexane-1,2,5 6-tetraol Bai7-1,2,5,6-23sita (Q) SP OS! ‘on o_o Product obtained in above reaction is: (Suef sian arr} are eae WT: ) (A)3CH,CHO (B*)3HCHO (C) 3HCOOH (0)3CH,OH IN Resonance, ‘Reduction, Oxidation & Hydrol Product of above reaction is : (SaRtaa sftfira ar sag & ) Ho Ho oH eee) ea Ho’ No ev N More than one choice type i 25. Sol. 28. Sol. 27. Sol. PR Resonance ET fret wer Propan-1-ol and Propan-2-ol can be best distinguished by (A) oxidation with alkaline KMnO, followed by reaction with HO (6°) oxidation with PCC followed by reaction with Tollen's reagent (C*) oxidation by heating with copper followed by reaction with idoform test. (0) raction with conc.H,SO, followed by reaction with Fehling solution Stsife ea sd 2estit A arene fan ar erve 8| (8) aia KMInO, err are are HO ae BY PCO s ara sradtare & are cide itary are sift (Cy aie & ae nH xd orator & ae ortehatl ser (0) aE H,SO, > wre sranen d are Belin Pleas & eer siPAAaT When alcohols are passed into Cu tube at 300°C; primary alcohol -> Aldehyde Secondary alcohol -> Ketone Tertiary alcohol -> Alkene When alcohols are treated with PCC then primary alcohol -» Aldehyde Secondary alcohol -> Ketone Tertiary alcohol -> No reaction wa vertetal A Cunt ® 300% we quar sa 8, wath Vewtelet > ufbsergs faedtaes yeaa > ated qitae vettates yea ah Poo $ aa seas wet fot mahi Geatelal > GRseTES fetta year —> ated atiae weiter — ag offer ae Which ofthe following functional groups are reduced by hydrogen in presence of Ni catalyst Fra gw fran aR MEGTO Bere NITE wwe A armas er? (A) >CaC< (B)-C=C- (C)-CN (D")-CHO Ni, can reduce al given functional group. Which of the following catalysts is/are used for partial reduction of alkyne ni (G1) NiB or P-2catalyst (C)Lindiar catalyst (O)None of these fry a & Pre sche an ree Gees & sift severe # fen oS ni (BY) NiB a P-2 saiew (Cr) Rasa wae (O) ea Bag aE For partial reduction of alkyne lindlar catalyst and Ni,B (P-2 catalyst) are used. Cor wr PI TIME FRAT. GRANTH a NB (P-2 GAH) BIRT eh ee | 28, Sol. 29, Sol. 30. Sol. 34. a ene ene Xis/are?(x® / #2) (A*) NaBH /EtOH (8) AIH THE cc) eee (O)Red P + HI t X can be NaBH/EtOH or LiAIH_/THF or AKOiPr),/ CHeCH-CH, : Xe) eerat NaBH,/EtOH 77 LiAIH/THF ar ee eee ‘ x X cannot be (x *éh et ae) (A) NaBHJEIOH (8) LIAIH/THF (C*)NarEtOH (0) HJPd-BaSo, ~COCI converts in-CHO by H./Pd-BaSO, (Rosenmund reduction) HPa-Bas0, (orTaNs sera) ET-COCI,-CHOH aReaffa eta & | CHNH, one Xan be: Kt war & ) (AD HLINI LAH, (NaBH, (O))NatEtOH (HIN GLIA, (NaBH, (O*)NatEtOH X can be H, / Ni, Na¥E1OH and LiAlH, X,H,/Ni, Na+ELOH 3 LiAIH, esa & ‘The end product of following reaction is/are fre aiftfivar a ofr seare 8/8 | HylPerBss0,/Cunsine , _HalPWBaso,rfrict , _o.ini Ph-C=C-Ph o ee Oe o Ph D. Ph (@) Ph-CH,-CD,-Ph ©, 4 H Ho oph Ph © D i’ IW Resonence, ‘Reduction, Oxidation & Hydrol Sol. Ph-C=C-Ph 3 > Ph-CH=CH-Ph —°i5"* > Ph-CHD-CHD-Ph trans meso —tararpeso fri i IN Ph-C=C-Ph Ph-CH=CH-Ph —°) > PhcHD-CHD-Ph o face a 32. Which among the following reagents gives syn. addition with alkenes free 8S alee oes yeahs B wer Rear a (oe, @rai.namo SH eROSOAASOHMOH DHA Sol. Self explanatory. (4a: Wert aa) PART - Ill : MATCH THE COLUMN aT -l: wtera wt yAfera ase (MATCH THE COLUMN ) 4, Match the reagent of Column —Il with the reactions of Colurnn1 BisR- 1A sifafaeenst ay tes oiPeneal Serr ws Column ~1 ‘Column — It ‘aie -1 eters = I 7 a HO" OH “ > Os y 3 ° or ‘OH ® Oo a (@NaBH, ° off