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Good Morning Class

To produce the ideal human environment,architecture is
complemented by its allied arts, namely:

• 1. Interior Design- which refers to the design and

coordination of the decorative elements, surface finishes,
furniture, and fixtures to achive the planned function and
character of the interior environment.

• 2. Landscape Architecture- which refers to the art of

composing landform, vegetation, water, buildings, and
paving to create memorable outdoor environments such as
gardens and parks.
• 3. Urban Design- which refers to the art of designing towns,
cities, streets, and spaces. It involves the design of buildings,
groups and buildings, spaces, and landscapes, and the
establishment of frameworks and processes that facilitate
successful development.
• In general, architecture and the designed environment are
influenced by a variety of factors such as follows:
• 1. Need- this is a practical requirement that a building must
respond to, and is concered with the aspirations,
requirements, and limitations to be met in designing a
• 2.Technology- the current state of technical knowledge in
building and the availability of materials, tools, equipment,
and methods for construction will dictate the form of
• 3. Culture- a building can be seen as the material
ambodiment of the specific ideas and expectations of a
• 4. Climate- what are the climatic conditions that the building
must address to ensure a comfortable indoor condition? A
building must provide an optimum interior climate for the
user, his activities, and his property.
• 5. Society- what are the social expectations that the building
must meet? Buildings create spaces and places in which
people can carry on their activities optimally. Primary
elements here are health, welfare, communication, and
quality of life.
1. Domestic Architecture – is produced for social
unit. This includes the individual and the
family or clan as well as their dependents
both human and animals. It provides shelter
and security for the basic physical function of
life that involve the family rather tan the
2. Religious and Sacred Architecture- churches
and mosques serve as place of worship and as
shelter for the images , relics , and holy areas
of religious devotion.
3. Governmant and State Architecture- buildings
are required for the performance of the basic
function of the government such as
administration , legislation and despising justice.
Government and state architecture include
presidential palace, parliamentary buildings,
department buildings, capitol buildings, city hall,
municipal building , and ect.
4. Recreational Architecture- facilitate the human
need to re – create to refresh and rejuvenate
oneself mentally and physically.
5. Welfare and educational Buildings – the principal
institutions of public welfare are facilities for
education , health , public security, utilities schools ,
hospital, training center , rehabilitation center and
hospices are examoles of this.
6. Commercial and Industrial Architecture- this
category has a particular economic function:
exchange , transportation, communication ,
manufacturing and power production which meet the
principal needs of commerce and industry.

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