Q Q «© — (Na/EtOH cl ‘OH © — HIN tH . oH ‘oH 8 Ans. (A)-p.aes ;(B)-p;(C)- 4; (0)-s =[N Resonance. Reduction, Oation & Hyer 2. Match the reducing agents of column-t with the reaction of columr- Column ‘Column. Q (@)DIBAL-H O40 on 0 © = (ONaINH,(0/C.H.OH LY ww KR K NH oH © ANY = OH (6) H/Pd/BaSO, / quinoline SILA RATA oars Pre wer H — (@)DIBAL-H CHIN, & (HIN, 25%) oO ().Na NH, (0 /C,H,OH NH, he a OH (3) H/Pd/BaSO, ‘quinoline (Perici) oH O Ans. (A-s);(8-9:(C-p);O-4) =P Resonence. TT 3. Observe the following compound and match the reagents of List- | and List fre ahah at carp Sa en eH <1 afta eH Te AS HTT 9 ° oy) Ho ‘CHO @) ~ HOH,C: (w) cH, Reagents -1 Functional group oxidised / reduced ~ IL safest -1 ‘rarcsras eae teeta sree — I (@) C10, /Pyridine/, ew () NaBH, @ z (c) Na/C,H,OH (R) x (d) Cro, /H 6) oy Sol. (a) —>@ ()—s (9) — Ps (4) 9,8 PART - IV : COMPREHENSION ‘AMM - IV : SfyeSE_ (COMPREHENSION) Comprehension #1 ages #4 ) 4. p_HRIBHICECOs/OUTENe , rouetis) ‘The number of isomeric product(s) obtained in this reaction is: p _thiPaicaco, fists fas ren A arer eererdh cearel at eieon ant @2 4 os > wee 2p) REBOO , Product(s) The product(s) has/nave degree of unsaturation and number of isomeric product(s) formed are respectively cp) Bet scare ee sreigten aie wae eared) secre a aeons ata 4.2 44 2,4 Sol, (p) MMOL, Dus 4 Hemel H Comprehension #2 ogee #2 cH CH, CH ie : ‘oH oH on OH K x " cH, i HOH HOH HOTH pg |g cH, CH, CH-CH, GH, o w ww “ Mrs. Aishwarya had worked for several days to prepare the above diols in her laboratory. She carefully labeled them and went to abroad for her PhD interview. When she returned she found thatthe labels had fallen off from the bottles. She get puzzled but her guide in the office told her that the diols could be easily distinguished by these experiments, Mrs, Aishwarya follow her guide instruction and obtained the following results 4. Compound P, Q.T are optically inactive while R and S are optically active. 2, Only one product is obtained from @ & Rwith HIO, oxidation, 3, Two products are obtained from S with HIO oxidation, 4. Pand Tdid not react with HIO, oxidation 3. Compound @ and R are- lal @yusil ©@lav — ilaiv 4, When Sis subjected to react with HI, then the product are- (8) Both CH,CHO (*)CH.-CH-O and CH,CH.CHO (©) Both CH.CH.CHO (0) HCHO and CH,CH,CHO 5. Which of the following is/are best reagent to obtained compound (Q) from the 2-butene ? (&*)Dilcold KMn©, (©) Peroxy benzoic acid followed by hydrolysis (C) Hot KMnd, solution (©) Concentrate hot KMInO, =—N Resonance. TT Sol. Sih cea ae sera Ha real ae | ABA aE Real aw al ach eA) | GLIA rar eos Pen en ors nga eee by ter ae eh ea A aT ahah at RIS Sea hs TAO 5 Pe | Re et ng Roy arava A Sa agate (mS) 3 GRA aI PS STE aH Pr we are aR SEIT oT HTT Sih era 3 eh fetes ar rere fra ce Prefer afm se Fr] 1.2m Ba, T wantin Patera # sae R oem S wera ara & 2.QeIR, HO, 8 iar we dat GH GeaTE TAA | 3.8,HlO,& ae fea ae evens TTT 4.PamT, HlO,& are frat aE wee B ahr Quen 8? (alert yu lary — Oyinenv aS AH firm HO, S arg oA & at GearE rT ete B (@) Both CH,CHO (B*)CH-CH-O and CH,CH,CHO (©) Both CH.CH,CHO (D) HCHO and CH,CH,CHO 2a 8 he Q ara wet & RA are afkier ory (A) &, SSI KMNO, © WelRMIAgs oe cere GEE (©) Ta KMnO, Rat () ar i KMnO, CH, cH, cH, H—-0OH HOH = -H-}-OH H-}-0H = HO--H_-— HO--H CH, cH, CH,-CH, © Ww au Ww Py (Q) ® © Resene nce —__ aE

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